Webové útoky

Account lockout attack


Argument Injection or Modification


Asymmetric resource consumption


Binary planting


Blind SQL Injection


Blind XPath Injection


Brute force attack


Buffer overflow attack


Cache Poisoning


Cash Overflow




Code Injection


Command Injection


Comment Injection Attack


Content Security Policy


Content Spoofing


Cornucopia - Ecommerce Website Edition - Wiki Deck


CORS OriginHeaderScrutiny


CORS RequestPreflighScrutiny


Credential stuffing


Cross Frame Scripting


Cross Site History Manipulation (XSHM)


Cross Site Tracing


Cross User Defacement


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)


Cross-site Scripting (XSS)


Cross-User Defacement




CSRF Attack


CSV Injection


Custom Special Character Injection


Custom Special charakter Injection


Denial of Service


Direct Dynamic Code Evaluation (Eval Injection)


Direct Dynamic Code Evaluation ('Eval Injection')


Direct Static Code Injection




Double Encoding


Execution After Redirect (EAR)


Forced browsing


Form action hijacking


Format string attack


Full Path Disclosure


Function Injection


Guía para evitar infecciones de RANSOMWARE


HTTP Request Smuggling


HTTP Response Splitting


IDN homograf Attack


Inyección de Código


Inyección SQL


Inyección SQL Ciega


Inyección XPath


Inyección XPath Ciega


LDAP injection


Log Injection


Man in the browser attack


Man in the middle attack


Man-in-the-browser attack


Man-in-the-middle attack


Mobile code : object hijack


Mobile code: invoking untrusted mobile code


Mobile code: non-final public field


Mobile code: object hijack


Network Eavesdropping


One-Click Attack


Overflow Binary Resource File


OWASP Cornucopia


Page Hijacking


Parameter Delimeter


Parameter Delimiter


Path Manipulation


Path Traversal


Quantum Insert attack


Reflected DOM Injection


Regular expression Denial of Service - ReDoS


Relative Path Traversal


Repudiation Attack


Resource Injection


Reverse Tabnabbing


Server Side Includes (SSI) Inject


Server-Side Includes (SSI) Injection


Session fixation


Session hijacking attack


Session Prediction


Setting Manipulation


Special Element Injection




SQL Attack


SQL Injection


Traffic flood


Trojan Horse


Unicode Encoding


URL Spoofing


Web based Attack


Web Parameter Tampering


Windows ::DATA alternate data stream


XPATH Injection


XPATH Injection Java






XSS Attack


Xss in subtitle

(DOMinator) Finding DOMXSS with dynamic taint propagation


(Non-Persistent) Untraceable XSS Attacks


.Net Cross Site Scripting – Request Validation Bypassing


“ASPXErrorPath in URL” Technique in Scanning a .Net Web Application


0DAY: QuickTime pwns Firefox

Using Cookies For Selective DoS and State Detection


Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution


Popup & Focus URL Hijacking


The curse of inverse strokejacking


Fooling B64_Encode(Payload) on WAFs and filters



2CAPTCHA Hax With TesserCap

Web pages Detecting Virtualized Browsers and other tricks


Breaking into a WPA network with a webpage


Stroke triggered XSS and StrokeJacking


Poisoning proxy caches using Java/Flash/Web Sockets


How to Conceal XSS Injection in HTML5


Expanding the Attack Surface


Chronofeit Phishing


Non-Obvious (Crypto) Bugs by Example


SQLi filter evasion cheat sheet (MySQL)


XSHM Mark 2


A brief description of how to become a CA


A Different Opera 


A more plausible E4X attack


A story that diggs itself


A Twitter DomXss, a wrong fix and something more


Aaron Patterson – Serialized YAML Remote Code Execution


ABC News (AU) XSS linking the reporter to Al Qaeda


About CSS Attacks


Abusing CDNs with SSRF Flash and DNS


Abusing Flash-Proxies for client-side cross-domain HTTP requests


Abusing HTML 5 Structured Client-side Storage 


Abusing HTTP Status Codes to Expose Private Information


Abusing PHP Sockets


Abusing PHP Sockets (1, 2)


