New Splunk IoT Solution Helps Secure ICS
7.10.2018 securityweek

Splunk this week unveiled a new solution designed to help industrial organizations protect control systems, monitor and diagnose equipment, and predict downtimes.

Splunk for Industrial IoT, expected to become available on October 30, combines the capabilities of Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence, and the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit.

Splunk says the new solution can help organizations in the energy, utilities, transportation, oil and gas, and manufacturing sectors monitor, optimize and secure their industrial systems.

Using the capabilities of Splunk Enterprise, Splunk for Industrial IoT should help organizations secure their industrial control systems (ICS) from cyber threats through advanced analytics and actionable intelligence, while ensuring that services are not disrupted, the company says.

Splunk for Industrial IoT allows organizations to search, correlate and visualize different types of data in real time to obtain all the information needed to assess their security posture, conduct investigations, and respond to incidents.

Security is only one of the components of the industrial IoT product. Splunk says organizations can also use it to monitor and diagnose industrial assets such as turbines, pumps, and compressors. Customers can monitor the uptime and availability of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS) and process control software.

In addition, Splunk says the new product can be used to identify early warning signs of an ICS downtime using prediction, anomaly detection and clustering algorithms.

“Industrial organizations are challenged daily to reduce costs, increase performance and secure their constantly expanding footprint of ‘connected’ devices to remain competitive in their industry,” said Dr. Ulrich Bock, Director of Data Analytics at ESE, a German industrial engineering firm. “Our partnership with Splunk is critical to the success of these customers, blending our knowledge of operational technology environments with Splunk’s powerful ability to make machine data accessible and usable to all. Splunk for Industrial IoT now makes it easy to harness and transform the massively growing volume of machine data into insights and energy to power and accelerate their digital transformation initiatives.”