Intel CPUs Vulnerable to New 'BranchScope' Attack
27.3.2018 securityweek

Researchers have discovered a new side-channel attack method that can be launched against devices with Intel processors, and the patches released in response to the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities might not prevent these types of attacks.

The new attack, dubbed BranchScope, has been identified and demonstrated by a team of researchers from the College of William & Mary, University of California Riverside, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, and Binghamton University.

Similar to Meltdown and Spectre, BranchScope can be exploited by an attacker to obtain potentially sensitive information they normally would not be able to access directly. The attacker needs to have access to the targeted system and they must be able to execute arbitrary code.

Researchers believe the requirements for such an attack are realistic, making it a serious threat to modern computers, “on par with other side-channel attacks.” The BranchScope attack has been demonstrated on devices with three types of Intel i5 and i7 CPUs based on Skylake, Haswell and Sandy Bridge microarchitectures.

Experts showed that the attack works even if the targeted application is running inside of an Intel SGX enclave. Intel SGX, or Software Guard Extensions, is a hardware-based isolated execution system designed to prevent code and data from getting leaked or modified.

BranchScope is similar to Spectre as they both target the directional branch predictors. Branch prediction units (BPUs) are used to improve the performance of pipelined processors by guessing the execution path of branch instructions. The problem is that when two processes are executed on the same physical CPU core, they share a BPU, potentially allowing a malicious process to manipulate the direction of a branch instruction executed by the targeted application.

The BPU has two main components – a branch target buffer (BTB) and a directional predictor – and manipulating either one of them can be used to obtain potentially sensitive data from the memory. Intel recently published a video providing a high level explanation of how these attacks work.

Researchers showed on several occasions in the past how BTB manipulation can be used for attacks, but BranchScope involves manipulation of branch predictors.

“BranchScope is the first fine-grained attack on the directional branch predictor, expanding our understanding of the side channel vulnerability of the branch prediction unit,” the researchers explained in their paper.

The researchers who identified the BranchScope attack method have proposed a series of countermeasures that include both software- and hardware-based solutions.

Dmitry Evtyushkin, one of the people involved in this research, told SecurityWeek that while they have not been tested, the microcode updates released by Intel in response to Meltdown and Spectre might only fix the BTB vector, which means BranchScope attacks could still be possible. However, Intel told the researchers that software guidance for mitigating Spectre Variant 1 could be effective against BranchScope attacks as well.

BranchScope is not the only CPU side-channel attack method uncovered following the disclosure of Meltdown and Spectre. One of them, dubbed SgxPectre, shows how Spectre can be leveraged to defeat SGX.

Researchers have also demonstrated new variants of the Meltdown and Spectre attacks, which they have named MeltdownPrime and SpectrePrime.

McAfee Enhances Product Portfolio, Unveils New Security Operations Centers
27.3.2018 securityweek Safety

Since emerging from Intel as a standalone cybersecurity company in April 2017, McAfee has consistently made multiple new product announcements simultaneously. It has continued that model this week with a new version of the Enterprise Security Manager (ESM 11), and enhancements to Behavioral Analytics, Investigator, Advanced Threat Defense, and Active Response.

Significantly, it has also unveiled two new security operation centers (SOCs) that combine physical and cybersecurity into the McAfee Security Fusion Centers, located in Plano, Texas and Cork, Ireland. This is McAfee using its own products for its own organization: McAfee 'eating its own dog food' as its own Customer Zero.

McAfee LogoThe SOCs have a triple purpose -- to protect McAfee; to use McAfee products in a live scenario to provide practical feedback to the developers; and to provide an educational environment for customers to see McAfee SOC products in live action rather than choreographed simulation. The 'practical feedback' also provides an illustration of a key principle in McAfee's product philosophy: man and machine integration, each learning from and benefiting the other.

"The big deal for the McAfee Security Fusion Centers," writes McAfee CISO Grant Bourzikas in an associated blog, "is that they have a dual mission: 1) to protect McAfee, and; 2) help us build better products. And for myself, I would add a third objective: help our customers to learn from our experiences protecting McAfee. We want to help them build better reference architectures, learn how to communicate with boards of directors and become more innovative in solving cybersecurity problems." The Fusion Centers also, of course, demonstrate McAfee's faith in its own products.

The new ESM 11 architecture shares large volumes of raw, parsed and correlated security events to allow threat hunters to quickly search recent events, while storing the data for future forensic and compliance requirements. The architecture is horizontally scalable with active/active availability through the addition of extra ESM appliances or virtual machines.

Behavioral Analytics provides machine learning technology to discover high risk events that might otherwise be missed by human hunters. It distills billions of events down to hundreds of anomalies and then to 'a handful of prioritized threat leads' -- highlighting the signal in the noise -- and integrating with the McAfee product portfolio and other third-party SIEMs.

Investigator shares data with open source and third-party tools to streamline workflows and improve collaboration.

Active Response has been enhanced by integration with Investigator to help analysts scope the impact of a threat across endpoints in real-time. Integration with Advanced Threat Protection also allows analysts to view sandbox reports and IoCs from a single workspace; while allowing the detection of PowerShell exploits and their remediation by isolating any affected host.

"Existing tools and approaches are too reliant on human expertise" says Jason Rolleston, VP of security analytics, commenting on the product announcements. "The answer is human-machine teaming, where analytics- and machine learning-powered solutions augment the security team to detect more threats, faster and with fewer people."

ESM 11 and Behavioral Analytics are available now. Investigator will be available in April, and the enhancements to Advanced Threat Defense and Active Response will be available in May.

Grey Heron, the new Co in the surveillance industry that promises to spy on Signal and Telegram
27.3.2018 securityaffairs
Hacker techniques

Who is behind the newborn Grey Heron surveillance company? According to an investigation conducted by Motherboard, the firm is linked to the Italian surveillance firm Hacking Team.
The development and sale of surveillance software is a profitable business, many government agencies use spyware for different purposes, in some their involvement is very questionable.

Early this month, the journalist Joseph Cox from Motherboard wrote an interesting post on a mysterious surveillance firm called Grey Heron.

The company was advertising a spyware that is able to spy on Signal and Telegram communications.

The name Grey Heron was unknown also among the security community, but the investigation conducted by Motherboard linked the company to the controversial Italian surveillance firm Hacking Team,

Motherboard obtained a brochure of the company that uses the following statement to describe its mission:

“Grey Heron’s mission is to provide to law enforcement the strong tools to balance the capabilities of those who wish to do harm,”

Grey Heron spyware
Source Motherboard

According to a source familiar with the company, Grey Heron was formed from several players surveillance industry.

In 2015, the company suffered a major data breach, the hacker known as Phineas Fisher exfiltrated more than 400 gigabytes of internal data from company servers.

The hackers stole company’s emails, customer records, and the source code for hacking tools and exploits.

In 2017, the company was bought by an entity linked to the Saudi Government bought.

A new post written by Joseph Cox along with the colleague Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, cited a former Hacking Team employee, who speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the link between Hacking Team and Grey Heron.

“[it would] make sense to use a different name to continue to sell to those clients who weren’t happy after the hack.” said the former employee.
“Except those customers who don’t care because they buy spyware without thinking twice,” “I imagine that there’s a lot of them who don’t see Hacking Team favorably anymore, including the reselling partners, perhaps even more so than the final customers.”

The interesting news is that Grey Heron has confirmed privately that the Italian Government has given it the permission to export its products throughout the European Union.

Grey Heron is looking with great interest at both the European and North American markets.

Experts uncovered a watering hole attack on leading Hong Kong Telecom Site exploiting CVE-2018-4878 flaw
27.3.2018 securityaffairs

Researchers at Morphisec have uncovered a watering hole attack on leading Hong Kong Telecom website exploiting the CVE-2018-4878 flash vulnerability.
Security experts at Morphisec have discovered a watering hole attack on leading Hong Kong Telecom website exploiting the CVE-2018-4878 flash vulnerability.

In a watering hole attack, hackers infect the websites likely to be visited by their targeted victims, this technique requires more effort than common spear-phishing attack and it is usually associated with APT groups.

watering hole HonkKong hacked site-blanked

Early February, Adobe rolled out an emergency patch that fixed two critical remote execution vulnerabilities, including the CVE-2018-4878, after North Korea’s APT group was spotted exploiting it in targeted attacks.

At the time, South Korea’s Internet & Security Agency (KISA) warned of a Flash zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2018-4878) that has reportedly been exploited in attacks by North Korea’s hackers.

By the end of February, the researchers at Morphisec reported that threat actors were exploiting the use-after-free flaw to deliver malware.

“On March 21,2018, Morphisec Labs began investigating the compromised website of a leading Hong Kong Telecommunications company after being alerted to it by malware hunter @PhysicalDrive0.” reads the analysis published by Morphisec.

“The investigation, conducted by Morphisec researchers Michael Gorelik and Assaf Kachlon, determined that the Telecom group’s corporate site had indeed been hacked. Attackers added an embedded Adobe Flash file that exploits the Flash vulnerability CVE-2018-4878 on the main home.php page. The attack is a textbook case of a watering hole attack.”

Threat actors behind the attack uncovered by the experts adopted advanced evasive techniques, they used a purely fileless malicious code, without persistence or any trace on the disk. It is interesting to note also the usage of a custom protocol over the 443 port.

The Flash exploit used in this attack was similar to the one involved in the attacks involving the CVE-2018-4878 vulnerability, but it employs a different shellcode executed post exploitation.

“Generally, this advanced type of watering hole attack is highly targeted in nature and suggests that a very advanced group is behind it,” continues the post.

“The Flash exploit that was delivered has a high degree of similarity to the previously published analysis of the CVE-2018-4878. The major difference in this exploit is in the shellcode that is executed post exploitation”

The shellcode executes rundll32.exe and overwrites the content of the memory with a malicious code that was designed to download additional code directly into the memory of the rundll32 process.

The additional code downloaded directly into the memory of the rundll32 process includes Metasploit Meterpreter and Mimikatz modules.

The analysis of the modules revealed that were compiled on February 15, a few days before the attack.

“As our analysis shows, this watering hole attack is of advanced evasive nature. Being purely fileless, without persistence or any trace on the disk, and the use of custom protocol on a non-filtered port, makes it a perfect stepping stone for a highly targeted attack chain. This clearly suggests that very advanced threat actors are responsible for it,” Morphisec says.

The experts noticed that despite the advanced evasive features, the attack used basic Metasploit framework components that were compiled just before the attack and did not show any sophistication, obfuscation or evasion.

At this time, the company hasn’t attributed the attack to a specific threat actor, it is still investigating the incident.

Canadian Firm Linked to Cambridge Analytica Exposed Source Code

27.3.2018 securityweek Social

Source code belonging to Canada-based digital advertising and software development company AggregateIQ has been found by researchers on an unprotected domain. The exposed files appear to confirm reports of a connection between AggregateIQ and Cambridge Analytica, the controversial firm caught in the recent Facebook data scandal.

On March 20, Chris Vickery of cyber risk company UpGuard stumbled upon an AggregateIQ subdomain hosting source code for the company’s tools. The files, stored using a custom version of the code repository GitLab, were accessible simply by providing an email address.

The exposed information included the source code of tools designed for organizing information on a large number of individuals, including how they are influenced by ads, and tracking their online activities. The files also contained credentials that may have allowed malicious actors to launch damaging attacks, UpGuard said.

The nature of the exposed code is not surprising considering that the firm is said to have developed tools used in political campaigns around the world, including in the United States and United Kingdom.

AggregateIQ has been linked by the press and a whistleblower to Cambridge Analytica, a British political consulting and communications firm said to be involved in the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, and the Brexit “Vote Leave” campaign.

Cambridge Analytica recently came under fire after it was discovered that it had collected information from 50 million Facebook users' profiles and used it to create software designed to predict and influence voters. Facebook has suspended the company’s account after news broke, but the social media giant has drawn a lot of criticism, both from customers and authorities.

According to some reports, AggregateIQ was originally launched with the goal of helping Cambridge Analytica and its parent company SCL Group. In a statement published on its website over the weekend, AggregateIQ denied reports that it’s part of Cambridge Analytica or SCL. It has also denied signing any contracts with the British firm and being involved in any illegal activity.

However, there appears to be some evidence that Cambridge Analytica owns AggregateIQ’s intellectual property, and the files discovered by UpGuard also seem to show a connection.

For example, two of the AggregateIQ projects whose source code was exposed contained the string “Ripon,” which is the name of Cambridge Analytica’s platform. The code also included a piece of text that may have been used in phone calls made by Ted Cruz supporters during his presidential campaign.

Researchers also noticed that one of the user accounts mentioned in the exposed files was named “SCL,” which could be a reference to Cambridge Analytica’s parent company.

“Taken in full, it remains unclear why what resembles a version of the app Cambridge Analytica promised would be ‘revolutionary’ for the Cruz campaign would be found in the development repository of AggregateIQ,” said UpGuard, which plans on publishing follow-up reports on this story.

FTC to Probe Facebook Over Privacy Practices
27.3.2018 securityweek

A US consumer protection agency said Monday it has opened an investigation into Facebook's privacy practices, another blow to the social network, which is struggling to deal with a growing crisis on misuse of private data.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) confirmed news reports from last week that it had opened an inquiry over the harvesting of data on tens of millions of Facebook users by the British consulting group Cambridge Analytica.

While the FTC normally refuses to comment on its probes, it took the unusual step of confirming a "non-public investigation" into Facebook over whether it mishandled private data or violated a 2011 agreement which settled an earlier probe.

Acting FTC consumer protection chief Tom Pahl said the agency will look into whether Facebook violated its privacy promises or failed to comply with the US-EU agreement on data protection known as the Privacy Shield.

The agency also will also determine if Facebook engaged "in unfair acts that cause substantial injury to consumers in violation of the FTC Act."

The FTC suggested that Facebook could face new legal problems if it violated the consent decree with the consumer agency in 2011 settling charges that it deceived consumers on how it handled private data.

"Companies who have settled previous FTC actions must also comply with FTC order provisions imposing privacy and data security requirements," Pahl said in the statement.

"Accordingly, the FTC takes very seriously recent press reports raising substantial concerns about the privacy practices of Facebook."

Facebook shares reversed early losses and closed up 0.42 percent on Monday, after having lost some 14 percent last week.

Separately, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley said he had asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear at a hearing on April 10 "to discuss Facebook's past and future policies regarding the protection and monitoring of consumer data."

Grassley said he also invited Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey "to discuss the future of data privacy in the social media industry."

- Germany to boost oversight -

Germany's justice minister meanwhile said Monday that Facebook should face "stricter" oversight and be more transparent with its users.

Speaking after a meeting with European Facebook executives in Berlin, Justice Minister Katarina Barley said the firm's assurances that it had already cracked down on the misuse of personal data were "not enough."

"In future we will clearly have to monitor companies like Facebook more strictly and punish data protection violations severely and quickly," she told reporters.

The world's biggest social network is facing calls on both sides of the Atlantic for more information on how its user data was leaked. Several US states have opened investigations.

A public apology by Zuckerberg has failed to quell outrage over the hijacking of personal data.

Separately, Facebook disputed reports that it had been logging call and text data surreptitiously from its users.

A Facebook statement said call and text history logging "is part of an opt-in feature" for those using Messenger or Facebook Lite on Android.

"This helps you find and stay connected with the people you care about, and provides you with a better experience across Facebook," the statement said, while pointing to ways users can turn off the feature.

In London, authorities said they were assessing data seized in a raid on the offices of Cambridge Analytica as part of their investigation.

About 18 enforcement agents from the Information Commissioner's Office participated in the raid late Friday after getting a court order.

"This is one part of a larger investigation by the ICO into the use of personal data and analytics by political campaigns, parties, social media companies and other commercial actors," the UK agency said.

Cambridge Analytica, which worked on US President Donald Trump's election campaign, has been accused of illegally mining tens of millions of users' Facebook data and using it to target potential voters.

Facebook took out full-page ads in nine major British and US newspapers on Sunday to apologize to users.

"We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can't we don't deserve it," Zuckerberg said in the ads.

GoScanSSH Malware spread avoiding Government and Military networks
27.3.2018 securityaffairs BigBrothers

Security experts at Cisco Talos discovered a new piece of malware dubbed GoScanSSH that was being used to compromise SSH servers exposed online.
Security researchers at Cisco Talos have discovered a new piece of malware dubbed GoScanSSH that was being used to compromise SSH servers exposed online.

The malicious code was written in Go programming language, uncommon for malware development, and implements several interesting features, for example, it tries to avoid infecting devices on government and military networks.

“Talos identified a new malware family that was being used to compromise SSH servers exposed to the internet. This malware, which we have named GoScanSSH, was written using the Go programming language, and exhibited several interesting characteristics.” reads the analysis published by Talos.

The attacker created unique malware binaries for each infected system, researchers also reported that the GoScanSSH command and control (C2) infrastructure was leveraging the Tor2Web proxy service making hard the tracking of the C&C infrastructure and resilient to takedowns.

GoScanSSH conducted brute-force attack against publicly accessible SSH servers that allowed password-based SSH authentication. The hackers are leveraging a word list containing more than 7,000 username/password combinations. When GoScanSSH discovered a valid credential set, a unique GoScanSSH malware binary is then created and uploaded to the compromised SSH server and executed.

While scanning for vulnerable SSH servers, GoScanSSH randomly generates IP addresses, avoiding special-use addresses. the malware then compares each IP address to a list of CIDR blocks that the malicious code will not attempt to scan because they are network ranges primarily controlled by various government and military entities.

The malware specifically avoids ranges assigned to the U.S. Department of Defense, experts also noticed that one of the network ranges in the list is assigned to an organization in South Korea.

The researchers detected more than 70 unique malware samples associated with the GoScanSSH malware family, the experts observed samples that were compiled to support multiple system architectures including x86, x86_64, ARM and MIPS64.

The experts also observed multiple versions (e.g, versions 1.2.2, 1.2.4, 1.3.0, etc.) of the malware in the wild, a circumstance that suggests the threat actors behind the malicious code is continuing to improve the malware.

GoScanSSH malware dns queries
According to the researchers, threat actors are likely trying to compromise larger networks, experts believe attackers are well resourced and with significant skills.

They are being active since June 2017 and already deployed 70 different versions of the GoScanSSH malware using over 250 distinct C&C servers.

The analysis of passive DNS data related to all of the C2 domains collected from all of the samples Talos analyzed confirmed that the number of infected systems is low.

“In analyzing passive DNS data related to all of the C2 domains collected from all of the samples Talos analyzed, resolution attempts were seen dating back to June 19, 2017, indicating that this attack campaign has been ongoing for at least nine months. Additionally, the C2 domain with the largest number of resolution requests had been seen 8,579 times.” states the analysis published by Talos.

Further details on the GoScanSSH malware, including IoCs, are reported in the analysis published by Talos.

Statistics Say Don't Pay the Ransom; but Cleanup and Recovery Remains Costly
27.3.2018 securityweek

Businesses have lost faith in the ability of traditional anti-virus products to detect and prevent ransomware. Fifty-three percent of U.S companies infected by ransomware in 2017 blamed legacy AV for failing to detect the ransomware. Ninety six percent of those are now confident that they can prevent future attacks, and 68% say this is because they have replaced legacy AV with next-gen endpoint protection.

Thes details come from a February 2018 survey undertaken by Vanson Bourne for SentinelOne, a next-gen provider, allowing SentinelOne to claim, "This distrust in legacy AV further confirms the required shift to next-gen endpoint protection in defending against today's most prominent information security threats." This is a fair statement, but care should be taken to not automatically confuse 'legacy AV' with all traditional suppliers -- many can also now be called next-gen providers with their own flavors of AI-assisted malware detection.

SentinelOne's Global Ransomware Report 2018 (PDF) questioned 500 security and risk professionals (200 in the U.S., and 100 in each of France, Germany and the UK) employed in a range of verticals and different company sizes.

The result provides evidence that paying a ransom is not necessarily a solution to ransomware. Forty-five percent of U.S. companies infected with ransomware paid at least one ransom, but only 26% had their files unlocked. Furthermore, 73% of those firms that paid the ransom were targeted at least once again. Noticeably, while defending against ransomware is a security function, responding to it is a business function: 44% of companies that paid up did so without the involvement or sanction of the IT/security teams.

The attackers appear to have concluded that U.S. firms are the more likely to pay a ransom, and more likely to pay a higher ransom. While the global average ransom is $49,060, the average paid by U.S. companies was $57,088. "If the cost of paying the ransomware is less than the lost productivity caused by downtime from the attack, they tend to pay," SentinelOne's director of product management, Migo Kedem, told SecurityWeek. "This is not good news, as it means the economics behind ransomware campaigns still make sense, so attacks will continue."

This is in stark contrast to the UK, where the average payment is almost $20,000 lower at $38,500. It is tempting to wonder if this is because UK companies just don't pay ransoms. In 2016, 17% of infected UK firms paid up; now it is just 3%. This may reflect the slightly different approaches in law enforcement advice. While LEAs always say it is best not to pay, the UK's NCSC says flatly, 'do not pay', while the FBI admits that it is ultimately the decision of each company.

Paying or not paying, is, however, only a small part of the cost equation; and the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) provides useful figures. According the SentinelOne, these figures show that in a 12-month period, the average cost of a ransomware infection to a UK business was £329,976 ($466,727). With 40% of businesses with more than 1000 employees being infected, and 2,625 such organizations in the UK, the total cost of ransomware to UK business in 12 months was £346.4 million ($490.3 million).

Clearly, although the number of UK companies actually paying the ransom is low, the cost of cleanup and recovery remains very high; making prevention a more important consideration than whether to pay or not.

"Attackers are continually refining ransomware attacks to bypass legacy AV and to trick unwitting employees into infecting their organization. Paying the ransom isn't a solution either -- attackers are treating paying companies like an ATM, repeating attacks once payment is made," said Raj Rajamani, SentinelOne VP of products. "The organizations with the most confidence in stopping ransomware attacks have taken a proactive approach and replaced legacy AV systems with next-gen endpoint protection. By autonomously monitoring for attack behaviors in real-time, organizations can detect and automatically stop attacks before they take hold."

In 2016, SentinelOne began to offer a ransomware guarantee . "We're proud to have been the first," said chief security consultant Tony Rowan (now lead security architect at Cyberbit), "and still only, next generation endpoint protection company to launch a cyber security guarantee with our $1,000 per endpoint, or $1 million per company pay out in the event they experience a ransomware attack after installing our product."

"We offered that program for the last two years and I am glad to share we were never required to pay," Kedem told SecurityWeek. "SentinelOne products successfully protected our customers against even the WannaCry campaign that hit the UK pretty hard."

Mountain View, Calif-based SentinelOne raised $70 million in a Series C funding round announced in January 2017, bringing the total amount of funding to $109.5 million.

Axonius Uses Existing Tools to Find, Secure Devices
27.3.2018 securityweek Safety

Axonius emerged from stealth mode on Tuesday with a platform designed to help organizations identify and secure all the devices on their network by leveraging existing security and management tools.

The company aims to bridge the gap between device discovery and vulnerability assessment products with a solution that combines data from existing tools in an effort to provide a centralized view of all devices and help enterprises ensure that all their systems are patched.

Vulnerability assessment tools may be efficient in identifying and prioritizing systems that need patching, but they often don’t have access to all devices due to the fragmented nature of corporate environments.

Axonius says its Cybersecurity Asset Management Platform can leverage combinations of nearly 30 tools from various vendors in order to discover all the devices on a network, obtain information about those systems, and ensure that they are not neglected by vulnerability scanners.Axonius emerges from stealth mode

The company has created what it calls “adapters” to integrate tools from Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, enSilo, ESET, Forcepoint, Fortinet, IBM, Juniper, McAfee, ManageEngine, Qualys, Rapid7, Splunk, Symantec, VMware and others into its platform.

New adapters will be added in the future based on customers’ needs – the company is currently working on integrating tools from Carbon Black, Cylance, ObserveIT, CrowdStrike and others. Adding new adapters is in most cases an easy task given that most vendors provide APIs.

The company told SecurityWeek that it’s unlikely for an organization that has a problem with fragmentation and visibility not to have at least some of the supported tools – for example, Microsoft’s Active Directory can be found in most companies.

Security teams can manually query devices to ensure that they adhere to their organization’s policies, but they can also configure the platform to automatically alert them via email or syslog whenever a device that fits specified criteria is detected.

In addition to helping organizations gain full visibility into the devices on their network, Axonius says its platform can also be used to enforce policies. Employees can manually choose to either block a device, scan it, or deploy an agent, but they can also automate various tasks using plugins.

Since it does not require the deployment of an agent, Axonius says its platform can be deployed quickly and easily once it has access to all the credentials and third-party tools. The company claims it has deployed its solution in an afternoon at an organization with roughly 10,000 endpoints, and the job has never taken more than a couple of days.

“Since we do connect to the security and management systems a customer already has, there's no custom work to do, no professional services, and we're able to start showing value immediately,” Nathan Burke, CMO of Axonius, told SecurityWeek. “At most organizations, security teams are swamped and time is their scarcest resource. The last thing they want to do is spend time on a lengthy and complicated deployment.”

Deploying the solution only requires a VMware ESXi machine that has inbound and outbound access to all managed adapters. Pricing for the product is based on an annual subscription and it depends on the number of devices.

Axonius’ headquarters is in New York and its research and development department is located in Israel. The company received $4 million in seed funding in September 2017 and it has now announced the general availability of its product, which it claims is already used by very large companies around the world to manage more than 100,000 endpoints.

The Top Vulnerabilities Exploited by Cybercriminals
27.3.2018 securityweek

Cybercriminals are shifting their focus from Adobe to Microsoft consumer products, and are now concentrating more on targeted attacks than on web-based exploit kits.

Each year, Recorded Future provides an analysis of criminal chatter on the dark web in its Top Ten Vulnerabilities Report. It does this because it perceives a weakness in traditional vulnerability databases and scanning tools -- they do not indicate which vulnerabilities are currently being exploited, nor to what extent. Reliance on vulnerability lists alone cannot say where patching and remediation efforts should be prioritized.

"We do this analysis because the sale and use of exploits is a for-profit industry," Recorded Future's VP of technical solutions, Scott Donnelly told SecurityWeek. This means that exploit developers have to sell their products, while other criminals have to buy them -- and this leads to the chatter that Recorded Future analyzes.

"If you're a cybercriminal trying to make money, you have to discuss it. If you hold back too much you're not going to make any money; so, there's a necessity for the criminals to stick their heads up a little bit -- and we can take advantage of that and call out some of the big conversations." It assumes a correlation between chatter about a vulnerability with active exploitation of that vulnerability -- an assumption that common sense rather than science suggests is reasonable.

