Software Setup and Inventory data

This type of data includes software installation and update information on the device.

Category Name


Installed Applications and Install History

Information about apps, drivers, update packages, or OS components installed on the device such as:

App, driver, update package, or component’s Name, ID, or Package Family Name
Product, SKU, availability, catalog, content, and Bundle IDs
OS component, app or driver publisher, language, version and type (Win32 or UWP)
Install date, method, and install directory, count of install attempts
MSI package code and product code
Original OS version at install time
User or administrator or mandatory installation/update
Installation type – clean install, repair, restore, OEM, retail, upgrade, and update

Device update information

Information about Windows Update such as:

Update Readiness analysis of device hardware, OS components, apps, and drivers (progress, status, and results)
Number of applicable updates, importance, type
Update download size and source -- CDN or LAN peers
Delay upgrade status and configuration
OS uninstall and rollback status and count
Windows Update server and service URL
Windows Update machine ID
Windows Insider build details