InterApp, the device that can hack any Smartphone

The Tel Aviv-based Rayzone Group is offering for sale a gadget called InterApp that can intercept and exfiltrate information from nearby smartphones.
InterApp is a device designed by the Israeli Rayzone Group that can spy on any smartphone.

“InterApp system enables to get intimate information of any phone user, which is in the system’s ,proximity. The collected data includes: user email address and password, contact list, Dropbox, operating system of the phone, photos, internet history browsing, locations, and much more.” states the description published on the company website. “InterApp is fully transparent to the target and does not require any cooperation from the phone owner. The only required condition is that the WIFI transmitter of the mobile device will be open (No need to surf the web).”

The Interapp is an intrusion appliance that implements a number of zero-day exploits against common mobile OSs. According to the company, the gadget is able to infect a smartphone with a malware and compromise any nearby phone whose wifi is turned on.

The device can target launched hundreds of simultaneous attacks, without leaving forensic traces on the compromised smartwatches.InterApp can compromise a variety of mobile OSs and is very easy to use.

The InterApp is offered for sale to intelligence and law enforcement agencies, it is able to steal a user data, including contact list, photo gallery, and login credentials to several web services, including social networking apps and cloud storages.

The gadget is also able to get previous geographical locations of the smartphone and plot them on a map, it could be used to collect other details of the mobile device, including the IMEI, MSISDN data, MAC address, model, OS info, and personal information on the target (i.e. gender, age, address, education, and more).

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Giving a look the products in the Rayzone portfolio we can find Piranha IMSI catcher, the TA9 big data analysis platform, the ArrowCell which is designed to neutralize IMSI catchers, and an advanced geo-location intelligence system called GeoMatrix.