

The hacktivist group Anonymous launched an operation against the city of Denver, CO and its officials. Entitled OpRight2Rest, the operation is a response to the passing of the Denver Homeless Camping Ban.iAnonymous has threatened to launch DDoS attacks against the city institutes and authorities, as well as to extract and publish personal information of city officials (see figure 1).

Figure 1


On May 23 2012, Denver passed the Denver Homeless Camping Ban. This ban makes it a crime for the homeless population to shelter themselves on any type of public or private property without permission. In addition, the homeless cannot set belongings down inside city limits. Fines can go up to $999.

Anonymous contends that Denver's officials are bulling and harassing the homeless population in the city. In response, Anonymous is planning on Doxing members that support the ban, as well as launching coordinated denial of service attacks against the city of Denver unless the ban is repealed, the homeless are compensated, and a permanent solution is found.

Operation Video


Attack Vectors

Reasons for Concern

Anonymous has begun Doxing city officialsii. They have also published a target list for this operation along with emails and phone numbers of city officials. Additional hacktivist groups that belong to the Anonymous collective are using powerful tools to generate massive amounts of traffic for DDoS purposes and are leveraging web intrusion programs to acquire sensitive data.

How to Prepare

Radware advises that Denver city officials and those sites affected by this operation put security protections in place. Individuals may want to review their PII, while organizations may want to deploy DDoS attack prevention and mitigation systems, as well as a web application firewall. We recommend reviewing network security policies, and patching the system accordingly. Maintaining and inspecting your network often is necessary to defend against these types of risks and threats.

Organizations under Threat Should Consider

Effective DDoS protection elements:

Effective Web Application protection elements (to prevent web intrusions, defacement and data theft):

Radware's hybrid attack mitigation solution provides a set of patented and integrated technologies designed to detect, mitigate and report todays most advanced threats. Dedicated hardware and cloud solutions protect against attacks in real time and help ensure service availability.

Under Attack and in Need of Expert Emergency Assistance?

Radware offers a full range of solutions to help networks properly mitigate attacks similar to these. Our attack mitigation solutions provide a set of patented and integrated technologies designed to detect, mitigate and report todays most advanced DDoS attacks and cyber threats. With dedicated hardware, fully managed services and cloud solutions that protect against attacks, Radware can help ensure service availability. To understand how Radware's attack mitigation solutions can better protect your network contact us today.