Donnelly is confident that his firm's knowledge of and access to the dark web is statistically valid. Nation-state activity is specifically excluded from this analysis, because, he says, "If you're a nation-state with an exploit, or if you're a third-party supplier of exploits to a nation state, you're less likely to talk about it in a general criminal forum."

At the macro level, this year's analysis highlights a move away from Adobe vulnerabilities towards Microsoft consumer product vulnerabilities. While Flash exploits have dominated earlier annual reports, seven of the top ten (including the top five) most discussed vulnerabilities are now Microsoft vulnerabilities. "As Adobe Flash Player has begun to see its usage significantly drop, this year we find that it's a lot of Microsoft consumer products that are seeing heavy exploitation," says Donnelly.

The three most used vulnerabilities are CVE-2017-0199 (which allows attackers to download and execute a Visual Basic script containing PowerShell commands from a malicious document), CVE-2016-0189 (which is an old Internet Explorer vulnerability that allows attackers to use an exploit kit to drop malware, such as ransomware), and CVE-2017-0022 (which enables data theft).

A second major takeaway from the analysis is that 2017 has seen a significant drop in the development of new exploit kits. "This has been noticed before," Donnelly told SecurityWeek, "but mainly because researchers simply haven't seen them in action. This is now evidence that the criminals themselves aren't talking about or trying to sell that many new kits."

In raw numbers, Recorded Future's analysis noted 26 new kits in 2016, but only 10 new kits in 2017 (from a total list of 158 EKs). "The observed drop in exploit kit activity," suggests Donnelly, "overlaps with the rapid decline of Flash Player usage. Users have shifted to more secure browsers, and attackers have shifted as well. Spikes in cryptocurrency mining malware and more targeted victim attacks have filled the void."

At the micro level, the big takeaway from this report is the anomalous position of CVE-2017-0022. It is the third most discussed vulnerability on the dark web forums, yet in relation to just two pieces of malware: exploit kits Astrum (aka Stegano) and Neutrino. This is the lowest number of associated malware in the top ten vulnerabilities -- both of the two more popular vulnerabilities are associated with ten different peices of malware. CVE-2017-0199 is associated with malware including Hancitor, Dridex and FinFisher, while CVE-2016-0189 is associated with nine different exploit kits and the Magniber ransomware.

But it's not just in malware associations that CVE-2017-0022 is anomalous. It has a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) rating of just 4.3. The next lowest rating in the top ten vulnerabilities is 7.6, while the top two are rated at 9.3 and 7.6. CVSS defines a 4.3 score as medium risk; and yet Recorded Future's research shows it to be the third most exploited vulnerability, commenting, "'In the wild' severity does not always correlate with the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score."

This is a prime example of the reason for the analysis. Security teams could check the CVSS score and conclude on this evidence alone that the vulnerability does not require expedited remediation or patching. As the third most exploited vulnerability, Recorded Future's latest threat analysis suggests otherwise.

Boston, Mass.-based Recorded Future raised $25 million in a Series E funding round led by Insight Venture Partners in October 2017 -- bringing the total funding raised to $57.9 million.

New "ThreadKit" Office Exploit Builder Emerges
27.3.2018 securityweek

A newly discovered Microsoft Office document exploit builder kit has been used for the distribution of a variety of malicious payloads, including banking Trojans and backdoors, Proofpoint reports.

The exploit builder kit was initially discovered in October 2017, but Proofpoint's researchers have linked it to activity dating back to June 2017. The builder kit shows similarities to Microsoft Word Intruder (MWI), but is a new tool called ThreadKit.

In June 2017, the kit was being advertised in a forum post as being able to create documents with embedded executables and embedded decoy documents, and several campaigns featuring such documents were observed that month. The documents would perform an initial check-in to the command and control (C&C) server, a tactic also used by MWI.

The documents were targeting CVE-2017-0199 and were focused on downloading and executing a HTA file that would then download the decoy and a malicious VB script to extract and run the embedded executable. The payload was Smoke Loader, which in turn downloaded banking malware.

In October, ThreadKit started targeting CVE 2017-8759 as well, but continued to use the initial C&C check-in and the HTA file to execute the embedded executable, Proofpoint says. However, changes were made to the manner in which the exploit documents operate and new exploits were integrated as well.

In November, ThreadKit was quick to incorporate exploits for new Microsoft Office vulnerabilities, and started being advertised as capable of targeting CVE 2017-11882 too. Soon after, campaigns that featured the previously observed check-in already started to emerge.

In February and March 2018, the kit was embedding new exploits, targeting vulnerabilities such as an Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2018-4878) and several new Microsoft office vulnerabilities, including CVE-2018-0802 and CVE-2017-8570.

At the same time, the researchers noticed a large spike in email campaigns featuring ThreadKit-generated Office attachments packing these exploits. The exploits appear copied from proofs of concept available on a researcher’s GitHub repo.

As part of these attacks, the attachments would drop the contained packager objects into the temp folder, then the exploits would execute the dropped scriptlet file, thus leading to the execution of the dropped batch files, which in turn run the executable.

Proofpoint found that not all ThreadKit documents contain a valid URL for the statistics check-in (some contain placeholder URLs). Furthermore, not all documents followed the same execution chain, with some scripts modified to perform other actions, a customization that may be provided as a service by the kit author.

“In 2017, several new vulnerabilities entered regular use by threat actors and the first months of 2018 have added to that repertoire. Document exploit builder kits like ThreadKit enable even low-skilled threat actors to take advantage of the latest vulnerabilities to distribute malware. Organizations and individuals can mitigate the risk from ThreadKit and other document exploit-based attacks by ensuring that clients are patched for the latest vulnerabilities in Microsoft office and other applications,” Proofpoint concludes.

First OpenSSL Updates in 2018 Patch Three Flaws
27.3.2018 securityweek

The first round of security updates released in 2018 for OpenSSL patch a total of three vulnerabilities, but none of them appears to be serious.

OpenSSL versions 1.1.0h and 1.0.2o patch CVE-2018-0739, a denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability discovered using Google’s OSS-Fuzz service, which has helped find several flaws in OpenSSL in the past period.

The security hole, rated “moderate,” is related to constructed ASN.1 types with a recursive definition.

“Constructed ASN.1 types with a recursive definition (such as can be found in PKCS7) could eventually exceed the stack given malicious input with excessive recursion,” the OpenSSL Project said in its advisory.

Another moderate severity flaw, which only affects the 1.1.0 branch, is CVE-2018-0733. This is an implementation bug in the PA-RISC CRYPTO_memcmp function, and it allows an attacker to forge authenticated messages easier than it should be.

The OpenSSL Project learned about this vulnerability in early March from IBM. Only HP-UX PA-RISC systems are impacted.

Finally, OpenSSL 1.1.0h fixes an overflow bug that could allow an attacker to access TLS-protected communications. The vulnerability, CVE-2017-3738, was first disclosed in December 2017, but since an attack is not easy to carry out the issue has been assigned a low severity rating and it has only been patched now.

Four rounds of security updates were released for OpenSSL last year, and only one of the eight fixed vulnerabilities was classified as high severity.

Threat Landscape for Industrial Automation Systems in H2 2017
27.3.2018 Kaspersky  Analysis  ICS
For many years, Kaspersky Lab experts have been uncovering and researching cyberthreats that target a variety of information systems – those of commercial and government organizations, banks, telecoms operators, industrial enterprises, and individual users. In this report, Kaspersky Lab Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT) publishes the findings of its research on the threat landscape for industrial automation systems conducted during the second half of 2017.

The main objective of these publications is to provide information support to global and local incident response teams, enterprise information security staff and researchers in the area of industrial facility security.

Overview of ICS vulnerabilities identified in 2017
The analysis of vulnerabilities was performed based on vendor advisories, publicly available information from open vulnerability databases (ICS-CERT, CVE, Siemens Product CERT), as well as the results of Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT’s own research. Vulnerability data published on the ICS-CERT website in 2017 was used to create statistical diagrams.

Vulnerabilities in various ICS components
Number of vulnerabilities identified
In 2017, the total number of vulnerabilities identified in different ICS components and published on the ICS-CERT website was 322. This includes vulnerabilities identified in general-purpose software and in network protocols that are also relevant to industrial software and equipment. These vulnerabilities are discussed in this report separately.

Analysis by Industry
The largest number of vulnerabilities affect industrial control systems in the energy sector (178), manufacturing processes at various enterprises (164), water supply (97) and transportation (74).

Number of vulnerable products used in different industries
(according to ICS-CERT classification)
vulnerabilities published in 2017

Severity levels of the vulnerabilities identified
More than half (194) of the vulnerabilities identified in ICS systems were assigned CVSS v.3.0 base scores of 7 or higher, corresponding to a high or critical level of risk.

Table 1 – Distribution of published vulnerabilities by risk level

Severity score
9 to 10 (critical) 7 to 8.9 (high) 4 to 6.9 (medium) 0 to 3.9 (low)
Number of vulnerabilities 60 134 127 1
The highest severity score of 10 was assigned to vulnerabilities identified in the following products:

iniNet Solutions GmbH SCADA Webserver,
Westermo MRD-305-DIN, MRD-315, MRD-355, and MRD-455,
Hikvision Cameras,
Sierra Wireless AirLink Raven XE and XT,
Schneider Electric Modicon M221 PLCs and SoMachine Basic,
BINOM3 Electric Power Quality Meter,
Carlo Gavazzi VMU-C EM and VMU-C PV.
All vulnerabilities that were assigned the severity rating of 10 have much in common: they have to do with authentication issues, can be exploited remotely and are easy to exploit.

In addition, the highest severity rating was assigned to a vulnerability in the Modicon Modbus Protocol, which is discussed below.

It should be noted that the CVSS base score does not account for the aspects of security that are specific to industrial automation systems or for the distinctive characteristics of each organization’s industrial processes. This is why, when assessing the severity of a vulnerability, we recommend keeping in mind, in addition to the CVSS score, the possible consequences of its exploitation, such as the non-availability or limited availability of ICS functionality that affects the continuity of the industrial process.

Types of vulnerabilities identified
The most common types of vulnerabilities include buffer overflow (Stack-Based Buffer Overflow, Heap-Based Buffer Overflow) and improper authentication (Improper Authentication).

At the same time, 23% of all vulnerabilities identified are web-related (Injection, Path Traversal, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Cross-Site Scripting) and 21% are associated with authentication issues (Improper Authentication, Authentication Bypass, Missing Authentication for Critical Function) and with access control problems (Access Control, Incorrect Default Permissions, Improper Privilege Management, Credentials Management).

Most common vulnerability types

Exploitation of vulnerabilities in various ICS components by attackers can lead to arbitrary code execution, unauthorized control of industrial equipment and that equipment’s denial of service (DoS). Importantly, most vulnerabilities (265) can be exploited remotely without authentication and exploiting them does not require the attacker to have any specialized knowledge or superior skills.

Exploits have been published for 17 vulnerabilities, increasing the risk of their exploitation for malicious purposes.

Vulnerable ICS components
The largest number of vulnerabilities were identified in:

SCADA/HMI components (88),
networking devices designed for industrial environments (66),
PLCs (52),
and engineering software (52).
Vulnerable components also include protection relays, emergency shutdown systems, environmental monitoring systems and industrial video surveillance systems.

Distribution of vulnerabilities identified by ICS components

Vulnerabilities in industrial protocols
An important part of ICS software security research in 2017 was identifying serious vulnerabilities in implementations of industrial protocols. Specifically, vulnerabilities were identified in the implementation of the Modbus Protocol in Modicon series controllers (that vulnerability was assigned a CVSS v. 3 base score of 10), as well as in implementations of the OPC UA protocol stack and in an implementation of the PROFINET Discovery and Configuration Protocol. The security issues identified affect entire product families.

Impact of vulnerabilities in ‘traditional’ technologies on industrial systems
In addition to ICS-specific vulnerabilities, a number of serious flaws were identified in H2 2017 in software platforms and network protocols that can be exploited to attack industrial systems.

The vulnerabilities in the WPA2 protocol unexpectedly turned out to be relevant to industrial solutions. They were found to affect equipment from several vendors, including Cisco, Rockwell Automation, Sierra Wireless, ABB and Siemens. Industrial control systems were also affected by multiple vulnerabilities in the Dnsmasq DNS server, Java Runtime Environment, Oracle Java SE, and Cisco IOS and IOS XE.

Vulnerabilities in Intel products can also affect the security of industrial equipment. In the second half of 2017, information on several vulnerabilities in Intel products (ME, SPS and TXE) was published. These vulnerabilities affect mainly SCADA server hardware and industrial computers that use vulnerable CPUs. These include, for example, Automation PC 910 by B&R, Nuvo-5000 by Neousys and the GE Automation RXi2-XP product line. As a rule, vendors do not consider it necessary to release public advisories on vulnerabilities of this type (derived from using third-party technologies). Of course, there are some positive exceptions. For example, Siemens AG has released an advisory stating that these vulnerabilities affect a range of the company’s products. Earlier, the company published information about similar vulnerabilities in Intel technologies affecting its products.

IoT device vulnerabilities
2017 was marked by a growing number of vulnerabilities being identified in internet of things (IoT) devices. As a consequence, such vulnerabilities were increasingly often exploited to create botnets. The activity of three new botnets was uncovered in the last two months of 2017 only. These included the Reaper botnet and new Mirai variants, including the Satori botnet.

Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in Dlink 850L routers, WIFICAM wireless IP cameras, Vacron network video recorders and other devices.

On top of the new IoT device flaws, some old vulnerabilities are still not closed, such as CVE-2014-8361 in Realtek devices and the vulnerability dating back to 2012 that can be exploited to get the configuration of Serial-to-Ethernet converters, including the Telnet password, by sending a request on port 30718. The vulnerability in Serial-to-Ethernet converters directly affects the industrial internet of things (IIoT), since many systems that enable the operators of industrial equipment to remotely control its status, modify its settings and control its operation are based on serial interface converters.

The security of IoT devices is also affected by issues relating to the security of traditional information technology. Specifically, vulnerabilities in implementations of the Bluetooth protocol led to the emergence of the new attack vector, BlueBorne, which poses a threat to mobile, desktop and IoT operating systems.

Vulnerabilities identified by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT
In 2017, Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT experts not only analyzed the security issues associated with different vendors’ ICS components, but also focused on the common ICS components, platforms and technologies used in different vendors’ solutions. This type of research is important because vulnerabilities in such components significantly increase the number of potential attack victims. Research in this area continues in 2018.

Number of vulnerabilities identified
Based on its research, Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT identified 63 vulnerabilities in industrial and IIoT/IoT systems in 2017.

Distribution of vulnerabilities identified by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT in 2017
by types of components analyzed

Every time we identified a vulnerability, we promptly notified the respective product’s vendor.

Number of CVE entries published
During 2017, 11 CVE entries were published based on information about vulnerabilities identified by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT. It should be noted that some of these CVE entries were published after vendors closed vulnerabilities information on which had been provided to them in 2016.

Information on other vulnerabilities identified by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT experts will be published after these vulnerabilities are closed by the respective vendors.

Capabilities provided by the vulnerabilities identified
The largest number of vulnerabilities identified (29) could allow an attacker to cause denial of service (DoS) remotely. 8% of the vulnerabilities identified could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on the target system.

Distribution of vulnerabilities identified by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT in 2017
by capabilities provided

Vulnerabilities in ICS components
In 2017, Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT experts identified 30 vulnerabilities in ICS products from different vendors. These are mainly large automation system vendors, such as Schneider Electric, Siemens, Rockwell Automation, Emerson, and others.

Severity ratings of the vulnerabilities identified
To assess the severity of vulnerabilities identified in ICS components, Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT used its own vulnerability rating system based on the metrics defined in CVSS v3.0 (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) standard, with the following vulnerability severity levels identified:

least severe: CVSS v3.0 base score of 5.0 or less,
medium severity: CVSS v3.0 base score of 5.1 to 6.9 (inclusive),
most severe: CVSS v3.0 base score of 7.0 or more.
The absolute majority of vulnerabilities identified are in the most severe group. These include the XXE vulnerability in industrial solutions that use the Discovery Service of the OPC UA protocol stack.

Vulnerabilities in OPC UA implementations
One of the research areas involved searching for vulnerabilities in different implementations of the OPC UA technology. This type of research is needed to improve the overall security level of products from different vendors that use the technology in their solutions. Vulnerabilities in such technologies are a Swiss army knife of sorts for attackers, enabling them to hack industrial systems from different vendors.

A total of 17 critical denial-of-service vulnerabilities were identified during the period.

Some of the vulnerabilities were identified in sample software implementations of various OPC UA functions available in the official Github repository. In the process of communicating to several vendors of industrial automation systems, we found out that many of them had used code from such samples in their product code. This means that the vulnerabilities identified may affect complete product lines from different vendors.

Vulnerabilities in third-party hardware-based and software solutions
Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT experts have also analyzed third-party hardware-based solutions that are widely used in industrial automation systems.

Specifically, experts analyzed the SafeNet Sentinel hardware-based solution by Gemalto. As a result of the research, 15 vulnerabilities were identified in the software part of the solution (11 in December 2016 and 4 in 2017). These flaws affect a large number of products that use the vulnerable software, including solutions by ABB, General Electric, HP, Cadac Group, Zemax and other software developers, the number of which may reach 40 thousand, according to some estimates.

Vulnerabilities in internet of things (IoT and IIoT) components
Another area of research was the assessment of the information security status of internet of things (IoT), components, including industrial internet of things (IIoT) components.

Kaspersky Lab experts are working with vendors to improve the security of their solutions with respect to 11 vulnerabilities identified. Vulnerabilities were found in the following components and solutions:

smart cameras,
hardware-based IIoT solutions.
It should be noted that vulnerabilities in implementations of OPC UA standards, which are discussed above, also directly affect IIoT security.

Vulnerabilities in industrial routers
In the past year, 18 vulnerabilities were identified in industrial networking equipment from different vendors. Typical vulnerabilities: information disclosure, privilege escalation, arbitrary code execution, denial of service.

Working with software vendors
With respect to information on the vulnerabilities identified, Kaspersky Lab follows the principle of responsible information disclosure, promptly reporting vulnerabilities to the respective software vendors.

In 2017, Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT researchers actively collaborated with various companies to ensure that the vulnerabilities identified would be closed.

Of the 63 vulnerabilities identified by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT in 2017, vendors closed 26. Vulnerabilities were closed by Siemens, General Electric, Rockwell Automation, Gemalto and the OPC Foundation industrial consortium.

It should be noted that most vendors of software for industrial automation systems that we have worked with have lately been devoting much more care and resources to the task of closing the vulnerabilities identified and fixing information security issues in their products, including their earlier versions.

At the same time, the issue of closing vulnerabilities in industrial automation systems remains relevant. In many cases, it takes large vendors a long time to close vulnerabilities in their products. Sometimes software vendors decide to patch only new versions of a vulnerable product, which they are planning to release in the future.

In addition, some vendors still need to improve the organizational and technical aspects of the procedures they use to inform customers about the vulnerabilities patched. Even after an update has been released, many users are unaware of the relevant security issue and use vulnerable versions of the product. This is particularly important for embedded software, as well as the technologies and specific program modules used by numerous third-party vendors (one example can be found here).

Positive examples include Siemens and the OPC Foundation, which have quickly closed the vulnerabilities identified and released public advisories on existing vulnerabilities.

Malware in industrial automation systems
As we have mentioned before, many industrial companies use modern networking technologies that improve the transparency and efficiency of enterprise management processes, as well as providing flexibility and fault tolerance for all tiers of industrial automation. As a result, industrial networks are increasingly similar to corporate networks – both in terms of use case scenarios and in terms of the technologies used. The unfortunate flip side of this is that internet threats, as well as other traditional IT threats, increasingly affect the industrial networks of modern organizations.

In the second half of 2017, Kaspersky Lab security solutions installed on industrial automation systems detected over 17.9 thousand different malware modifications from about 2.4 thousand different malware families.

Accidental infections
In the vast majority of cases, attempts to infect ICS computers are accidental and are not part of targeted attacks. Consequently, the functionality implemented in malware is not specific to attacks on industrial automation systems. However, even without ICS-specific functionality, a malware infection can have dire consequences for an industrial automation system, including an emergency shutdown of the industrial process. This was demonstrated by the WannaCry outbreak in May 2017, when several enterprises in different industries had to suspend their industrial processes after being infected with the encryption malware. We wrote about encryption malware-related threats in our previous report and several articles (see here and here).

Unexpected consequences of the WannaCry outrbreak
It is important to note that some IT threats can do much more significant harm in an industrial network than in an office network. To demonstrate this, we look at two incidents investigated by the Kaspersky Lab ICS-CERT team.

In H2 2017, we were approached by several industrial enterprises at once, where mass infections of industrial networks with WannaCry encryption malware had been detected. It was later determined that the initial infections of office networks at the victim companies had in all the cases taken place back in the first half of 2017, at the height of the WannaCry outbreak. However, the infections were not noticed until the malware propagated to the enterprises’ industrial networks. As it turned out during investigation, encryption functionality in the malware samples was damaged and the infected systems on corporate networks continued to operate normally, without any failures. However, the infection of industrial networks in these cases had unexpected negative consequences.

At one of the enterprises infected by WannaCry, the workstations used by operators started to bring up the Blue Screen of Death all the time, leading to emergency reboots. The reason for this unexpected consequence of infection was that the machines ran Windows XP. It is a well-known fact that the DoublePulsar exploit used by WannaCry to propagate causes WindowsXP to crash, resulting in a Blue Screen of Death and a reboot. In cases when numerous machines in the industrial segment of an organization’s network are infected, WindowsXP machines are often attacked and go into emergency reboots. As a result, operators are rendered incapable of monitoring and controlling the industrial process. This makes WannaCry a denial-of-service attack tool of sorts.

In another incident, the propagation of WannaCry caused some of the devices on an enterprise’s industrial network to become temporarily unavailable during periods when the network activity of the malware coincided with certain stages in the industrial process. This resulted in emergency interruptions of an industrial process that was critical for the enterprise for an average of 15 minutes.

Cryptocurrency miners in industrial network infrastructure
According to Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT data, cryptocurrency mining programs attacked 3.3% of industrial automation system computers during the period from February 2017 to January 2018.

Up to August 2017, the percentage of ICS computers attacked by cryptocurrency miners did not exceed 1%. This figure grew in September and did not go back to less than 1% for the rest of 2017. In October, cryptocurrency miner attacks against ICS computers peaked, with 2.07% of ICS computers being attacked.

Percentage of ICS computers attacked by cryptocurrency mining malware

Like other malware infecting systems at industrial enterprises, cryptocurrency miners can pose a threat to industrial process monitoring and control. In the process of its operation, malware of this type creates a significant load on the computer’s computational resources. An increased load on processors can negatively affect the operation of the enterprise’s ICS components and threaten their stability.

According to our assessments, in most cases cryptocurrency miners infect ICS computers accidentally. There is no reliable information on machines that are part of the industrial network infrastructure being infected as a result of targeted attacks the goal of which is to mine cryptocurrencies, with the exception of cases when miners are installed by unscrupulous employees of victim enterprises. The cryptocurrency mining malware typically enters the industrial network infrastructure from the internet or, less commonly, from removable media or network shares.

Sources of ICS computer infections with cryptocurrency miners
Percentage of systems attacked, February 2017 – January 2018

Cryptocurrency miners have infected numerous websites, including those of industrial companies. In such cases, cryptocurrencies are mined on the systems of users who visit infected web resources. This technique is called cryptojacking.

Screenshot showing a fragment of code found on a web resource infected with mining malware

Botnet agents in the industrial network infrastructure
In most cases, the functionality of botnet agents includes searching for and stealing financial information, stealing authentication data, brute forcing passwords, sending spam, as well as conducting attacks on specified remote internet resources, including denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. In addition, in cases where a botnet agent attacks third-party resources (such cases have been detected), the companies that own the IP addresses from which the attacks are launched may face certain reputational risks.

Although the destructive activity of botnet agents is not specifically designed to disrupt the operation of any industrial system, an infection with this type of malware may pose a significant threat to a facility that is part of the industrial infrastructure. Malware of this type can cause network failures, denial of service (DoS) of the infected system and other devices on the network. It is also common for malware to contain errors in its code and/or be incompatible with software used to control the industrial infrastructure, potentially resulting in the disruption of industrial process monitoring and control.

Another danger associated with botnet agents is that malware of this type often includes data collection functionality and, like backdoor malware, enables the attackers to control the infected machine surreptitiously. System data collected by bots by default is sufficient for accurately identifying the company that owns the system and the type of the infected system. What’s more, access to machines infected with botnet agents is often put up for sale at specialized exchanges on the Darknet. Consequently, threat actors interested in infected industrial control systems can gain access to a victim company’s sensitive data and/or systems used to control the industrial infrastructure.

In 2017, 10.8% of all ICS systems were attacked by botnet agents. Moreover, botnet agent attack statistics show that 2% of ICS systems were attacked by several malicious programs of this type at once.

Percentage of ICS computers attacked by botnet agents in 2017

The main sources of botnet agent attacks on ICS systems in 2017 were the internet, removable media and email messages.

Sources of ICS infection with botnet agents, percentage of ICS computers attacked, 2017

This once again demonstrates the need for access control to ensure that information is exchanged securely between an enterprise’s industrial network and other networks, as well as the need to block unauthorized removable media from connecting to ICS systems and to install tools designed to detect and filter malicious objects from email messages.

Top 5 botnet agent most commonly found on ICS systems in 2017,
percentage of ICS computers attacked

Nearly two percent of all systems analyzed were attacked with Virus.Win32.Sality malware. In addition to infecting other executable files, this malware includes the functionality of resisting antivirus solutions and downloading additional malicious modules from the command-and-control server. The most widespread Sality modules are components for sending spam, stealing authentication data stored on the system and downloading and installing other malware.

The Dinihou botnet agent, which attacked 0.9% of ICS systems analyzed, is in second position. The malware includes functionality that enables the attackers to upload an arbitrary file from an infected system, creating the threat of sensitive data leaks for victim organizations. In addition, both Worm.VBS.Dinihou and Virus.Win32.Nimnul, which is in third place with 0.88%, can be used to download and install other malware on infected systems.

Most modifications of Trojan.Win32.Waldek are distributed via removable media and include functionality to collect information on infected systems and send it to the attackers. Based on the system data collected, the attackers create packages of additional malware to be installed on the infected system using the relevant Waldek functionality.

The fifth position is taken up by Backdoor.Win32.Androm, which ranked highest based on the number of attacks on ICS systems in H2 2016. The malware provides the attackers with a variety of information on the infected system and enables them to download and install modules for performing destructive activities, such as stealing sensitive data.

