Cryptojacking scripts -

Cryptojacking scripts allow you to quickly install a miner on your website.

Coinhive’s set of AuthedMine scripts is the only solution I can recommend. The reason is the miner will never start without getting explicit consent from the page visitor.

AuthedMine script
Below is an example of a cryptojacking script that’s currently running on this page:

<script src=""></script>
var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous('nom2KNN1a8m7mJIHdNcI4FbluQ7lmpYA', {throttle: 0.5});

// Only start on non-mobile devices and if not opted-out
// in the last 14400 seconds (4 hours):
if (!miner.isMobile() && !miner. ..

File-Based Cryptojacking
With file-based cryptojacking, malware is downloaded and runs an executable file that spreads a cryptomining script throughout the IT infrastructure.

One of the most common ways that cryptojacking occurs is by using malicious emails. An email is sent containing an attachment or link that looks legitimate. When a user clicks on the attachment or link, code is executed that downloads the cryptomining script onto the computer. This script works in the background without the user’s knowledge.

Browser-Based Cryptojacking
Cryptojacking attacks can take place directly within a web browser, using IT infrastructure to mine for cryptocurrency.

Hackers create a cryptomining script using a programming language and then embed that script into numerous websites. The script is run automatically, with code being downloaded onto the users’ computer. These malicious scripts can be embedded in ads and vulnerable and out of date WordPress plugins.

Cryptojacking can also happen through a supply chain attack, where cryptomining code compromises JavaScript libraries.

Cloud Cryptojacking
When hackers use cloud cryptojacking, they search through an organization’s files and code for API keys to access their cloud services. Once access is gained, hackers siphon unlimited CPU resources for cryptomining, resulting in a huge increase in account costs. Using this method, hackers can significantly accelerate their efforts of cryptojacking to illicitly mine for currency.