SANS Database 5

SANS Database - Úvod  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

Poslední aktualizace v 06.07.2017 15:52:28


Mozilla blocklists Java on older Mac OS X systems
Mozilla Combines Social API and WebRTC
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird Released 
Mozilla Firefox 2 officially released 
Mozilla Firefox vulnerabilities and upgrade 
Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2015-112
Mozilla gives CAs a chance to come clean about certificate policy violations
Mozilla Launches Firefox OS 3.0 Simulator
Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 Release 
Mozilla's Firefox update fixes three critical holes
MP Seeking To Outlaw Written Accounts of Child Abuse
MplayerX Leaving Mac App Store
MS 06-034 Update 
MS 06-034 woes? 
MS Advisory on the Vulnerability in RDP; Port 3389; FormMail Attempts 
MS Black Tuesday? 
MS Desktop Search add-on vulnerabilities - Trustworty Computing gone too far 
MS genuinely surprised 250,000 unique systems infected with Alcan.B 
MS Help For SP2 Setup Problems, The Phishin' Hole, Follow the Bouncing Malware, Part II 
MS Monthly Updates Released 
MS November Security Bulletin Advance Notification 
MS Office 2013 - New Macro Controls - Sorta ...
MS Office buffer overflow vuln, still more botnets, and don't be a baddie, be a goodie!, 2004 SANS Top 20 List 
MS Office vulnerabilities (-058, -059, -060, -062) 
MS Patch Tuesday Advance Notice 
MS Responds to IE Vulnerabilites With Patch 
MS Security Alert Advanced Notice, Cisco PIX Source Code Reported Stolen, Open Letter to Anti-Virus Software Companies 
MS SMB zero-day? 
MS to Release Update on Jan 10 
MS tool to help ensure that your application does not have administrator access as a dependency 
MS Update to MS06-015 and a Separate Fix for AEC.SYS Issue 
MS Windows Memory Allocation Denial of Service Via RPC 
MS04-007 Exploit released 
MS04-009 Upgraded to Critical, Disable Outlook HTML Parser, 'Phatbot', NetSky Day 
MS04-028 PoCs and Exploits released / UPDATE: Snort Rules 
MS04-028 Proof of Concept Rumors; Beyond Patching; Mailbag 
MS04-028 Public Exploit Attempts, VENDORS TAKE NOTE, Contacting ISC 
MS05-019 update troubleshooting; Practicing safe forwarding in BIND; 9999/TCP spike;TCPDump Buffer Overflows; MS05-020 POC Released;Spyware Lawsuit 
MS05-036 Color Management Exploit Code in Wild; mod_jrun exploit scanning from Europe; Insecure by Design 
MS05-039 Worm in the wild 
MS05-044 Folder View for FTP Sites - mailbag item 
MS05-044 Windows FTP Client File Transfer Location Tampering 
MS05-045: Network connection Manager DoS 
MS05-046 Client Service for NetWare Vulnerability 
MS05-047 Vulnerability in PnP Could Allow Remote Code Execution 
MS05-048 CDO Object Remote Code Execution 
MS05-049 Windows Shell Vulnerability 
MS05-050 Vulnerability in DirectShow 
MS05-051 (MSDTC) Malware / Port 1025 
MS05-051 exploit info and rumors 
MS05-051 exploit spotted 
MS05-051 POC Exploit 
MS05-051 Vulnerabilities in MSDTC and COM+ 
MS05-052 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (896688) 
MS05-053 - More Graphic Rendering Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities 
MS06-005 proof of concept exploit released 
MS06-011 Updated 
MS06-015 will not provide patch for windows 98 and ME. 
MS06-021: Internet Explorer patch 
MS06-022: buffer overflow in ART image rendering library 
MS06-023: Microsoft's JScript remote code execution 
MS06-024: buffer overflow in windows media player 
MS06-025: RRAS arbitrary code execution 
MS06-026: Graphics Rendering Engine / Remote Code Execution 
MS06-027: MS Word object pointer / Remote Code Execution 
MS06-028: PowerPoint malformed record / Remote Code Execution 
MS06-029: Script injection through Exchange/OWA 
MS06-030: Microsoft SMB Vulnerabilities 
MS06-031: RPC Mutual Authentication Vulnerability 
MS06-032: Source routing buffer overflow 
MS06-034 - unchecked IIS buffer vulnerability in ASP files processing 
MS06-035 - Patch now! 
MS06-036 - unchecked buffer Vulnerability in DHCP Client Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (914388) 
MS06-039: vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office GIF and PNG parsers 
MS06-040 and MS06-042 updates 
MS06-040 exploit(s) publicly available 
MS06-040 wgareg / wgavm update 
MS06-040 Worm 
MS06-040: BOLO -- Be On the LookOut 
MS06-040: Server Service 
MS06-041: Vulnerability in DNS Resolution Could Allow Remote Code Execution (920683) 
MS06-042 and CA Unicenter Service Desk 
MS06-042 and IE 6.0 SP1 issues 
MS06-042: Internet Explorer Rollup Patch 
MS06-043: Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Could Allow Remote Code Execution (920214) 
MS06-044: Microsoft Management Console Cross Site Scripting. 
MS06-045: Windows Explorer Remote Code Excution Vulnerability 
MS06-046: HTML Help Remote Code Execution 
MS06-047: Office & Visual Basic for Application 
MS06-048: Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities 
MS06-049 re-release 
MS06-049: W2k Kernel Bug 
MS06-050: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Hyperlink Object Library Could Allow Remote Code Execution (920670) 
MS06-051: Vulnerability in Windows Kernel 
MS06-053 revisited ? 
