Hackers defaced screens at Mashhad airport in Iran protesting the government
28.5.18 securityaffairs Hacking

On Thursday 24th May, hackers defaced the screens at the Mashhad airport in Iran to protest ùthe Government and the military’s activities in the Middle East.
On Thursday 24th May, hackers defaced the screens at the airport in Mashhad city in Iran. The anonymous group of hackers defaced the screens that were displaying anti-government messages, they also protest the military’s activities in the Middle East.

“Social media reports from Mashhad posted pictures of defaced arrival and departure monitors at the city’s airport showing a statement protesting against Iran’s military presence in the Middle East.” reads a blog post published by Radio Farda.

“Hackers protested to “wasting Iranians lives and financial resources in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC),” according to a statement on the boards.”

The messages were in the Persian language, the hackers accuse the Iranian government of wasting Iranian lives and resources in Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza.

“Wasting Iranians lives and financial resources in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC),” said the deface message appeared on the screens at the airport.

Hackers defaced screens at Mashhad airport in Iran protesting against the government

According to Radio Farda, a group named Tapandegan (Palpitaters) expressed support for the people of the city of Kazeroon in Fars Province that have been demonstrating against the government for months.

The group of hackers also took control of the email account of the Mashhad airport civil aviation head, Mohsen Eidizadeh and used it to spread the news of the hack.

The hackers also asked people at the airport to share pictures of defaced screens and post them on social media platforms using the hashtag “#Protests_alloverthecountry, #اعتراضات_سراسری” as result, hundreds of Iranians posted the images on Twitter.

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M. Hanif Jazayeri
Hackers take control of monitors at Iran's Mashhad Airport displaying signs in support of #IranProtests. The signs reads "How much longer?" and carry the Farsi hashtag calling for nationwide protests. #اعتراضات_سراسری#FreeIran18 #IranRegimeChange (May 24, 18)

12:36 PM - May 25, 18
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Since December 2017, the city of Mashhad is the theatre of heated protests against the government and the unsustainable prices in the country.

The massive anti-government demonstrations later spread to over 100 other Iranian cities.