Abusing XSLT for Practical Attacks


Account Hijackings Force LiveJournal Changes


Active Man in the Middle Attacks


ActiveX Repurposing 


ActiveX Repurposing, (1, 2)


Additional Image Bypass on Windows


Adultspace XSS Worm


Advanced Exploitation of Mozilla Firefox Use-After-Free Vulnerability (Pwn2Own 2014) CVE-2014-1512


Advanced SQL injection to operating system full control


Advanced SQL injection to operating system full control(whitepaper)


Advanced Web Attack Techniques using GMail 


AIR Flash RCE from PWN2OWN


All Your Google Docs are Belong To US…


Angelo Prado, Neal Harris, Yoel Gluck – BREACH


Anonymizing RFI Attacks Through Google


Anti-DNS Pinning ( DNS Rebinding )


Anti-DNS Pinning ( DNS Rebinding ) : Online Demonstration 


Anti-DNS Pinning ( DNS Rebinding ) + Socket in FLASH


Anti-DNS Pinning and Circumventing Anti-Anti DNS pinning


Apache Struts ClassLoader Manipulation Remote Code Execution 


Apache Struts ClassLoader Manipulation Remote Code Execution and Blog Post


Apple's Safari 4 also fixes cross-domain XML theft


Apple's Safari 4 fixes local file theft attack


Arbitrary TCP over uploaded pages


Ashar Javad Attack against Facebook’s password reset process.


ASP.NET 'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack


AT&T Hack Highlights Web Site Vulnerabilities 


Attack - PDF Silent HTTP Form Repurposing Attacks


Attack Surface for Project Spartan’s EdgeHTML Rendering Engine


Attacking CAPTCHAs for Fun and Profit


Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection


Attacking OData: HTTP Verb Tunneling, Navigation Properties for Additional Data Access, System Query Options ($select)


Auto-Complete Hack by Hiding Filled in Input Fields with CSS




ava DSN Rebinding + Java Same IP Policy = The Internet Mayhem


Backdooring MP3 Files


Backdooring PDF Files


Backdooring QuickTime Movies




Belkin Buffer Overflow via Web


BK for Mayor of Oak Tree View


Blended Threats and JavaScript


Blind SQL Injection: Inference thourgh Underflow exception


Blind web server fingerprinting


Bonus Safari XXE (only affecting Safari 4 Beta)


Breaking Google Gears' Cross-Origin Communication Model 


Breaking HTTPS with BGP Hijacking


Breaking into a WPA network with a webpage


Browser Event Hijacking


Browser Port Scanning without JavaScript


Browser scheme/slash quirks


Browsers Anti-XSS methods in ASP (classic) have been defeated!


Browser's Ghost Busters


Bruteforce of PHPSESSID


Bruteforcing HTTP Auth in Firefox with JavaScript


Bruteforcing/Abusing search functions with no-rate checks to collect data


Bugs in the Browser: Firefox’s DATA URL Scheme Vulnerability


Building Subversive File Sharing With Client Side Applications


Bursting Performances in Blind SQL Injection - Take 2 (Bandwidth)


Bypass port blocking in Firefox, Opera and Konqueror.


Bypass Surgery


Bypassing CAPTCHAs by Impersonating CAPTCHA Providers (1,2)


Bypassing CSP for fun, no profit


Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution


Bypassing Filters With Encoding


Bypassing Flash’s local-with-filesystem Sandbox


Bypassing HTTP Basic Authenitcation in PHP Applications (** potential rediscovery of: HTExploit – Bypassing .htaccess restrictions **)


Bypassing Chrome’s Anti-XSS filter


Bypassing Mozilla Port Blocking


Bypassing NoCAPTHCA


Bypassing of web filters by using ASCII 


Bypassing OWASP ESAPI XSS Protection inside Javascript


Bypassing URL Authentication and Authorization with HTTP Verb Tampering


Canadian Beacon


CAPTCHA Hax With TesserCap


CAPTCHA Re-Riding Attack


Carlos Munoz – Bypassing Internet Explorer’s Anti-XSS Filter


Circumventing DNS Pinning for XSS


Click here to vote for your favorite web hacks of the year!


