Password Spray Attack Definition
Password Spray Attack is quite the opposite of Brute Force Attack. In Brute Force attacks, hackers choose a vulnerable ID and enter passwords one after another hoping some password might let them in. Basically, Brute Force is many passwords applied to just one ID.

Password Spray attack

Coming to Password Spray attacks, there is one password applied to multiple user IDs so that at least one of the user ID is compromised. For Password Spray attacks, hackers collect multiple user IDs using social engineering or other phishing methods. It often happens that at least one of those users is using a simple password like 12345678 or even p@ssw0rd. This vulnerability (or lack of info on how to create strong passwords) is exploited in Password Spray Attacks.

In a Password Spray Attack, the hacker would apply a carefully constructed password for all the user IDs he or she has collected. If lucky, the hacker might gain access to one account from where s/he can further penetrate into the computer network.

Password Spray Attack can thus be defined as applying the same password to multiple user accounts in an organization to secure unauthorized access to one of those accounts.