MS06-056: ASP.NET XSS Information Disclosure Vulnerability (moderate) 
MS06-057: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution (926043) 
MS06-061: XSLT/MSXML Buffer Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability (moderate) 
MS06-063: Mailslot DoS (Server service) 
MS06-064: Vulnerabilities in IPv6 
MS06-065: Remote Code Excution in Windows Object Packager 
MS06-066: Netware Client Service Buffer Overflow 
MS06-067: Internet Explorer DirectAnimation and HTML Rendering Vulnerability 
MS06-068: Microsoft Agent 
MS06-069: Adobe Flash Player 
MS06-070 Remote Exploit 
MS06-070: Workstation service 
MS06-071 is available via SUS 1.0 
MS06-071: MSXML Core Services 
MS06-072: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (925454) 
MS06-073: WMI Object Broker Vulnerability (CVE-2006-4704) 
MS06-074: SNMP Buffer Overflow (CVE2006-5583) 
MS06-075: csrss local privilege escalation (CVE-2006-5585) 
MS06-076: Windows Address Book Contact Record flaw (CVE-2006-2386) 
MS06-077: Remote Installation Service (RIS) remote exploit 
MS06-078: 2 Windows Media Format Vulnerabilities (CVE-2006-4702, CVE-2006-6134) 
MS12-045 - Critical : Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2698365) - Version: 1.2
MS12-052 - Critical : Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2722913) - Version: 1.1
MS12-060 - Critical : Vulnerability in Windows Common Controls Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2720573) - Version: 1.1
MS12-062 - Important : Vulnerability in System Center Configuration Manager Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2741528) - Version: 1.1
MS12-066 - Important : Vulnerability in HTML Sanitization Component Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2741517) - Version: 1.2
MS12-069 - Important : Vulnerability in Kerberos Could Allow Denial of Service (2743555) - Version: 1.1
MS12-072 - Critical : Vulnerabilities in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2727528) - Version: 1.1
MS12-073 - Moderate : Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Could Allow Information Disclosure (2733829) - Version: 2.0
MS13-004 - Important : Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2769324) - Version: 2.0
MS13-005 - Important : Vulnerability in Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2778930) - Version: 1.1
MS13-005 - Important : Vulnerability in Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2778930) - Version: 1.2
MS13-006 - Important : Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Could Allow Security Feature Bypass (2785220) - Version: 1.1
MS13-009 - Critical : Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2792100) - Version: 1.1
MS13-010 - Critical : Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2797052) - Version: 1.1
MS13-038 - Critical : Security Update for Internet Explorer (2847204) - Version: 1.1
MS13-040 - Important : Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Spoofing (2836440) - Version: 1.1
MS13-044 - Important : Vulnerability in Microsoft Visio Could Allow Information Disclosure (2834692) - Version: 1.1
MS13-048 - Important : Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Information Disclosure (2839229) - Version: 1.1
MSFT Patches / DrudgeReport headline - ...huge computer attack... 
MSFT Reaches Out To Hackers: 'Do Epic $#!+'
MSIE DirectAnimation ActiveX 0-day update 
MSIE IE7 Popup Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability 
MSIE 'Sploit du Jour 
MSIE: One patched, one pops up again (setslice) 
MSN Messenger; Notable Activity on Port 903, 1063, 1978; Steps to Beat Phishing 
MSN-Worms exploit MS pif filter vulnerability 
MSRC Blog Entry about POC of MS06-035 
MSXML 4.0 exploit in the wild 
MTBF Blues 
Multinationals in China fear IP theft by local staff
Multi-platform spyware penetrates smartphones and VMs
MultiPlatform/MultiBrowser Java Vuln, Yo! Microsoft!, Open Letter To Anti-Virus Software Companies - A Response, No Bounce 
Multiple anti-virus software evasion 
Multiple Cisco Products affected by IKEv1 Vulnerability
Multiple DoS Vulnerabilities in Wireshark 
Multiple Exploits Avaliable for MS06-005 and MS06-006 
Multiple Exploits targeting Microsoft MS-04-011 vulnerabilities threaten networks. 
Multiple Greeting Card scams; MSFT time server; Sober next Monday; Netscape 8.01; Pharming 
Multiple Linksys WRT54G Vulnerabilities 
Multiple security vulnerabilities in Secure Elements Class 5 AVR (EVM) 
Multiple Studies Show Used Electronics Exports To Third World Mostly Good
Multiple vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey 
Multiple vulnerabilities in Symantec Veritas NetBackup 
Multi-Tenancy Revisited
Multitenant Architectures Must Balance Security, Availability
Musings and More WMF Information 
Musings on the Internet Explorer 0-day vulnerability 
Mwcollect and Nepenthes merging (1 Comments)
My book got a bad review... and a good one
My Information Governance presentations at IBM IOD 2012
MyDoom Details, ssh password brute forcing. 
MyDoom.A Timeline, MyDoom.B DDoS a Non-Event 
MyDoom.B Update 
MyDoom-O hits search engines hard. 
MySpace QuickTime Worm 
MySQL MERGE Table Privilege Revoke Bypass 
Mystery port 3072 and MS04-22 Exploit code available 
Nagios vulnerability 
Nachia B Worm, Microsoft XML 
Nachia Decline; Increased Activity on Port 1026 Resets All Passwords Following Security Breach
named/bind error messages - solved 
Nameserver dynamic DNS abuse attack trend, 
Nanoscale 3D Printer Now Commercially Available
NASA "Mohawk Guy" To Host Radio Show
NASA and CSA Begin Testing Satellite Refueling On the ISS
NASA Cancels Nanosat Challenge
NASA Craft To Leave Vesta Heads For Dwarf Planet Ceres
NASA Fires Up Experimental Space Internet For Robot Control
NASA IG Paints Bleak Picture For Agency Projects
NASA Morpheus Lander Test Ends In Explosion
NASA Mulling Earth-Moon L2 Point for Mars Staging Station
NASA Planes Fly Over Bay Area To Measure Air Pollution Levels
NASA Pondering L2 Outpost, Return To Moon
NASA Releases Orbital Photos of Beijing's Air Pollution
NASA Says Asteroid Will Buzz Earth Closer Than Many Satellites
NASA Suffered Intrusion at Jet Propulsion Lab (March 1, 2 & 5, 2012)
NASA Teams With LEGO To Offer Model Competition
NASA TESS Observatory Will Hunt For Alien Life On "Super-Earth" Exoplanets
NASA Testing Supersonic X-51A Jet Tomorrow
NASA To Face $1.3 Billion Cut Next Year Under Sequestration
NASA Trailer To Be Shown Before Star Trek: Into Darkness</em>
NASA Wants New Space Net To Sustain Big Data Dumps; Moon and Mars Trips
NASA: Mission Accomplished, Kepler – Now Look Harder Still
NASA's Fermi Spacecraft Dodged a Defunct Russian Satellite
Nasty Games of Hide and Seek in the Registry; Nepenthes 
Nate Silver, Microsoft Research Predict the Oscars
National Security Letters Ruled Unconstitutional, Banned
NATO Holds Annual Cyber Defense Exercise
'Natural health' website apparently hacked by sinister forces
Nature Lover Vladimir Putin Flies With the Cranes
NBN Co hoses down 'scary Russian crackers' report
Nearest Alien Planet Gets New Name
Nebraska Sheriff Wardriving, Sending Letters About Unsecured Wi-Fi
Nebula Debuts 'Cloud Computer' Based On OpenStack
Neil deGrasse Tyson Pinpoints Superman's Home Star System
Nessus and Powershell is like Chocolate and Peanut Butter!