Clickjacking & OAuth


Clickjacking / Videojacking 


Clickjacking Rootkits for Android (2)


Client-side SQL Injection Attacks


Close encounters of the third kind (client-side JavaScript vulnerabilities)




Code Execution Through Filenames in Uploads


Code Execution via XSS


Code Execution via XSS (1)


Cody Collier – Exposing Verizon Wireless SMS History


Collecting Lots of Free 'Micro-Deposits'


Common localhost dns misconfiguration can lead to "same site" scripting


Compromising an unreachable Solr Serve


Content Smuggling


Content-Disposition Hacking


Converting unimplementable Cookie-based XSS to a persistent attack


Cookie Eviction


Cookie Path Traversal




Covert Redirect Vulnerability Related to OAuth 2.0 and OpenID


Covert Timing Channels based on HTTP Cache Headers


Cracking hashes in the JavaScript cloud with Ravan



Cracking Ruby on Rails Sessions


Creating a rogue CA certificate




Cross Context Scripting from within the Browser


Cross Domain Basic Auth Phishing Tactics


Cross domain content extraction with fake captcha


Cross Domain Leakage With Image Size


Cross Environment Hopping


Cross Site URL Hijacking by using Error Object in Mozilla Firefox


Cross-Browser Proxy Unmasking


Cross-domain leaks of site logins via Authenticated CSS 


Cross-domain search timing


Cross-protocol XSS with non-standard service ports


Cross-site File Upload Attacks


Cross-Site Identification (XSid)


Cross-Site Port Attacks


Cross-Site Printing (Printer Spamming)


Cross-subdomain Cookie Attacks


Crowd-sourcing mischief on Google Maps leads customers astray


Cryptophp Backdoor


CSRF And Ignoring Basic/Digest Auth


CSRF on Novell GroupWise WebAccess


CSRF token disclosure via iFRAME and CAPTCHA trickery 


CSRF with JSON – leveraging XHR and CORS


CSRF with MS Word


CSRF: Flash + 307 redirect = Game Over


CSRFing the uTorrent plugin


CSS :visited may be a bit overrated


CSS History Hack In Firefox Without JavaScript for Intranet Portscanning


CSS history hacking with evil marketing


CSS History Stealing Acts As Cookie


CSS-Only Clickjacking


CTA: The weaknesses in client side xss filtering targeting Chrome’s XSS Auditor


CUPS Detection


Cursorjacking again


De-cloaking in IE7.0 Via Windows Variables


Delta Boarding Pass Spoofing


Detecting browsers javascript hacks


Detecting Default Browser in IE


Detecting FireFox Extentions


Detecting IE in 12 bytes


Detecting Private Browsing Mode


Detecting Privoxy Users and Circumventing It


Detecting States of Authentication With Protected Images


Detecting users via Authenticated Redirects


DHCP Script Injection


Dialog Spoofing - Firefox Basic Authentication


Diminutive Worm, 161 byte Web Worm


DNS poisoning via Port Exhaustion


DNS Rebinding for Credential Brute Force


DNS Rebinding for Scraping and Spamming


DNS Rebinding on Java Applets


Dom Flow


DOMinator – Finding DOMXSS with dynamic taint propagation


DoS attacks via Abuse of Functionality vulnerabilities


Double eval() for DOM based XSS


Drag and Drop XSS in Firefox by HTML5 (Cross Domain in frames)


Drupal 7 Core SQLi




Effects of DNS Rebinding On IE’s Trust Zones


Embeding SVG That Contains XSS Using Base64 Encoding in Firefox


Encoding Filter Bypass 


Encoding Filter Bypass (UTF-7, Variable Width, US-ASCII)