Targeted attacks
2017 saw the publication of information on two targeted attacks on systems that are part of the industrial infrastructure – Industroyer and Trisis/Triton. In these attacks, for the first time since Stuxnet, threat actors created their own implementations of industrial network protocols, gaining the ability to communicate with devices directly.

In December 2017, researchers reported discovering previously unknown malware that targeted critical infrastructure systems. The discovery was made as a result of investigating an incident at an unnamed industrial enterprise. The malicious program was dubbed Triton or Trisis.

The malware is a modular framework that can automatically find Triconex Safety Controllers on the enterprise network, get information on their operating modes and plant malicious code on these devices. Trisis/Triton embeds a backdoor in the device’s firmware, enabling the attackers to remotely read and modify not only the code of the legitimate control program, but also the code of the compromised Triconex device’s firmware. With such capabilities, attackers can do serious damage to the enterprise’s industrial process. The least harmful of possible negative consequences is the system’s emergency shutdown and interruption of the industrial process. It was this type of event that caused a victim organization to launch an investigation, which resulted in the attack being detected.

It remains unknown how the attackers penetrated the enterprise’s infrastructure. What is known is that they must have been inside the compromised organization’s network for a sufficiently long time (several months) and used legitimate software and ‘dual-use’ utilities for lateral movement and privilege escalation.

Although the attack was designed to modify code on Triconex devices, the code that the attackers were apparently trying to inject in the last stage of the attack has never been found, so it is currently impossible to determine the final objective of the attack.

Spear phishing — Formbook spyware
Spear phishing attacks on industrial organizations continued in the second half of 2017. We have already written about spear phishing used by threat actors in Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks. Compared to attacks described earlier, the attackers’ tactics have not changed significantly. However, in addition to known Trojan-Spy malware sent in phishing emails to global industrial and energy companies (FareIT, HawkEye, ISRStealer, etc.), a new representative of this malware class – Formbook – gained popularity in the second half of 2017.

Formbook attacks involve sending phishing emails with malicious Microsoft Office documents attached. To download and install malware on target systems, these documents exploit the CVE-2017-8759 vulnerability or use macros. Some phishing emails include attached archives of different formats containing the malicious program’s executable file. Examples of attached file names:

RFQ for Material Equipment for Aweer Power Station H Phase IV.exe
Scanned DOCUMENTS & Bank Details For Confirmation.jpeg (Pages 1- 4) -16012018. jpeg.ace
PO & PI Scan.png.gz
shipping receipts.ace

Sample phishing email used to distribute Formbook

In terms of implementation and the techniques used to obfuscate the code and encrypt the payload, Formbook differs from its ‘peers’ in that its functionality is more extensive. In addition to standard spyware features, such as making screenshots, capturing keypresses and stealing passwords stored in browsers, Formbook can steal sensitive data from HTTP/HTTPS/SPDY/HTTP2 traffic and web forms. Additionally, the malware implements remote system control functionality and uses an unusual technique to resist the analysis of network traffic. The Trojan generates a set of URLs to which it is going to connect, using a list of legitimate domains stored in its body. It then adds one URL for its command-and-control server. In this way, the malware attempts to mask its connections to the malicious domain by sending numerous requests to legitimate resources, making its detection and analysis more difficult.

Threat statistics
All statistical data used in this report was collected using the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), a distributed antivirus network. The data was received from those KSN users who gave their consent to have data anonymously transferred from their computers. We do not identify the specific companies/organizations sending statistics to KSN, due to the product limitations and regulatory restrictions.

The data was received from ICS computers protected by Kaspersky Lab products that Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT categorizes as part of the industrial infrastructure at organizations. This group includes Windows computers that perform one or several of the following functions:

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) servers,
data storage servers (Historian),
data gateways (OPC),
stationary workstations of engineers and operators,
mobile workstations of engineers and operators,
Human Machine Interface (HMI).
The statistics analyzed also include data received from computers of industrial control network administrators and software developers who develop software for industrial automation systems.

For the purposes of this report, attacked computers are those on which our security solutions have been triggered at least once during the reporting period. When determining percentages of machines attacked, we use the ratio of unique computers attacked to all computers in our sample from which we received anonymized information during the reporting period.

ICS servers and stationary workstations of engineers and operators often do not have full-time direct internet access due to restrictions specific to industrial networks. Internet access may be provided to such computers, for example, during maintenance periods.

Workstations of system/network administrators, engineers, developers and integrators of industrial automation systems may have frequent or even full-time internet connections.

As a result, in our sample of computers categorized by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT as part of the industrial infrastructure of organizations, about 40% of all machines have regular or full-time internet connections. The remaining machines connect to the Internet no more than once a month, many less frequently than that.

Percentage of computers attacked
In the second half of 2017, Kaspersky Lab products blocked attempted infections on 37.8% of ICS computers protected by them, which is 0.2 percentage points more than in the first half of 2017 and 1.4 percentage points less than in the second half of 2016.

June – August 2017 saw a decline in the number of attacked computers. However, in September there was a notable increase in cybercriminal activity, with the proportion of attacked machines rising to 20% and not falling below that level again for the rest of the year.

Percentage of ICS computers attacked globally by month, 2017

When comparing these values with the same period in 2016, we see that the July numbers are practically identical. However, for all other months the percentage of attacked machines in 2016 was higher than in 2017.

Percentage of ICS computers attacked globally by month, H2 2017 vs H2 2016

A certain decrease in the percentage of computers attacked can be attributed to several factors. It is likely that one has to do with industrial enterprises paying more attention to the security of industrial segments on their networks. According to our experts’ assessments, changes for the better may be largely due to simple measures: enterprises have begun to conduct audits of the industrial segments of their networks, train employees in the principles of cyber-hygiene, more properly differentiate access rights between the corporate and the industrial segments of their network, etc.

Percentage of ICS computers attacked in different industries
According to our assessment, medium-size and large companies with mature IT security processes tend to use Kaspersky Lab corporate solutions (mainly Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity and Kaspersky Endpoint Security) to safeguard their ICS infrastructure. Many smaller organizations and individual engineers, along with companies whose IT and OT cybersecurity still leaves much to be desired, may rely on Kaspersky Lab consumer solutions to protect their ICS computers. The percentage of such computers attacked by malware during the reporting period is significantly higher compared to the corresponding figures for computers protected by corporate products.

We intentionally excluded statistics coming from our consumer solutions when analyzing attacks on industrial facilities in different industries, using only telemetry data coming from Kaspersky Lab products for corporate users. This resulted in lower average attacked computers percentage values than for the rest of the analysis results presented in this report, where both Kaspersky Lab corporate and consumer product statistics were used.

Percentage of ICS computers attacked in different industries*, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

*In this report, unlike our previous reports, we calculated the percentage of attacked ICS computers for each industry (the percentage of ICS computers attacked in an industry to all ICS computers in that industry).
In previous reports, we included the distribution of attacked ICS computers by industry (the percentage of computers attacked in a given industry to all attacked computers in our sample).

According to statistics on attacks against facilities in different industries, nearly all industries demonstrate similar percentages of attacked ICS computers, which are in the range from 26 to 30 percent. We believe this may be due to the similarity of ICS architectures used to automate industrial processes at enterprises in various industries and, possibly, similarities in the processes used by enterprises to exchange information with external entities and inside the enterprises themselves.

Two industries were attacked more than others during the reporting period: the figures for Energy (38.7%) and Engineering & ICS Integrators (35.3%) are above 35%.

We believe that the high percentage of attacked ICS systems in the energy sector may be explained, on the one hand, by the greater network connectivity of electric power sector facilities (compared to facilities in other industries) and, on the other hand, perhaps by the fact that, on average, more people have access to the industrial control systems of energy sector facilities that to those at enterprises in other industries.

The supply chain attack vector has infamously been used in some devastating attacks in recent years, which is why the high percentage of attacked ICS computers in Engineering and ICS Integration businesses is a problem that is serious enough to be noticed.

The only industry whose figures showed a significant growth in the six months (+ 5.2 p.p.) is Construction (31.1%). The reason for the high percentage of ICS computers attacked in construction organizations could be that, for enterprises in the industry, industrial control systems often perform auxiliary functions, were introduced a relatively short time ago and are consequently at the periphery of company owners’ and managers’ attention. The upshot of this may be that objectives associated with protecting these systems from cyberthreats are regarded as having a relatively low priority. Whatever the reason for the high percentage of attacks reaching industrial control systems in construction and engineering, the fact seems sufficiently alarming. Construction is known to be a highly competitive business and cyberattacks on industrial organizations in this industry can be used as a means of unfair competition. So far, cyberattacks have been used in the construction industry mainly for purposes associated with the theft of commercial secrets. Infecting industrial control systems may provide threat actors with a new weapon in their fight against competitors.

The three least attacked industries are Mining (23.5%), Logistic & Transportation (19.8%) and ICS Software Development (14.7%).

ICS vendor infections might be very dangerous, because the consequences of an attack, spread over the infected vendor’s partner ecosystem and customer base, could be dramatic, as we saw in the recent wide-scale incidents, such as the exPetr malware epidemic.

This report includes information on ICS computers at educational facilities. These figures include not only ICS systems used in demonstration stands and labs performing instructional and research functions, but also in industrial automation systems of various facilities that are part of the infrastructure of educational establishments, such as power supply systems (including power generation and distribution), utilities, etc., as well as ICS used in pilot production facilities.

The figure for educational establishments can be regarded as representing the “background level” of accidental threats affecting ICS systems, considering systems at educational establishments to be as insecure as such systems can get. This is because ICS systems at educational establishments are usually connected to the respective organizations’ general-purpose networks and are less isolated from the outside world than the systems of industrial facilities.

At the same time, we believe that attacks on ICS systems at educational establishments can also pose a significant threat to enterprises in different real-sector industries – primarily because universities/colleges maintain working contacts and engage in collaboration with industrial enterprises. This includes joint research labs, engineering and development centers, personnel training and career development centers, etc.

In addition, such ICS systems can be used by attackers to test and debug malicious code and refine attacks against real-sector enterprises.

Education demonstrates the greatest difference between the H1 and H2 percentages of ICS systems attacked. The high figure for H1 was due to the large number of internet-borne attacks, as well as attacks by malware belonging to the Trojan.Multi.Powercod family. That malware uses techniques that are similar to those described by our colleagues here. In H1 2017, 9.8% of ICS computers in educational establishments from our sample were attacked by Powercod Trojans. In H2, the corresponding figure was 0.7%.

Main sources of threats blocked on ICS computers,
percentage of ICS computers attacked, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

In the second half of 2017, most of the numbers for the main infection sources remained at H1 2017 levels.

For computers that are part of the industrial infrastructure, the internet remains the main source of infection. Contributing factors include interfaces between corporate and industrial networks, availability of limited internet access from industrial networks, and connection of computers on industrial networks to the internet via mobile phone operator networks (using mobile phones, USB modems and/or Wi-Fi routers with 3G/LTE support). Contractors, developers, integrators and system/network administrators that connect to the control network externally (directly or remotely) often have unrestricted internet access. Their computers are in the highest-risk group and can be used by malware as a channel for penetrating the industrial networks of the enterprises they serve. As we mentioned above, about 40% of computers in our sample connect to the internet on a regular basis. It should be noted that, in addition to malicious and infected websites, the “Internet” category includes phishing emails and malicious attachments opened in web-based email services (in browsers).

Experts from Kaspersky Lab ICS-CERT note that malicious programs and scripts built into email message bodies are often used in targeted attacks on industrial enterprises. In most cases, the attackers distribute emails with malicious attachments in office document formats, such as Microsoft Office and PDF, as well as archives containing malicious executable files.

There has also been a 1.7 p.p. decrease in the proportion of threats detected while scanning removable media. This is an important indicator, because such devices are often used to transfer information in industrial networks.

The other figures did not change appreciably.

Classes of malware

Trojan malware, which is designed to penetrate the systems being attacked, deliver and launch other malware modules, remains relevant to ICS computers. The malicious code of o these programs was most commonly written in scripting languages (Javascript, Visual Basic Script, Powershell, AutoIt in the AutoCAD format) or took the form of Windows shortcuts (.lnk) that pointed to the next malicious modules.

These Trojans most often tried to download and execute the following malware as main modules:

spyware Trojans (Trojan-Spy and Trojan-PSW)
ransomware (Trojan-Ransom)
backdoors (Backdoor)
remote administration tools installed without authorization (RAT)
Wiper type programs (KillDisk) designed to delete (wipe) data on the hard drive and render the computer unusable
Malware infections of computers on an industrial network can result in the loss of control or the disruption of industrial processes.

Platforms used by malware
In the second half of 2017, we saw a significant increase in the percentage of ICS computers affected by malware written for the JavaScript platform.

Platforms used by malware, percentage of ICS computers attacked, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

The main reason for growing figures for the JavaScript platform is the increase in the number of phishing emails that include a loader for Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Locky.

In the latest versions of such emails, the attackers used a fax-received notification template.

The phishing emails include an attachment – an obfuscated loader written in JavaScript and designed to download and execute the main malicious module from servers controlled by the attackers.

It is important to note that threat actors often attack legitimate websites in order to host malware components on these sites. Threat actors do this to hide malicious traffic behind legitimate domains to mask the traces of an attack.

Cryptocurrency miners also made a small contribution to the increase in the share of the JavaScript platform – both the versions for browsers and the script-based loaders of miners for the Windows platform.

Geographical distribution of attacks on industrial automation systems
The map below shows the percentages of industrial automation systems attacked to the total number of such systems in each country.

Geographical distribution of attacks on industrial automation systems, H2 2017
Percentage of attacked ICS computers in each country

TOP 15 countries by percentage of ICS computers attacked:

Country* % of systems attacked
1 Vietnam 69.6
2 Algeria 66.2
3 Morocco 60.4
4 Indonesia 60.1
5 China 59.5
6 Egypt 57.6
7 Peru 55.2
8 Iran 53.0
9 India 52.4
10 Kazakhstan 50.1
11 Saudi Arabia 48.4
12 Mexico 47.5
13 Russia 46.8
14 Malaysia 46.7
15 Turkey 44.1
*Countries in which the number of ICS computers monitored by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT was insufficient to obtain representative data sets were excluded from the ranking.

The Top 5 has remained unchanged since H1 2017.

The least affected countries in this ranking are Israel (8.6%), Denmark (13.6%), the UK (14.5%), the Netherlands (14.5%), Sweden (14.8%) and Kuwait (15.3%).

Egypt has moved from ninth place to sixth – the percentage of attacked ICS machines in that country grew by 6.1 p.p. This is the most significant growth among all countries of the world. Internet threats accounted for most of the growth in the percentage of attacked ICS computers in Egypt. Among the internet threats detected, the most common were sites infected with script-based cryptocurrency miners and attempts to download malware by following URL links.

Main sources of threats blocked on ICS computers in Egypt
percentage of ICS computers attacked, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

Malware distributed via removable media is also a real problem for many ICS in Egypt. Malware loaders distributed on removable media are disguised as existing user files on the removable drive, increasing the chances of a successful attack.

Examples of names used for loaders of malware distributed via removable media that were blocked on ICS computers in Egypt in H2 2017

In most cases, the loaders that we detected were designed to launch the malware module responsible for infecting the system, including downloading the main module, infecting removable media and network shares and propagating via email/instant messengers to an existing list of contacts.

Malicious code for the AutoIt platform, launched by a malicious .lnk loader
blocked on an ICS computer in Egypt in H2 2017

In Russia during H2 2017, 46.8% of ICS computers were attacked at least once – a 3.8 p.p. rise on H1 2017. This saw Russia move up from 21st to 13th.

The proportions of attacked ICS machines vary greatly between different regions of the world.

Percentage of ICS systems attacked in regions of the world, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

All regions can be assigned to one of three groups according to the percentage of attacked ICS machines:

Proportion of attacked ICS systems below 30%. This group includes North America and Europe, where the situation looks the most peaceful. Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT specialists say this does not necessarily mean that industrial enterprises in these regions are less frequently attacked by cybercriminals; rather, it could be that more attention is paid to ensuring information security at industrial enterprises in these regions, which results in fewer attacks reaching their targets.
Proportion of attacked ICS systems between 30% and 50%. This group includes Latin America, Russia and the Middle East.
Proportion of attacked ICS systems above 50%. The situation is most acute in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.
It should be noted that values may differ significantly between countries within the same region. This may be due to different practices and approaches to ICS information security in those countries.

In particular, the Asia-Pacific region includes Vietnam with the highest global proportion of attacked ICS systems (69.6%) alongside countries such as Japan (25%), Australia (24.1%) and Singapore (23.2%), where figures did not exceed 25%.

Percentage of attacked ICS computers in Asia-Pacific countries, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

In Europe, Denmark’s score (13.6%) was not only the lowest in the region but also one of the lowest globally, while the proportions of attacked ICS systems in Belarus (41%), Portugal (42.5%) and Ukraine (41.4%) were all above 40%.

Percentage of attacked ICS computers in Europe, H2 2017 vs H1 2017

Let’s now look at the sources of attacks that affected ICS systems in different regions.

Main sources of threats blocked on ICS computers in different regions, H2 2017

In all regions of the world, the internet remains the main source of attacks. However, in Europe and North America, the percentage of blocked web-borne attacks is substantially lower than elsewhere. This may be because most enterprises operating in those regions adhere to information security standards. In particular, internet access is restricted on systems that are part of industrial networks. The situation is similar for infected removable devices: the highest numbers are seen in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, while the lowest are in Europe and North America. These figures also reflect the level of compliance with information security standards and, in particular, whether restrictions are in place to prevent the connection of unauthorized removable media to industrial infrastructure systems.

Curiously, in spite of the sufficiently high overall percentage of attacks that reached ICS systems, the percentages of ICS computers attacked via removable media and email clients in Russia were relatively small – 4.4% and 1.4% respectively. One possible explanation is that risks associated with these attack vectors are largely mitigated through organizational measures, as well as removable media and email handling practices established at industrial enterprises. This interpretation is reassuring, since removable media and email are often used as penetration vectors in sophisticated targeted and APT attacks.

For countries of the Middle East, email was a significant (5%) source of infection, with the region leading the ranking based on this parameter.

Our recommendations
To prevent accidental infections in industrial networks, we recommend taking a set of measures designed to secure the internal and external perimeters of these networks.

This includes, first and foremost, measures required to provide secure remote access to automation systems and secure transfer of data between the industrial network and other networks that have different trust levels:

Systems that have full-time or regular connections to external networks (mobile devices, VPN concentrators, terminal servers, etc.) should be isolated into a separate segment of the industrial network – the demilitarized zone (DMZ);
Systems in the demilitarized zone should be divided into subnets or virtual subnets (VLAN), with restricted access between subnets (only the communications that are required should be allowed);
All the necessary communication between the industrial network and the outside world (including the enterprise’s office network) should be performed via the DMZ;
If necessary, terminal servers that support reverse connection methods (from the industrial network to the DMZ) can be deployed in the DMZ;
Thin clients should be used whenever possible to access the industrial network from the outside (using reverse connection methods);
Access from the demilitarized zone to the industrial network should be blocked;
If the enterprise’s business processes are compatible with one-way communication, we recommend that you consider using data diodes.
The threat landscape for industrial automation systems is continually changing, with new vulnerabilities regularly found both in application software and in industrial software. Based on the threat evolution trends identified in H2 2017, we recommend placing special emphasis on the following security measures:

Regularly updating the operating systems, application software and security solutions on systems that are part of the enterprise’s industrial network;
Installing firmware updates on control devices used in industrial automation systems in a timely manner;
Restricting network traffic on ports and protocols used on the edge routers between the organization’s network and those of other companies (if information is transferred from one company’s industrial network to another company);
An emphasis on account control and password policies is recommended. Users should have only those privileges that are required for them to perform their responsibilities. The number of user accounts with administrative privileges should be as limited as possible. Strong passwords (at least 9 characters, both upper and lower case, combined with digits and special characters) should be used, with regular password changing enforced by the domain policy, for example, every 90 days.
To provide protection from accidental infections with new, previously unknown malware and targeted attacks, we recommend doing the following on a regular basis:

Taking an inventory of running network services on all hosts of the industrial network; where possible, stopping vulnerable network services (unless this will jeopardize the continuity of industrial processes) and other services that are not directly required for the operation of the automation system; special emphasis should be made on services that provide remote access to file system objects, such as SMB/CIFS and/or NFS (which is relevant in the case of attacks on systems running Linux).
Auditing ICS component access control; trying to achieve maximum access granularity.
Auditing the network activity in the enterprise’s industrial network and at its boundaries. Eliminate any network connections with external and other adjacent information networks that are not required by industrial processes.
Verifying the security of remote access to the industrial network; placing a special emphasis on whether demilitarized zones are set up in compliance with IT security requirements. To the fullest extent possible, minimizing or completely eliminating the use of remote administration tools (such as RDP or TeamViewer). More details on this are provided above.
Ensuring that signature databases, heuristics and decision algorithms of endpoint security solutions are up-to-date. Checking that all the main protection components are enabled and running and that ICS software folders, OS system folders or user profiles are not excluded from the scope of protection. Application startup control technologies configured in whitelisting mode and application behavior analysis technologies are particularly effective for industrial enterprises. Application startup control will prevent cryptomalware from running even if it finds its way on to the computer, while application behavior analysis technologies are helpful for detecting and blocking attempts to exploit vulnerabilities (including unknown) in legitimate software.
Auditing policies and practices related to using removable media and portable devices. Blocking devices that provide illegitimate access to external networks and the Internet from being connected to industrial network hosts. Wherever possible, disabling the relevant ports or controlling access to these ports using properly configured dedicated tools.
In addition, to provide protection from targeted attacks directed at the enterprise’s industrial network and its main industrial assets, we recommend deploying tools that provide network traffic monitoring and detection of cyberattacks on industrial networks. In most cases, such measures do not require any changes to ICS components or their configuration and can be carried out without suspending their operation.

Of course, completely isolating the industrial network from adjacent networks is virtually impossible, since transferring data between networks is required to perform a variety of important functions – controlling and maintaining remote facilities, coordinating sophisticated industrial processes, parts of which are distributed between numerous workshops, lines, plants and support systems. We hope, however, that our recommendations will help you provide maximum protection for your industrial networks and automation systems against existing and future threats.

Kaspersky Lab Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT) is a global project of Kaspersky Lab aimed at coordinating the work of industrial automation system vendors, owners and operators of industrial facilities and IT security researchers in addressing issues associated with protecting industrial enterprises and critical infrastructure facilities.

Ukrainian Suspected of Leading Carbanak Gang Arrested in Spain
26.3.2018 securityweek CyberCrime

A Ukrainian national suspected of being the leader of a gang that used Carbanak malware to steal a significant amount of money from banks worldwide has been arrested in Spain, Europol and the Spanish government announced on Monday.

According to authorities, the man is believed to be the mastermind of an operation that resulted in losses totaling over €1 billion ($1.24 billion). The hackers targeted over 100 financial organizations in more than 40 countries around the world, stealing up to €10 million ($12.4 million) in a single heist.

The suspect was arrested in Alicante, Spain, following an investigation conducted by the Spanish National Police and supported by Europol, private cybersecurity firms, and law enforcement agencies in the United States, Romania, Belarus and Taiwan.

Spain’s interior ministry identified the suspect as Ukrainian national “Denis K” and noted that he ran the operation with help from three Russian and Ukrainian nationals. The mastermind of the operation had been working from Spain, and he found his accomplices online, but they never met in person.

The gang targeted ATMs in Spain’s capital city of Madrid in the first quarter of 2017, stealing half a million euros.

Police seized computers, jewelry worth €500,000 ($620,000), documents, and two luxury vehicles following Denis K’s arrest. Bank accounts and two houses valued at roughly €1 million ($1.24 million) were also blocked.

The cybercrime group, tracked as Carbanak, Anunak and Cobalt, has been around since at least 2013 and its activities were first detailed in 2014. According to Spain’s interior ministry, investigations into the group started in 2015.

According to Europol, the cybercriminals started out by using a piece of malware they had dubbed Anunak. They later improved their malware, a version that the cybersecurity industry has dubbed Carbanak. Starting with 2016, they launched more sophisticated attacks using a custom version of the penetration testing tool Cobalt Strike. It’s worth noting that this is not the only cybercrime group known to use the Carbanak malware.

The hackers delivered their malware to bank employees using spear-phishing emails. Once the malware was deployed, it gave attackers access to the compromised organization’s internal network, including servers controlling ATMs.

The cybercriminals used their access to these servers to remotely instruct ATMs to dispense cash at a predetermined time, when the group’s mules would be nearby to collect the money. They also transferred funds from the targeted bank to their own accounts, and modified balances to allow members of the gang to withdraw large amounts of money at cash machines.

Authorities said the group worked with the Russian and Moldovan mafia, which were responsible for the money mules involved in the operation. The criminal proceeds were often laundered using bitcoins – the gang is said to have acquired 15,000 bitcoins, currently worth more than $118 million.

“It appears that the ultimate downfall was spurred on by what ends up bringing down most organized crime groups: accounting. This reinforces the need for law enforcement organizations to continue focusing on traditional 'follow the money angles' as much as cyber forensic capabilities. As long as you cannot make major purchases with cryptocurrencies, the Achilles heel of any organized crime activity will be laundering money and taxes,” commented Ross Rustici, senior director of intelligence services at Cybereason.

“Pinching these types of actors from both a prevention of movement in cyberspace and a reduced ability to enjoy their illicit gains often results in the largest successes for law enforcement,” Rustici added. “What remains to be seen is whether this arrest will result in a serious degradation of Carbanak’s capabilities or merely a short-term hindrance while the group refocuses its activity.”

Drupal to Patch Highly Critical Vulnerability This Week
26.3.2018 securityweek

Drupal announced plans to release a security update for Drupal 7.x, 8.3.x, 8.4.x, and 8.5.x on March 28, 2018, aimed at addressing a highly critical vulnerability.

The Drupal security team hasn’t provided information on the vulnerability and says it won’t release any details on it until the patch arrives. An advisory containing all the necessary information will be published on March 28.

Before that, however, the team advises customers to be prepared for the update’s release and to apply it immediately after it is published, given its high exploitation potential.

“The Drupal Security Team urges you to reserve time for core updates at that time because exploits might be developed within hours or days,” Drupal announced.

The highly popular content management system (CMS) powers over one million sites and is used by a large number of e-commerce businesses.

Due to the widespread use of Drupal, currently the second most used CMS after WordPress, the security update will be released for Drupal versions 8.3.x and 8.4.x as well, although they are no longer supported.

“While […] we don't normally provide security releases for unsupported minor releases, given the potential severity of this issue, we are providing 8.3.x and 8.4.x releases that include the fix for sites which have not yet had a chance to update to 8.5.0,” Drupal says.