Net Neutrality and Information Security 
Netcraft Report - HostGator servers exploited via cPanel, allowing redirection & VML exploitation 
Netflix Gives Data Center Tools To Fail
Netflix Using HTML5 Video For ARM Chromebook
Netscape URL Domain Name Buffer Overflow 
Netsky.b Virus / Win98 ASN.1 patch / new Mremap PoC 
Netsky.P Triggered, MSVC++ Constructed ISAPI Applications DoS 
NetSol Worldnic DNS server issues 
Network Engineering Q&A Site Launched
Networked Cars: Good For Safety, Bad For Privacy
NetworkSolutions Down Again - Not a DoS Attack 
NetworkSolutions down 
Neutrino exploit kit sends Cerber ransomware
New {Phat|Ago|Gao}bot Variant(s) ? - Followup on port 1981 increase 
New Acrobat release (including reader) available. Version 11. Some security improvements more here -->, (Wed, Oct 17th)
New Adobe vulnerability 
New AIM worm 
New and Improved Honeynet Tools availability 
New app from Finland takes crime fighting to phone screen
New approaches to combat 'sources of evil' and other security issues
New AV Updates; TEMPEST makes a comeback 
New backdoor - Trojan.Kaht - exploits WebDav vulnerability 
New Bagle in Encrypted Zip File Attachments 
New Bagle Making the Rounds? 
New Bagle Variant Spreading 
New Bagle variant 
New Bagle variants 
New Bagle/Beagle Variants, Fragmentation Attacks, Gmail XSS Hole 
New Bagle; RECon REPort; DC702 Summit 
New Beagle on the war path 
New Beagle/Bagle-Related Malware Variants; A Note from David Litchfield 
New Botnet? 
New Burp Feature - ClickBandit
New Camera Sensor Filter Allows Twice As Much Light
New critical Java flaw claimed
New Data Center Modeled After a Space Station
New Data Retention Rules Effective Today 
New Device Sniffs Out Black Powder Explosives
New Diary Format 
New DNS modifying malcode 
New DRM-Free Label Announced
New DVD Training - Learning Oracle 11g
New email virus making the rounds 
New Ethereal released; A different Kind of Storm Center 
New Excel 0day (Are we evolving or going in circles?) 
New Exploit for HTML Help Workshop vulnerability 
New Exploits and Vulnerabilities; tcp/445 Wrap-up; 40 Million Credit Cards; HP .gif; Geek Wall Art 
New feature at 
New Features for Microsoft Patch Data
New Federal Mobile IT Strategy Must Address Security
New Firefox Vulnerability 
New Firefox Vulnerability(?) 
New Flat Lens Focuses Without Distortion
New Fraudulent email from MS; e-voting software co. compromised 
New FTP Brute Force? - German publisher DOSed 
New Hacker Challenge 
New HAL Exoskeleton: A Brain-Controlled Full Body Suit To Be Used In Fukushima
New Handler Pages Are Here! 
New Handler: Mohammed Haron 
new Haxdoor 
New Honeynet Forensics Challenge! Deadline is Feb 15 2013. Check, (Thu, Jan 3rd)
New Challenge: Hack Bill! 
New I.E Exploit Security Advisiory Released 
New IE 0-Day Drag-N-Drop-N-PopUnder-N-GrabFocus-N-DoTheHokeyPokey Vuln. 
New IE 0-Day Exploit in Wild 
New IE Exploit PoC; phpBB notes; new book 
New IE Vulnerability 
New IM Worm Exploiting WMF Vulnerability 
New Information from Symantec regarding the NSIS false positive 
New Internet Explorer and an old vulnerability 
New ISC PGP Key 
New ISC Poll - Are you currently using a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution to collect security logs?, (Sun, Jul 15th)
New Jersey lawmakers want copier hard drives wiped to prevent ID theft
New LAND Attack on Windows XP and 2003 Server; Instant Messenger Malware 
New Linux/Unix Backdoor; Another Windows Backdoor 
New list of Trendnet Web Cams posted on paste bin - bonus you get a Google map too
New LSASS RPC exploit; Port 443; The Week Ahead 
New Malware for MS06-047 
New Mambo, Joomla releases fix security vulnerabilities 
New mass mailer spreading (Blackmal/Grew/Nyxem) 
New Mass Mailing Virus 
New MassMailing Virus - Sober.C; Limit Exposure During Breaks; Upcoming Repeat Virus Outbreaks 
New Microsoft Updates 
New Monster Phish Bait 
New Mydoom / Hurricanes 
New MyDoom In The Wild 
New MyDoom Variant uses unpatched exploit, Phishing tip, AV False Positive, Virus Naming 
New mydoom variant; ARCserve exploitation has begun... got Port 41523 TCP packets? 
New MyDoom Variation; SHA1; an increase in port scanning on ports 137 and 445; port 41523 captures 
New Netsky Variant 
New old virus; Apple patches; Corporations at large 
New OpenFlow Controller, Virtual Switch Debut from NEC
New OS X PoC virus 
New Phishing Technique / Vulnerability Data Base Resource 
New Poll: Top 5 Unresolved Security Problems of 2012, (Tue, Nov 20th)
New poll; DNS spikes; Witty worm analysis; LISTSERV vuln; ZoneAlarm clarification 
New PostgreSQL versions released (SQL injection issue with multi-byte encodings) 
New release of PCI DSS (version 3.2) is available
New release of snort is available Snort, details on (thanks Bill) , (Wed, Apr 3rd)
New Sasser Worm FTP exploit and Java DOS 
New Skype vulnerabilities 
New Snort signature for SSL Bomb DoS; Continued MS Exploit Development; Port 905 Slight Increase 
New Sober variant in the wild 
New Sober Variant, Compromised Servers Deliver Spy/Adware?, Phishing Reports, No Honor Among Thieves II
New Study Shows Universe Still Expanding On Schedule
New Switchvox Products Highlight Role of Hardware
New target for 419 fraudsters: Struggling 'weak' banks
New tool to diagnose and repair .NET Framework 4
New tool:
New UrSnif/Haxdoor Variant 
New variant of CryptoWall - Is it right to call it 4.0?