Enumerate Windows Users In JS


Enumerating logins via Abuse of Functionality vulnerabilities


Enumerating Through User Accounts


Eradicating DNS Rebinding with the Extended Same-Origin Policy


Evading All Web Application filters


Evading All* WAF XSS Filters




Exaggerating Timing Attack Results Via GET Flooding


Excel formula injection in Google Docs


Expanding the Attack Surface


Expanding the control over the operating system from the database


Expansions on FREAK attack


Expect Header Injection Via Flash


Exploitation of “Self-Only” Cross-Site Scripting in Google Code


Exploiting CSRF Protected XSS


Exploiting Facebook Application XSS Holes to Make API Requests


Exploiting IE8 UTF-7 XSS Vulnerability using Local Redirection


Exploiting Logged Out XSS Vulnerabilities


Exploiting Second Life


Exploiting the unexploitable XSS with clickjacking


Exploiting Unexploitable XSS


Exploiting XSS in Ajax Web Applications


Exploiting XSS vulnerabilities on cookies


Exploiting XXE in File Upload Functionality


Exponential XSS


Exponential XSS Attacks


Expression Language Injection


F5 and Acunetix XSS disclosure


Facebook hosted DDOS with notes app


Facebook: Memorializing a User


Father/Daughter Team Finds Valuable Facebook Bug


Favorites Gone Wild


File Download Injection


File Name Enumeration in Rails


File System API with HTML5 – Juice for XSS




Filejacking: How to make a file server from your browser (with HTML5 of course)


Finding Weak Rails Security Tokens


Fireeye – Arbitrary reading and writing of the JVM process


Firefox 2 and WebKit nightly cross-domain image theft


Firefox cross-domain information theft (simple text strings, some CSV)


Firefox File Handling Woes


Firefox Header Redirection JavaScript Execution


Firefox Popup Blocker Allows Reading Arbitrary Local Files


Firefox XML injection into parse of remote XML


Firefox’s JAR: Protocol issues


Firefoxurl URI Handler Flaw


Flash Camera and Mic Remember Function and XSS


Flash clipboard Hijack


Flash Cookie Object Tracking


Flash Internet Explorer security model bug


Flash Origin Policy Issues


Flash Parameter Injection 




Flickr's API Signature Forgery Vulnerability (MD5 extension attack)


Fooling B64_Encode(Payload) on WAFs and filters


Forget sidejacking, clickjacking, and carjacking: enter “Formjacking”


Forging HTTP request headers with Flash


Formaction Scriptless attack updates


Frame Injection Fun


FREAK(Factoring attack on RSA-Export Keys)


Free MacWorld Platinum Pass? Yes in 2008!


Fun with data: URLs


Generic cross-browser cross-domain theft


Get Internal Network Information with Java Applets




Gmail - Google Docs Cookie Hijacking through PDF Repurposing &PDF


Google Adsense CSRF hole


Google Docs puts Google Users at Risk


Google Dorks Strike Again


Google Drive SSO Phishing


Google GMail E-mail Hijack Technique


Google Hacks On Your Behalf


Google Chrome HTTP AUTH Dialog Spoofing through Realm Manipulation


Google Chrome/ChromeOS sandbox side step via owning extensions


Google Indexes XSS


Google plugs phishing hole


Google Translate - Google User Content - File Uploading Cross - XSS and Design Stringency - A Talk


Google Two-Factor Authentication Bypass


Google Urchin password theft madness


Google User De-Anonymization


Google Vulnerable Code Dork


Governator Hack


Gravatar Email Enumeration in JavaScript


Hacker scans the internet


Hacking Auto-Complete (Safari v1, Safari v2 TabHack, Firefox,Internet Explorer)


