Product and Service Performance data

This type of data includes details about the health of the device, operating system, apps and drivers.

Category Name


Device health and crash data

Information about the device and software health such as:

Error codes and error messages, name and ID of the app, and process reporting the error
DLL library predicted to be the source of the error -- xyz.dll
System generated files -- app or product logs and trace files to help diagnose a crash or hang
System settings such as registry keys
User generated files – .doc, .ppt, .csv files where they are indicated as a potential cause for a crash or hang
Details and counts of abnormal shutdowns, hangs, and crashes
Crash failure data – OS, OS component, driver, device, 1st and 3rd party app data
Crash and Hang dumps:
The recorded state of the working memory at the point of the crash.
Memory in use by the kernel at the point of the crash.
Memory in use by the application at the point of the crash.
All the physical memory used by Windows at the point of the crash.
Class and function name within the module that failed.

Device performance and reliability data

Information about the device and software performance such as:

User Interface interaction durations -- Start Menu display times, browser tab switch times, app launch and switch times, and Cortana and search performance and reliability.
Device on/off performance -- Device boot, shutdown, power on/off, lock/unlock times, and user authentication times (fingerprint and face recognition durations).
In-app responsiveness -- time to set alarm, time to fully render in-app navigation menus, time to sync reading list, time to start GPS navigation, time to attach picture MMS, and time to complete a Windows Store transaction.
User input responsiveness – onscreen keyboard invocation times for different languages, time to show auto-complete words, pen or touch latencies, latency for handwriting recognition to words, Narrator screen reader responsiveness, and CPU score.
UI and media performance and glitches/smoothness -- video playback frame rate, audio glitches, animation glitches (stutter when bringing up Start), graphics score, time to first frame, play/pause/stop/seek responsiveness, time to render PDF, dynamic streaming of video from OneDrive performance
Disk footprint -- Free disk space, out of memory conditions, and disk score.
Excessive resource utilization – components impacting performance or battery life through high CPU usage during different screen and power states
Background task performance -- download times, Windows Update scan duration, Windows Defender Antivirus scan times, disk defrag times, mail fetch times, service startup and state transition times, and time to index on-device files for search results
Peripheral and devices -- USB device connection times, time to connect to a wireless display, printing times, network availability and connection times (time to connect to Wi-Fi, time to get an IP address from DHCP etc.), smart card authentication times, automatic brightness environmental response times
Device setup -- first setup experience times (time to install updates, install apps, connect to network etc.), time to recognize connected devices (printer and monitor), and time to setup Microsoft Account.
Power and Battery life – power draw by component (Process/CPU/GPU/Display), hours of screen off time, sleep state transition details, temperature and thermal throttling, battery drain in a power state (screen off or screen on), processes and components requesting power use during screen off, auto-brightness details, time device is plugged into AC vs. battery, battery state transitions
Service responsiveness - Service URI, operation, latency, service success/error codes, and protocol.
Diagnostic heartbeat – regular signal to validate the health of the diagnostics system