Product and Service Usage data

This type of data includes details about the usage of the device, operating system, applications and services.

Category Name


App usage

Information about Windows and application usage such as:

OS component and app feature usage
User navigation and interaction with app and Windows features. This could potentially include user input, such as name of a new alarm set, user menu choices, or user favorites.
Time of and count of app/component launches, duration of use, session GUID, and process ID
App time in various states – running foreground or background, sleeping, or receiving active user interaction
User interaction method and duration – whether and length of time user used the keyboard, mouse, pen, touch, speech, or game controller
Cortana launch entry point/reason
Notification delivery requests and status
Apps used to edit images and videos
SMS, MMS, VCard, and broadcast message usage statistics on primary or secondary line
Incoming and Outgoing calls and Voicemail usage statistics on primary or secondary line
Emergency alerts are received or displayed statistics
Content searches within an app
Reading activity -- bookmarking used, print used, layout changed

App or product state

Information about Windows and application state such as:

Start Menu and Taskbar pins
Online/Offline status
App launch state –- with deep-link such as Groove launched with an audio track to play, or share contract such as MMS launched to share a picture.
Personalization impressions delivered
Whether the user clicked or hovered on UI controls or hotspots
User feedback Like or Dislike or rating was provided
Caret location or position within documents and media files -- how much of a book has been read in a single session or how much of a song has been listened to.

Login properties

  • Login success or failure

  • Login sessions and state