Hacking CSRF Tokens using CSS History Hack


Hacking Facebook with HTML5


Hacking Intranets Through Web Interfaces


Hacking Intranets Via Brute Force


Hacking PayPal Accounts with 1 Click


Hacking RSS Feeds


Hacking without 0days: Drive-by Java


Hash Information Disclosure Via Collisions - The Hard Way


HashDOS: Effective Denial of Service attacks against web application platforms




Hellfire for redirectors


Hidden XSS Attacking the Desktop & Mobile Platforms


Hiding JS in Valid Images


Hijacking Opera’s Native Page using malicious RSS payloads


Hijacking Safari 4 Top Sites with Phish Bombs


HikaShop Object Injection


HostGator: cPanel Security Hole Exploited in Mass Hack


Hostile Subdomain Takeover using Heroku/Github/Desk + more


Hostile Subdomain Takeover using Heroku/Github/Desk 


How Facebook lacked X-Frame-Options and what I did with it


How I hacked GitHub again


How I hacked Instagram to see your private photos


How I Hacked StackOverflow


How to Conceal XSS Injection in HTML5


How to defeat digg.com


How to get linked from Slashdot


How to get SQL query contents from SQL injection flaw


How To Own Every User On A Social Networking Site


How to upload arbitrary file contents cross-domain


How to upload arbitrary file contents cross-domain (2)


How to use Google Analytics to DoS a client from some website.


HOW TO: Spy on the Webcams of Your Website Visitors


HScan Redux


HTML/CSS Injections - Primitive Malicious Code




HTML5 Hard Disk Filler™ API


HTML5 new XSS vectors




HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)




HTTP Proxies Bypass Firewalls


HTTP Response Splitting and Data: URI scheme in Firefox


Hunting ASynchronous Vulnerabilities


Hyperlink Spoofing and the Modern Web


Chrome addon hacking (2, 3, 4, 5)


Chrome and Safari users open to stealth HTML5 AppCache attack


Chronofeit Phishing


I know what your friends did last summer


I know what you've got (Firefox Extensions)


I know where you've been


I used to know what you watched, on YouTube (CSRF + Crossdomain.xml)


IE "Print Table of Links" Cross-Zone Scripting Vulnerability


IE 7 and Firefox Browsers Digest Authentication Request Splitting


IE Sends Local Addresses in Referer Header




IE6.0 Protocol Guessing


IE7.0 Detector


IE8 Link Spoofing - Broken Status Bar Integrity


IE9 Self-XSS Blackbox Protection bypass


Iframe HTTP Ping


IIS5.1 Directory Authentication Bypass by using ":$I30:$Index_Allocation"


IIS6/ASP & file upload for fun and profit




Image Names Gone Bad


IMAP Vulnerable to XSS


Improving HTTPS Side Channel Attacks


Initiating Probes Against Servers Via Other Servers


Injecting the script tag into XML


Inline UTF-7 E4X javascript hijacking


Inter Protocol Exploitation


Internal Port Scanning via Crystal Reports


Internet Archiver Port Scanner


Internet Explorer 7 "mhtml:" Redirection Information Disclosure


iPhone SSL Warning and Safari Phishing


ISO-8895-1 Vulnerable in Firefox to Null Injection


itms Decloaking


James Bennett – Django DOS


Java Applet Same IP Host Access


Java Applet Same-Origin Policy Bypass via HTTP Redirect


Java Applet DNS Rebinding


Java Applets and DNS Rebinding


Java Deserialization w/ Apache Commons Collections in WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Jenkins, and OpenNMS


Java DSN Rebinding + Java Same IP Policy = The Internet Mayhem


Java JAR Attacks and Features


JavaScript Code Flow Manipulation


JavaScript Global Namespace Pollution


JavaScript Port Scanning


JavaScript Portscanning and bypassing HTTP Auth




Join a Religion Via CSRF


JSON Hijacking with UTF-7


JSON-based XSS exploitation


Jumping out of Touch Screen Kiosks


Kindle Touch (5.0) Jailbreak/Root and SSH


Large Scale Detection of DOM based XSS


Launch any file path from web page


Linskys E420 Authentication Bypass Disclosure


Local DoS on CUPS to a remote exploit via specially-crafted webpage


Local DoS on CUPS to a remote exploit via specially-crafted webpage (1)


LocalRodeo Detection


Location based XSS attacks


Login Detection without JavaScript




Lost in Translation (ASP’s HomoXSSuality)