The Drupal security team urges customers to update to the appropriate release for their CMS version as soon as it is made available on March 28.

Thus, sites on 8.3.x should be updated to the upcoming 8.3.x iteration and then to the latest 8.5.x security release in the next month, while sites on 8.4.x should apply the next 8.4.x release and then upgrade to 8.5.x as well.

All sites on Drupal versions 7.x or 8.5.x should immediately apply the update when the advisory is released, using the normal update methods.

All of the appropriate version numbers for the impacted Drupal 8 branches will be listed in the upcoming advisory.

“Your site's update report page will recommend the 8.5.x release even if you are on 8.3.x or 8.4.x, but temporarily updating to the provided backport for your site's current version will ensure you can update quickly without the possible side effects of a minor version update,” Drupal also notes.

Energy Sector Most Impacted by ICS Flaws, Attacks: Study
26.3.2018 securityweek ICS

The energy sector was targeted by cyberattacks more than any other industry, and many of the vulnerabilities disclosed last year impacted products used in this sector, according to a report published on Monday by Kaspersky Lab.

The security firm has analyzed a total of 322 flaws disclosed in 2017 by ICS-CERT, vendors and its own researchers, including issues related to industrial control systems (ICS) and general-purpose software and protocols used by industrial organizations.

Of the total number of security holes, 178 impact control systems used in the energy sector. Critical manufacturing organizations – this includes manufacturers of primary metals, machinery, electrical equipment, and transportation equipment – were affected by 164 of these vulnerabilities.

Other industries hit by a significant number of vulnerabilities are water and wastewater (97), transportation (74), commercial facilities (65), and food and agriculture (61).

Many of the vulnerabilities disclosed last year impacted SCADA or HMI components (88), industrial networking devices (66), PLCs (52), and engineering software (52). However, vulnerabilities in general purpose software and protocols have also had an impact on industrial organizations, including the WPA flaws known as KRACK and bugs affecting Intel technology.

As for the types of vulnerabilities, nearly a quarter are web-related and 21 percent are authentication issues.

A majority of the flaws have been assigned severity ratings of medium or high, but 60 weaknesses are considered critical based on their CVSS score. Kaspersky pointed out that all vulnerabilities with a CVSS score of 10 are related to authentication and they are all easy to exploit remotely.

Kaspersky said 265 of the vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely without authentication and without any special knowledge or skills. It also noted that exploits are publicly available for 17 of the security holes.

The company has also shared data on malware infections and other security incidents. In the second half of 2017, Kaspersky security products installed on industrial automation systems detected nearly 18,000 malware variants from roughly 2,400 families. Malware attacks were blocked on almost 38 percent of ICS computers protected by the company, which was slightly less than in the second half of the previous year.

Again, the energy sector was the most impacted. According to the security firm, roughly 40 percent of the devices housed by energy organizations were targeted.

ICS devices attacked in various industries in 2017

“In the vast majority of cases, attempts to infect ICS computers are accidental and are not part of targeted attacks,” Kaspersky said. “Consequently, the functionality implemented in malware is not specific to attacks on industrial automation systems. However, even without ICS-specific functionality, a malware infection can have dire consequences for an industrial automation system, including an emergency shutdown of the industrial process.”

One example was the WannaCry attack, which, according to Kaspersky, in some cases resulted in temporary disruptions to industrial processes.

Researchers noted that botnet agents can also pose a significant threat, including by stealing sensitive data and by causing disruptions to industrial processes as a side effect of coding errors and incompatibility. Kaspersky reported that last year more than 10 percent of the systems it monitored were targeted by botnet agents.

Pentagon Looks to Counter Ever-stealthier Warfare
26.3.2018 securityweek BigBrothers

The US military has for years enjoyed a broad technological edge over its adversaries, dominating foes with superior communications and cyber capabilities.

Now, thanks to rapid advances by Russia and China, the gap has shrunk, and the Pentagon is looking at how a future conflict with a "near-peer" competitor might play out.

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson recently warned that both Russia and China are experimenting with ways to take out the US military's satellites, which form the backbone of America's warfighting machine.

"They know that we are dominant in space, that every mission the military does depends on space, and in a crisis or war they are demonstrating capabilities and developing capabilities to seek to deny us our space assets," Wilson said.

"We're not going to let that happen."

The Pentagon is investing in a new generation of satellites that will provide the military with better accuracy and have better anti-jamming capabilities.

Such technology would help counter the type of "asymmetric" warfare practised by Russia, which combines old-school propaganda with social media offensives and cyber hacks.

Washington has blamed Moscow for numerous cyber attacks, including last year's massive ransomware attack, known as NotPetya, which paralyzed thousands of computers around the world.

US cyber security investigators have also accused the Russian government of a sustained effort to take control of critical US infrastructure systems, including the energy grid.

Russia denies involvement and so far, such attacks have been met with a muted US military response.

- Public relations shutdown -

General John Hyten, who leads US Strategic Command (STRATCOM), told lawmakers the US has "not gone nearly far enough" in the cyber domain.

He also warned that the military still does not have clear authorities and rules of engagement for when and how it can conduct offensive cyber ops.

"Cyberspace needs to be looked at as a warfighting domain, and if somebody threatens us in cyberspace, we need to have the authorities to respond," Hyten told lawmakers this week.

Hyten's testimony comes after Admiral Michael Rogers, who heads both the NSA -- the leading US electronic eavesdropping agency -- and the new US Cyber Command, last month said President Donald Trump had not yet ordered his spy chiefs to retaliate against Russian interference in the 2016 US election.

Russia has also been blamed for the March 4 poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, who were found unconscious on a bench outside a shopping center in England.

NATO countries are working to determine when a cyber attack might trigger the alliance's Article 5 collective defense provision, General Curtis Scaparrotti, the commander of NATO forces in Europe, said this month.

NATO "recognizes the difficulty in indirect or asymmetric activity that Russia is practising, activities below the level of conflict," Scaparrotti said.

In 2015, the Air Force opened the highly secretive National Space Defense Center in Colorado, where airmen work to identify potential threats to America's satellite network.

After officials told a local newspaper, The Gazette, that the center had started running on a 24-hour basis, Air Force higher ups grew alarmed that too much information had been revealed.

In an example of how sensitive the issue of cybersecurity now is, the Air Force reacted by putting its entire public operations department on a "stand down" while it reviews how it interacts with journalists.

One Year Later, Hackers Still Target Apache Struts Flaw
26.3.2018 securityweek

One year after researchers saw the first attempts to exploit a critical remote code execution flaw affecting the Apache Struts 2 framework, hackers continue to scan the Web for vulnerable servers.

The vulnerability in question, tracked as CVE-2017-5638, affects Struts 2.3.5 through 2.3.31 and Struts 2.5 through 2.5.10. The security hole was addressed on March 6, 2017 with the release of versions 2.3.32 and

The bug, caused due to improper handling of the Content-Type header, can be triggered when performing file uploads with the Jakarta Multipart parser, and it allows a remote and unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary OS commands on the targeted system.

The first exploitation attempts were spotted one day after the patch was released, shortly after someone made available a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit. Some of the attacks scanned servers in search of vulnerable Struts installations, while others were set up to deliver malware.

Guy Bruneau, researcher and handler at the SANS Internet Storm Center, reported over the weekend that his honeypot had caught a significant number of attempts to exploit CVE-2017-5638 over the past two weeks.

The expert said his honeypot recorded 57 exploitation attempts on Sunday, on ports 80, 8080 and 443. The attacks, which appear to rely on a publicly available PoC exploit, involved one of two requests designed to check if a system is vulnerable.

Bruneau told SecurityWeek that he has yet to see any payloads. The researcher noticed scans a few times a week starting on March 13, coming from IP addresses in Asia.

“The actors are either looking for unpatched servers or new installations that have not been secured properly,” Bruneau said.

The CVE-2017-5638 vulnerability is significant as it was exploited by cybercriminals last year to hack into the systems of U.S. credit reporting agency Equifax. Attackers had access to Equifax systems for more than two months and they managed to obtain information on over 145 million of the company’s customers.

The same vulnerability was also leveraged late last year in a campaign that involved NSA-linked exploits and cryptocurrency miners.

This is not the only Apache Struts 2 vulnerability exploited by malicious actors since last year. In September, security firms warned that a remote code execution flaw tracked as CVE-2017-9805 had been exploited to deliver malware.

Watering Hole Attack Exploits North Korea's Flash Flaw
26.3.2018 securityweek

An attack leveraging the compromised website of a Hong Kong telecommunications company is using a recently patched Flash vulnerability that has been exploited by North Korea since mid-November 2017, Morphisec warns.

The targeted vulnerability, CVE-2018-4878, first became public in early February, after South Korea’s Internet & Security Agency (KISA) issued an alert on it being abused by a North Korean hacker group. Adobe patched the flaw within a week.

By the end of February, cybercriminals were already abusing the vulnerability. The newly observed incident, Morphisec notes, is a textbook case of a watering hole assault. As part of such attacks, which are mainly focused on cyber-espionage, actors plant malware on websites their victims are likely to visit.

The newly observed incident revealed advanced evasive characteristics, as it was purely fileless, without persistence or any trace on the disk. Furthermore, it used a custom protocol on a non-filtered port.

“Generally, this advanced type of watering hole attack is highly targeted in nature and suggests that a very advanced group is behind it,” the security researchers note.

The Flash exploit used in this assault was highly similar to the one detailed in the previous analysis of the CVE-2018-4878 vulnerability, albeit it employs a different shellcode executed post exploitation.

The shellcode executes rundll32.exe and overwrites its memory with malicious code. This malicious code was designed to download additional code directly into the memory of the rundll32 process.

The security researchers also discovered that the command and control (C&C) server uses a custom protocol over the 443 port to communicate with the victim.

The additional code downloaded into the memory of rundll32 includes Metasploit Meterpreter and Mimikatz modules. Most of the modules were compiled on February 15, less than a week before the attack.

“As our analysis shows, this watering hole attack is of advanced evasive nature. Being purely fileless, without persistence or any trace on the disk, and the use of custom protocol on a non-filtered port, makes it a perfect stepping stone for a highly targeted attack chain. This clearly suggests that very advanced threat actors are responsible for it,” Morphisec says.

Despite these advanced evasive features, the attack used basic Metasploit framework components that were compiled just before the attack and lacked any sophistication, obfuscation or evasion, which creates confusion and makes it difficult to pinpoint the attack to an actor.

According to Morphisec, this attack, the exploit kits that were updated to target CVE-2018-4878, the campaign observed a few weeks ago, the vulnerability’s abuse by nation-based groups, all creates a certain sense of déjà vu.

“It is like the anarchy of 2-3 years ago when we had new exploits targeting a particular vulnerability discovered every week. Each one different enough to evade detection for those crucial first moments and security solutions always racing to catch up,” the security firm concludes.

Former Barclays CISO to Head WEF's Global Center for Cybersecurity
26.3.2018 securityweek Cyber

Troels Oerting to Head the Global Centre for Cybersecurity

The 48th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos, Switzerland, in January announced the formation of a new Global Centre for Cybersecurity. Today it announced that Troels Oerting will be its first Head, assuming the role on April 2, 2018.

Oerting has been the group chief information security officer (CISO) at Barclays since February 2015. Before that he was head of the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) -- part of Europol formed in 2013 to strengthen LEA response to cross-border cybercrime in the EU -- and head of the Europol Counter Terrorist and Financial Intelligence Center (since 2012). He also held several other law enforcement positions (such as Head of the Serious Organised Crime Agency with the Danish National Police), and also chaired the EU Financial Cybercrime Coalition.

Oerting brings to WEF's Global Center for Cybersecurity a unique combination of hands-on cybersecurity expertise as Barclay's CISO, together with experience of and contacts within European-wide cyber intelligence organizations, and a deep knowledge of the financial crimes that will be of particular significance to WEF's members. It is a clear statement from the WEF that the new center should be taken seriously.

“The Global Centre for Cybersecurity is the first global platform to tackle today’s cyber-risks across industries, sectors and in close collaboration with the public sector. I’m glad that we have found a proven leader in the field who is keen and capable to help us address this dark side of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” said Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

WEF's unique position at the heart of trans-national business, with the ear of governments, provides the opportunity to develop a truly global approach to cybersecurity. Most current cybersecurity regulations and standards are based on national priorities aimed against an adversary that knows no national boundaries. The aims of the new center are to consolidate existing WEF initiatives; to establish an independent library of best practices; to work towards an appropriate and agile regulatory framework on cybersecurity; and to provide a laboratory and early-warning think tank on cybersecurity issues.

Law enforcement arrested the head of the Carbanak gang that stole 1 billion from banks
26.3.2018 securityaffairs

The head of the crime ring behind the Carbanak gang that since 2013 targeted banks worldwide has been arrested in Spain.
The mastermind suspected of stealing about £870m (€1bn) in a bank cyber heist has been arrested in Spain.

The man is suspected to be the kingpin of the crime ring behind the Carbanak gang that since 2013 targeted banks worldwide with the homonym malware and the Cobalt malicious code.

“The leader of the crime gang behind the Carbanak and Cobalt malware attacks targeting over a 100 financial institutions worldwide has been arrested in Alicante, Spain, after a complex investigation conducted by the Spanish National Police, with the support of Europol, the US FBI, the Romanian, Belarussian and Taiwanese authorities and private cyber security companies.” reads the official announcement from the Europol. “Since 2013, the cybercrime gang have attempted to attack banks, e-payment systems and financial institutions using pieces of malware they designed, known as Carbanak and Cobalt. The criminal operation has struck banks in more than 40 countries and has resulted in cumulative losses of over EUR 1 billion for the financial industry. The magnitude of the losses is significant: the Cobalt malware alone allowed criminals to steal up to EUR 10 million per heist.”

The operation that allowed to arrest the head of the gang was conducted by the Europol, the FBI, along with cyber-security firms and law enforcement agencies in Spain, Romania, Belorussia and Taiwan.
In early 2016, the Carbanak gang target banks and financial institutions, mainly in the US and the Middle East.The Carbanak gang was first discovered by Kaspersky Lab in 2015. the group has stolen arounbd 1 billionn from 100 financial institutions.

In November 2016, experts at Trustwave uncovered a new campaign launched by the group targeting organizations in the hospitality sector.

In January 2017, the Carbanak gang started using Google services for command and control (C&C) communication.

The arrest was the result of one of the most important investigations conducted by the European authorities.

“This global operation is a significant success for international police cooperation against a top level cybercriminal organisation. The arrest of the key figure in this crime group illustrates that cybercriminals can no longer hide behind perceived international anonymity.” said Steven Wilson, Head of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). “This is another example where the close cooperation between law enforcement agencies on a worldwide scale and trusted private sector partners is having a major impact on top level cybercriminality.”

Which is the Carbanak modus operandi?

The infection started with a classic spear phishing attack that allowed Carbanak cybergang to compromise banks’ computer systems. The malicious emails included a link that once clicked triggered the download of the malware.

The malicious code was used by the hackers of the Carbanak cybergang to gather information on the targeted bank, for example, to find employees who were in charge of cash transfer systems or ATMs. In a second phase of the attacks, the hackers installed a remote access tool (RAT) to control the machines of those employees. With this tactic the Carbanak cybergang collected imagines of victims’ screens and study what their daily activity in the bank. At this point, the hackers were able to remotely control the ATMs to dispense money or transfer money to fake accounts.

Carbanak cybergang NYT

“The bank’s internal computers, used by employees who process daily transfers and conduct bookkeeping, had been penetrated by malware that allowed cybercriminals to record their every move. The malicious software lurked for months, sending back video feeds and images that told a criminal group — including Russians, Chinese and Europeans — how the bank conducted its daily routines, according to the investigators.

Then the group impersonated bank officers, not only turning on various cash machines, but also transferring millions of dollars from banks in Russia, Japan, Switzerland, the United States and the Netherlands into dummy accounts set up in other countries.” reported the New York Times

Facebook collected call and SMS data from Android users if not explicitly forbidden
26.3.2018 securityaffairs

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook made the headlines again, the company collected users’ Android call and SMS metadata for years.
The Cambridge Analytica case it raised the discussion about the power of social networks and the possibility of their abuse for the conditioning of political activities.
The non-professionals have discovered how important their digital experience is and how companies specialized in data analysis operate without their knowledge.

Social network platforms have an impressive quantity of information about and are able not only to profile us but also to influence our choice.
Six years ago I was banned by the “democratic” Wikipedia because I coined a term that described how it is possible to manipulate social network, the voice “Social network poisoning,” was deleted by Wikipedia English but it is still present in Wikipedia Italian version.
Give a look at the translated version … and if you have friends at Wikipedia tell them that was an error to ban me

Back to the present, many of you probably still don’t know that if you have installed Facebook Messenger app on your Android device, there are chances that the social network giant had been collecting your data (the start time for each call, the duration, and the contact’s name), including contacts, SMS data but not the text, and call history data at least until late last year.

The Facebook Messenger app logged phone call data only related to numbers saved in the phone’s address book. Facebook was collecting such kind of data, this is not a surprise for tech-savvy people because we have discussed it in the past.

In January, the popular Italian expert Simone Margaritelli wrote a blog post (Italian) on Medium inviting users to uninstall Facebook and Whatsapp.

The programmer Dylan McKay was able to find data, including logs of calls and SMS messages, in an archive he downloaded (as a ZIP file) from Facebook.

Mat Johnson, a Professor at the University of Houston Creative Writing Program, also made the same disturbing discovery.

Mat Johnson

Oh wow my deleted Facebook Zip file contains info on every single phone cellphone call and text I made for about a year- cool totally not creepy.

12:54 AM - Mar 24, 2018
2,072 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
The Cambridge Analytica case has is giving users another point of view regarding the collection of such kind of data made by Facebook and the real way they are using for.

A Facebook spokesperson explained that the platform collects this data to improve the users’ experience. collection data.png

“This [above] screen in the Messenger application offers to conveniently track all your calls and messages. But Facebook was already doing this surreptitiously on some Android devices until October 2017, exploiting the way an older Android API handled permissions.” wrote Sean Gallagher, Ars Technica’s IT and National Security Editor.

“Facebook began explicitly asking permission from users of Messenger and Facebook Lite to access SMS and call data to “help friends find each other” after being publicly shamed in 2016 over the way it handled the “opt-in” for SMS services. That message mentioned nothing about retaining SMS and call data, but instead it offered an “OK” button to approve “keeping all of your SMS messages in one place.””

Facebook denied to collect call data surreptitiously with an official blog post, the social network giant highlighted that it never commercialized the data and that users are in total control of the data uploaded to the platform.

“When you sign up for Messenger or Facebook Lite on Android, or log into Messenger on an Android device, you are given the option to continuously upload your contacts as well as your call and text history.” reads the blog post published by Facebook. “For Messenger, you can either turn it on, choose ‘learn more’ or ‘not now’. On Facebook Lite, the options are to turn it on or ‘skip’. If you chose to turn this feature on, we will begin to continuously log this information, which can be downloaded at any time using the Download Your Information tool.”

Users can check data collected by Facebook going to your Facebook Settings→Download a copy of your Facebook data→Start My Archive.

Facebook collection data

“Call and text history logging is part of an opt-in feature for people using Messenger or Facebook Lite on Android. This helps you find and stay connected with the people you care about, and provide you with a better experience across Facebook. People have to expressly agree to use this feature. If, at any time, they no longer wish to use this feature they can turn it off in settings, or here for Facebook Lite users, and all previously shared call and text history shared via that app is deleted. While we receive certain permissions from Android, uploading this information has always been opt-in only.” continues Facebook.

If you want to stop Facebook from continuously upload your contacts to its server, you can turn off the uploading feature in the Messenger app. In this way, all previously uploaded contacts will be deleted.

iOS users are not affected by this issue.

Lesson leaned … every time we use an app it is essential to carefully read the documentation that details its work.

The Internet Engineering Task Force has finally announced the approval of TLS 1.3
26.3.2018 securityaffairs Safety

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has finally announced the approval of TLS 1.3, the new version of the Transport Layer Security traffic encryption protocol.
It was a long journey, the IETF has been analyzing proposals for TLS 1.3 since April 2014, the final release is the result of the work on 28 drafts.

The TLS protocol was designed to allow client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a secure way preventing message forgery, eavesdropping, and tampering.

TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are quite different, the new version introduces many major features to improve performance and to make the protocol more resilient to certain attacks such as the ROBOT technique.

Below the description of one of the most important changes introduced with TLS 1.3:

The list of supported symmetric algorithms has been pruned of all algorithms that are considered legacy. Those that remain all use Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms. The ciphersuite concept has been changed to separate the authentication and key exchange mechanisms from the record protection algorithm (including secret key length) and a hash to be used with the key derivation function and HMAC.
A 0-RTT mode was added, saving a round-trip at connection setup for some application data, at the cost of certain security properties.
Static RSA and Diffie-Hellman cipher suites have been removed; all public-key based key exchange mechanisms now provide forward secrecy.
All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted. The newly introduced EncryptedExtension message allows various extensions previously sent in clear in the ServerHello to also enjoy confidentiality protection from active attackers.
The key derivation functions have been re-designed. The new design allows easier analysis by cryptographers due to their improved key separation properties. The HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) is used as an underlying primitive.
The handshake state machine has been significantly restructured to be more consistent and to remove superfluous messages such as ChangeCipherSpec (except when needed for middlebox compatibility).
Elliptic curve algorithms are now in the base spec and new signature algorithms, such as ed25519 and ed448, are included. TLS 1.3 removed point format negotiation in favor of a single point format for each curve.
Other cryptographic improvements including the removal of compression and custom DHE groups, changing the RSA padding to use RSASSA-PSS, and the removal of DSA.
The TLS 1.2 version negotiation mechanism has been deprecated in favor of a version list in an extension. This increases compatibility with existing servers that incorrectly implemented version negotiation.
Session resumption with and without server-side state as well as the PSK-based ciphersuites of earlier TLS versions have been replaced by a single new PSK exchange.
TLS 1.3

TLS 1.3 deprecates old cryptographic algorithms entirely, this is the best way to prevent the exploiting of vulnerabilities that affect the protocol and that can be mitigated only when users implement a correct configuration.

In the last few years, researchers discovered several critical issues in the protocol that have been exploited in attacks.

In February, the OpenSSL Project announced support for TLS 1.3 when it unveiled OpenSSL 1.1.1, which is currently in alpha.

One of the most debated problems when dealing with TLS is the role of so-called middleboxes, many companies need to inspect the traffic for security purposes and TLS 1.3 makes it very hard.

“The reductive answer to why TLS 1.3 hasn’t been deployed yet is middleboxes: network appliances designed to monitor and sometimes intercept HTTPS traffic inside corporate environments and mobile networks. Some of these middleboxes implemented TLS 1.2 incorrectly and now that’s blocking browsers from releasing TLS 1.3. However, simply blaming network appliance vendors would be disingenuous.” reads a blog post published by Cloudflare in December that explained the difficulties of mass deploying for the TLS 1.3.

According to the tests conducted by the IETF working group in December 2017, there was around a 3.25 percent failure rate of TLS 1.3 client connections.

IETF Approves TLS 1.3
26.3.2018 securityweek Safety

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) last week announced the approval of version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) traffic encryption protocol. The Internet standards organization has been analyzing proposals for TLS 1.3 since April 2014 and it took 28 drafts to get it to its current form.

TLS is designed to allow client and server applications to communicate over the Internet securely. It provides authentication, confidentiality, and integrity mechanisms that should prevent eavesdropping and tampering, even by an attacker who has complete control over the network.IETF approves TLS 1.3

There are nearly a dozen major functional differences between TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3, including ones that should improve performance and eliminate the possibility of certain types of attacks, such as the recently disclosed ROBOT method. The most important changes have been described by the IETF as follows:

The list of supported symmetric algorithms has been pruned of all algorithms that are considered legacy. Those that remain all use Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms. The ciphersuite concept has been changed to separate the authentication and key exchange mechanisms from the record protection algorithm (including secret key length) and a hash to be used with the key derivation function and HMAC.
A 0-RTT mode was added, saving a round-trip at connection setup for some application data, at the cost of certain security properties.
Static RSA and Diffie-Hellman cipher suites have been removed; all public-key based key exchange mechanisms now provide forward secrecy.
All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted. The newly introduced EncryptedExtension message allows various extensions previously sent in clear in the ServerHello to also enjoy confidentiality protection from active attackers.
The key derivation functions have been re-designed. The new design allows easier analysis by cryptographers due to their improved key separation properties. The HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) is used as an underlying primitive.
The handshake state machine has been significantly restructured to be more consistent and to remove superfluous messages such as ChangeCipherSpec (except when needed for middlebox compatibility).
Elliptic curve algorithms are now in the base spec and new signature algorithms, such as ed25519 and ed448, are included. TLS 1.3 removed point format negotiation in favor of a single point format for each curve.
Other cryptographic improvements including the removal of compression and custom DHE groups, changing the RSA padding to use RSASSA-PSS, and the removal of DSA.
The TLS 1.2 version negotiation mechanism has been deprecated in favor of a version list in an extension. This increases compatibility with existing servers that incorrectly implemented version negotiation.
Session resumption with and without server-side state as well as the PSK-based ciphersuites of earlier TLS versions have been replaced by a single new PSK exchange.
The most controversial of these changes is related to the introduction of the 0-RTT (zero round trip time resumption) mode. This feature brings significant improvements in terms of speed, particularly in the case of resumed connections, but it makes the connection slightly less secure.

The main concern are replay attacks, but experts believe the risk is manageable and website administrators should not have anything to worry about. However, some members of the IETF believe there are bound to be successful attacks against existing mitigations in the future. Cloudflare published a blog post last year detailing 0-RTT benefits and risks.

Cloudflare announced support for TLS 1.3 in September 2016, but the company reported in late December 2017 that major web browsers had yet to enable the new version of the protocol by default, with only 0.06% of the traffic passing through its network leveraging TLS 1.3.

Cloudflare has blamed this delay on network appliances that need to intercept HTTPS traffic on corporate networks, and the original design of TLS 1.3. Poor implementation of TLS 1.3 has been known to cause serious problems.

The OpenSSL Project announced support for TLS 1.3 in February when it unveiled OpenSSL 1.1.1, which is currently in alpha.

Reddit banned the biggest Darknet markets subreddit /R/DarkNetmarkets
26.3.2018 securityaffairs CyberCrime

Recently Reddit decided to ban the biggest darknet subreddit, /r/darknetmarkets, used by crime communities to discuss producta and services in the most popular darknet markets.
Darknet markets have a crucial role in the cybercrime underground, they are excellent places of aggregation for the demand and the offer of illegal products and services.

