Anonymous collective brought down Spain sites to support Catalonia
21.8.18 securityaffairs Hacking

Anonymous targeted many governments websites in Spain to protest against the Government’s efforts to block Catalonia ‘s separatist wave.
Members of the notorious Anonymous collective claimed responsibility for bringing down several government websites in Spain on Monday to protest against the decision of the government to block Catalonia’s separatist drive.

Anonymous brought down the websites of the Constitutional Court and the economy and foreign ministries on Monday as part of an operation called #OpCatalunya.

vanessa junqué ©️
#OpCatalunya: New attacks against Spanish Government

Administracion Website and Consejo Transparencia are #TangoDown#Anonymous

4:23 PM - Aug 20, 18
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“Hey Spain, we see that you are still hurting the Catalan people. This is not a joke. We will hurt your government as well!,” reads a message published by Anonymous on Twitter.


This isn’t the first time that the collective target the Constitutional Court’s website, in October 2017 while Spain’s government was announcing the seizure of powers from Catalonia’s regional government due to the separatist movements in the region.