New variant of mambo exploit making the rounds 
New Veritas Exploit on the wild / Geek Wall art summary / Portuguese Language Community 
New Version of MYTOB is causing an escalation of Risk Alert 
New version of Netsky 
New version of OSX available 
New Version of PHP, Cisco Advisory, BurstNET DoS'd 
New version of QuickTime (7.0.3) 
New Virus Behavior / GDIScan Questions 
New Virus Masquerades as Microsoft Support (Palyh) 
New virus, exploits, and old tricks. 
New Viruses This Week; Possible Decrease in Phishing emails; This Handler's observation 
New Vulnerability Announcement and patches from Apple 
New WiFi Protocol Boosts Congested Wireless Network Throughput By 700%
New Windows Kernel Issue (MoKB) 
new Windows RPC issue (race condition), RANDEX.Q virus 
New Windows service ACL security advisory released (914457) 
New Windows update; Katrina information still flowing 
New Workflows using Your Tablet
New Year's Resolution: Build Your Own Malware Lab?
New Years Resolutions
New York Times says Chinese hackers hit its networks as paper investigated leader's wealth
New York Times says targeted by China hackers after Wen report
New Zealand Draft Patent Law Rewritten After Microsoft Meeting
New Zealand's internet bad boy wants to see top lawman
New Zealand's internet bad boy wants to see top U.S. lawman
Newly Spotted Comet May Shine Among Brightest In History
News From Microsoft 
News Roundup: UC, Storage and Security
News Summary: Brand new laptop has malware
Next Mars Mission Selected For Funding
NHTSA and DOT Want Your Car To Be Able To Disable Your Cellphone Functions
NIMH Distances Itself From DSM Categories, Shifts Funding To New Approaches
Nintendo Power To Shut Down
Nintendo Wii U Teardown Reveals Simple Design
Nissan Develops Emergency Auto-Steering System
Nissan says hackers stole user IDs, hashed passwords
NIST Publishes Draft Guidelines For Server BIOS Protection
NKorea accuses US, SKorea of cyberattacks
NMAP + XML + PERL = Fun 
nmap 4.00 released 
nmap 6.01 released -, (Sun, Jun 24th)
Nmap 7.00 is out!
nmap-4.20 released 
No Bomb Powerful Enough To Destroy an On-Rushing Asteroid, Sorry Bruce Willis
No DVD playback in Windows 8 (unless you want to pay for it)
No GPS in the iPad Mini Wi-Fi: People are right to criticise
No microsoft patches are available at 
No Microsoft patches for December 
No More "Asperger's Syndrome"
No more Bagel, Bagle, Beagle 
No more WIndows Home Server
No partisan fight over cybersecurity bill, GOP senator says
No Skype traffic released to cops or spooks, insists Microsoft
No Wi-Fi Around Huge Radio Telescope
Nokia "Suspends" Its Free Developer Program
Nokia Bets Big On Mapping
Nokia Claims a Memory Card Slot Would Have "Defiled" New Phone
Nokia decrypts browser traffic, assures public not to worry
Nokia determined to win race to the bottom with dirt-cheap $20 handset
Nokia Receives $1.35B Grant To Develop Graphene Tech
Nokia Siemens Networks to tap markets for 700 million euros: FT
Nokia Spinning Featurephones as Smartphones
Non-Microsoft Patch available for IE bug 
Non-standard Incident Prediction 
Non-Volatile DIMMs To Ship This Year
NORKS says USA attack took it offline ... as if anyone could tell
Norman Sandbox under DDoS Attack 
North Korea Declares a State of War
North Korean crackers hit South Korean hacks
Norwegian Study: Global Warming Less Severe Than Feared
Norwegian teens arrested over SOCA DDoS attack
NOT a Quiet Day 
Not done yet: Oracle to ship revised Java fix on February 19
'Not guilty' plea in Utah cop site hacking case
Notable quotes from RSA 2012
Notable Tidbits 
Notepad++ web site compromised
Notes from the DShield Forum 
Notification UI Overhauled in KDE 4.10 (And a Plan For Modernized Notifications)
Novel method for slowing down Locky on Samba server using fail2ban
Novell ZENworks Asset Management Remote Execution
November 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
November 2016 Microsoft Patch Day
NSA Documents on 'PerfectCitizen' Program Raise Many More Questions
NSA chief asks hackers at Defcon for help securing cyberspace
NSA PRISM-gate: Relax, GCHQ spooks 'keep us safe', says Cameron
NSA security expert worries about mobility, cloud
NSA: 'Dozens of attacks' prevented by our snooping
NSA: 'Dozens of attacks' prevented by snooping
NSW Information Commissioner sends email to wrong list
NT 4.0 Protection 
NT botnet submitted 
Nuclear Arms Cuts, Supported By 56% of Americans, Would Make the World Safer
Nuclear EK traffic patterns in August 2015
Nuclear plant safety report on USB stick lost by official
Nuclear Rocket Petition On White House Website
Nuevo virus informático ataca a venezolanos
'Nuke-busting' Stuxnet BOOSTED Iran nuke effort, says brainiac
'Nuke-busting' Stuxnet HELPED Iranian nuke project, says boffin
Number Theory 
Number-munching clouds are godsend for cybercrooks - experts
Numbers Spam Solved 
NVIDIA and AMD Launch New High-End Workstation, Virtualization, and HPC GPUs
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN Uses 7.1 Billion Transistor GK110 GPU
NVIDIA Launches GeForce 700M Mobile GPUs With Improved Power Management
NY Attorney General Subpoena's Craigslist For Post-Sandy Price Gougers
NY Times' Broder Responds To Tesla's Elon Musk
NY Times says Chinese hacked paper's computers
NY wife: Officer wanted to kill me, eat others
NYC wife: Officer wanted to kill me, eat others
NYPD: iPhone thefts rising ten times rate of other crimes
NZ Broke the Law Spying On Kim Dotcom, PM Apologizes
NZ To Investigate Illegally Intercepted Data In Dotcom Case
OAuth 2.0 editor resigns and takes name off spec
Obama Announces Open Data Policy With Executive Order
Obama considers Twitter lawyer Wong as Internet, privacy adviser
Obama executive order seeks better defense against cyber attacks
Obama Is Now America's Hacker in Chief
Obama may issue order Wednesday on defense against cyber attacks: sources
Obama's State of the Union speech
Obfuscated MIME Files
Observations on the Family System Administrator 
October 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
October Microsoft Security Bulletins 
Oculus Rift Guillotine Simulation
Odd behavior after MS-SQL scan 
Odd DNS Traffic. Large scale name server finger printing? 