Communities around principal Darknet markets use to exchange information about products and services also on the clear web, for example using the Reddit social media platform.

Now Reddit decided to ban the biggest darknet subreddit, /r/darknetmarkets, used for darknet-related conversation.

Officially, Reddit maintainers banned the subreddit because the community violated Reddit’s illegal transaction rules.

“this subreddit was banned due to a violation of Reddit’s policy against transactions involving prohibited goods or services.” states Reddit,

Reddit darknet markets ban

Reddit forbids direct deals related to illegal products and services, in the specific case, subreddit violated rules about the sourcing of illegal drugs.

The moderators initially deleted posts containing drug sourcing. but the subreddit was considered a source of darknet drug market addresses.

This isn’t the first ban related to darknet markets, Reddit banned in 2015 the subreddit Evolution and the recent ban of the DNM UK and DNM OZ subreddits.

“In addition to the main subreddit, Reddit banned two subreddits for sourcing research chemicals (r/EU_RCSources and RCSources); a second UK darknet market subreddit (r/DarknetUK); and subreddits specific to individual darknet markets (r/RaptureMarket, r/dreammarket2, and r/dream_dnm).” states a blog post published on

“The era of discussing darknet markets on the clearnet has likely ended.”

Even if Reddit has banned the subreddit, operators of the black markets will simply migrate to other platforms to share their content.

If you are searching for more info on Darknet markets and cyber criminal communities in the dark web give a look at my new book, titled ‘Digging the Deep Web: Exploring the dark side of the web“.

Suspected 'Big Bitcoin Heist' Mastermind Fled to Sweden On Icelandic PM's Plane
25.4.2018 thehackernews  Crime

Remember the "Big bitcoin heist" we reported last month when a group of thieves stole around 600 powerful bitcoin mining devices from Icelandic data centers?
Icelandic Police had arrested 11 suspects as part of the investigation, one of which has escaped from prison and fled to Sweden on a passenger plane reportedly also carrying the Icelandic prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir.
Sindri Thor Stefansson, who is suspected of masterminding the whole theft of almost $2 million worth of cryptocurrency-mining equipment, traveled under a passport of someone else but identified through surveillance footage.
Stefansson had recently been transferred to a low-security Sogn prison, located in rural southern Iceland (just 59 miles away from Iceland's international airport in Keflavik), from where he escaped through a window early Tuesday and boarded the flight to Sweden.
Prime minister Jakobsdottir was on her way to Sweden to take part in India-Nordic Summit and meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday in Stockholm.

It appears Stefansson has managed to hide himself in Sweden, as Swedish police say no arrest has been made in the country after being briefed by Icelandic police on the situation.
Icelandic police have issued an international arrest warrant for Stefansson.
The stolen cryptocurrency-mining devices are still missing, and Icelandic police are monitoring high-energy consumption area across the nation in an attempt to locate the missing equipment.
According to the authorities, Guards at the prison did not report Stefansson missing until after the flight to Sweden had taken off.
"He had an accomplice. We are sure of that," Police Chief Gunnar Schram told online news outlet Visir.
The theft, which the law enforcement said is one of the biggest series of robberies Iceland has ever experienced, took place between late December and early January, while the arrests of 11 people were made in February.
Besides 600 bitcoin mining devices, the theft also included burglary of 600 graphics cards, 100 processors, 100 power supplies, 100 motherboards and 100 sets of computer memory.
Shortly after the arrest, the Reykjanes District Court expressed restraint and released nine people on bail, leaving only two people under arrest, which included the alleged incident's mastermind Stefansson.

New Tool Detects Evil Maid Attacks on Mac Laptops
25.4.2018 securityweek Apple

A security researcher has developed a simple tool that helps Mac laptop owners detect unauthorized physical access to their device, also known as an evil maid attack, by monitoring its lid.

The free tool, named DoNotDisturb (DND), was created by Patrick Wardle, co-founder and chief research officer at enterprise macOS security company Digita Security.

Leaving a laptop unattended – for example, leaving it in the hotel room while traveling – puts the device at risk of evil maid attacks. An attacker who has physical access to the targeted device may steal data from it or install malicious software without leaving any obvious evidence behind.

The DND tool attempts to address this issue on Mac laptops by monitoring lid events. A majority of evil maid attacks require the attacker to open the device’s lid. However, there are some types of physical attacks that do not require opening the device’s lid, and the tool works based on the premise that the user closes the device’s lid when leaving it unattended.

DND is a simple tool, but it does include some interesting features and options. Users can configure the app to start at login and run in passive mode, which means it will run silently without any visible alerts. The “No Icon” mode ensures that an icon is not displayed in the macOS/OS X menu bar, making the tool even stealthier.

DoNotDisturb - DND

The main tool installed on the monitored Mac laptop can be paired with an iOS application that allows the user to view alerts and respond. The iOS app can be used to dismiss an alert, take a picture of the individual using the monitored laptop, and remotely shut down the device. While the macOS tool is free, users have to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee ($9.99 per year) to use the iOS companion for more than one week. The iOS app is optional, but users will not receive alerts and they cannot take any action remotely in case of an attack.

DND can be configured to take specific actions when the device’s lid is opened. For example, it can execute a script or a binary file, or it can start tracking the attacker’s activities, including new processes, new logins, and USB device insertions.

For users who want to keep DND active on their device at all times but do not want the app to trigger an alert whenever they open the laptop’s lid themselves, the tool can be configured to ignore lid events in specific cases. However, this setting requires a newer model Mac laptop that has a touch bar and is running macOS 10.13.4 or newer.

“When this mode is enabled, DND will ignore any lid open events if proceeded by a successful touch ID authentication event within 10 seconds. The idea is that this allows one to tell DND to trust (or ignore) a lid event that is a result of you (vs. somebody else) opening your laptop,” Wardle explained.

Wardle is well known on the Mac hacking scene thanks to the useful apps he has released and the vulnerabilities he has found in both Apple’s own code and third-party software.

Portugal is the 21st country to join the NATO Cyber-Defence Centre
25.4.2018 securityaffairs BigBrothers

Welcome Portugal, on Tuesday the state joined the NATO Cyber-Defence Centre. The centre has the mission to enhance the capability, cooperation and information sharing among NATO, its member nations and partners in cyber defence.
The NATO Cyber-Defence Centre has a new member, on Tuesday Portugal joined the organization.

The NATO Cyber-Defence Centre is a multinational and interdisciplinary hub of cyber defence expertise, it was founded in 2008 in Tallin (Estonia).

The Centre attained the status of International Military Organisation on 28 October 2008. It is an International Military Organisation with a mission to enhance the capability, cooperation and information sharing among NATO members and partners in cyber defence.

“We are facing adversaries who target our common values in cyberspace: freedom, truth, trust,” centre director Merle Maigre said at the ceremony.

“To build resilience we need to come together. That is why I am glad to welcome Portugal as together we are stronger,”

NATO Cyber-Defence CentreIn 2017, the centre was targeted by nation-state hackers, Estonia accused Russia for the cyber assault on its information networks.

Portugal is the 21st country to join NATO’s cyber defence centre, other centre members are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Australia, Norway, and Japan will join the NATO Cyber-Defence Centre in the next future.

Expert devised a exploit for a Code Execution vulnerability in NVIDIA Tegra Chipsets
25.4.2018 securityaffairs

Security researchers Kate Temkin discovered a vulnerability in the NVIDIA Tegra chipsets that could be exploited for the execution of custom code on locked-down devices.
The expert devised an exploit, dubbed Fusée Gelée, that leverages a coldboot vulnerability to gain full, unauthenticated arbitrary code execution from an early bootROM context via Tegra Recovery Mode (RCM).

The exploitation of the flaw could allow compromising of the entire root-of-trust for each processor that results in the exfiltration of sensitive data.

“As this vulnerability allows arbitrary code execution on the Boot and Power
Management Processor (BPMP) before any lock-outs take effect, this vulnerability compromises the entire root-of-trust for each processor, and allows exfiltration of secrets e.g. burned into device fuses” reads a technical paper on the flaw.

The USB software stack implemented in the boot instruction rom (IROM/bootROM) contains a copy operation whose length can be controlled by the attacker.

An attacker can use a specially crafted USB control request that transfer the contents of a buffer controlled by the attacker to the active execution stack, gaining control of BPMP. The flaw requires physical access to the affected hardware, the expert highlighted that the flaw in the Tegra chipset is independent of the software stack.

“This execution can then be used to exfiltrate secrets and to load arbitrary code onto the main CPU Complex (CCPLEX) “application processors” at the highest possible level of privilege (typically as the TrustZone Secure Monitor at PL3/EL3). ” continues the paper.

According to the researcher, the affected component cannot be patched, the issue affects a large number of devices, including Nintendo Switch console.

“The relevant vulnerability is the result of a ‘coding mistake’ in the read-only bootrom found in most Tegra devices. This bootrom can have minor patches made to it in the factory (‘ipatches‘), but cannot be patched once a device has left the factory.” wrote Temkin.

Temkin ethically reported the issue to NVIDIA and Nintendo and did not accepted a reward for the discovery.

Temkin currently works at the hacking project ReSwitched, the team designing a customized Switch firmware called Atmosphère that leverages the Fusée Gelée exploit.

NVIDIA Tegra nintendo switch

The flaw affects all NVIDIA Tegra SoCs released prior to the T186 / X2.

The expert plans to release technical details of the flaw on June 15, 2018, but it is likely that other actors are also in possession of the Fusée Gelée exploit.

Is it true there are disadvantages to Fusée Gelée?

“Fusée Gelée isn’t a perfect, ‘holy grail’ exploit– though in some cases it can be pretty damned close. The different variants of Fusée Gelée will each come with their own advantages and disadvantages. We’ll work to make sure you have enough information to decide which version is right for you around when we release Fusée Gelée to the public, so you can decide how to move forward,” concluded Temkin.

Let me suggest reading the FAQ published by the expert for further info on the vulnerability.

Portugal Joins NATO Cyber-Defence Centre
25.4.2018 securityweek BigBrothers

Portugal on Tuesday became the 21st country to join NATO's cyber defence centre, the Tallinn-based body said at a flag-raising ceremony.

"We are facing adversaries who target our common values in cyberspace: freedom, truth, trust," centre director Merle Maigre said at the ceremony.

"To build resilience we need to come together. That is why I am glad to welcome Portugal as together we are stronger," she added.

The centre was founded in 2008 in the capital of cyber-savvy Estonia, ranked as having one of the world's highest internet user rates, which itself had come under attack the previous year.

Estonia accused Russia, NATO's old Cold War foe, of being behind the attacks on its official sites and information networks.

At the centre, data experts from across Europe and the United States work to protect the information networks of the Western defence alliance's 29 countries.

The centre's current members are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Australia, Norway and Japan have said they also plan to join.

Safe Browsing Now On by Default on Android
25.4.2018 securityweek Android

Google is taking another step to protect Android users when browsing the Internet by making Safe Browsing in WebView set by default.

Launched in 2007, Google Safe Browsing was designed as an extra layer of protection against phishing and malware attacks, and is available for all users across the web. According to Google, the technology delivers protection to more than three billion devices.

Over the past several years, the search giant has made various improvements to Safe Browsing, and also made the technology available to Android and macOS. Safe Browsing also includes protections from unwanted software across both desktop and mobile platforms.

Now, Google reveals that Safe Browsing is available to WebView by default, via Google Play Protect. The change will take effect when WebView 66 arrives this month.

The availability of Safe Browsing in WebWiew means that all Android applications using the platform will be delivering new security benefits to their users.

“Developers of Android apps using WebView no longer have to make any changes to benefit from this protection,” Nate Fischer, Software Engineer, Google, notes in a blog post.

Google made Safe Browsing available in WebView since the release of Android 8.0 (API level 26) and developers could take advantage of the same underlying technology as Chrome on Android to keep their users safe from threats on the Internet.

Following the new change, all applications using WebWiew will present a warning and receive a network error when Safe Browsing is triggered. New APIs for Safe Browsing provide developers of apps built for API level 27 and above to customize this behavior.

Google is providing details on how to customize and control Safe Browsing via the Android API documentation. Google also provides developers with a Safe Browsing test URL so they can check their applications using the current WebView beta.

$35 Million Penalty for Not Telling Investors of Yahoo Hack
25.4.2018 securityweek IT

US securities regulators on Tuesday announced that Altaba will pay a $35 million penalty for not telling them hackers had stolen Yahoo's "crown jewels."

The 2014 breach blamed on Russian hackers affected hundreds of millions of Yahoo accounts, with stolen 'crown jewel' data including usernames, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, encrypted passwords, and security questions, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

While Yahoo discovered the data breach quickly, it remained mum about it until more than two years later when it was being acquired by telecom giant Verizon Communications, the SEC case maintained.

"Yahoo’s failure to have controls and procedures in place to assess its cyber-disclosure obligations ended up leaving its investors totally in the dark about a massive data breach," SEC San Francisco regional office director Jina Choi said in a release.

"Public companies should have controls and procedures in place to properly evaluate cyber incidents and disclose material information to investors."

Although Yahoo is no longer an independent company -- its financial holdings are in a separate company now called Altaba -- Verizon has continued to operate the Yahoo brand, including its email service and a variety of news and entertainment websites.

Oath includes the Yahoo internet operations along with those of another former internet star, AOL.

In addition to the 2014 breach, a hack the previous year affected all three billion Yahoo user accounts, according to findings disclosed by Verizon after the acquisition.

The US Justice Department charged two Russian intelligence operatives and a pair of hackers over one of the attacks, which had apparent twin goals of espionage and financial gain.

Yahoo, which was once one of the leading internet firms, sold its main online operations to Verizon last year in a deal valued at $4.48 billion.

The purchase price was cut following revelations of the two major data breaches at Yahoo.

25.4.2018 securityaffairs

Researchers Paulos Yibelo explored a vulnerability he found in SaferVPN Chrome Extension. The vulnerability tracked as CVE-2018-10308 should help malicious actors to retrieve vital information such as IP addresses when a user visits a website.
After my last month’s finding in Hotspot Shield, I decided to look at and audit more VPNs to see how many of the major VPN vendors are vulnerable to information leakage. Together with File Descriptor, we decided to look at 3 random major VPN clients to see what we can find. Our research was supported by the privacy advocate vpnmentor.

We initially selected PureVPN, Hotspot Shield, and Zenmate as pilot targets and went ahead with the research. what we’ve found surprised us: of all 3 VPN’s we’ve tested, we’ve discovered all of them leak sensitive data.

The vulnerabilities would have allowed governments, hostile organizations, or individuals to identify the actual IP address or DNS of a user, and in some cases hijack the user’s traffic. While Zenmate’s leak was somewhat minor compared to the two other VPNs, its still important. You can find the details of the vulnerabilities found here, here or here.

The fact that we found leaks in all the VPNs that we tested is worrying, and led us to believe VPNs may not be as safe as many may think. This opened doors for further research.Our guess is that most VPNs have similar leaks and that users should take this into consideration when using VPNs.



In this blog post, I will explore a vulnerability I found in SaferVPN Chrome Extension. the vulnerability, CVE-2018-10308 as simple as it is, should help malicious actors retrieve vital information such as IP addresses when a user visits a website.

When a series of simultaneous requests to a nonexistent server is sent, the VPN extension easily crashes, letting us leak real user IPs, DNS and other details which the VPN is supposed to hide.

This is a weird bug, as I didn’t know chrome extensions could be dosed until now. I’ve tried putting breakpoints through the extension’s debugger to see what is causing it and they seem to intentionally kill the extension when it resolves many non existent dns queries.

Here is a PoC that works on versions before 3.1.10

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var head = document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0];
var img = document.createElement(‘img’);
img.src= “https://nonexistant.nonexistant.nonexistant”;
function kill(){
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){
window.onload = setTimeout(function () {
var webService = “”;
var script = document.createElement(“script”);
script.type = “text/javascript”;
script.src = webService+”?callback=MyIP&format=jsonp”;
}, 9000);
function MyIP(response) {
document.getElementById(“ipaddress”).innerHTML = response.ip;
<div id = “ipaddress”></div>


Thu, Mar 29 – contacted SaferVPN
Thu, Apr 19 – SaferVPN patch live.

CSE Malware ZLab – Malware Analysis Report: The Bandios malware suite

25.4.2018 securityaffairs Virus

The researchers at CSE ZLab have spotted a new family of malware, tracked as Bandios malware spreading in the wild.
The peculiarity of Bandios malware is the fact that this malware is in a rapid and constant evolution and development.

Experts observed several versions of the malware stored on the same websites, they represent the evolution of the malicious code that is continuously updated by the authors. ZLab researchers analyzed all these samples and noticed that they have the same behavior, the last compilated and thus the most recent is the sample hosted on the “/OnlineInstaller.exe” path, with the hash “3f11ea10cb7dc4ed8e22de64e9218b1c481beb8b6f4bf0c1ba6b021e9e3f6f72”

Moreover, the site “http://ozkngbvcs[.]bkt[.]gdipper[.]com/” is used as a repository for the entire colony of this malware:

The main malware sample is installable from the simple path “OnlineInstaller.exe.”

During the analysis, the researchers observed several versions of this malware published in the same path, some of them are test versions because they cannot be executed due to the presence of coding errors.

The Bandios malware implements an advanced evasion and anti-analysis technique, the executable leverages a common technique dubbed “TLS callback.”

Another peculiarity of the Bandios malware is the usage of digital certificates revoked by the certification authority.

bandios malware suite

Finally, the above figure shows that we have a punctual separation and categorization of all the samples, based on Windows version (7 or XP), architecture (32 or 64 bit) or the exploit, in particular, the exploit code for the CVE-2017-1182 Microsoft Office Exploit vulnerability.

Further details on the Bandios malware suite, including IoCs and Yara Rules available in the report published by researchers at ZLAb.

BeatCoin – Researchers demonstrate how to steal Cold Wallet Keys from Air-Gapped PCs

25.4.2018 securityaffairs Attack

Israeli researchers presented their new research named BeatCoin, it is an experiment wherein they demonstrate how to steal private keys for a cryptocurrency wallet installed on cold storage.
How to protect cryptocurrency wallets? Many experts will tell you to store them in air-gapped networks, but let me remind you to check if Ben Gurion experts are far from it.

Yes, I’m not joking, a group of researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion University lead by

Dr. Mordechai Guri presented their new research named BeatCoin, it is an experiment wherein the experts demonstrate how to steal private keys for a cryptocurrency wallet installed on cold storage, preferably an air-gapped computer or a Raspberry Pi.

The air-gapped (cold) wallets are software wallets that stored on air-gapped PC, thus are more secure compared to hot wallets, which are always online.

For BeatCoin research, the Israeli team developed a malware that was installed on an air-gapped computer that runs a Bitcoin wallet software and then used it to transmit the wallet keys to a nearby device over covert channels.

Past studies conducted by Mordechai Guri and his team demonstrated that it is possible to exfiltrate data from air-gapped networks in various ways, including, sound, heat, light, electromagnetic, magnetic, infrared, and ultrasonic waves.

Once obtained the private keys, the attacker has full control over the victim’s cryptocurrency wallet.

“In this paper we show how private keys can be exfiltrated from air-gapped wallets. In the adversarial attack model, the attacker infiltrates the offline wallet, infecting it with malicious code.” reads the research paper.

“The malware can be preinstalled or pushed in during the initial installation of the wallet, or it can infect the system when removable media (e.g., USB flash drive) is inserted into the wallet’s computer in order to sign a transaction.”

For BeatCoin research, the Israeli team developed a malware that was installed on an air-gapped computer that runs a Bitcoin wallet software and then used it to transmit the wallet keys to a nearby device over covert channels.

BeatCoin Cold Wallet

Past studies conducted by Mordechai Guri and his team demonstrated that it is possible to exfiltrate data from air-gapped networks in various ways, including, sound, electromagnetic, heat, light, magnetic, infrared, and ultrasonic waves.

Once in the possession of the private keys, the attacker has full control over the cryptocurrency in the compromised wallet.

The researchers published two videos to demonstrate the attack techniques, the first one shows exfiltration of private keys from an air-gapped computer to a nearby smartphone using ultrasonic waves.

The second video shows the researchers transmitting private keys stored on a Raspberry Pi device to the nearby smartphone using the RadIoT attack (radio signals data exfiltration).

The experts also provided countermeasures to prevent such kind of attack, including the adoption of anti-malware software and intrusion detection and prevention systems.

“However, with the emergence of cryptocurrencies (e.g., bitcoin) and the accompanying need to secure private keys from online threats, it has been suggested that private users manage their cryptocurrency wallets offline in isolated, air-gapped computers” concluded the experts.

“We show that despite the high degree of isolation of cold wallets, motivated attackers can steal the private keys out of the air-gapped wallets. With the private keys in hand, an attacker virtually owns all of the currency in the wallet.”

Leaking ads
24.4.18 Kaspersky  Security
When we use popular apps with good ratings from official app stores we assume they are safe. This is partially true – usually these apps have been developed with security in mind and have been reviewed by the app store’s security team. However, we found that because of third-party SDKs many popular apps are exposing user data to the internet, with advertising SDKs usually to blame. They collect user data so they can show relevant ads, but often fail to protect that data when sending it to their servers.

During our research into dating app security, we found that some analyzed apps were transmitting unencrypted user data through HTTP. It was unexpected behavior because these apps were using HTTPS to communicate with their servers. But among the HTTPS requests there were unencrypted HTTP requests to third-party servers. These apps are pretty popular, so we decided to take a closer look at these requests.

HTTP request with unencrypted user data

One of the apps was making POST requests to the api.quantumgraph[.]com server. By doing so it was sending an unencrypted JSON file to a server that is not related to the app developers. In this JSON file we found lots of user data, including device information, date of birth, user name and GPS coordinates. Furthermore, this JSON contained detailed information about app usage that included information about profiles liked by the user. All this data was sent unencrypted to the third-party server and the sheer volume makes it really scary. This is due to the use of a qgraph analytics module.

Unencrypted user data sent by app

Two other dating apps from our research were basically doing the same. They were using HTTPS to communicate with their servers, but at the same time there were HTTP requests with unencrypted user data being sent to a third-party server. This time it was another server belonging not to an analytics company but to an advertising network used by both dating apps. Another difference was GET HTTP requests with user data being used as parameters in a URL. But in general these apps were doing the same thing – transmitting unencrypted user data to third-party servers.

List of HTTP requests from advertising SDK

At this point it already looked bad, so I decided to check my own device, collecting network activity for one hour. It turned out to be enough to identify unencrypted requests with my own data. And again the cause of these requests was a third-party SDK used by a popular app. It was transmitting my location, device information and token for push messages.

HTTP request from my device with my own unencrypted data

So I decided to take a look at those dating apps with the leaking SDKs to find out why it was happening. It came as no surprise that they were used by more than one third party in these apps – in fact, every app contained at least 40 different modules. They make up a huge part of these apps – at least 75% of the Dalvik bytecode was in third-party modules; in one app the proportion of third-party code was as high as 90%.

List of modules from analyzed dating apps

Developers often use third-party code to save time and make use of existing functionality. This makes perfect sense and allows developers to focus on their own ideas instead of working on something that has already been developed many times before. However, this means developers are unlikely to know all the details of the third-party code used and it may contain security issues. That’s what happened with the apps from our research.

Getting results
Knowing that there are popular SDKs exposing user data and that almost every app uses several SDKs, we decided to search for more of these apps and SDKs. To do so we used network traffic dumps from our internal Android sandbox. Since 2014 we have collected network activities from more than 13 million APKs. The idea is simple – we install and launch an app and imitate user activity. During app execution we collect logs and network traffic. There is no real user data, but to the app it looks like a real device with a real user.

We searched for the two most popular HTTP requests – GET and POST. In GET requests user data is usually part of the URL parameters, while in POST requests user data is in the Content field of the request, not the URL. In our research, we looked for apps transmitting unencrypted user data using at least one of these requests, though many were exposing user data in both requests.

We were able to identify more than 4 million APKs exposing some data to the internet. Some of them were doing it because their developers had made a mistake, but most of the popular apps were exposing user data because of third-party SDKs. For each type of request (GET or POST) we extracted the domains where apps were transmitting user data. Then we sorted these domains by app popularity – how many users had these apps installed. That’s how we identified the most popular SDKs leaking user data. Most of them were exposing device information, but some were transmitting more sensitive information like GPS coordinates or personal information.

Four most popular domains where apps were exposing sensitive data through GET requests
This domain is part of a popular advertising network. It was used by the two dating apps mentioned at the beginning of this article. We found many more popular apps with this SDK – at least five of them have more than 100 million installations according to Google Play Store and many others with millions of installations.

It transmits the following data in unencrypted form:

device information (manufacturer name, model, screen resolution)
network information (MCC, MNC)
package name of the app
device coordinates
Key words

HTTP request with user data in URL

Key words are the most interesting part of the transmitted data. They can vary depending on app parameter settings. In our data there was usually some personal information like name, date of birth and gender. Location needs to be set by an app too – and usually apps provide GPS coordinates to the advertising SDK.

We found several different versions of this SDK. The most common version was able to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. But it needs to be set by the app developers and according to our findings they mostly didn’t bother, leaving the default value HTTP.

Advertising SDK using HTTP by default
This domain is also part of a popular advertising network. We found two apps with more than 500 million installations, seven apps with more than 100 million installations and many others with millions of installations.

It transmits the following data:

device information (manufacturer name, model, screen resolution, OS version, device language, time zone, IMEI, MAC)
network information (MCC, MNC)
package name of the app
device coordinates
We should mention that while most of this data was transmitted in plain text as URL parameters, the coordinates, IMEI and MAC address were encoded with Base64. We can’t say they were protected, but at least they weren’t in plain text. We were unable to find any versions of this SDK where it’s possible to use HTTPS – all versions had HTTP URLs hardcoded.

Advertising SDK collects device location
Another popular advertising SDK that collects the same data as the others:

device information (manufacturer name, model)
network operator code
package name of the app
device coordinates
We found seven apps with more than 10 million installations from Google Play Store and many other apps with fewer installations. We were unable to find any way for the developers to switch from HTTP to HTTPS in this SDK either.
The fourth advertising SDK is appsgeyser and it differs from the others in that it is actually a platform to build an app. It allows people who don’t want to develop an app to simply create one. And that app will have an advertising SDK in it that uses user data in HTTP requests. So, these apps are actually developed by this service and not by developers.

They transmit the following data:

device information (manufacturer name, model, screen resolution, OS version, android_id)
network information (operator name, connection type)
device coordinates
We found a huge amount of apps that have been created with this platform and are using this advertising SDK, but most of them are not very popular. The most popular have just tens of thousands of installations. However, there really are lots of these apps.

