Diagnostic Data

Microsoft collects Windows diagnostic data to keep Windows up-to-date, secure, and operating properly. It also helps us improve Windows and, for users who have turned on “tailored experiences”, can be used to provide relevant tips and recommendations to tailor Microsoft products to the user’s needs. This article describes all types diagnostic data collected by Windows at the Full telemetry level (inclusive of data collected at Basic), with comprehensive examples of data we collect per each type. For additional, detailed technical descriptions of Basic data items, see Windows 10, version 1703 Basic level diagnostic events and fields.

The data covered in this article is grouped into the following categories:

Common Data (diagnostic header information)
Device, Connectivity, and Configuration data
Product and Service Usage data
Product and Service Performance data
Software Setup and Inventory data
Content Consumption data
Browsing, Search and Query data
Inking, Typing, and Speech Utterance data
Licensing and Purchase data

Common data

Most diagnostic events contain a header of common data:

Category Name



Common Data

Information that is added to most diagnostic events, if relevant and available:

  • OS name, version, build, and locale
    User ID -- a unique identifier associated with the user's Microsoft Account (if one is used) or local account. The user's Microsoft Account identifier is not collected from devices configured to send Basic diagnostic data
    Xbox UserID
    Environment from which the event was logged -- Application ID of app or component that logged the event, Session GUID. Used to track events over a given period of time such the period an app is running or between boots of the OS.
    The diagnostic event name, Event ID, ETW opcode, version, schema signature, keywords, and flags
    HTTP header information including IP address. This is not the IP address of the device but the source address in the network packet header received by the diagnostics ingestion service.
    Various IDs that are used to correlate and sequence related events together.
    Device ID. This is not the user provided device name, but an ID that is unique for that device.
    Device class -- Desktop, Server, or Mobile
    Event collection time
    Diagnostic level -- Basic or Full, Sample level -- for sampled data, what sample level is this device opted into