Nimar Loader
Baza (BazarLoader & BazarBackdoor) has been attributed to the organized cybercrime group behind Trickbot by multiple security vendors over the past year. Initially appearing around April of 2020 , the malware was spread in email campaigns utilizing infrastructure previously used to distribute Trickbot. The term BazarLoader was coined due to the reliance and use of Blockchain-DNS and the associated bazar domains used to communicate with the controllers. Since then, the terms Baza or Bazarloader have been used interchangeably to reference this particular malware family.
After the initial appearance of Baza, multiple reports attributing various code to the malware family appeared.It became increasingly obvious that development was on going and multiple projects were under construction. The downside to such a public following, is the common acceptance of activity based on previous TTPS. Combining TTPs such as loading powershell stagers into red team utilities along with similar campaign structures and C2 traffic patterns, can quickly lead to incorrect attribution of malware families and actors.
On Feb 3, we detected campaigns previously attributed to Baza but the malware utilized request headers that were different. Several others noticed oddities as well. Further analysis indicated something completely different and new. Nimar loader did not share the same codebase as the baza family.
NimarLoader or Nimrod recently mistaken as BazarLoader, is coded in Nim. The malware was obfuscated but did not contain the typical hardening seen in large scale campaigns. Since it was something newly developed, crypting the sample was unnecessary but it is curiously absent making analysis less difficult. From the strings, hints at the capability can be clearly seen.
verb in @["GET", "POST"]
@heartbeat set
@HEARTBEAT set Failed
@Shellcode Done
@No update data recieved
The command table allows to handshake, heartbeat, shellcode, powershell or cmd, as evidenced in the strings seen during execution.
Image for post
Image1: handshake
Image for post
Image2: heartbeat
Image for post
Image3. powershell or cmd
Image for post
Image4: shellcode
Image for post
Image5: unknown command
While some of the strings are visible, a string encoding and decoding routine exists.
Image for post
Image6: Decoding routine
The decoding loop XORs every byte of the encoded string with every byte of the key and then increments the key by one, due to how XOR works this is the same as XOR encoding every byte with a single XOR byte and incrementing the key by the iterator in a rolling single byte XOR loop.
Image for post
Image7: Decoding Loop
After running the routine the following strings are decrypted:
Image for post
As referenced earlier, the sample functions a bit like a loader, with the ability to process shellcode and execute tasks or jobs via cmd or powershell. Similar to the majority of Baza campaigns, the tasks that were executed came in the form of cobalt strike stagers. The benefit of using this “fileless” mechanism, is nothing touches disk.
Upon execution, a callout is made by the stager to topservicebin[.]com. During the campaign, the domain resolved to the ip 45.141.87 .41 which contained the following SSL certificate.
Image for post

Image8: SSL Cert
The following are all Cobalt Strike servers with matching or similar certs, sharing the same hosting provider.
Image for post
Nearly identical infrastructure has been positively associated with the deployment of not only BazarLoader but with the deployment of RYUK by Mandiant last October.
Nimar Loader appears to be partially based on existing code or perhaps the idea originated elsewhere. The actors behind TrickBot have incorporated free utilities and software developed by the CyberSecurity or opensource communities for their own nefarious purposes (MiniLZO, BloodHound, CobaltStrike, PowerSploit, Obfuscator-LLVM, ADVobfuscator…) in the past. While the nim language is not new to the offensive scene, it is quite a departure for the traditional tooling of Trickbot.