OpIcarus Project Mayhem: DDoS Attacks Target Stock Exchanges


Anonymous has initiated the third and final phase of OpIcarus: “Project Mayhem” – a systematic cyber assault against worldwide stock exchanges. The global hacktivist group opened its DDoS attacks with a takedown of the London Stock Exchange website on June 5, 2016 (see Figure 1).

OpIcarus initially started in February with limited success. The attackers then returned better organized and prepared with new DDoS attacks and cyber-attack tools and launched a 30-day campaign, during which network outages were caused at dozens of sites, including the Bank of Greece, the Bank of Jordan and the Bank of South Korea (see Figure 2)

For the third phase of OpIcarus, Anonymous has designated all stock exchanges listed on this site as potential targets of DDoS attacks from “Project Mayhem”

OpIcarus “Project Mayhem” Attack Tools

Organizations Under These DDoS Attacks Should Consider

In addition to Radware products, we recommend that you review your network and patch your system accordingly. Maintaining and inspecting your network is necessary in order to defend against these types of DDoS attacks and threats.

Under Attack and in Need of Expert Emergency Assistance?

DDoS attacks or malware outbreaks can create unwanted emergency situations. Radware offers an emergency DDoS service to help respond to these emergencies, neutralize the security risk, and better safeguard operations before irreparable damages occur. If you’re under DDoS attack and in need of emergency assistance, contact us with the code “Red Button.”