Windows - Menu 







Microsoft Windows Kernel - 'win32k.sys' 'NtSetWindowLongPtr' Privilege Escalation...


Windows x64 - CreateRemoteThread() DLL Injection Shellcode (584 bytes)


Microsoft Power Point 2016 - Java Code Execution


Microsoft Remote Desktop Client for Mac 8.0.36 - Remote Code Execution


Microsoft Windows 10 Edge - 'chakra.dll' Info Leak / Type Confusion Remote Code...


Microsoft Windows 8.1 (x64) - RGNOBJ Integer Overflow (MS16-098)


Windows x64 - Password Protected Bind Shellcode (825 bytes)


Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 IEFRAME -...  


Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 MSHTML - CSplice­Tree­Engine::Remove­Splice Us...


Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 MSHTML - 'DOMImplementation' Type...


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'NDISTAPI' Privilege Escalation (MS11-062) NTP 4.2.8p3 - Denial of Service


Microsoft Edge Scripting Engine - Memory Corruption (MS16-129)  


Windows x64 - Download & Execute Shellcode (358 bytes)


 Microsoft Edge - 'CText­Extractor::Get­Block­Text' Out-of-Bounds Read (MS16-104)  


Microsoft Edge Scripting Engine - Memory Corruption (MS16-129)


Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 jscript - 'Reg­Exp­Base::FBad­Header' Use-After-Free (...


Microsoft Edge - 'Array.reverse' Overflow    


Microsoft Edge - 'Array.filter' Info Leak


Microsoft Edge - 'FillFromPrototypes' Type Confusion


Windows x64 - Reverse Shell TCP Shellcode (694 bytes)


Microsoft Windows Kernel - win32k Denial of Service (MS16-135)  


Microsoft Windows - LSASS SMB NTLM Exchange Null-Pointer Dereference (MS16-137)


Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 - MSHTML CAttrArray Use-After-Free (MS14-056)


Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 - MSHTML CView::CalculateImageImmunity Use-After-Free


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'NDISTAPI' Privilege Escalation (MS11-062)


Windows DeviceApi CMApi PiC 


Windows DeviceApi CMApi - User Hive Impersonation Privilege Escalation (MS16-124)  


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'NDISTAPI' Privilege Escalation (MS11-062)


Windows DeviceApi CMApi PiC 


Windows DeviceApi CMApi - User Hive Impersonation Privilege Escalation (MS16-124)


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'afd.sys' Privilege Escalation (MS11-046)


Windows DFS Client Driver - Arbitrary Drive Mapping Privilege Escalation (MS16-123)


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'afd.sys' Privilege Escalation (MS11-046)      


Windows DFS Client Driver - Arbitrary Drive Mapping Privilege Escalation (MS16-123)


Windows DeviceApi CMApi PiC


Windows DeviceApi CMApi - User Hive Impersonation Privilege Escalation (MS16-124)


Windows DeviceApi CMApi PiC 


Windows DeviceApi CMApi - User Hive Impersonation Privilege Escalation (MS16-124)


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'afd.sys' Privilege Escalation (MS11-046)


Windows DFS Client Driver - Arbitrary Drive Mapping Privilege Escalation (MS16-123)


Microsoft Windows (x86) - 'afd.sys' Privilege Escalation (MS11-046)      


Windows DFS Client Driver - Arbitrary Drive Mapping Privilege Escalation (MS16-123)


Windows DeviceApi CMApi PiC


Windows DeviceApi CMApi - User Hive Impersonation Privilege Escalation (MS16-124)


 Windows x86 - Password Protected TCP Bind Shell (637 bytes)   


Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18482 - Use After Free


Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 - Invalid Pointer Reference


Kerberos in Microsoft Windows - Security Feature Bypass (MS16-101)


Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 - Invalid Pointer Reference


Microsoft GDI+ - DecodeCompressedRLEBitmap Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Write (MS16-097)


Microsoft GDI+ - DecodeCompressedRLEBitmap Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Write (MS16-097)


 Windows x86 - Persistent Reverse Shell TCP (494 Bytes)  


Windows x86 - Bind Shell TCP Shellcode


Windows x86 - CreateProcessA cmd.exe Shellcode (253 bytes) 


Windows x86 - CreateProcessA cmd.exe Shellcode (253 bytes)


Microsoft GDI+ - DecodeCompressedRLEBitmap Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Write (MS16-097)


Microsoft GDI+ - ValidateBitmapInfo Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Reads (MS16-097)


Microsoft GDI+ - ValidateBitmapInfo Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Reads (MS16-097)


Microsoft GDI+ - ValidateBitmapInfo Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Reads (MS16-097)


Microsoft GDI+ - ValidateBitmapInfo Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Reads (MS16-097)


Microsoft GDI+ - DecodeCompressedRLEBitmap Invalid Pointer Arithmetic Out-of-Bounds Write (MS16-097)


Microsoft Office Word 2007,2010,2013,2016 - Out-of-Bounds Read Remote Code Execution (MS16-099)


Windows x86 - MessageBoxA Shellcode (242 bytes)


Windows 7 x86 - localhost Port Scanner Shellcode (556 bytes)   


Microsoft Windows Group Policy - Privilege Escalation (MS16-072)


Microsoft Office Word 2007,2010,2013,2016 - Out-of-Bounds Read Remote Code Execution (MS16-099)


Microsoft Office Word 2013,2016 - sprmSdyaTop Denial of Service (MS16-099)


Windows 7 x86 - localhost Port Scanner Shellcode (556 bytes)