Screenshot of

According to the web page there are more than 6 million apps with almost 2 billion installations between them. And they showed almost 200 billion ads – probably all via HTTP.

Four most popular domains where apps were exposing sensitive data through POST requests
All apps posting unencrypted data to this server were created by the same company, so it isn’t because of third-party code. But these apps are very popular – one of them was installed more than 500 million times from Google Play Store. These apps collect a large amount of device information:

manufacturer name
screen resolution
OS version
device language

Device information collected by the app

This unencrypted data is then sent to the server. Furthermore, among the data they are uploading is a list of supported commands – one of them is to install an app. The list of commands is transmitted in plain text and the answer from the server is also unencrypted. This means it can be intercepted and modified. What is even worse about this functionality is that the app can silently install a downloaded app. The app just needs to be a system app or have root rights to do so.

Fragment of code related to the silent installation of apps upon command from the server

Here is another example of popular apps leaking user data not because of third-party code but because of a mistake by developers. We found several popular Lenovo apps collecting and transmitting unencrypted device information:

OS version
manufacturer name
screen resolution

HTTP request with unencrypted device information

This information is not very sensitive. But we found several Lenovo apps that were sending more sensitive data in unencrypted form, such as GPS coordinates, phone number and email.

App code for the collection of device coordinates and other data

We reported these issues to Lenovo and they fixed everything.
This domain is used by a very popular advertising SDK. There are tons of apps using it. One of them even has more than 500 million installations and seven other apps have more than 100 million installations. Most of the apps with this SDK are games. There are two interesting things about this SDK – the transmitted data and the protocol used.

This SDK sends the following data to the server:

device information (screen resolution, storage size, volume, battery level)
network information (operator name, IP address, connection type, signal strength)
device coordinates
It also sends information about hardware availability:

Front/rear camera availability
NFC permission
Bluetooth permission
Microphone permission
GPS coordinates permission

Advertising SDK that collects information about device hardware features

It may also send some personal information, such as age, income, education, ethnicity, political view, etc. There’s no magic involved – the SDK has no way of finding this information unless the apps that are using this SDK provide it. We have yet to see any app providing these details to the SDK, but we think users should be aware of the risks when entering such details to apps. The information could be passed on to the SDK and the SDK could expose it to the internet.

Advertising SDK could send personal information

The second interesting thing about this SDK is that it uses HTTPS to transmit data, but usually only for the initial communication. After that it may receive new configuration settings from the server that specify an HTTP URL. At least that’s what happened on my device and several other times with different apps on our test devices.

HTTPS URL in advertising SDK
Another SDK that is leaking data uses the domain. This is an analytics SDK, not an advertising one. We found two apps with more than 10 million installations from Google Play Store and another seven apps with more than a million installations. More than 90% of detected users with this SDK were from India.

This SDK posts JSON files with data via HTTP. The data may vary from app to app because it’s an analytics SDK and it sends information provided by the app. In most cases, the following items are among the sent data:

Device information
Personal information
Device coordinates
App usage

List of installed apps were sent in unencrypted form to the server

In the case of the dating app, there were likes, swipes and visited profiles – all user activity.

App usage was sent in unencrypted form to the server

This SDK was using a hardcoded HTTP URL, but after our report they created a version with an HTTPS URL. However, most apps are still using the old HTTP version.

Other SDKs
Of course, there are other SDKs using HTTP to transmit user data, but they are less popular and almost identical to those described above. Many of them expose device locations, while some also expose emails and phone numbers.

Phone number and email collected by an app to be sent via HTTP

Other findings
During our research, we found many apps that were transmitting unencrypted authentication details via HTTP. We were surprised to discover how many apps are still using HTTP to authenticate their services.

Unencrypted request with authentication token

They weren’t always transmitting user credentials – sometimes they were credentials for their services (for example databases) too. It makes no sense having credentials for such services because they are exposed to the internet. Such apps usually transmit authentication tokens, but we saw unencrypted logins and passwords too.

Unencrypted request with credentials

Digging into an HTTP request with unencrypted data allowed us to discover a new malicious site. It turns out that many malicious apps use HTTP to transmit user data too. And in the case of malware it is even worse because it can steal more sensitive data like SMSs, call history, contacts, etc. Malicious apps not only steal user data but expose it to the internet making it available for others to exploit and sell.

Leaked data
In this research we analyzed the network activity of more than 13 million APK files in our sandbox. On average, approximately every fourth app with network communications was exposing some user data. The fact that there are some really popular apps transmitting unencrypted user data is significant. According to Kaspersky Lab statistics, on average every user has more than 100 installed apps, including system and preinstalled apps, so we presume most users are affected.

In most cases these apps were exposing:

IMEI, International Mobile Equipment Identities (unique phone module id) which users can’t reset unless they change their device.
IMSI, International Mobile Subscriber Identities (unique SIM card id) which users can’t reset unless they change their SIM card.
Android ID – a number randomly generated during the phone’s setup, so users can change it by resetting their device to factory settings. But from Android 8 onwards there will be a randomly generated number for every app, user and device.
Device information such as the manufacturer, model, screen resolution, system version and app name.
Device location.
Some apps expose personal information, mostly the user’s name, age and gender, but it can even include the user’s income. Their phone number and email address can also be leaked.

Why is it wrong?
Because this data can be intercepted. Anyone can intercept it on an unprotected Wi-Fi connection, the network owner could intercept it, and your network operator could find out everything about you. Data will be transmitted through several network devices and can be read on any of them. Even your home router can be infected – there are many examples of malware infecting home routers.

Without encryption this data is being exposed as plain text and can be simply extracted from the requests. By knowing the IMSI and IMEI anyone can track your data from different sources – you need to change both the SIM card and device at the same time to change them. Armed with these numbers, anyone can collect the rest of your leaking data.

Furthermore, HTTP data can be modified. Someone could change the ads being displayed or, even worse, change the link to an app. Because some advertising networks promote apps and ask users to install them, it could result in malware being downloaded instead of the requested app.

Apps can intercept HTTP traffic and bypass the Android permission system. Android uses permissions to protect users from unexpected app activity. This involves apps declaring what access they will need. Starting from Android 6, all permissions have been divided into two groups – normal and dangerous. If an app needs dangerous permissions, it has to ask the user for permission in runtime, not just before installation. So, in order to get the location, the app will need to ask the user to grant access. And to read the IMEI or IMSI the app will also need to ask the user for access, because this is classified as a dangerous permission.

But an app can add a proxy to Wi-Fi settings and read all the data being transmitted from other apps. To do so it needs to be a system app or be provisioned as the Profile or Device Owner. Or an app can set a VPN service on the device transmitting user data to its server. After that the app can find out the device’s location without accessing it just by reading the HTTP requests.


HTTP (blue) and HTTPS (orange) usage in apps since March 2014

Starting from the second half of 2016, more and more apps have been switching from HTTP to HTTPS. So, we are moving in the right direction, but too slowly. As of January 2018, 63% of apps are using HTTPS but most of them are still also using HTTP. Almost 90% of apps are using HTTP. And many of them are transmitting unencrypted sensitive data.

Advice for developers
Do not use HTTP. You can expose user data, which is really bad.
Turn on 301 redirection to HTTPS for your frontends.
Encrypt data. Especially if you have to use HTTP. Asymmetric cryptography works great.
Always use the latest version of an SDK. Even if it means additional testing before the release. This is really important because some security issues could be fixed. From what we have seen, many apps do not update third-party SDKs, using outdated versions instead.
Check your app’s network communications before publishing. It won’t take more than a few minutes but you will be able to find out if any of your SDKs are switching from HTTPS to HTTP and exposing user data.
Advice for users
Check your app permissions. Do not grant access to something if you don’t understand why. Most apps do not need access to your location. So don’t grant it.
Use a VPN. It will encrypt the network traffic between your device and external servers. It will remain unencrypted behind the VPN’s servers, but at least it’s an improvement.

Clear Scope for Conflict Between Privacy Laws
24.4.18 securityweek IT

The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act, or CLOUD Act, was enacted into U.S. federal law on March 23, 2018. It had been attached, at page 2212 of 2232 pages, to the omnibus spending bill, and allows law enforcement to demand access to data of concern wherever in the world that data is stored.

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, becomes European Law on May 25, 2018. It restricts companies that operate in Europe or process EU citizen data from transferring that data to third parties.

On the surface, there is clear scope for conflict between these two laws; but as always, it is more complex than that. The two key elements are, for CLOUD, section 2713; and for GDPR, article 48.

Section 2713 reads, "A provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service shall comply with the obligations of this chapter to preserve, backup, or disclose the contents of a wire of electronic communication and any record or other information relating to a customer or subscriber within such provider’s possession, custody, or control, regardless of whether such communication, record, or other information is located within or outside the United States."

Article 48 of GDPR states, "Any judgment of a court or tribunal and any decision of an administrative authority of a third country requiring a controller or processor to transfer or disclose personal data may only be recognised or enforceable in any manner if based on an international agreement, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty, in force between the requesting third country and the Union or a Member State, without prejudice to other grounds for transfer pursuant to this Chapter."

It gets complicated because CLOUD specifically allows for 'international agreements', but not mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs), which it does not mention at all. Indeed, the U.S. government has always complained that MLATs are too complex and slow to be of any value to a fast-moving investigation. The potential for conflict between CLOUD and GDPR consequently hinges on whether the U.S and the EU sign an international agreement that satisfies both parties.

Opinions vary. While a UK - U.S. agreement already exists, the UK is leaving the EU. David Flint, senior partner at the MacRoberts law firm, comments, "In the new GDPR world and indeed a post Brexit world, it remains to be seen the extent to which other governments are able and willing to give up the privacy and human rights of their citizens on the altar of data sharing."

Other opinions are more optimistic that CLOUD will operate without disturbance from GDPR.

Dr Brian Bandey, a Doctor of Law specializing in international cyber laws, told SecurityWeek, "I believe it is generally accepted that the CLOUD Act... would meet the requirements of the GDPR’s Article 48. This addresses foreign (including U.S.) investigations and prohibits the transfer or disclosure of personal data unless pursuant to an MLAT or other international agreement. One possible resolution would be for the U.S. to enter into an agreement with the EU or for the EU to agree that the U.S. investigations and subsequent transfers or disclosures in compliance with the CLOUD Act procedures do not conflict with Article 48."

Alexander Hanff, a respected privacy expert and advocate, believes that CLOUD "completely undermines MLATs. MLATs are the correct instruments for this purpose, and if MLATs are proving too burdensome, that should be addressed directly -- circumventing MLATs is not the right answer." However, he points out that the European Commission (EC) seems to be coming into line with the U.S. by proposing something very similar to CLOUD, but for the European Union.

Last week, the EC issued a statement proposing new rules to make it easier and faster for police and judicial authorities to obtain electronic evidence. It states, "This will allow a judicial authority in one Member State to request electronic evidence (such as emails, text or messages in apps) directly from a service provider offering services in the Union and established or represented in another Member State, regardless of the location of data, which will be obliged to respond within 10 days, and within 6 hours in cases of emergency (as compared to 120 days for the existing European Investigation Order or 10 months for a Mutual Legal Assistance procedure)."

This is similar to the effect of CLOUD: European law enforcement will be able to demand access to data from U.S. companies operating in the EU. On this wording, that would include, for example, Microsoft or Facebook user data belonging to a U.S. citizen and stored on servers in the U.S. It too, but more explicitly than CLOUD, denigrates the effectiveness of MLATs. Under these circumstances, it is unlikely that there will be any difficulty in the EC and the U.S. coming to an international agreement for mutual access to data of interest to law enforcement.

The implication is that U.S companies have nothing to worry about over CLOUD and GDPR. Provided they adhere to the basic demands of GDPR, they will be able to turn EU data over to the FBI without concern over GDPR. But again, it's not that simple. The greatest danger from CLOUD to trans-Atlantic privacy relations is only indirectly related to GDPR -- it is the effect of CLOUD on the Privacy Shield.

Privacy Shield is the agreement between the EU and the U.S. that allows U.S. companies to 'export' European PII -- which is a fundamental aspect of doing business with the EU. Privacy Shield replaces an earlier agreement (Safe Harbor) that was struck down by the European Court as being unconstitutional. That court also specifically told the national regulators that they could not be bound by an EC 'adequacy' ruling. In effect, while they will be guided by the EC, they do not simply have to accept that the Privacy Shield is 'adequate' to comply with EU law and the constitution.

Privacy Shield is being challenged, including by the same activist (Max Schrems) who ultimately took down Safe Harbor.

Hanff comments, "Whether or not CLOUD Act will interfere with Privacy Shield remains to be seen. Obviously there are concerns, but Privacy Shield has its own issues and will soon be challenged by EU regulators in the courts as well as being included in the case from the Irish High Court on Standard Contractual Clauses currently before the Court of Justice of the European Union. It is likely Privacy Shield will fall in that judgment."

The relevance of the CLOUD Act to Privacy Shield is similar to the relevance of PRISM to Safe Harbor -- it's very existence could be cited as further proof that Privacy Shield is inadequate.

"I would argue," continues Hanff, "that it is already impossible for EU citizens to access and enforce their rights under Privacy Shield anyway, so CLOUD Act is just one more stack in that house of cards -- a house which is built on the 'swamp' and will inevitably fall."

"From the perspective of U.S. companies," he added, "they are stuck in a catch 22 situation; they cannot ignore legal requests from their own countries but in doing so they will not be able to respect the rights of EU citizens or arguably comply with EU law."

With good will between the U.S. administration and the European Commission, law enforcement access to overseas cloud data can be aligned. In both cases there are likely to be constitutional challenges and any arrangements will ultimately need to be ratified by the courts. But even before then, the very basis of trans-Atlantic trade may fail if the Privacy Shield is struck down by the European Courts.

CLOUD makes the Privacy Shield waters even muddier. "Is this the final nail in the Privacy Shield coffin?" asks lawyer David Flint. "Time will tell."

Code Execution Flaws Patched in Foxit PDF Reader
24.4.18 securityweek

Foxit has addressed over a dozen vulnerabilities in their PDF Reader, a free application that provides users with an alternative to Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Designed for viewing, creating, and editing PDF documents, Foxit PDF Reader is a popular free program that also has a broadly used browser plugin available.

Released on Friday, the latest version of the application addresses an Unsafe DLL Loading security bug reported by Ye Yint Min Thu Htut. The issue is created because the app “passes an insufficiently qualified path in loading an external library when a user launches the application,” the researcher explains.

The issue occurs when the application fails to resolve the DLL because the file doesn’t exist at the specified path. By placing a malicious DLL in the specified path directory, an attacker could exploit the vulnerability and execute remote code.

The new Foxit PDF Reader update also resolves five security vulnerabilities discovered by Cisco Talos security researchers, which could be exploited for code execution.

The first of them, CVE-2017-14458, is a use-after-free in the JavaScript engine of the application. When a document is closed, embedded JavaScript code continues to be executed, although used objects are freed up. Thus, an attacker can use a specially crafted PDF document to trigger a previously freed object, thus achieving arbitrary code execution.

“There are a couple of different ways an adversary could leverage this attack, including tricking a user into opening a malicious PDF. Or, if the browser plugin is enabled, simply viewing the document on the internet could result in exploitation,” Talos explains.

The second bug, CVE-2018-3842, is a use of an uninitialized pointer flaw in the application’s JavaScript, and could be abused to achieve remote code execution.

Cisco Talos found two other flaws in the JavaScript engine of Foxit PDF Reader, both use-after-free bugs: CVE-2018-3850 and CVE-2018-3853. The former resides in the 'this.xfa.clone()' method, which results in a use-after-free condition, while the latter resides in combinations of the 'createTemplate' and 'closeDoc' methods related to the program’s JavaScript functionality.

The fifth vulnerability (CVE-2018-3843) results from a type confusion in the way the PDF reader parses files with associated extensions. A specially crafted PDF file could be used to exploit the flaw and disclose sensitive memory or, potentially, achieve arbitrary code execution.

Other vulnerabilities addressed in Foxit PDF Reader could also result in remote code execution, in information disclosure, or in application crashes, Foxit reveals in the update’s release notes.

Affected application versions include Foxit Reader and Foxit PhantomPDF and earlier. The vulnerabilities were addressed in Foxit Reader and Foxit PhantomPDF 9.1.

Hackers Can Steal Cryptocurrency From Air-Gapped Wallets: Researcher
24.4.18 securityweek Cryptocurrency

Air-gapped cryptocurrency wallets are believed to hold private keys stored in them secure, but an Israeli researcher has demonstrated that attackers can leak the keys from such wallets in a matter of seconds.

In a recently published whitepaper (PDF), Dr. Mordechai Guri from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, explains that managing cryptocurrency wallets offline, in isolated computers, isn’t enough to secure the private keys from theft.

The air-gapped (cold) wallets are software wallets that are managed offline, disconnected from the Web, thus offering increased security compared to hot wallets, which are always online. Because they are physically isolated from the Internet, air-gapped wallets are said to provide the highest level of protection for private keys.

What the research paper reveals, however, is that an attacker able to infiltrate the offline wallet and to infect it with malicious code can then use various air-gap covert channel techniques to exfiltrate the private keys held in the wallet.

To compromise the isolated machine, the attacker can use various techniques that have already proven feasible in the past decade, the researcher argues. The malware can be preinstalled, delivered during the initial installation of the wallet, or pushed through removable media.

Exfiltration methods vary as well, and the whitepaper evaluates several techniques, including physical, electromagnetic, electric, magnetic, acoustic, optical, and thermal ones. Once in the possession of the private keys, the attacker has full control over the cryptocurrency in the compromised wallet.

“This research shows that although cold wallets provide a high degree of isolation, it’s not beyond the capability of motivated attackers to compromise such wallets and steal private keys from them. We demonstrate how a 256-bit private key (e.g., bitcoin’s private keys) can be exfiltrated from an offline, air-gapped wallet […] within a matter of seconds,” Guri notes.

Although kept on offline computers, external media – such as a USB flash drive, an optical disc (CD/DVD), or a memory card (SD card) – is occasionally connected to the air-gapped machine, usually for signing and broadcasting transactions. The use of removable media to infect computers is an attack vector known to be effective and attackers could use it to infiltrate the air-gapped wallet, Guri argues.

Attackers could also modify operating systems and wallets on the download sites to set up attacks. In 2016, the Linux Mint distribution was infected in such an incident, and so was a CCleaner version last year, which proves that such attack vectors are feasible as well. The wallet could also be infected after being downloaded, via the removable drive used to transfer it to the isolated computer.

Once the attacker has established a foothold in the air-gapped computer running the wallet, they can use covert channels to exfiltrate the private keys, the researcher says. These channels are classified into seven main categories: physical, electromagnetic, electric, magnetic, acoustic, optical, and thermal. Exfiltration rates can range from less than one second to several minutes.

Beatcoin attack exfiltration rates

“In this type of attack vector the wallet keys are transmitted from the offline wallet to a nearby (online) computer, smartphone, webcam, or other type of receiver via these covert channels. The private keys are then sent to the attacker through the Internet,” the whitepaper reads.

Attackers can use physical (removable) media to steal the private keys and send them to the attacker when the drive is inserted into the hot wallet computer.

The AirHopper proof-of-concept (PoC) malware demonstrated several years ago how data can be exfiltrated using electromagnetic signals. Similarly, the GSMem PoC malware showed how data can be sent from the infected machine to nearby mobile phones over GSM frequencies. USBee also uses electromagnetic emissions for data exfiltration from isolated computers.

The recently demonstrated PowerHammer malware can stealthily exfiltrate data from air-gapped computers using power lines. Similarly, the ODINI and MAGNETO malware families use magnetic fields for data exfiltration.

Optical signals can also be leveraged for data exfiltration, either using keyboard LEDs, hard disk drive (HDD) LEDs, or QR stenography. This last method is feasible when a QR code displayed on the isolated computer’s screen is used to validate a transaction. Attackers could covertly project the private keys on the screen along with the QR code of the signed transaction.

The recently detailed MOSQUITO attacks demonstrate how acoustic covert channels can be used for data exfiltration. Computer fans can also be leveraged for similar purposes, the same as the acoustic signals emitted from the HDD.

Several years ago, security researchers also demonstrated that heat emissions and built-in thermal sensors of two computers in close proximity can be used for data transmission.

Countermeasures include the use of anti-virus programs and intrusion detection and prevention systems to keep malware off the air-gapped computer in the first place. Furthermore, it is possible to detect and block some of the covert channels through behavioural analysis, the researcher argues.

“With the emergence of cryptocurrencies and the accompanying need to secure private keys from online threats, it has been suggested that private users manage their cryptocurrency wallets offline in isolated, air-gapped computers. We show that despite the high degree of isolation of cold wallets, motivated attackers can steal the private keys out of the air-gapped wallets. With the private keys in hand, an attacker virtually owns all of the currency in the wallet,” Guri concludes.

Vulnerability in NVIDIA Tegra Chipsets Allows for Code Execution
24.4.18 securityweek

A vulnerability in NVIDIA's Tegra chipsets allows for the execution of custom code on locked-down devices, security researcher Kate Temkin reveals.

Dubbed Fusée Gelée, this exploit leverages a coldboot vulnerability through which an attacker could achieve full, unauthenticated arbitrary code execution from an early bootROM context via Tegra Recovery Mode (RCM), the security researcher says.

The code is executed on the Boot and Power Management Processor (BPMP) before any lock-outs take effect, which results in the compromise of the entire root-of-trust for each processor, while also allowing for the exfiltration of secrets.

In a technical report (PDF) detailing the flaw, Temkin notes that the issue is that an attacker can control the length of a copy operation in the USB software stack inside the boot instruction rom (IROM/bootROM). Thus, through a specially crafted USB control request, the contents of an attacker-controlled buffer can be copied over the active execution stack, gaining control of BPMP.

The attacker can then abuse the execution to exfiltrate secrets and load arbitrary code onto the main CPU Complex (CCPLEX) application processors. The code would be executed at the highest possible level of privilege (as the TrustZone Secure Monitor at PL3/EL3).

Impacting the Tegra chipset, the vulnerability is independent of software stack. However, the security bug does requires physical access to the affected hardware and cannot be exploited remotely.

Fusée Gelée, the researcher explains, is the result of a coding error in the read-only bootROM found in most Tegra devices. Because the affected component cannot be patched once it has left the factory, the vulnerability will continue to impact user devices.

The vulnerability has a broad impact and the security researcher has already responsibly disclosed it to NVIDIA, and Nintendo has been alerted as well. Temkin says she hasn’t accepted a reward for the finding.

“This vulnerability is notable due to the significant number and variety of devices affected, the severity of the issue, and the immutability of the relevant code on devices already delivered to end users. This vulnerability report is provided as a courtesy to help aid remediation efforts, guide communication, and minimize impact to users,” the security researcher notes.

Nintendo Switch is one of the affected devices, and Temkin, who works with hacking project ReSwitched, is building customized Switch firmware called Atmosphère, which takes advantage of Fusée Gelée.

The vulnerability is believed to impact all Tegra SoCs released prior to the T186 / X2. Full public disclosure is planned for June 15, 2018, but other groups are believed to be in possession of an exploit, and the disclosure might happen earlier if an implementation is released.

“By minimizing the information asymmetry between the general public and exploit-holders and notifying the public, users will be able to best assess how this vulnerability impacts their personal threat models,” the researcher says.

All Nintendo Switch devices currently in users’ hands will continue to “be able to use Fusée Gelée” throughout their lives, the researcher says. Users who already own a Switch (meaning they have a current hardware revision) will get access to Atmosphère even if they install a newer firmware version, because the core vulnerability is not software dependant.

“Fusée Gelée isn't a perfect, 'holy grail' exploit-- though in some cases it can be pretty damned close. The different variants of Fusée Gelée will each come with their own advantages and disadvantages. We'll work to make sure you have enough information to decide which version is right for you around when we release Fusée Gelée to the public, so you can decide how to move forward,” Temkin said.

Energetic Bear/Crouching Yeti: attacks on servers
24.4.18 Kaspersky APT

Energetic Bear/Crouching Yeti: attacks on servers PDF

Energetic Bear/Crouching Yeti is a widely known APT group active since at least 2010. The group tends to attack different companies with a strong focus on the energy and industrial sectors. Companies attacked by Energetic Bear/Crouching Yeti are geographically distributed worldwide with a more obvious concentration in Europe and the US. In 2016-2017, the number of attacks on companies in Turkey increased significantly.

The main tactics of the group include sending phishing emails with malicious documents and infecting various servers. The group uses some of the infected servers for auxiliary purposes – to host tools and logs. Others are deliberately infected to use them in waterhole attacks in order to reach the group’s main targets.

Recent activity of the group against US organizations was discussed in a US-CERT advisory, which linked the actor to the Russian government, as well as an advisory by the UK National Cyber Security Centre.

This report by Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT presents information on identified servers that have been infected and used by the group. The report also includes the findings of an analysis of several webservers compromised by the Energetic Bear group during 2016 and in early 2017.

Attack victims
The table below shows the distribution of compromised servers (based on the language of website content and/or the origins of the company renting the server at the time of compromise) by countries, attacked company types and the role of each server in the overall attack scheme. Victims of the threat actor’s attacks were not limited to industrial companies.

Table 1. Compromised servers

Country Description Role in the attack
Russia Opposition political website Waterhole
Real estate agency Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
Football club Waterhole
Developer and integrator of secure automation systems and IS consultant Waterhole
Developers of software and equipment Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack, tool hosting)
Investment website Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
Ukraine Electric power sector company Waterhole
Bank Waterhole
UK Aerospace company Waterhole
Germany Software developer and integrator Waterhole
Unknown Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
Turkey Oil and gas sector enterprise Waterhole
Industrial group Waterhole
Investment group Waterhole
Greece Server of a university Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
USA Oil and gas sector enterprise Waterhole
Unknown Affiliate network site Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
All waterhole servers are infected following the same pattern: injecting a link into a web page or JS file with the following file scheme: file://IP/filename.png.

Injected link with the file scheme

The link is used to initiate a request for an image, as a result of which the user connects to the remote server over the SMB protocol. In this attack type, the attackers’ goal is to extract the following data from the session:

user IP,
user name,
domain name,
NTLM hash of the user’s password.
It should be noted that the image requested using the link is not physically located on the remote server.

Scanned resources
Compromised servers are in some cases used to conduct attacks on other resources. In the process of analyzing infected servers, numerous websites and servers were identified that the attackers had scanned with various tools, such as nmap, dirsearch, sqlmap, etc. (tool descriptions are provided below).

