
Let’s start with a few words about the Trojan horses.

In the PC world, a Trojan horse is a malicious code, which is hidden inside a harmless looking piece of content or program. Trojans could be very creative in camouflaging themselves in almost any piece of data or file. It could be EXE installation file, media codec, smartphone app or even a Web page. And this is not everything. Some other common examples where such type of malware likes to hide is image files, sound files, office documents, or online games. Witch such a great variety, users are easily deluded to click an infected file, which usually installs malware that starts to operate in their system immediately. This way, Trojans are able to sneak in their PC unnoticed, get control over their system and do a specific form of damage. As you see, these are all the common types of content that users daily interact with. The chance of clicking on an infected file, thinking it is harmless, but ending up with a Trojan horse instead, is quite realistic. This is probably how you got GozNym Malware on your PC.

What do Trojans do?

A Trojan horse can be programmed to do almost anything. For example, it can create a remote backdoor to your system, this way allowing hackers to control your PC. It runs secretly and silently in such a way, that sometimes it is hard even for the antivirus software to detect it. Some Trojans install different forms of spyware such as key loggers, which record keyboard activity. They may monitor Internet usage or sometimes collect personal data. Other types of Trojans may install botnet software, where many computers are linked together. These computers are secretly controlled by criminals. Botnets are then used for different purposes. For example launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, jam websites, cracking encrypted passwords or pumping out spam emails. All this can happen without the users’ knowledge.

How can you get infected with GozNym Malware?

Trojans such as GozNym Malware are usually installed via “drive-by downloads,” where cybercriminals change an unsuspected Web page’s code. This way the visiting browsers automatically will download the malware. Another way to get this nasty virus is when downloading torrents, or clicking on infected links or files and e-mail attachments.

How can GozNym Malware be detected?

Once GozNym Malware is installed, detecting it can be difficult. The best method is to use good anti-virus software that will block the installation of different types of malware. If you are not sure which antivirus software is good to use for this purpose, you can check in the banners below. Anyhow, the prevention is the best method to save you from dealing with GozNym Malware and other Trojans.

How to prevent infection by Trojans

Reducing the chances of infection by Trojans has a few simple steps, which are valid for other types of malware as well. Firstly, turn on the available firewall on your home network. Most OS have built-in firewall options, which may prevent malware from getting automatically installed on your PC. It is very important to have good antivirus software. Make sure you are running it regularly and keeping it updated. Consider having software, scanning your e-mail for malicious attachments, which often perform automatic scans.

Of course, the golden rule we always advise our readers is to stay away from unknown websites, suspicious pieces of content, pirated materials and ads links. All this may help, but once Trojan like GozNym Malware gets through, it is time for some more radical steps. In the guide below you will find the exact description on how to manually remove GozNym Malware from your PC. We hope the efforts our “How to remove” experts put into this piece will help you deal with it and keep you away from Trojans for long.


Name GozNym Malware
Type Trojan horse
Danger Level High (This is a program, that contains malicious coding, created to do harm on your system and information and allowing hackers to control your PC)
Symptoms Usually get installed unnoticed and has no symptoms.
Distribution Method Users may get infected through a wide variety of files and data such as image files, sound files, office documents, emailed attachments, torrents etc.
Detection Tool Malware may be difficult to track down. Use SpyHunter – a professional GozNym Malware scanner – to make sure you find all files related to the infection.