Amazon UK is notifying a data breach to its customers days before Black Friday
22.11.2018 securityaffairs

Many readers of the Register shared with the media outlet an email sent from the Amazon UK branch that is notifying them an accidental data leak.
The news is disconcerting, Amazon has suffered a data breach a few days before Black Friday

Many readers of the Register shared with the media outlet an email sent from the Amazon UK branch that is notifying them an accidental data leak.

Amazon UK data leak

Amazon informed its customers that it had “inadvertently disclosed [their] name and email address due to a technical error”.

The messages include an HTTP link to the company website and read:


We’re contacting you to let you know that our website inadvertently disclosed your name and email address due to a technical error. The issue has been fixed. This is not a result of anything you have done, and there is no need for you to change your password or take any other action.

Sincerely, Customer Service”

Drew Alden - Looking for Work!
When are companies like @Amazon going to realize how to write a proper breach letter? Once again this sounds scammy as shit and has a completely unnecessary link at the bottom.

7:05 AM - Nov 21, 2018
See Drew Alden - Looking for Work!'s other Tweets
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The Register confirmed that the email is genuine and that was sent by Amazon UK, the press office acknowledged its authenticity.

“We have fixed the issue and informed customers who may have been impacted.” states the press office.

At the time of writing, it is unclear the number of affected customers, whether Amazon had informed the Information Commissioner’s Office.

The company did not disclose technical details of the incident, it is not known the root cause of the incident.

The Register pointed out that not only UK customers are receiving a data breach notification from the Amazon, but people from the US, the Netherlands and South Korea also claim to have received the same message.