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Cursed tapes: Exploiting the EvilVideo vulnerability on Telegram for Android

ESET researchers discovered a zero-day Telegram for Android exploit that allows sending malicious files disguised as videos

Social blog



Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds We are thrilled to announce Cloudflare Zaraz support for server-side rendering of embeds from X and Instagram. This allows for secure, privacy-preserving, and performant embedding without third-party JavaScript or cookies, enhancing security, privacy, and performance on your website... Social blog Cloudflare


Social media and teen mental health – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Social media sites are designed to make their users come back for more. Do laws restricting children's exposure to addictive social media feeds have teeth or are they a political gimmick? Social blog Eset
6.4.24 CoralRaider targets victims’ data and social media accounts Cisco Talos discovered a new threat actor we’re calling “CoralRaider” that we believe is of Vietnamese origin and financially motivated. CoralRaider has been operating since at least 2023, targeting victims in several Asian and Southeast Asian countries. Social blog Cisco Blog
2.3.24 10 things to avoid posting on social media – and why Do you often take to social media to broadcast details from your life? Here’s why this habit may put your privacy and security at risk. Social blog Eset


Attack of the copycats: How fake messaging apps and app mods could bite you WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal clones and mods remain a popular vehicle for malware distribution. Don’t get taken for a ride. Social blog Eset