Odd DNS TXT Record. Anybody Seen This Before?
Odd Packet: Any ideas where this comes from?
Odd Packets 
Of the Love of Oldtimers - Dusting Off a Sun Fire V1280 Server
Offensive Countermeasures against stolen passswords
Office Printers Succumb To Virus
Official: US blames Iran hackers for cyberattacks
Officials: Cyberattack suspect had bunker in Spain
Offline Microsoft Patching 
Off-Site Backup for Home Users 
Oh Yeah....I forgot about that 
Oi, missile boffins! Stop ogling web filth at work - Pentagon
OLAP Revolutionary: From Train to Car
Old Cisco exploit tries to make a return: 
Old Inkjet Becomes New Bio-Materials Printer
Old Webmin bug still being exploited 
Oldest infected .wmf? 
OLPC To Sell 7-Inch XO Tablet In Wal-Mart
Omnistar Mailer v7.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities
On Dasher 
On Second Thought, Polaris Really Does Seem 434 Light Years Away
On the Heels of Wheezy, Aptosid Releases 2013-01
On the surface
One in four don't clean their stinky old browsers - especially Firefoxers
One In Six Amazon S3 Storage Buckets Are Ripe For Data-Plundering
One Musician's Demand From Pandora: Mandatory Analytics
One Piece of Advice for Every Laptop Owner: Plan for Trouble
One Step Toward a Babel Fish: Real-Time Voice Translation For Phones
One, if by email, and two, if by EK: The Cerbers are coming!
One-click-fraud apps go from PC to Android
Ongoing Flash Vulnerabilities
Ongoing IMAP Scan, Anyone Else?
Ongoing Scans Below the Radar
Online backup strategy 
Online electronics retailer has successful trial with bitcoin-only transactions
Online Security Scanner from Microsoft - Windows Live Safety Center 
OnLive Acquires OnLive
Only English <em>Final Fantasy 2</em> NES Cartridge On Sale for $50K
Open Compute Hardware Adapted For Colo Centers
Open Compute Wants To Make Biodegradable Servers
Open source code libraries seen as rife with vulnerabilities
Open Source ExFAT File System Reaches 1.0 Status
Open Source Raspberry Pi WebIDE Alpha Released
Open Source Software Licenses Versus Business Models
OpenDNS Research Used to Predict Threat Vulnerabilities is back; is down? ; ezArmor upgrade issue; Memorial Day 
Open-Source Movements Bicker Over Logo
Open-source Newsbits 
OpenSSH 3.9 has just been released, Rumors of new Download.Ject Worm, SEC Warning about Telephone Fraud Scam, My Favorite Quote of the Day 
OpenSSH 4.4 (and 4.4p1) released 
OpenSSH 7.1p2 released with security fix for CVE-2016-0777
OpenSSH Protocol Mismatch In Response to SSL Client Hello
OpenSSH scp Issue 
OpenSSH Vulnerability (New) 
Openssl patches ASN.1 flaw 
OpenSSL Security Update Planned for 1 March Release
OPENSSL update fixes Certificate Verification issue
OpenSSL Update Released
OpenSSL Vulnerabilities 
OpenStack: An Overview
OpenStreetMap Adds Easier Reporting of Map Problems
Opera 12 update closes important security holes
Opera 9 long href PoC 
Opera 9.0 released 
Opera Confirms It Will Follow Google and Ditch WebKit For Blink
Opera Fix/Safari Work-around for Window Injection Vuln, APB: UDP Fragment Data, Reading Room 
Opera updates, too 
Operation of Risk Terminator in SAP GRC AC 10.0
Operations management still growing
Opportunity Begins 10th Year on Mars
Oracle - Multiple Vulnerabilities/ XP SP2 Forum / VNC Brute Force / Web Hacking 
Oracle Application Server Web Cache Vulnerabilities; Port 65506 
Oracle CPU note; Google != Googkle; Obligatory Wireles Factoid 
Oracle Critical Patch Update and Security Alert 
Oracle Critical Patch Update for Q1 2015 (Includes Java Updates)
Oracle Critical Patch Update October, (Wed, Oct 17th)
Oracle critical updates released
Oracle databases vulnerable to injected listeners
Oracle EBusiness Suite Vulnerabilities; Netgear WG602 Accesspoint Vulnerability; Harry Potter and the Worm of Doom 
Oracle Java SE CVE-2012-1718 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Oracle July 2012 Critical Patch Pre-Release Announcement, (Sun, Jul 15th)
Oracle knew about critical Java flaws since April
Oracle Latest Java Update Comes With Security Holes, Researchers Say
Oracle Patches Database Security Flaw Disclosed at Black Hat
Oracle patches Java 0-day, goes to Defcon 2
Oracle Patches 
Oracle Quarterly Critical Patch Update (Oct 2006) 
Oracle quarterly patch update 
Oracle quarterly patches 
Oracle says Java is fixed; feds maintain warning
Oracle Security Alert for CVE-2012-3132, (Sun, Aug 12th)
Oracle Ships Java 7 Update 11 With Vulnerability Fixes
Oracle to change Java version numbers
Oracle to issue 14 patches for Java SE
Oracle to patch 14 critical Java SE holes on Tuesday
Oracle updates Java, security experts say bugs remain
Oracle WebLogic Server: CVE-2015-4852 patched
Oracle Worm Proof-of-concept 
Oracle: DBMS Market Share Or Market Domination?