Lotus Notes Formula Injection


Lucky 13 Attack


Magic Hashes


Malformed URL in Image Tag Fingerprints Internet Explorer


Mapping a web browser to GPS coordinates via router XSS + Google Location Services without prompting the user


Mario Heiderich – Mutation XSS


MD5 extension attack


Metaverse breached: Second Life customer database hacked


Microsoft ASP.NET Request Validation Bypass Vulnerability


Microsoft ASP.NET Request Validation Bypass Vulnerability (POC)


Microsoft IIS 0-Day Vulnerability Parsing Files (semi‐colon bug)


Microsoft IIS with Metasploit evil.asp;.jpg


Microsoft SChannel Vulnerability


Million Browser Botnet Video Briefing


Millions of PDF invisibly embedded with your internal disk paths


Misfortune Cookie – TR-069 ACS Vulnerabilities in residential gateway routers


MITM attack to overwrite addons in Firefox


MitM DNS Rebinding SSL/TLS Wildcards and XSS


More Port Scanning - This Time in Flash


More URI Stuff… (IE’s Resouce URI)


MSIE Flash 0day targeting french aerospace


MSWord Scripting Object XSS Payload Execution Bug and Random CLSID Stringency


Multi-pass filters bypass


Multiple Facebook Messenger CSRF’s


Multiple vulnerabilities in Apache Struts2 and property oriented programming with Java


Multiviews Apache, Accept Requests and free listing


MX Injection : Capturing and Exploiting Hidden Mail Servers


MySQL and SQL Column Truncation Vulnerabilities


MySQL Stacked Queries with SQL Injection...sort of


NAT Pinning: Penetrating routers and firewalls from a web page


NAT Pinning: Penetrating routers and firewalls from a web page (forcing router to port forward)


Navigation Hijacking (Frame/Tab Injection Attacks)


Net Cross Site Scripting – Request Validation Bypassing


Netflix.com XSRF vuln


Network Scanning with HTTP without JavaScript


New Evasions for Web Application Firewalls


New Methods in Automated XSS Detection: Dynamic XSS Testing Without Using Static Payloads


New PHPIDS vector


Next Generation Clickjacking


Nikon magazine hit with security breach


No Alnum JavaScript (cheat sheet, jjencode demo)




Noisy Decloaking Methods


Non-Alpha-Non-Digit 3


Non-Obvious (Crypto) Bugs by Example


NoScript Bypass - "Reflective XSS" through Union SQL Poisoning Trick


NTLM Relay via HTTP to internet or stealing windows user hashes while using java client


NULLs in entities in Firefox


One vector to rule them all


OpenSSL CVE-2014-0224


Opera XSS vectors


Optimizing the number of requests in blind SQL injection


Our Favorite XSS Filters and how to Attack them


overwriting cookies on other people’s domains in Firefox. 


'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack


'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack (poet, Padbuster, demo,ASP.NET)


padding oracle web attack (poet, Padbuster, demo)


Paper on Hacking Intranets Using Websites (Not Web Browsers)


Parasitic computing using ‘Cloud Browsers’ (2)


Passing Malicious PHP Through getimagesize()


Password extraction from Ajax/DOM/HTML5 routine


Password mining from AWS/Parse Tokens


Pawn Storm (CVE-2015-7645)




Paypal Manager Account Hijack


PayPal Security Flaw allows Identity Theft


PDF XSS Can Compromise Your Machine


Penetrating Intranets through Adobe Flex Applications


Performing DDoS attacks with HTML5 Cross Origin Requests & WebWorkers


Permanent backdooring of HTML5 client-side application


Permanent backdooring of HTML5 client-side application [Apture example]


