- iOS 2016 -

Last update 04.10.17 16:16:44

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18.11.16Are you an iPhone user? Your call history is uploaded on iCloud tooiOSPBWCZ.CZ
18.11.16How to Bypass iPhone Passcode and access personal data on the deviceiOSPBWCZ.CZ
24.9.16Cracking Apple iOS 10 Backup Encryption is now 2,500 times fasteriOSPBWCZ.CZ
24.9.16Apple Weakens iOS 10 Backup Encryption; Now Can Be Cracked 2,500 Times FasteriOSPBWCZ.CZ

iOS 9.3.4 and minor versions are vulnerable to the Trident Exploit

21.3.16A iOS zero-day allows iCloud photos and videos decryptioniOSPBWCZ.CZ
18.3.16DB of the Kinoptic iOS app abandoned online with 198,000 recordsiOSPBWCZ.CZ
17.3.16Warning — Hackers can Silently Install Malware to Non-Jailbroken iOS DevicesiOSPBWCZ.CZ
17.3.16How to install the AceDeceiver malware onto any iOS DeviceiOSPBWCZ.CZ
15.3.16The DoJ threatens to force Apple to hand over iOS source codeiOSPBWCZ.CZ
14.3.16FBI threatens to Force Apple to Hand Over iOS Source CodeiOSPBWCZ.CZ
4.3.16How to Steal Secret Encryption Keys from Android and iOS SmartPhonesiOSPBWCZ.CZ