Content Consumption data

This type of data includes diagnostic details about Microsoft applications that provide media consumption functionality (such as Groove Music), and is not intended to capture user viewing, listening or reading habits.

Category Name



Information about movie consumption functionality on the device such as:
Video Width, height, color pallet, encoding (compression) type, and encryption type
Instructions for how to stream content for the user -- the smooth streaming manifest of chunks of content files that must be pieced together to stream the content based on screen resolution and bandwidth
URL for a specific two second chunk of content if there is an error
Full screen viewing mode details

Music & TV

Information about music and TV consumption on the device such as:
Service URL for song being downloaded from the music service – collected when an error occurs to facilitate restoration of service
Content type (video, audio, surround audio)
Local media library collection statistics -- number of purchased tracks, number of playlists
Region mismatch -- User OS Region, and Xbox Live region


Information about reading consumption functionality on the device such as:
App accessing content and status and options used to open a Windows Store book
Language of the book
Time spent reading content
Content type and size details

Photos App

Information about photos usage on the device such as:
File source data -- local, SD card, network device, and OneDrive
Image & video resolution, video length, file sizes types and encoding
Collection view or full screen viewer use and duration of view