Persistent Cookies


Persistent Cookies and DNS Rebinding Redux


Persistent Cross Interface Attacks


Persistent SQL Injection


Phil Purviance – Don’t Use Linksys Routers


PHPIDS bypass


phpwn: Attack on PHP sessions and random numbers


Ping pong obfuscation


Pixel Perfect Timing Attacks with HTML5


Poisoning proxy caches using Java/Flash/Web Sockets


Poking new holes with Flash Crossdomain Policy Files




Popup & Focus URL Hijacking


Port Scan without JavaScript


Port Scanning with HTML5 and JS-Recon


Posting raw XML cross-domain


Practical Timing Attacks using Mathematical Amplification of Time Difference in == Operator


Pulling system32 out over blind SQL Injection


Pure Java™, Pure Evil™ Popups


Pwning Opera Unite with Inferno’s Eleven


Pwning via SSRF (memcached, php-fastcgi, e


PXSS on long length videos to DOS


Quick Proxy Detection


Quicky Firefox DoS


Racing to downgrade users to cookie-less authentication


Random Number Security in Python


Rapid history extraction through non-destructive cache timing (v8)


RCE through mangled WAR upload into Tomcat App Manager using PUT-in-Gopher-over-XXE (1)


Read Firefox Settings (PoC)


Recursive DNS Resolver (DOS)


Recursive File Include DoS


Recursive Request DoS


Redirector’s hell


Reflected File Download


Relative Path Overwrite


Remote File Upload Vulnerability in WordPress MailPoet Plugin (wysija-newsletters)


Res Timing Attack


Res Timing File Enumeration Without JavaScript in IE7.0


Res:// Protocol Local File Enumeration


Residential Gateway “Misfortune Cookie”


Response Splitting Filter Evasion


Results, Unicode Left/Right Pointing Double Angel Quotation Mark


Re-visiting JAVA De-serialization: It can't get any simpler than this !!




RFC 1918 Blues


RFC1918 Caching Security Issues


Rosetta Flash


Ruby on Rails Session Termination Design Flaw


Safari Carpet Bomb 


Safari pwns Internet Explorer


Same Origin Bypass in Adobe Reader CVE-2014-8453


Same Origin Bypassing Using Image Dimensions


Same Origin Spoofing to Attack Client Certificate Sessions


Scanning internal Lan with PHP remote file opening.


Scraping & Spamming


Selecting Encoding Methods For XSS Filter Evasion


Server Side Template Injection


Server-Side Template Injection: RCE for the Modern Web App


Session Extending


Session Fixation


Session Fixation Via DNS Rebinding


Session Puzzling (aka Session Variable Overloading)


setTimeout Clickjacking


Severe XSS in Google and Others due to the JAR protocol issues




Side Channel Attacks in SSL


Site Plagiarizes Blog Posts, Then Files DMCA Takedown on Originals


Skype cross-zone scripting vulnerability




Slowloris HTTP DoS


SMB Decloaking




SMTP Injection via Recipient Email Address


Smuggling SMTP through open HTTP proxies




Soaksoak WordPress Malware


Social Networks Evil Twin Attacks


Socket Capable Browser Plugins Result In Transparent Proxy Abuse


Spoofing Firefox protected objects


SpyTunes: Find out what iTunes music someone else has


SQL Smuggling


SQLi filter evasion cheat sheet (MySQL)


SSID Script Injection


St. Louis Federal Reserve DNS Redirect


Steal History without JavaScript


Stealing Basic Auth with Persistent XSS


Stealing entire Auto-Complete data in Google Chrome


Stealing Mouse Clicks for Banner Fraud


Stealing Pictures with Picasa


Stealing Search Engine Queries with JavaScript


Stealing User Information Via Automatic Form Filling


Stealth Cookie Stealing (new XSS technique)


Steam Browser Protocol Insecurity


Stiltwalker, exploits weaknesses in the audio version of reCAPTCHA


Stored XSS Vulnerability @ Amazon


Stripping Referrer for fun and profit


Stroke triggered XSS and StrokeJacking




Struts 2 OGNL Double Evaluation RCE


Stuffing Javascript into DNS names


Superfish SSL MitM


SurveyMonkey: IP Spoofing


Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack


Tapjacking: owning smartphone browsers


Temporal Session Race Conditions Video 2


Text-based CAPTCHA Strengths and Weaknesses


The “I Know…” series. What websites know about you


The Attack of the TINY URLs


The Case of the Unconventional CSRF Attack in Firefox


The curse of inverse strokejacking


The Failure of Noise-Based Non-Continuous Audio Captchas


The New Age of XXE


The old is new, again. CVE20112461 is back!


