Algeria, Afghanistan, Belgium, Brazil, Fiji, Germany, Iran, India, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, Pakistan, Syria, Russia
Facilitating other types of attacks
Remote control
Regin – the first cyber-attack platform known to penetrate and monitor GSM networks in addition to other “standard” spying tasks.
One particular Regin module is capable of monitoring GSM base station controllers, collecting data about GSM cells and the network infrastructure.
The Regin platform uses an incredibly complex communication method between infected networks and command and control servers, allowing remote control and data transmission by stealth.
Specific Regin targets include individuals involved in advanced mathematical/cryptographical research
Government entities
Multi-national political bodies
Financial institutions
Specific individuals
Considering the complexity and cost of Regin development, it is likely that this operation is supported by a nation-state.
The blog post and research paper are available