Oracle's Sparc T5 Chip Evidently Pushed Back to 2013
ORDB Shutting down 
Oreans Technologies Themida TMD File Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Oreans WinLicense Unspecified Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Oregon Lawmakers Propose Mileage Tax On Fuel Efficient Vehicles
Original Batmobile Sells For $4.2 Million
Original Motorola DROID made relevant again with unofficial Jelly Bean update [video]
OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan) File System Deep Directory Buffer Overflow
OS X is clearly on the radar of exploit-developers. 
OS X Software Update to 10.4.5, and now I wonder if I missed one? 
OS X VPN vuln; XSS from unexpected places; some ramblings on storage 
Oslo Needs Your Garbage
OSU's Microbial Fuel Cell Could Make Waste Treatment an Energy Source
OSX Ransomware Spread via a Rogue BitTorrent Client Installer
Other Microsoft Updates Released 
OTN Interview on Youtube
Our future cyberdefenders set to face off
Our Solar System: Rare Species In Cosmic Zoo
Out of cycle oracle patch part II 
Out of cycle Oracle patch? 
Out Share! Now it's up to you. 
Outage on Verio and Level3 
Outlook Client Vulnerability and Spring Cleaning 
Outlook Express Weakness / Solaris Apache Bug / Winamp Exploitation / Translations / End of Internet / Social Engineering Story 
Out-of Order Java Update
Out-of-Band iOS Patch Fixes 0-Day Vulnerabilities
Outrage In India Over Arrests For Facebook Posts
Out-Share or Die! 
Over $24 billion Dollars at Risk of Theft from Spyware in US Alone 
'Over half' of Android devices have unpatched holes
Over the Antarctic, the Smallest Ozone Hole In a Decade
Overview of the WMF related articles at the ISC 
Oz gov cyber-safety unit mislays user information
Oz states count cars using Bluetooth
Pacemakers, defibrillators open to attack
Packet Analysis Challenge 
Packet Analysis Challenge: The Solution 
Packet Capture Options
Packet Challenge: Fragments and a Blast from the Past 
PacketFence 3.5.0 adds new web-based configurator
Packet-Filtering Malware;XMLRPC Vulnerabilities;phpBB highlight vulnerability;Fake MS Bulletins 
Pain reliever with serious side effects 
Pakistan Boycotting Call of Duty</em>, Medal of Honor</em> Games
Palo Alto Networks courts investors with $175 million IPO
Palo Alto Networks expands product range, partners with VMware
Panic Storm Over MS04-028 Reaches Category 4, Mozilla Responds With Vulnerabilites Of It's Own! 
Panix DNS Hijack; tcp/3306 Increase; Osama Captured SPAM;Wireless Thoughts 
Paragon Software releases a free image backup software for Windows 8 and Server 2012.
Parallella: an Open Multi-Core CPU Architecture
Parcel Sensor Knows When Your Delivery Has Been Dropped
Parents and Computers 
Parents withdraw from inquiry into death of U.S. engineer Shane Todd
Parliamentary report details German police snoop-spend
Particle Physicists Confirm Arrow of Time Using B Meson Measurements
Partisan Food Fight Erupts Over NASA, Commercial Space
Passive OS Fingerprinting Update 
Password Buddies: A Better Way To Reset Passwords
Password Reuse Remains a Danger After Living Social Breach
'Password' Tops List of Worst Passwords of 2012 [VIDEO]
Patent System Not Broken, Argues IBM's Chief Patent Counsel
Patent Troll Goes After Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, IBM, Others
Path iOS app now hashes address book data
Path-conversion weakness in major AV products reported 
Patch day fallout minor, Sun Java updates, and What to do about Windows NT? 
Patch management still big stumbling block in risk management, survey shows
Patch Mozilla ASAP 
Patch often: Cyber-crim toolkits love stinky old gaping holes
Patch Refresher; MS05-038 Issues 
Patch reminder 
Patch Tuesday deja vu: Adobe patches Flash ... again
Patch Tuesday Fallout 
Patch Tuesday' is tomorrow - Continued FTP Scans 
Patch Tuesday Warmup: Internet Explorer Sunset and Windows XP Embedded End of Support
Patching in 2 days? - "tell him he's dreaming"
Paul Ryan's Record On Science and Government
Paypal Phishing landing pages hosted at HostGator
Paypal scam site using SSL spotted 
PayPal To Replace VMware With OpenStack
PayPal Unveils New Android SDK, Available To US Developers May 15
PCI Compliance 
PDF + maldoc1 = maldoc2
PDF vulnerabilities 
Pedagogical Bundle Lets You Pay What You Want For Educational Software
Pedro's Malware Analysis Quiz 
peercast update and exploit 
Pentagon nod shows Android can be as secure as BlackBerry
Pentest Time Machine: NMAP + Powershell + whatever tool is next
People - Greatest Asset and Biggest Vulnerability 
Peppers Seem To Protect Against Parkinson's
Performing network forensics with Dshell. Part 1: Basic usage
Periodic reminder of best practices for cleaning up after infection. 
Perl bot exploiting vulnerabilities in Joomla and Mambo components 
Perl/Exploit SQLinject; Increased Activity on Port 1039 
Persistent router botnets on the horizon, researcher says at Defcon
Personal Disaster Recovery 
Pervasive Wireless Means Persistent Frustrations
PETA Wants To Sue Anonymous HuffPo Commenters
Petition For Metric In US Halfway To Requiring Response From the White House
Pharming and Phishing Attack; Mailbag 
Phatbot and stealthy polymorphic Alphabot Soup, ISS Product ICQ parsing vuln. 
PhatBot exploiting LSASS? 
Phatbot/Agobot/Gaobot; More on MS SSL exploit; Mailbag 
Phederal Phishing Offenses (FBI and a Census report) 
Phil Zimmermann's New App Protects Smartphones From Prying Ears
Philippines accuses 16 Taiwanese of retiree scam
Phishers Don't Like Monday 
Phishers use urlencoding to obfuscate hostnames 
Phishes, Phlaws and Phurther Network Phollies 
Phishing and Spamming via IM (SPIM) 
Phishing arms race 
Phishing by proxy 
Phishing for Payroll with unpatched Java, (Sun, Aug 5th)
Phishing Messages May Include Highly-Personalized Information 
Phishing via NFC
Phishing/spam via SMS, (Wed, Aug 22nd)
Phishing: Saudi style 
Phlooding newest marketing phabrication; Call for ph-words 
Phollow the Phlopping Phish 
Phone, phablet and tablet. Whats next?