Table 2. Resources that were scanned from one of the infected servers

(based on the content) Description
Russia Non-profit organization
Sale of drugs
Resources based on the Bump platform (platform for corporate social networks) – non-profit organization, social network for college/university alumni, communication platform for NGOs, etc.
Business – photographic studio
Industrial enterprise, construction company
Door manufacturing
Cryptocurrency exchange
Construction information and analysis portal
Personal website of a developer
Vainah Telecom IPs and Subnets (Chechen Republic)
Various Chechen resources (governmental organizations, universities, industrial enterprises, etc.)
Web server with numerous sites (alumni sites, sites of industrial and engineering companies, etc.)
Muslim dating site
Brazil Water treatment
Turkey Hotels
Embassy in Turkey
Software developer
Airport website
City council website
Cosmetics manufacturer
Religious website
Turktelekom subnet with a large number of sites
Telnet Telecom subnet with a large number of sites
Georgia Personal website of a journalist
Kazakhstan Unknown web server
Ukraine Office supplies online store
Floral business
Image hosting service
Online course on sales
Dealer of farming equipment and spare parts
Ukrainian civil servant’s personal website
Online store of parts for household appliance repair
Timber sales, construction
Tennis club website
Online store for farmers
Online store of massage equipment
Online clothes store
Website development and promotion
Online air conditioner store
Switzerland Analytical company
US Web server with many domains
France Web server with many domains
Vietnam Unknown server
International Flight tracker
The sites and servers on this list do not seem to have anything in common. Even though the scanned servers do not necessarily look like potential final victims, it is likely that the attackers scanned different resources to find a server that could be used to establish a foothold for hosting the attackers’ tools and, subsequently, to develop the attack.

Part of the sites scanned may have been of interest to the attackers as candidates for hosting waterhole resources.

In some cases, the domains scanned were hosted on the same server; sometimes the attackers went through the list of possible domains matching a given IP.

In most cases, multiple attempts to compromise a specific target were not identified – with the possible exception of sites on the Bump platform, flight tracker servers and servers of a Turkish hotel chain.

Curiously, the sites scanned included a web developer’s website,, and resources links to which were found on this site. These may have been links to resources developed by the site’s owner:,,

Toolset used
Utilities found on compromised servers are open-source and publicly available on GitHub:

Nmap – an open-source utility for analyzing the network and verifying its security.
Dirsearch — a simple command-line tool for brute forcing (performing exhaustive searches of) directories and files on websites.
Sqlmap — an open-source penetration testing tool, which automates the process of identifying and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities and taking over database servers.
Sublist3r — a tool written in Python designed to enumerate website subdomains. The tool uses open-source intelligence (OSINT). Sublist3r supports many different search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu and Ask, as well as such services as Netcraft, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, DNSdumpster and ReverseDNS. The tool helps penetration testers to collect information on the subdomains of the domain they are researching.
Wpscan — a WordPress vulnerability scanner that uses the blackbox principle, i.e., works without access to the source code. It can be used to scan remote WordPress sites in search of security issues.
Impacket — a toolset for working with various network protocols, which is required by SMBTrap.
SMBTrap — a tool for logging data received over the SMB protocol (user IP address, user name, domain name, password NTLM hash).
Commix — a vulnerability search and command injection and exploitation tool written in Python.
Subbrute – a subdomain enumeration tool available for Python and Windows that uses an open name resolver as a proxy and does not send traffic to the target DNS server.
PHPMailer – a mail sending tool.
In addition, a custom Python script named was found on one of the servers. The script was designed to check FTP hosts from an incoming list.

Malicious php files
The following malicious php files were found in different directories in the nginx folder and in a working directory created by the attackers on an infected web servers:

File name Brief description md5sum Time of the latest file change (MSK) Size, bytes
ini.php wso shell+ mail f3e3e25a822012023c6e81b206711865 2016-07-01 15:57:38 28786
mysql.php wso shell+ mail f3e3e25a822012023c6e81b206711865 2016-06-12 13:35:30 28786
opts.php wso shell c76470e85b7f3da46539b40e5c552712 2016-06-12 12:23:28 36623
error_log.php wso shell 155385cc19e3092765bcfed034b82ccb 2016-06-12 10:59:39 36636
code29.php web shell 1644af9b6424e8f58f39c7fa5e76de51 2016-06-12 11:10:40 10724
proxy87.php web shell 1644af9b6424e8f58f39c7fa5e76de51 2016-06-12 14:31:13 10724
theme.php wso shell 2292f5db385068e161ae277531b2e114 2017-05-16 17:33:02 133104
sma.php PHPMailer 7ec514bbdc6dd8f606f803d39af8883f 2017-05-19 13:53:53 14696
media.php wso shell 78c31eff38fdb72ea3b1800ea917940f 2017-04-17 15:58:41 1762986
In the table above:

Web shell is a script that allows remote administration of the machine.
WSO is a popular web shell and file manager (it stands for “Web Shell by Orb”) that has the ability to masquerade as an error page containing a hidden login form. It is available on GitHub:

Two of the PHP scripts found, ini.php and mysql.php, contained a WSO shell concatenated with the following email spamming script:

All the scripts found are obfuscated.

wso shell – error_log.php

Deobfuscated wso shell – error_log.php

One of the web shells was found on the server under two different names (proxy87.php and code29.php). It uses the eval function to execute a command sent via HTTP cookies or a POST request:

Web shell – proxy87.php

Deobfuscated web shell – proxy87.php

Modified sshd
A modified sshd with a preinstalled backdoor was found in the process of analyzing the server.

Patches with some versions of backdoors for sshd that are similar to the backdoor found are available on GitHub, for example:

Compilation is possible on any OS with binary compatibility.

As a result of replacing the original sshd file with a modified one on the infected server, an attacker can use a ‘master password’ to get authorized on the remote server, while leaving minimal traces (compared to an ordinary user connecting via ssh).

In addition, the modified sshd logs all legitimate ssh connections (this does not apply to the connection that uses the ‘master password’), including connection times, account names and passwords. The log is encrypted and is located at /var/tmp/.pipe.sock.

Decrypted log at /var/tmp/.pipe.sock

Activity of the attackers on compromised servers
In addition to using compromised servers to scan numerous resources, other attacker activity was also identified.

After gaining access to the server, the attackers installed the tools they needed at different times. Specifically, the following commands for third-party installations were identified on one of the servers:

apt install traceroute
apt-get install nmap
apt-get install screen
git clone
Additionally, the attackers installed any packages and tools for Python they needed.

The diagram below shows times of illegitimate logons to one of the compromised servers during one month. The attackers checked the smbtrap log file on working days. In most cases, they logged on to the server at roughly the same time of day, probably in the morning hours:

Times of illegitimate connections with the server (GMT+3)

In addition, in the process of performing the analysis, an active process was identified that exploited SQL injection and collected data from a database of one of the victims.

The findings of the analysis of compromised servers and the attackers’ activity on these servers are as follows:

With rare exceptions, the group’s members get by with publicly available tools. The use of publicly available utilities by the group to conduct its attacks renders the task of attack attribution without any additional group ‘markers’ very difficult.
Potentially, any vulnerable server on the internet is of interest to the attackers when they want to establish a foothold in order to develop further attacks against target facilities.
In most cases that we have observed, the group performed tasks related to searching for vulnerabilities, gaining persistence on various hosts, and stealing authentication data.
The diversity of victims may indicate the diversity of the attackers’ interests.
It can be assumed with some degree of certainty that the group operates in the interests of or takes orders from customers that are external to it, performing initial data collection, the theft of authentication data and gaining persistence on resources that are suitable for the attack’s further development.
Appendix I – Indicators of Compromise
Filenames and Paths

*Note that these tools can also be used by other threat actors.

PHP files:


PHP file hashes

Yara rules
rule Backdoored_ssh {
$a1 = “OpenSSH”
$a2 = “usage: ssh”
$a3 = “HISTFILE”
uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and filesize<1000000 and all of ($a*)

Appendix II – Shell script to check a server for tools
Shell script for Debian
cd /tmp
mkdir $workdir
cd $workdir
find / -type d -iname smbtrap > find-smbtrap.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname dirsearch > find-dirsearch.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname nmap > find-nmap.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname wpscan > find-wpscan.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname sublist3r > find-sublist3r.txt 2>/dev/null
dpkg -l | grep -E \(impacket\|pcapy\|nmap\) > dpkg-grep.txt
cp /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.md5sums . #retrieve initial hash for sshd
md5sum /usr/sbin/sshd > sshd.md5sum #calculate actual hash for sshd

Shell script for Centos
cd /tmp
mkdir $workdir
cd $workdir
find / -type d -iname smbtrap > find-smbtrap.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname dirsearch > find-dirsearch.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname nmap > find-nmap.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname wpscan > find-wpscan.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -type d -iname sublist3r > find-sublist3r.txt 2>/dev/null
rpm -qa | grep -E \(impacket\|pcapy\|nmap\) > rpm-grep.txt
rpm -qa –dump | grep ssh > rpm-qa-dump.txt #retrieve initial hash for sshd
sha256sum /usr/sbin/sshd > sshd.sha256sum #calculate actual sha256 hash for sshd
md5sum /usr/sbin/sshd > sshd.md5sum #calculate actual md5 hash for sshd

Drupal to Release Second Drupalgeddon2 Patch as Attacks Continue
24.4.18 securityweek

Drupal developers announced on Monday that versions 7.x, 8.4.x and 8.5.x of the content management system (CMS) will receive a new security update later this week.

The Drupal core updates, scheduled for April 25 between 16:00 and 18:00 UTC, will deliver a follow-up patch for the highly critical vulnerability tracked as CVE-2018-7600 and dubbed “Drupalgeddon2.”

While Drupal developers have described the upcoming security releases as a follow-up to the updates that fixed Drupalgeddon2, a separate CVE identifier, namely CVE-2018-7602, has been assigned to the new vulnerability.

“For all security updates, the Drupal Security Team urges you to reserve time for core updates at that time because there is some risk that exploits might be developed within hours or days,” Drupal said. “The Security Team or any other party is not able to release any more information about this vulnerability until the announcement is made.”Follow-up patch coming from Drupalgeddon2

The Drupalgeddon2 vulnerability was patched in late March and the first attacks were spotted roughly two weeks later, shortly after technical details and a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit were made public.

While many of the exploitation attempts represent scans designed to identify vulnerable systems, cybersecurity firms have spotted several campaigns that leverage the flaw to deliver cryptocurrency miners, backdoors and other types of malware.

According to 360Netlab, at least three threat groups have been exploiting the recently patched vulnerability. The company says some of the Drupalgeddon2 attacks are powered by a relatively large botnet tracked by the company as Muhstik. Experts believe Muhstik is actually a variant of the old Tsunami botnet.

“We noticed one of them has worm-propagation behavior,” 360Netlab wrote in a blog post. “After investigation, we believe this botnet has been active for quit a time. We name it muhstik, for this key word keeps popup in its binary file name and the communication IRC channel.”

Muhstik uses two main propagation methods: the aioscan scanning module, which includes seven scanning-related payloads on four different ports, and an SSH scanning module that looks for systems with weak passwords.

Researchers say the botnet can help malicious actors make a profit by delivering cryptocurrency miners such as XMRig and CGMiner, and by using Muhstik to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Volexity reported last week that one of the Monero miner campaigns appeared to be linked to a cybercrime group that last year exploited a vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic Server (CVE-2017-10271) to infect systems with cryptocurrency malware. GreyNoise Intelligence has confirmed the connection between these attacks.

Kaspersky’s analysis of servers compromised by Energetic Bear shows the APT operates on behalf of others
24.4.18 securityaffairs APT

Kaspersky analyzed the served compromised by the Energetic Bear APT and assumed with some degree of certainty that the group operates in the interests of or takes orders from customers that are external to it.
Security experts at Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT have published a detailed analysis of the server compromised by the notorious Energetic Bear APT group (Dragonfly and Crouching Yeti) across the years.

The Energetic Bear APT group has been active since at least 2010 most of the victims of the group are organizations in the energy and industrial sectors.

In March 2018, the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a joint technical alert to warn of attacks on US critical infrastructure powered by Russian threat actors. The US-CERT blamed the APT group tracked as Dragonfly, Crouching Yeti, and Energetic Bear.

A week later, the US-CERT updated its alert by providing further info that and officially linking the above APT groups to the Kremlin.

The Alert (TA18-074A) warns of “Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors,” it labels the attackers as “Russian government cyber actors.”

“This alert provides information on Russian government actions targeting U.S. Government entities as well as organizations in the energy, nuclear, commercial facilities, water, aviation, and critical manufacturing sectors.” reads the alert.

“It also contains indicators of compromise (IOCs) and technical details on the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by Russian government cyber actors on compromised victim networks.”

The analysis of indicators of compromise (IoCs) shows the Dragonfly threat actor is still very active and its attacks are ongoing.

“DHS and FBI characterize this activity as a multi-stage intrusion campaign by Russian government cyber actors who targeted small commercial facilities’ networks where they staged malware, conducted spear phishing, and gained remote access into energy sector networks.” continues the alert. “After obtaining access, the Russian government cyber actors conducted network reconnaissance, moved laterally, and collected information pertaining to Industrial Control Systems (ICS).”

“The main tactics of the group include sending phishing emails with malicious documents and infecting various servers. The group uses some of the infected servers for auxiliary purposes – to host tools and logs. Others are deliberately infected to use them in waterhole attacks in order to reach the group’s main targets.” reads the report published by Kaspersky.

Most of the compromised servers were used in waterhole attacks, the others were used to host hacking tools or as a repository for data exfiltrated from target machines.

The servers analyzed by Kaspersky were located in several countries, including Russia, Ukraine, UK, Germany, Turkey, Greece, and the United States.

Below the full list of compromised servers:

Country Description Role in the attack
Russia Opposition political website Waterhole
Real estate agency Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
Football club Waterhole
Developer and integrator of secure automation systems and IS consultant Waterhole
Developers of software and equipment Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack, tool hosting)
Investment website Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
Ukraine Electric power sector company Waterhole
Bank Waterhole
UK Aerospace company Waterhole
Germany Software developer and integrator Waterhole
Unknown Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
Turkey Oil and gas sector enterprise Waterhole
Industrial group Waterhole
Investment group Waterhole
Greece Server of a university Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
USA Oil and gas sector enterprise Waterhole
Unknown Affiliate network site Auxiliary (collecting user data in the waterhole attack)
All the servers involved in waterhole attacks were infected following the same pattern, attackers injected a link into a web page or JS file with the following file scheme: file://IP/filename.png.

Energetic Bear

The injected link is used to request an image on a remote server over the SMB protocol, with this trick attackers are able to extract victims’ user IP, username, domain name, and NTLM hash of the user’s password.

Experts observed the compromised servers were also used to conduct attacks on other resources by using several tools to scan websites and servers located in Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey, with Brazil, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, U.S., France, and Vietnam.

“Compromised servers are in some cases used to conduct attacks on other resources. In the process of analyzing infected servers, numerous websites and servers were identified that the attackers had scanned with various tools, such as nmap, dirsearch, sqlmap, etc. (tool descriptions are provided below).” continues the report.

“The sites and servers on this list do not seem to have anything in common. Even though the scanned servers do not necessarily look like potential final victims, it is likely that the attackers scanned different resources to find a server that could be used to establish a foothold for hosting the attackers’ tools and, subsequently, to develop the attack.

Part of the sites scanned may have been of interest to the attackers as candidates for hosting waterhole resources.”

The analysis of the server used by the Energetic Bear APT revealed that many of them were used to host open-source tools, including Nmap (network analysis), Dirsearch (brute forcing directories and files on websites), Sqlmap (SQL injection exploitation), Sublist3r (enumerates website subdomains), Wpscan (WordPress vulnerability scanner), Impacket, SMBTrap, Commix (vulnerability search and command injection), Subbrute (subdomain enumeration), and PHPMailer (mail sending).

On one server Kaspersky has found a Python script named that was used for checking FTP hosts from an incoming list.

The server also contains a series of malicious php files in different directories in the nginx folder and in a working directory created by attackers on an infected web server. Experts also discovered a modified sshd with a preinstalled backdoor that is similar to a tool publicly available on GitHub that can be compiled on any OS.

“As a result of replacing the original sshd file with a modified one on the infected server, an attacker can use a ‘master password’ to get authorized on the remote server, while leaving minimal traces (compared to an ordinary user connecting via ssh).” continues Kaspersky.

“In addition, the modified sshd logs all legitimate ssh connections (this does not apply to the connection that uses the ‘master password’), including connection times, account names and passwords. The log is encrypted and is located at /var/tmp/.pipe.sock.”

According to Kaspersky, the use of publicly available tools makes hard the attribution of the infrastructure to a specific threat actor.

“The diversity of victims may indicate the diversity of the attackers’ interests. It can be assumed with some degree of certainty that the group operates in the interests of or takes orders from customers that are external to it, performing initial data collection, the theft of authentication data and gaining persistence on resources that are suitable for the attack’s further development,” Kaspersky concludes.

Internet Society Calls on IXPs to Help Solve Internet Routing Problems
23.4.2018 securityweek Security

The Internet Society is expanding its Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative from just autonomous systems (AS) networks to include internet exchange points (IXPs).

With its purpose to bring basic security to internet routing, MANRS was launched in 2014 with 9 founding members. Since its launch it has grown to 56 members, out of a total of around 60,000 ASs on the internet. Andrei Robachevsky, the Internet Society's technology program manager, told SecurityWeek that the immediate target is between 700 and 800 actively conforming members. Since about 80% of all networks are stub networks with no knowledge of other networks, Robachevsky believes that 700 or 800 of the remaining networks will be enough to provide the tipping point necessary to seriously improve internet routing security.

It is currently a major problem. Each AS 'announces' its customers to other networks so that traffic can reach its intended destination. The protocol used is border gateway protocol (BGP) -- but this was developed in the mid-1990s for resilience, simplicity and ease of deployment. It has no built-in security of its own. There is nothing in the protocol to tell one network that what it hears from another network is true or false. There are out-of-band authoritative databases that can verify the information, but since this data is incomplete, it is not often used.

This basic lack of routing verification between different ASs is the root cause of both accidental and malicious internet routing problems. There are three primary issues: route hijacking, IP Address spoofing, and route leaks -- and it is worth noting that there were 14,000 internet routing issues in 2017 alone.

The classic example of route hijacking occurred in 2008, when YouTube became unavailable for around 2 hours. It is often that that this was an intentional accident: the intent existed, but the full effect wasn't expected. Pakistan Telecom announced that YouTube was a customer. Without verifying this announcement, its upstream provider PCCW forwarded the announcement to the rest of the world. The result was that all traffic intended for YouTube was instead sent to Pakistan Telecom.

In April 2017, Robachevsky wrote in an Internet Society blog, "Large chunks of network traffic belonging to MasterCard, Visa, and more than two dozen other financial services companies were briefly routed through a Russian telecom. For several minutes, Rostelecom was originating 50 prefixes for numerous other Autonomous Systems, hijacking their traffic."

IP address spoofing can be used for different malicious purposes. One of the most dramatic is a reflection/amplification DDoS attack. The attacker spoofs the address of the target, and then uses amplification and reflection to direct large amounts of data at the victim. This year, memcached has been used to amplify DDoS attacks sufficient to set new records -- first at 1.3Tbps and then within days at 1.7Tbps.

If a sufficient number of ASs adopt the MANRS principles, then reflection/amplification DDoS attacks will simply cease to be a problem because address spoofing will be recognized and refused.

Route leaks can occur when a network accidentally announces the wrong information. Dyn described an example in 2014. "When a transit customer accidentally announces the global routing table back to one of its providers, things get messy. This is what happened earlier today and it had far-reaching consequences." In this instance it caused disruptions in traffic "in places as far-flung from the USA as Pakistan and Bulgaria."

MANRS seeks to get network providers to comply with just four basic principles: to filter announcements to ensure their accuracy; to prevent IP address spoofing; to improve coordination between networks; and for each network to ensure that its own part of the global validation network is accurate. The problem now is for the Internet Society to expand the MANRS community membership from just 56 to the 700 or 800 -- Robachevsky's tipping-point -- to really make a difference.

To achieve this, the Internet Society has today launched the MANRS IXP program with ten founding IXP members. The hope is that IXPs -- some of which have as many as 600 ASs connecting with them -- will contribute directly to improving routing security while also acting as ambassadors for the program.

"If we can get them on board as ambassadors to promote MANRS within their communities," commented Robachevsky, "it becomes a great way to scale up. But they can also tangibly contribute to routing security. They run so-called route servers. Instead of asking everyone to connect to everyone, each of their members can just connect to the IXP's proxy network for routing information. This means that the route server itself can do the validation since each route server already knows its user networks. Filters installed here can recognize misconfigured or false announcements and can just drop incorrect announcements. If this happens, we're creating a very secure peering environment which is a big step to overall internet routing security."

The difficulty for the Internet Society is that signing up to MANRS -- either as an individual AS or as an IXP -- does nothing to protect the member directly. It helps to protect other networks, and each network is really reliant on other networks protecting them. To make it as easy as possible for IXPs to join the program, there are only three requirements: two essential requirements and at least one from three optional requirements.

The essential commitments are to facilitate the prevention of the propagation of incorrect routing information, and to promote MANRS to the IXP's own membership. The three optional commitments (each IXP must commit to at least one of them) are, to protect the peering platform, to facilitate global operational communication and coordination between network operators, and to provide monitoring and debugging tools to members.

"The founding participants of the MANRS IXP Program understand the importance of having a more resilient and secure Internet routing system," said Robachevsky. "The IXP community is integral to the Internet ecosystem and by joining MANRS, they are joining a community of security-minded network operators committed to making the global routing infrastructure more secure."

If PCCW had implemented MANRS, then the Pakistan Telecom hijack of YouTube could not have happened. If PCCW had not implemented MANRS, but IXPs had done so, then the hijack would have been stopped at the peering points.

Google Discloses Windows Lockdown Policy Zero-Day
23.4.2018 securityweek

Google Discloses Unpatched Windows Lockdown Policy Bypass

A Windows 10 vulnerability that could bypass Windows Lockdown Policy and result in arbitrary code execution remains unpatched 90 days after Microsoft has been informed on the bug’s existence.

On systems with User Mode Code Integrity (UMCI) enabled, a .NET bug can be exploited to bypass the Windows Lockdown Policy check for COM Class instantiation, security researcher James Forshaw of Google's Project Zero team.

The issue was reproduced on Windows 10S, but is said to impact all Windows 10 versions with UMCI enabled.

The vulnerability, the security researcher explains, resides in the manner in which the WLDP COM Class lockdown policy behaves when a .NET COM object is instantiated.

The policy contains a hardcoded list of 8 to 50 COM objects which enlightened scripting engines can instantiate. Thus, even if one would be able to register an existing DLL under one of the allowed COM CLSIDs, a good implementation should check the CLSID passed to DllGetObject against said internal list, and prevent attacks.

What the security researcher discovered was that, when a .NET COM object is instantiated, the CLSID passed to DllGetClassObject is only used to look up the registration information in HKCR, the CLSID is thrown away, and the .NET object created.

Because of that, an attacker can add registry keys, including to HKCU, to load an arbitrary COM visible class under one of the allowed CLSIDs.

“This has a direct impact on the class policy as it allows an attacker to add registry keys (including to HKCU) that would load an arbitrary COM visible class under one of the allowed CLSIDs. As .NET then doesn’t care about whether the .NET Type has that specific GUID you can use this to bootstrap arbitrary code execution,” the researcher notes.

For a successful exploitation, an attacker could use tools such as Forshaw’s DotNetToJScript, a free tool that allows users to generate a JScript which bootstraps an arbitrary .NET Assembly and class.

Forshaw also published a Proof-of-Concept as two files: an .INF to set-up the registry and a .SCT. The latter is an example built using DotNetToJScript to load an untrusted .NET assembly into memory to display a message box, but it could be used for more than that.

The flaw was reported to Microsoft on January 19, when the company acknowledged the flaw. As per Project Zero’s policy, vendors are given 90 days to patch flaws before they are made public, and Microsoft didn’t meet the deadline for this issue.

The bug, however, isn’t critical, this being one of the main reasons details on it were publicly released.

“This issue was not fixed in April patch Tuesday therefore it's going over deadline. This issue only affects systems with Device Guard enabled (such as Windows 10S) and only serves as a way of getting persistent code execution on such a machine. It's not an issue which can be exploited remotely, nor is it a privilege escalation,” the security researcher explains.

To abuse the flaw, an attacker would require foothold on the impacted machine to install the needed registry entries. A remote code execution flaw in the operating system could be abused for that.

Considering that there are known Device Guard bypasses in the .NET framework that haven’t been fixed and continue to be usable, the security vulnerability is less serious than it would have been if all known avenues for bypass were fixed, Forshaw concludes.

'Orangeworm' Cyberspies Target Healthcare Sector in US, Europe, Asia
23.4.2018 securityweek

A threat group tracked by Symantec as Orangeworm has been targeting healthcare organizations in the United States, Europe and Asia, but the attacks do not appear to be the work of a nation state.

A report published on Monday by the security firm revealed that Orangeworm was first identified in January 2015. The group has focused on organizations in the healthcare sector, which accounts for nearly 40% of targets, but it has also launched attacks on other industries that are somehow related to healthcare, including IT (15%), manufacturing (15%), logistics (8%), and agriculture (8%).

Specifically, victims in other sectors include medical device manufacturers, IT firms that provide services to clinics, and logistics companies that deliver healthcare products. Researchers say companies outside the healthcare industry have been targeted in supply chain attacks with the ultimate goal of gaining access to the systems of the intended entity.

The highest percentage of victims has been spotted in the United States (17%), but Orangeworm has also targeted organizations in Saudi Arabia, India, Philippines, Hungary, United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany, Poland, Hong Kong, Sweden, Canada, France, and several other countries around the world.

“While Orangeworm has impacted only a small set of victims in 2016 and 2017 according to Symantec telemetry, we have seen infections in multiple countries due to the nature of the victims operating large international corporations,” Symantec said in its report.

Orangeworm targets

Once they gain access to the targeted organization’s systems, the hackers deploy a custom backdoor tracked by Symantec as Trojan.Kwampirs. The malware allows attackers to remotely access the compromised machine.

The malware first collects information about the computer to determine if it may be of interest or if it’s a device belonging to a researcher. If the victim is of interest, the backdoor is “aggressively” copied to other systems with open network shares.

Symantec points out that Kwampirs has been found on machines hosting software used for high-tech imaging devices, such as MRI and X-Ray machines. The malware was also spotted on devices used to assist patients in completing consent forms. However, experts say the exact motives of Orangeworm are unclear.

The list of commands sent by the attackers to the malware include instructions for collecting system and network data, and obtaining information on running processes, system services, network shares, account policies, and local and domain admin accounts.

