The cyber threat against Danish financial sector is very high
4.9.18 securityaffairs Cyber

A report published by the Centre for Cyber Security (Center for Cybersikkerhed) states that the threat to the Danish financial sector is very high.
According to a report by the Centre for Cyber Security (Center for Cybersikkerhed), a department of military security agency FET (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste), the cyber threat against the Danish financial sector is very high.

The centre monitors the attacks against Denmark and Danish businesses.

“The threat posed to the Danish financial sector by cyber crime is very high,” reads the report published by the centre.

The threat is “becoming increasingly advanced and complex, and cyber attacks can disrupt the access to Danish financial sector services,”

The centre warns of a specific threat with “capacity, intention, planning and possible implementation. Attack/damaging activity is very likely.”

The government experts believe that the cyber espionage represents one of the main threat for the country and its businesses.

Digital espionage is also considered to be a high area of risk, according to the report.

“It is likely that foreign states have both political and economic interest in conducting cyber espionage against the Danish financial sector,” continues the report.

It is interesting to note that the Government centre classifies the threat of cyber terrorism to the financial industry as low.

“But the report also found only a low threat of cyber terror, in which cyber attacks would aim to completely bring down financial systems in Denmark. states The Local news agency.

Finans Danmark, a representative organisation for the financial sector, said it recognised the level of cyber threat described by the agency report.”

Danish financial sector

Cybercriminal organizations focused on banks are intensifying their actions and their operations are becoming even more sophisticated. In the last years, security experts have monitored the activities of several threat actors specialized in attacks aimed at the financial sector and their customers.

“As the systems at banks become stronger, so too do the methods used by cyber crimials become more advanced, and that requires us to constantly keep up,” Finans Danmark director of digitalisation Michael Busk-Jepsen wrote in a press statement.

“There is no doubt that crime aimed at banks and bank customers via the internet is growing,” Busk-Jepsen added.