Phony version of Bad Piggies installs malware; 82,000 victims so far
php - a defacement file information request 
PHP - shared hosters, take note. 
PHP 5.1 update with several security fixes 
PHP 5.1.1 released 
PHP 5.x Security Updates
PHP and phpBB releases 
php boxing continues 
php icalendar vulnerability 
PHP Notes 
PHP patches - see - fixes CVE2013-2110, (Fri, Jun 7th)
PHP Security Update 
PHP security: the scene might change 
PHP Vulnerabilities 
PHP Worm, Winace exploit, new toys 
PHP: time to upgrade! 
phpAdsNew log items, vulnerabilities, fix and patch information 
phpBB <= 2.0.17 exploit code in the wild 
phpbb 0 day worm or just too many unpatched boxes? 
phpBB 2.0.19 released 
phpBB 2.0.20 upgrade time 
phpBB 2.0.21 
phpBB 2.0.22 - upgrade time 
phpBB bots/worms 
Phpbb include vuln scanning, via Google, generating new IRC botnet 
phpBB Problems Continue, Ethereal Update Released, FTC Shuts Down Fake Anti-Spyware Vendor 
PHPbb Scanning; Information Leaks; Usenix Paper 
phpBB Update; Potential IE Vulnerability; Update Rollup for Win2k; Updated Package Installer for WinXP 
phpBB worms continued; Phishing; Spyware from the developers point of view; New server 
phpMyChat scan 
Phpworm and awstats yet... / Bright Tuesday / Last diary personal poll 
Physicists Attempting To Test 'Time Crystals'
Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist At the Same Time
Physicists Propose "Perpetual Motion" Time Crystals
Piecemeal patches from QNAP
Ping floods at multiple sites 
Pinging All The Way
Pirate Bay Documentary Film Now Available On TPB
Pirate Bay site sinks, Swedish police raid its ISP
Pirates and Patches blackhat censorship? IPsec vulnerabilies adding up; Ethereal vulerabilities; Who's SAPing you 
Pirates of the Caribbean: the Pirate Bay Moves To Island of Sint Maarten
Piriform Asks BleachBit To Remove Winapp2.ini Importer
PlaceRaider Builds a Model of Your World With Smartphone Photos
Planetary Resources To Build Crowdfunded Public Space Telescope
Plans For Widespread Monitoring of Communication In Europe Revealed
Plaxo online address book service warns of security breach
Play time: Built a DB2 Wordle
Playing With Sandboxes Like a Boss
Please enter a headline here, (Tue, Oct 16th)
Plesk 0-day: Real or not?, (Fri, Jun 7th)
Pligg CMS 'status' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability
Plugin auto-installation a good thing? 
Plug-in pwning challenge brings Pwn2Own prizes to $US560k
PnP Worm out; More on the current Veritas vuln; Microsoft Update and Win 2K3 w/o SP1; new gaim version 
PoC for local elevation of privilege on Windows 2000 SP4 upwards 
Pod2g Confirms IOS 6, IOS 6.1 Beta 4 Untethered Jailbreak
Podcast Interview with Marty Roesch 
Poetry attack?
Poking Holes In Samsung's Android Security
Police agency: 3,600 crime gangs active in EU
Police arrest suspect in BIGGEST DDoS ATTACK IN HISTORY
Police Raid Home of 9-Year-Old Pirate Bay User, Seize "Winnie the Pooh" Laptop
Poll-Based System Predicts U.S. Election Results For President, Senate
Poor training blamed for hospital losing unencrypted USB sticks Scanning Component 
Popular Android Anti-Virus Software Fooled By Trivial Techniques
Popular Android ROM Accused of GPL Violation
Porn is Evil; Workarounds vs Patching; Hopster; SSH Scans; phpBB Issue; Darwin was Right 
Porn portal's user database open and accessible on the net
Port 10 traffic; 139 &1433 report; DCE RPC Vectors 
Port 10000; ssh brute forcing; yet another bagle? 
Port 1025 increase, MS04-11 update problems 
Port 1025/6000 Action (Part II) 
Port 1026-1031 increase 
Port 1026-1031 update 
Port 1070, Dumaru Worm, Email Disguised as Microsoft Patch 
Port 1080, 3127 and 3128; Apache-SSL Optional Client Certificate Vulnerability 
Port 113 - Korgo worm variants 
Port 12345 / NAT fingerprint 
port 135 spikes, Lovegate, Welchia.K, Mailbag, Unix Security 
Port 135 Traffic Increase Due To Bobax.C 
Port 13701 spikes 
Port 13722 hacktool log scan report- NetBackup clients and servers - Did You Patch? 
Port 1433 TCP scanning is up!; Firefox 1.0.6 available - Critical Update; MySQL patches zlib remote vuln; Glitch in The Matrix - Port 2100; One RingTone to Rule Them All?; SlimFTPd vuln PoC released; 
Port 16191 fragment update, mail server dictionary attack, top 10 signs that you are infected 
Port 2000 spike; New IIS PCT exploit?; Following the bouncing MS patches 
Port 20168, Windows Update Virus. 
Port 32000 spike, got packets? 
Port 37777 "MapTable" Requests
Port 38566, Update to Firefox weakness, Packetfoo site launched! 
Port 39999; Possible Vesser/W32.HLLW.Deadhat activity 
Port 41523; Linux Exploit; Phishing Name server; New Feature: tcp %; ssh attacks; MSRC blog 
Port 42, New Old Patch, Scams 
Port 5000 increase due to two worms: Bobax and Kibuv 
Port 5000 Traffic Continues; Fragmented tcp/16191 Update 
Port 51616 - Got Packets?, (Sun, May 19th)
Port 53 Back on the Radar 
Port 533 spike; Planned maintenance completed; Java WebStart Cross Platform Vulnerability, cont. 