The PayPal 2FA Bypass


The Unexpected Dangers of Dynamic JavaScript


The Web Never Forgets: Persistent Tracking Mechanisms in the Wild


There’s an OAK TREE in my blog!?!?!


Timing Attacks on CSS Shaders


Timothy Morgan – What You Didn’t Know About XML External Entity Attacks


Timur Yunusov and Alexey Osipov – XML Out of Band Data Retrieval


Top 3 Proxy Issues That No One Ever Told You


Top-Level Universal XSS


Tor Hidden-Service Passive De-Cloaking


Total surveillance made easy with VoIP phone


Tracking users that block cookies with a HTTP redirect


Tunneling TCP over HTTP over SQL Injection 


Tunneling tcp over http over sql-injection


Turn Any Page Into A Greasemonkey Popup


Turning XSS into Clickjacking


TweetDeck XSS


Twitter misidentifying context


UI Redressing Mayhem: Firefox 0-Day And The LeakedIn Affair


UI Redressing Mayhem: HTTPOnly Bypass PayPwn Style


UI Redressing: Attacks and Countermeasures Revisited


Unauthenticated Backup and Password Disclosure In HandsomeWeb SOS Webpages cve-2014-3445


Unauthorized TinyURL URL Enumeration Vulnerability


Understanding and Managing Entropy Usage


Universal XSS in Adobe’s Acrobat Reader Plugin


Universal XSS in IE8 


Untangling The DOM For More Easy-Juicy Bugs


UPnP Hacking via Flash


URL Hiding - new method of URL Spoofing attacks


URL Spoofing vulnerability in bots of search engines 


URL Spoofing vulnerability in bots of search engines (#2)


Username Enumeration Timing Attacks (Sensepost)


Username Enumeration Vulnerabilities


Using Blended Browser Threats involving Chrome to steal files on your computer


Using Cookies For Selective DoS and State Detection


Using Cross-domain images in WebGL and Chrome 13


Using CSS to De-Anonymize


Using HTTP headers pollution for mobile networks attacks (2)


Using POST method to bypass IE-browser protected XSS


Using the HTML5 Fullscreen API for Phishing Attacks


Using WordPress as a intranet and internet port scanner


Using your browser URL history to estimate gender


Variable Width Encoding


Visitor Tracking Without Cookies (or How To Abuse HTTP 301s)


Weaknesses in RC4


Web Browser History Stealing


Web Browser Intranet Hacking / Port Scanning 


Web Mayhem: Firefox’s JAR: Protocol issues


Web pages Detecting Virtualized Browsers and other tricks


Web Timing Attacks Made Practical


Web Worms 


Who Are You? A Statistical Approach to Protecting LinkedIn Logins(CSS UI Redressing Issue)


Widespread XSS for Google Search Appliance


Will it Blend?


Winning the Online Banking War


WordPress Core RCE


Xanga Hit By Script Worm


X-Frame-Options (XFO) Detection from Javascript


XML Intranet Port Scanning


XMLHTTPReqest “Ping” Sweeping in Firefox 3.5+


XSHM Mark 2


XSS Fragmentation Attacks


XSS in Skype for iOS


XSS Relocation Attacks through Word Hyperlinking


XSS Vulnerabilities in Common Shockwave Flash Files


XSS: Gaining access to HttpOnly Cookie in 2012


XSSing client-side dynamic HTML includes by hiding HTML inside images and more


XSS-Track as a HTML5 WebSockets traffic sniffer


XSS-Track: How to quietly track a whole website through single XSS


Yahoo Babelfish - Possible Frame Injection Attack - Design Stringency


Yes, you can have fun with downloads


Zach Cutlip – Remote Code Execution in Netgear routers