CyCon 2014



Full bookKeir Giles and Kim Hartmann "Socio-Political Eff ects of Active Cyber Defence Measures"Caitríona H. Heinl "Artifi cial (Intelligent) Agents and Active Cyber Defence: Policy Implications"Andreas Kornmeier et al. "Beyond technical data - a more comprehensive Situational Awareness fed by available..."Robert S. Dewar "The “Triptych of Cyber Security”: A Classifi cation of Active Cyber Defence"Jason Rivera et al. "The Deployment of Attribution Agnostic Cyberdefense Constructs and Internally Based Cyberthreat..."Kevin Mepham et al. "Dynamic Cyber-Incident Response"Jussi Timonen "Situational awareness and information collection from critical infrastructure"Oona A. Hathaway "39 The Drawbacks and Dangers of Active Defense"Judson Dressler et al. "Operational Data Classes for Establishing Situational Awareness in Cyberspace"David Raymond et al. "Key Terrain in Cyberspace: Seeking the High Ground"Paul Ducheine and Jelle van Haaster "Fighting Power, Targeting and Cyber Operations"Enrique de la Hoz et al. "Detecting and Defeating Advanced Man-In-The- Middle Attacks against TLS"Mario Golling, Robert Koch, Rick Hofstede "Towards Multi-layered Intrusion Detection in High-Speed Networks"Matthias Wübbeling, Michael Meier, Till Elsner "Inter-AS Routing Anomalies: Improved Detection and Classification"Nikos Virvilis, Oscar Serrano Serrano, Bart Vanautgaerden "Changing the game: The art of deceiving sophisticated attackers"Bruce W. Watson "Elastic Deep Packet Inspection"Dr. Samuel Liles and Jacob Kambic "Cyber Fratricide"Karlis Podins, Iveta Skujina, Varis Teivans "Low-cost active cyber defence"Stephen Cobb and Andrew Lee "Malware is Called Malicious for a Reason: The Risks of Weaponizing Code"Matteo Casenove and Armando Miraglia "Botnet over Tor: The Illusion of Hiding"Fatih Haltaº et al. "An Automated Bot Detection System through Honeypots for Large-Scale"