DMOSK Malware Targeting Italian Companies
8.6.18 securityaffairs

The security expert and malware researcher Marco Ramilli published a detailed analysis on a new strain of malware dubbed DMOSK that targets Italian firms,
Today I’d like to share another interesting analysis made by my colleagues and I. It would be a nice and interesting analysis since it targeted many Italian and European companies. Fortunately, the attacker forgot the LOG.TXT freely available on the dropping URL letting us know the IP addresses who clicked on the first stage analyzed stage (yes, we know the companies who might be infected). Despite what we did with TaxOlolo we will not disclose the victims IP addresses and so the companies which might be infected. National CERTs have been involved and they’ve got alerted. Since we believe the threat could radically increase its magnitude in the following hours, we decided to write up this quick dirty analysis focusing on speed rather than on details. So please forgive some quick and undocumented steps.
Everything started with an email (how about that ?!). The eMail we’ve got had the following body.

Attack Path
A simple link to a drive ( ) is beginning our first stage of infection. An eMail address is given as one parameter to the doc.php script which would record the IP address and the “calling” email address belonging to the victim. The script forces the browser to download a .zip file which uncompressed presents to the victim a JSE file called: scan.jse. The file is hard obfuscated. It was quite difficult to be able to decode the following stage of infection since the JavaScript was obfuscated through, at least, 3 different techniques. The following image shows the Obfuscated sample.

Second Stage: Obfuscated JSE
Unfortunately the second stage is not the final one. Indeed once de-obfuscated it we figured out that it was dropping and executing another file having the .SCR mimetype. From this stage it’s interesting to observe that only one dropping URL was called. It’s a strange behaviour, usually the attackers use multiple dropping URLs in order to get more chances to infect the victims. The found URL was the following one:
“url”: “”
The JSE file dropped the Third Stage into \User\User\AppData\Local\Temp\38781520.scr having the following hash: 77ad9ce32628d213eacf56faebd9b7f53e6e33a1a313b11814265216ca2c4745 which has been previously analysed by 68 AV but only 9 of them recognised as malicious generic file. The following image shows the VirusTotal analysis.

Third Stage: Executable SCR file

Unfortunately, we are still not at the end of the infection Stage. The Third stage drops and executes another payload. It does not download and execute from a different dropping website but it drops from a special and crafted memory address (fixed from .txt:0x400000). The following image shows the execution of the Fourth Stage payload directly from the victim’s memory

Fourth Stage: Dropped PE File
Following the analysis it has been possible to figure out that the final payload is something very close to ursnif which grabs victims email information and credentials. The following image shows the temporary file built before sending out information to Command and Controls servers.

Temporary File Before Sending data to Command and Control
Like any other ursnif the malware tries to reach a command and control network located both on the clear net and on the TOR network. The following section will expose the recorded IoCs.

An interesting approach that was adopted by attackers is the blacklisting. We observed at least 3 blacklists. The first one was based on victims IP. We guess (but we have not evidence on that) that the attacker would filtering responses based on Country in order to make possible a country targeted attack by blacklisting not-targeted countries. The following image shows the used temporary file to store Victim IP. The attacker could use this information in order to respond or not to a specific malware request.

Temporary File Storing IP Victim IP Address

A second black list that we found was on the dropping URL web site which was trained to do not drop files to specific IP addresses. The main reasons found to deny the dropping payload were three:
geo (Out of geographical scope). The threat is mainly focused to hit italy.
asn (internet service providers and/or cloud providers). The threat is mainly focused on clients and not on servers, so it would have no sense to give payload to cloud providers.
MIT. THe attacker does not want the dropping payload ends up to MIT folks, this is quite funny, isn’t it ?

A small section of blacklisting drop payload
The blacklists are an interesting approach to reduce the chance to be analyzed, in fact, the blacklisted IPs belong to pretty known CyberSecurity Companies (Yoroi is included) which often use specific cloud providers to run emulations and/or sandboxes.
Personal note: This is a reverse targeting attack, where the attacker wants to attack an entire set of victims but not some specific ones, so it introduces a blocking delivery of payload technique. End personal note.
Now we know how the attack works, so lets try to investigate a little bit what the attacker messed out. For example lets try to analyse the content of the Dropping URL. Quite fun to figure out the attacker let freely available his private key ! I will not disclose it …. let’s say… for respect to the attacker (? really ?)

Attacker Private Key !
While the used public certificate is the following one:

Attacker Certificate
By decoding the fake certificate the analyst would take the following information, of course, none of these information would be valuable, but make a nice shake of analysis.

Common Name: test.dmosk.local
Organization: Global Security
Organization Unit: IT Department
Locality: SPb
State: SPb
Country: RU
Valid From: June 5, 18
Valid To: June 5, 2022
Issuer: Global Security
Serial Number: 12542837396936657430 (0xae111c285fe50a16

Maybe the most “original string”, by the meaning of being written without thinking too much from the attacker, on the entire malware analysis would be the string ‘dmosk’ (in the decoded certificate), from here the Malware name.
As today we observed: 6617 email addresses that potentially could be compromised since they clicked on the First stage (evidence on dropping URL). We have evidence that many organisations have been hit by this malware able to bypass most of the known security protections since it was behind CloudFlare and with not a specific bad reputation. We decided to not disclose the “probably infected” companies. Nation Wide CERTs have been alerted (June 7 18) and together we will contact the “probably infected” companies to help them to mitigate the threat.
Please update your rules, signature and whatever you have to block the infection.
PS: the threat is quite a bit bigger than what I described, there are several additional components including APK (Android Malware), base ciphers, multi-stage obfuscators and a complete list of “probably infected” users, but again, we decided to encourage the notification speed rather than analysis details.
Hope you might find it helpful.

https:// drive[.carlsongracieanaheim[.com/doc.php
https:// drive[.carlsongracieanaheim[.com/doc1.php
https:// drive[.carlsongracieanaheim[.com/x/gate.php
https:// drive[.carlsongracieanaheim[.com/1/gate.php
C2 (tor):
https:// 4fsq3wnmms6xqybt[.onion/wpapi
https:// em2eddryi6ptkcnh[.onion/wpapi
https:// nap7zb4gtnzwmxsv[.onion/wpapi
https:// t7yz3cihrrzalznq[.onion/wpapi
https:// loop.evama.[at/wpapi
https:// torafy[.cn/wpapi
https:// u55.evama[.at/wpapi
https:// yraco[.cn/wpapi
https:// inc.robatop.[at/wpapi
https:// poi.robatop.[at/wpapi
https:// arh.mobipot.[at/wpapi
https:// bbb.mobipot.[at/wpapi
https:// takhak.[at/wpapi
https:// kerions.[at/wpapi
https:// j11.evama[.at/wpapi
https:// clocktop[.at/wpapi
https:// harent.[cn/wpapi
067b39632f093821852889b1e4bb8b2a48afd94d1e348702a608a70bb7b00e54 zip
77ad9ce32628d213eacf56faebd9b7f53e6e33a1a313b11814265216ca2c4745 jse
8d3d37c9139641e817bcf0fad8550d869b9f68bc689dbbf4b4d3eb2aaa3cf361 scr
1fdc0b08ad6afe61bbc2f054b205b2aab8416c48d87f2dcebb2073a8d92caf8d exe
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