Symantec says it does not have any information that could help determine the threat group’s origins, but the company believes Orangeworm is likely conducting corporate espionage and there is no evidence that the operation is backed by a nation state.

Experts noted that the actors behind Orangeworm do not appear to be concerned about their activities being detected. The method used by Kwampirs to propagate over the network has been described as “noisy” and the attackers have done few changes to the malware since it was first discovered by researchers. The trojan uses an older propagation method that mainly works on Windows XP, but the technique may still work in the healthcare sector, which has been known to use legacy systems on older platforms.

City of Atlanta Ransomware Attack Proves Disastrously Expensive
23.4.2018 securityweek

City of Atlanta Ransomware Attack Showcases Ethical Problem in Whether to Pay a Ransom or Not

Over the course of the last week, it has become apparent that the City of Atlanta, Georgia, has paid out nearly $3 million dollars in contracts to help its recovery from a ransomware attack on March 22, 2018 -- which (at the time of writing) is still without resolution.

Precise details on the Atlanta contracts are confused and confusing -- but two consistent elements are that SecureWorks is being paid $650,000 for emergency incident response services, and Ernst & Young is being paid $600,000 for advisory services for cyber incident response. The total for all the contracts appears to total roughly $2.7 million. The eventual cost will likely be more, since it doesn't include lost staff productivity nor the billings of a law firm reportedly charging Atlanta $485 per hour for partners, and $300 per hour for associates. The ransom demand was for around $51,000.

The ransomware used in the attack was SamSam. In February this year, SecureWorks published a report on SamSam and attributes it to a group it knows as Gold Lowell. Gold Lowell is unusual in its ransomware attacks since it typically compromises its victim networks in advance of encrypting any files.

SecureWorks makes two specific points about Gold Lowell that might be pertinent to the Atlanta incident. Firstly, "In some cases where the victim paid the initial ransom, GOLD LOWELL revised the demand, significantly increasing the cost to decrypt the organization's files in an apparent attempt to capitalize on a victim's willingness to pay a ransom." Atlanta officials have always declined to comment on whether they paid, or attempted to pay, the ransom

Secondly, "GOLD LOWELL is motivated by financial gain, and there is no evidence of the threat actors using network access for espionage or data theft." Atlanta officials were quick to claim that no personal data was lost in the attack.

Also worth considering is the SamSam attack on Hancock Health reported in January this year. Hancock chose to pay a ransom of around $55,000, and recovered its systems within a few days. It later admitted that it would not have been able to recover from backups since the attackers -- which sound like the Gold Lowell group -- had previously compromised them.

The extended dwell time by the Gold Lowell group prior to encrypting files and making a ransom demand would explain the extreme difficulty that Atlanta is experiencing in trying to recover from the attack. The Hancock incident suggests that rapid payment might have resulted in file recovery, but SecureWorks also suggests it might have led to a further demand.

There are also indications that Gold Lowell's dwell time could have been extensive and effective. According to WSB-TV, Atlanta officials had been warned months in advance that at least one server was infected with malware, and that in February it contacted a blacklisted IP address associated with known ransomware attacks. Whether the incidents are directly connected will only come out with forensic analysis.

However, the few facts that are known raises a very complex ethical issue. Atlanta seems to have chosen to pay nearly $3 million of taxpayer money rather than just $51,000, possibly on a point of principle. That principle is supported by law enforcement agencies around the world who advise that ransoms should not be paid. In this case, the sheer disparity between the cost of the ransom and the ransomware restitution (more than 50-to-1 and growing), all of which must be paid with someone else's money, makes it reasonable to question the decision.

There is no simple answer. Atlanta does, however, get almost unequivocal support from the CISO of another U.S. city, who spoke to SecurityWeek requesting anonymity. "Unless paying the ransom provided details of how they were breached, what would it really get them?" he asked. "Firstly, they don't know if they would actually get the decrypt keys; secondly, they don't know if they would simply get hit again; and thirdly, it would only encourage more of the same kind of action.

"By bringing in emergency support," he continued, "they probably now have a much better picture of their security posture, most likely have cleaned up a number of issues, and are now on track to pay more attention to this business risk." His only criticism is that the money should have been spent to prevent ransomware rather than to recover from it. "The real lesson," he said, "is for probably 10-20% of the cost of the emergency support they could have brought in the same people to help with the same issues prior to the incident. Would that guarantee it would not happen? No -- but it would improve the odds greatly, would limit the damage done, and improve recovery efforts if it happened."

Ilia Kolochenko, CEO of web security company High-Tech Bridge, has a different view. "The ethical dilemma whether to pay or not to pay a ransom becomes very complicated today. This incident is a very colorful, albeit sad, example that refusing to pay a ransom may be economically impractical and detrimental for the victims."

He agrees that Atlanta should have been better prepared. "Taking into consideration the scope and the disastrous consequences of this incident, one may reasonably suggest that Atlanta has a lot of space for improvement in cybersecurity and incident response. Spending 50 times more money to remediate the consequences of the attack, instead of investing the same money into prevention of further incidents, is at least questionable."

But he disagrees with one of the primary arguments of those who advocate not paying. "Refusing to pay a ransom is unlikely to demotivate cybercriminals from conducting further attacks, as they will always find someone else to pay."

In the final analysis, he believes that each case needs to be decided on its own merits, but adds, "In some cases, paying a ransom is the best scenario for a company and its economic interests. Otherwise, you risk spending a lot of valuable resources with no substantial outcome."

Oath Pays $400,000 in Bug Bounties in One Day
23.4.2018 securityweek Safety

Internet media company Oath paid more than $400,000 in bounties during the H1-415 one-day HackerOne event in San Francisco, where 41 hackers from 11 countries were present.

HackerOne’s second annual live-hacking event lasted for nine hours but resulted in breaking multiple records on Saturday, April 14, 2018. The Oath security team was present on the floor to work with the hackers, assess the impact of discovered flaws, patch the vulnerabilities, and pay rewards.

Oath, a media and tech company that owns brands such as Yahoo, AOL, Verizon Digital Media Services, TechCrunch and many more, has also introduced its consolidated private bug bounty program for the first time.

In a blog post on Friday, Oath CISO Chris Nims formally announced the company’s unified bug bounty program, which brings together the programs previously divided across AOL, Yahoo, Tumblr and Verizon Digital Media Service (VDMS).

The programs have already enjoyed the participation of more than 3,000 researchers globally. Over the past four years, Oath paid over $3 million in bounties to the reporting researchers.

“Our new program will combine our existing bug bounty operations into one united program, establishing a foundation to expand our program in the future,” Nims says.

Operated on the HackerOne platform, the AOL, VDMS and Tumblr programs are private, access being available on an invite-only basis. Yahoo properties, however, will be open to the public, Oath says. The H1-415 event was meant to kick-off the new chapter in the company’s bounty program.

“Surfacing vulnerabilities and resolving them before our adversaries can exploit them is essential in helping us build brands people love and trust. Whether they had been participating in our programs for years or were looking at Oath assets for the first time, it was empowering to witness the dedication, persistence and creativity of the hacker community live and in-person,” Nims said.

According to Nims, Oath offers some of the most competitive rewards when compared to other bug bounty programs, with a vulnerability’s impact being a determining factor when deciding on a payout. During assessment, the company looks at what data the flaw could expose, the sensitivity of the data, the role it plays, network location, and the permissions of the server involved.

“It's our hope that with this unified bug bounty program, we will continue to increase the effectiveness of outside reporting and ultimately the security of Oath and its users,” Nims concluded.

Not only did the H1-415 event allow hackers to find flaws in Oath’s products, but it also allowed around 40 middle and high school students from the Bay Area to learn about cyber-security, HackerOne reveals.

The students met with the hackers and learned about how they started and what opportunities bug bounty programs provided them with.

“Thank you to our hackers that traveled from near and far to help secure such an incredible brand. Thank you to Oath for all their work and dedication to working with the community to build strong relationships and resolve bugs quickly. Finally, thank you to all the students, teachers, volunteers, staff, vendors and others that gave up their Saturdays to be part of something great,” HackerOne concluded.

Former SunTrust Employee Steals Details on 1.5 Million Customers
23.4.2018 securityweek Incindent

A former employee stole data on 1.5 million customers, Atlanta-based SunTrust Banks announced on Friday.

The employee appears to have stolen data from some of the company's contact lists, the company says. SunTrust is already informing impacted clients and is working with outside experts and coordinating with law enforcement on investigations.

The stolen information includes names, addresses, and phone numbers, along with certain account balances, as this was the data included in the contact lists, the company confirmed.

Personally identifying information such as social security numbers, account numbers, PINs, User IDs, passwords, or driver's license information wasn’t included in the lists.

“We apologize to clients who may have been affected by this. We have heightened our monitoring of accounts and increased other security measures. While we have not identified significant fraudulent activity, we will reinforce our promise to clients that they will not be held responsible for any loss on their accounts as a result,” Bill Rogers, SunTrust chairman and CEO, said.

Rogers also underlined that the company is focused on protecting its customers and that it is determined to help all SunTrust clients to combat the increasing concern about identity theft and fraud. SunTrust is now offering Identity Protection for all current and new consumer clients, the company announced.

In an emailed comment to SecurityWeek, Brian Contos, CISO at Verodin, pointed out the importance of ensuring that security solutions aren’t merely designed to detect and report suspicious activity, but are also optimized to protect against the theft of sensitive data.

“Organizations need to be able to validate the efficacy of their security controls across their production environments and instrument them in order to get value. Anything else is simply guesswork and assumptions, and as long as that’s the norm, data theft will continue to be commonplace,” Contos said.

James Lerud, head of the Behavioral Research Team, Verodin, pointed out to SecurityWeek that organizations spend a lot of time and energy into preventing hackers from penetrating their systems, but often forget about internal threats.

“Companies should ask themselves if those controls can be applied internally as well. For example, do their SQL injection prevention measures work when the source is internal rather than external? Defending against adversaries with internal access is arguably more important because it restricts lateral movement while also protecting against insider threats," Lerud said.

Researchers Analyze Servers Compromised by Russian Hackers
23.4.2018 securityweek ICS

Researchers from Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT have analyzed servers compromised by the infamous threat actor known as Energetic Bear in recent years.

Active since at least 2010, the group is also referred to as Dragonfly and Crouching Yeti, and has been mainly focused on companies in the energy and industrial sectors. Following an alert in October 2017 on ongoing attacks from the group, a March 2018 advisory from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) linked the group to the Russian government.

In a separate report last Month, endpoint security firm Cylance revealed that the hackers compromised a Cisco router and abused it to steal credentials that allowed them to set up attacks targeting energy companies in the United Kingdom.

The servers Kaspersky researchers analyzed are distributed worldwide: Russia, Ukraine, UK, Germany, Turkey, Greece, and the United States. Most of the compromised servers were used to launch waterhole attacks, while the remaining ones were employed for collecting user data in the waterhole attack, and some also for tool hosting.

As part of these attacks, the group attempted to extract various data from the user’s connection to the waterhole, such as user IP, user name, domain name, and NTLM hash of the user’s password, Kaspersky reveals.

In some cases, the compromised servers were used to conduct attacks on other resources, with the attackers employing numerous tools to scan websites and servers. Most of the scanned resources were located in Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey, with Brazil, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, U.S., France, and Vietnam also hit.

While the scanned sites and servers don’t appear to be connected, the attackers likely targeted them while looking for suitable hosts for their tools, in an attempt to set up further attacks. The researchers did not identify multiple attempts to compromise a specific target, with the exception of several cases.

On the compromised servers, Kaspersky found multiple open-source and publicly available tools, including Nmap (network analysis), Dirsearch (brute forcing directories and files on websites), Sqlmap (SQL injection exploitation), Sublist3r (enumerates website subdomains), Wpscan (WordPress vulnerability scanner), Impacket, SMBTrap, Commix (vulnerability search and command injection), Subbrute (subdomain enumeration), and PHPMailer (mail sending).

A custom Python script named and capable of checking FTP hosts from an incoming list was also found on one of the servers.

The researchers also found a series of malicious php files in different directories in the nginx folder, as well as in a working directory the attackers created on an infected web server. A modified sshd with a preinstalled backdoor was also discovered there.

The backdoor is similar to a tool publicly available on GitHub, and can be compiled on any OS. By replacing the original sshd file on the infected server, the attackers can use a ‘master password’ to log to the remote server, leaving minimal traces.

On the compromised servers, the attackers installed the tools they needed at different times (including any packages and tools for Python). The hackers logged on to the server roughly at the same time of the day, and checked the smbtrap log file on working days.

By using publicly available tools, the attackers made attribution without any additional ‘markers’ very difficult. The attackers also show diversity of interests and could potentially target any server on the Internet when looking to establish a foothold.

In most cases, the security researchers determined that the group performed tasks related to searching for vulnerabilities, gaining persistence, and stealing authentication data.

“It can be assumed with some degree of certainty that the group operates in the interests of or takes orders from customers that are external to it, performing initial data collection, the theft of authentication data and gaining persistence on resources that are suitable for the attack’s further development,” Kaspersky concludes.

Google Project Zero hacker discloses a Zero-Day in Windows Lockdown Policy
23.4.2018 securityaffairs 

Google researcher has publicly disclosed a Windows 10 zero-day that could be exploited by attackers to bypass Windows Lockdown Policy on systems with User Mode Code Integrity (UMCI).
Google has publicly disclosed a Windows 10 zero-day vulnerability that could be exploited by attackers to bypass Windows Lockdown Policy on systems with User Mode Code Integrity (UMCI) enabled and execute arbitrary code on the target system.

Project Zero hacker James Forshaw publicly disclosed the issue because the vulnerability was not fixed in a 90-day period according to the Google disclosure policy.

The zero-day affects all Windows 10 versions with UMCI enabled, Forshaw successfully exploited it on Windows 10S.

“The enlightened Windows Lockdown Policy check for COM Class instantiation can be bypassed by using a bug in .NET leading to arbitrary code execution on a system with UMCI enabled (e.g. Device Guard)” states the security advisory published by Google.

The zero-day flaw ties the way the WLDP COM Class lockdown policy behaves when a .NET COM object is instantiated.

The WLDP COM Class lockdown policy contains a hardcoded list of 8 to 50 COM objects which enlightened scripting engines can instantiate.

In order to prevent an attack, while registering an existing DLL a correct implementation of the policy should check the CLSID passed to DllGetObject against the hardcoded list.

“The WLDP COM Class lockdown policy contains a hardcoded list of 8 to 50 COM objects which enlightened scripting engines can instantiate. Excluding issues related to the looking up of the correct CLSID (such as previously reported abuse of TreatAs case 40189).” continues the analysis.

“This shouldn’t be a major issue even if you can write to the registry to register an existing DLL under one of the allowed COM CLSIDs as a well behaved COM implementation should compare the CLSID passed to DllGetObject against its internal list of known objects.”

Google expert discovered that when a .NET COM object is instantiated, the CLSID passed to mscoree’s DllGetClassObject is only used to look up the registration information in HKCR, the CLSID is thrown away, and the .NET object created.

This means that an attacker can add registry keys, including to HKCU, that would load an arbitrary COM visible class under one of the trusted CLSIDs.

“This has a direct impact on the class policy as it allows an attacker to add registry keys (including to HKCU) that would load an arbitrary COM visible class under one of the allowed CLSIDs. As .NET then doesn’t care about whether the .NET Type has that specific GUID you can use this to bootstrap arbitrary code execution,” continues the analysis.

Windows Lockdown Policy

The Google researcher published a Proof of Concept code for the vulnerability that is composed of two files:

an .INF to set-up the registry.
a .SCT created with the DotNetToJScript free tool that could be used to load an untrusted .NET assembly into memory to display a message box.
The researcher reported the vulnerability to Microsoft on January 19, but the tech giant hasn’t addressed it in 90 days.

“This issue was not fixed in April patch Tuesday therefore it’s going over deadline. This issue only affects systems with Device Guard enabled (such as Windows 10S) and only serves as a way of getting persistent code execution on such a machine. It’s not an issue which can be exploited remotely, nor is it a privilege escalation,” added the expert.

The expert highlighted that attackers need to gain access to the system to exploit the flaw and install registry entries.

CVE-2018-0229 flaw in SAML implementation threatens Firepower, AnyConnect and ASA products
23.4.2018 securityaffairs 

Cisco has announced a set of security patches that address the CVE-2018-0229 vulnerability in its implementation of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
The CVE-2018-0229 flaw could be exploited by an unauthenticated, remote attacker to establish an authenticated AnyConnect session through an affected device running ASA or FTD Software.

“A vulnerability in the implementation of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication for Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Desktop Platforms, Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software, and Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to establish an authenticated AnyConnect session through an affected device running ASA or FTD Software.” reads the security advisory published by CISCO.

“The authentication would need to be done by an unsuspecting third party.”

The CVE-2018-0229 flaw affects the following Cisco solutions:

Single sign-on authentication for the AnyConnect desktop mobility client;
Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) software; and
Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) software.
According to Cisco, the flaw exists because there the ASA or FTD Software doesn’t implement any mechanism to detect that the authentication request originates from the AnyConnect client directly.

An attacker could exploit the CVE-2018-0229 vulnerability by tricking victims into clicking a specifically crafted link and authenticating using the company’s Identity Provider (IdP). In this scenario, the attacker can hijack a valid authentication token and use that to establish and set up an AnyConnect session through an affected device running ASA or FTD Software.


The flaw affects the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, and ASA Software and FTD Software configured for SAML 2.0-based SSO for AnyConnect Remote Access VPN that is running on the following Cisco products:

3000 Series Industrial Security Appliances (ISA)
ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances
ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls
ASA Services Module for Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches and Cisco 7600 Series Routers
Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv)
Firepower 2100 Series Security Appliance
Firepower 4100 Series Security Appliance
Firepower 9300 ASA Security Module
FTD Virtual (FTDv)
Cisco confirmed that only ASA software running version 9.7.1 and later are vulnerable, the issue also affects FTD software running version 6.2.1 and later, and AnyConnect version 4.4.00243 and later.

Take These Steps to Secure Your WordPress Website Before It’s Too Late
23.4.2018 securityaffairs  Security

You might have heard that WordPress security is often referred to as hardening, WordPress website security is all about putting locks on doors and windows and having lookouts on each of your “towers.”
You might have heard that WordPress security is often referred to as “hardening.” While the name might cause a few eyebrows to raise, overall, it makes sense. To clarify, the process of adding security layers is similar to boosting the reinforcements to your home, castle, or fort. In other words, WordPress website security is all about putting locks on doors and windows and having lookouts on each of your “towers.”

While this may be all good, what can you genuinely do to improve your website’s security – at the same time giving your readers and customers the guarantee that their sensitive information won’t fall into the wrong hands?

Wordpress website security

1. Perform all WordPress updates
Although it can seem impossible that something as simple as keeping up with updates would make any difference, in actuality, it does have a considerable impact. This means that whenever you log in and see the “Update Available” notification, you should make time to click. Of course, this is where having regular back-ups will also give your peace of mind that at the end of the process nothing will be broken.

2. Add Two-Step Authentication
Another excellent way to prevent force attacks on your site is by setting up a much-needed two-step authentication process. If you have it for your Gmail or Yahoo account, then you should definitely have one for a website which could be used by hundreds or more users.

The two-step measure means that you’ll be asked to input a password after a code is sent to your phone or email. Often, the second login code is sent via SMS, but you change that to your preferences.

You also have the option of adding different plug-ins, including Google Authenticator, Clef, or Duo Two-Factor Authentication.

3. Panic Button: Website Lockdown
The lockdown feature is commonly enabled when multiple failed login attempts are made, which can help against pesky and persistent brute force attempts. In this case, whenever a hacker tries to input the wrong password multiple times, the website shuts down and displays an “error” message –all while you get notified of this unauthorized activity.

Again, you can use different plug-ins to use, and one of our favorites is the iThemes Security – by using it, you can directly specify a certain number of failed login attempts after which the system bans the attacker’s IP address.

4. Use Your Email to Login
When trying to sign in, you have to choose a username. Our recommendation would be using an email ID instead of a username since the latter is more accessible to predict and hack. Plus, WordPress website accounts require a unique email address, which adds another layer of security.

5. Use SSL To Encrypt Data
SSL, otherwise known as a Secure Socket Layer, is a smart way of securing the admin panel by yourself –making sure that the transfer of data between the server and users is safe.

Overall, this measure makes it hard for hackers to breach the connection or spoof your info, and the best part is that getting an SSL certificate for your WordPress website is a piece of cake. While you can separately purchase one from a dedicated company, you can also ask your hosting solution to provide you with one – it may even be an option that comes with their package.

SSL, otherwise known as a Secure Socket Layer, is a smart way of securing the admin panel by yourself –making sure that the transfer of data between the server and users is safe.

Overall, this measure makes it hard for hackers to breach the connection or spoof your info, and the best part is that getting an SSL certificate for your WordPress is a piece of cake. While you can separately purchase one from a dedicated company, you can also ask your hosting solution to provide you with one – it may even be an option that comes with their package.

All SSL certificates have an expiration date, meaning that they’ll need to be reissued. In some cases you’ll need to manually approve or cancel your certificate. Because each email handles things a bit differently, you should go to your hosting provider for more information. Alternatively, go to the site of Bluehost, as there is a whole section on how you can accept the new SSL into your application.

After all, it’s noteworthy to realize that an SSL certificate will also affect how your website ranks on Google because sites which incorporate SSLs are more secure – ultimately leading to more traffic.

6. Backup your WordPress website
We’re briefly mentioned this point before, but just to emphasize the importance, you have to get into the habit of organizing scheduled backups. Why is it important? Well, because, for example, if your site is compromised, you’ll be able to restore a prior version with losing your data. There are multiple automated solutions out there, including BackupBuddy, VaultPress, and many others.

Another great advice is using reliable hosting solutions which can ensure consistent backups of information, helping you achieve greater peace of mind. For example, Bluehost is excellent at protecting your business from involuntary data loss. To learn more and use their coupon to get a discount, go to the site.

7. Cut Back on Plugin Use
Although it may seem hard, you should make the effort of limiting the total number of plugins you install on your site. You need to be picky because it’s not just about security –it’s about overall performance.

To better explain, loading your website with numerous plugins will slow it down significantly. Thus, if you don’t need it, take the minimalist approach and skip it. Also, the fewer plugins you have, the fewer chances you give hackers to access your info. Two birds with one stone.

8. Hide Author Usernames
When you leave the WordPress defaults just as they are, it can be effortless to find the author’s username. Moreover, it’s not uncommon that the primary author on the site is also the administrator, which makes things even easier for hackers. At any point that you’re handing your information up to hackers on a silver plate, you are maximizing the chances that your site will eventually be compromised.

According to experts, including the well-regarded DreamHost, it’s good practice to hide the author’s username. It’s relatively easy to achieve, as you need to add some code to your site. Once that is done and dusted, the code will act as a curtain or veil where the admin’s information won’t be displayed by using an input – instead, they will be sent back to your homepage.

Twitter Bans Ads From Kaspersky Lab
23.4.2018 securityweek

Twitter Cites DHS Order in Kaspersky Ads Ban

Twitter no longer allows Russia-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab to advertise on the platform and the reason appears to be related to the company’s alleged ties to Russian intelligence.

Kaspersky Lab CEO Eugene Kaspersky revealed on Friday that Twitter informed his company of the “policy decision” in late January, claiming that “Kaspersky Lab operates using a business model that inherently conflicts with acceptable Twitter ads business practices.” The security firm was told that it could remain an organic user on the platform.

“One thing I can say for sure is this: we haven’t violated any written – or unwritten – rules, and our business model is quite simply the same template business model that’s used throughout the whole cybersecurity industry: We provide users with products and services, and they pay us for them. What specific (or even non-specific) rules, standards and/or business practices we violated are not stated in the letter,” Eugene Kaspersky wrote in an open letter to Twitter management.

While Twitter’s statement to the press did not provide any additional information, the social media giant did cite a controversial DHS Binding Operational Directive (BOD) that bans Kaspersky products in federal agencies due to concerns that the company may be aiding Russia’s espionage efforts. The BOD, issued in September 2017, was reinforced in mid-December when President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2018.

In his letter to Twitter, Kaspersky calls for more transparency, and points out that the goal of making everything public is to set a precedent as other platforms may also decide to target his company. Kaspersky says the decision is also a matter of principle and the firm is prepared to fight what he has described as “unjustifiable acts akin to censorship.”

“Twitter, if this is a matter of a decision being made in error, please openly admit this; people’d forgive you – everyone makes mistakes! I think that would be the only civilized way to quash any doubts about potential political censorship on Twitter,” Kaspersky said.

Kaspersky said it had spent less than $100,000 for advertising on Twitter last year, but the company will no longer do so even if Twitter reverts its decision. The security firm will donate its planned Twitter advertising budget for 2018 to the EFF.

Kaspersky Lab has been accused of assisting Moscow’s cyber espionage efforts and, despite no evidence being made public, the U.S. and Lithuanian governments have banned the company’s products and the U.K. advised against their use. Even commercial companies in the United States have decided to stop selling antivirus software from the firm as a result of several media reports describing alleged ties between Kaspersky and Russian intelligence.

In response, Kaspersky has launched a transparency initiative that involves significant bug bounties and giving access to its source code, and it has even taken legal action against the United States government over the decision to ban its products.

Health Stream left exposed online a database containing contact data for roughly 10,000 medics
23.4.2018 securityweek Incindent

An IT professional has discovered that the US healthcare company Health Stream left exposed online contact information for roughly 10,000 medics.
The IT expert Brian Wethern has discovered that the US healthcare company Health Stream left exposed online a database containing contact information for roughly 10,000 medics.

Wethern reported his discovery to Health Stream ten days ago, he explained that the data are hosted one of the websites that have been removed.

Health Stream

Records in the archive left open online includes last names of medics connected to Health Stream’s Neonatal Resuscitation Program, their email addresses, and ID numbers.Health Stream

The site hosting the medics’ records was taken offline shortly after Wethern reported the data leak, but even if the website is no more accessible, leaked data are still available in different online caches.

Leaked data could be used by threat actors to launch a spear phishing campaign against medics at Health Stream.

“What I found was a front-side database,” Wethern told El Reg. “I don’t need their passwords … because I have the front-side database.”

Wethern decided to disclose the data leak to warn of the risks of such kind of incidents and highlight the importance of reserving a budget for cybersecurity of IT infrastructure.

“Hire a basic researcher, first and foremost. Allow your company to budget for these types of intrusions,” Wethern added.

“And before this all happens, make sure to have a data breach summary in place. Be current with bug bounty programs, own up to your mistakes, and honor the fact that security researchers can be good people out to do good things.”

Health Stream did not comment the data leak.