Port 554 increase, Solar flare activity continues 
Port 559 and 65506 
Port 6346 increase; Mail bag: trojan Win32/Small.AR; SSH Advice for Repeated Hack Attempts 
Port 6346; Improved Signature for Trojan Win32/Small.AR; Clarification on SSH Advice for Repeated Hack Attempts 
Port 7212 spike 
Port 7547 SOAP Remote Code Execution Attack Against DSL Modems
Port 80 traffic: Sources Increase 
Port 80 UDP Malware 
Port 8008; Quiet Day, Thanks!; Money-Back Guarantee; Follow the Bouncing Malware VII: All That Glitters Is Not Gold 
Port 8181 update; Trojan.Comxt.B; Mail Bag 
Port 8443 Spike 
Port 8555 and 2967 activity 
port 901 surge 
Port Scanners: The Good and The Bad
Portal</em> Now Available On Linux
Possibility for disaster?; Preparing for a storm 
Possible Fake-AV Ads from Doubleclick Servers, (Mon, Nov 5th)
Possible GNU Strings Denial Of Service Vulnerability 
Possible IM attack gearing up. 
Possible MSIE Zero-Day; Analysis of Zotob versions; Why are we still Green; 
Possible NetDevil Scanning, RH Linux 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 End-of-Life 
Possible new multi-exploit bot or worm (request for information), Rose IP Fragmentation, Scammers making use of backdoored machines 
Possible new wave of worms, TCP reset tool for Windows released, New IIS 5 SSL Remote Root Exploit - patch now. 
Possible New Zero-Day Exploit for Realplayer 
Possible Patch Problems 
Possible Problem with MS05-050 Patch 
Possible Qmail Vulnerability / KDE vulnerability / New SoBig wave ?/ and more... 
Post Mortem of GunnAllen IT Meltdown
Post-ACTA Agreement CETA Moving Forward With Similar Provisions
Postcard.exe - Let the mutations begin 
postcard.gif.exe; virus numbers!; IE7.beta warez bugged; Black Tuesday: be prepared 
PostgreSQL updates close security holes
Postini Spam Filter 
Posts by hacking group activist rankle authorities
Potential New AOL Chait Virus 
Potential Patch Problem with MS06-025 
Potential phpBB Hack Coming? 
Potential Risks of Personalized Portal Start Pages 
Power Outage Impact - Nachia Worm - Sobig F 
Power Problems Force Seattle To Throttle City Data Center For Days
Powerpoint Vulnerabilty and MalCode Review 
Powerpoint, yet another new vulnerability 
Powershell and HTTPS ? It Ain?t All Rainbows And Lollipops! (or is it?)
Powershell Malware - No Hard drive, Just hard times
PPM, ALM and Governance
Precautions to avoid Outlook PST Password Loss
Predicting Microsoft 
Prediction Market Site InTrade Bans US Customers
Pre-election phishing spike blasts Iranian Gmail accounts
Prepaid iPhone sales exploded in Q1
Preparing for Battle 
Preparing for Feb 3rd(CME-24) 
Press, Bloggers Fall For iPhone Cup Holder 'Joke'
Pretty Quiet Day 
Preview of Synaptics's Next Generation Input Devices
Preview! Def Con Documentary Sneak Peek Online
Preying on Users After Major Security Incidents, (Sun, Jun 10th)
Prime Surrogates for Demented Denormalization
Printer Hacking for Fun and Profit 
PRISM snitch claims NSA hacked Chinese targets since 2009
Privacy Advocates Frustrated By FCC's Decision on Google Street View
Privacy advocates slam Google Drive's privacy policies
Privacy group calls for new hearings on Google Street View snooping
Privacy groups launch protest against CISPA bill
Pro Oracle SQL, A Review And More
Probable php shell/web defacement tool usage on the rise 
Probes for Cisco Web Interface 
Problem in IE Patch?; Mailbag 
Problem with Trend Micro Virus Sig 594; Trojan Vundo; Update on Problem with MS05-019; Phishing Site?; DNS Poisoning 
Problems with Bloodhound.Exploit.45 pattern in Symantec AV 
Problems with Intel wireless drivers 
Problems with Java and internet proxies solved
Problems with MS patch KB913446 (for the IGMP issue, MS06-007) 
Process Pushing with a View for Performance Improvement
Profiling SSL Clients with tshark
Programs That Request A Lot Of Contiguous Memory May Fail After Security Update Is Applied 
Project Lifecycle Governance (PLG) vs. Project Lifecycle Management (PLM) vs. Application Lifecycle Management, (ALM)
Project Management Lite: Intro to Code-based Estimating
Project Orca: How an IT Disaster Destroyed Republicans' Get-Out-The-Vote Effort
Project To Turn Classical Scores Into Copyright-Free Music Completed
Proof of Concepts, engine for innovation
Proposed US cyber security bill criticised
Prosecutors to question Manning in WikiLeaks case
Protecting Powershell Credentials (NOT)
Protecting Users and Enterprises from the Mobile Malware Threat
Proteins Made To Order
ProtonMail Back Online Following Six-Day DDoS Attack
pseudoDarkleech Rig EK
Psst: Heard the one about the National Pupil Database? Thought not
PSVita Hacked, Native Homebrew Loader Coming Soon
Public release of exploits against the windows help system 
Public vs. private cyberattack responsibility debate heats up
Pump and Dump' Spam Messages 
Purported Relativity Paradox Resolved
Push your cloud supplier to participate in CSA STAR
Pushdo botnet's smokescreen traffic hits legitimate websites
PUT requests and Using Web Server Logs, trillian exploit, sudo exploit. 
Pwnie Express Releases Pwn Pad Ahead of Schedule
PWS Bankers 2.0 
Pwstealers - evolution 
py2exe Decompiling - Part 1
Python Gets a Big Data Boost From DARPA
Python updates for hash collison DoS problems
Python updates for hash collison DoS problems - Update
Quadcopter Drone Network Will Transport Supplies For Disaster Relief
Quantum computing is here! But does it run Linux?
Quantum Cryptography Conquers Noise Problem
Quantum Key Exchange With an Airplane
Quantum Measurements Leave Schrödinger's Cat Alive
Qubes OS bakes in virty system-level security
Querying the DShield API from RTIR
Quick Analysis of a Recent MySQL Exploit
Quick Audit of *NIX Systems
Quick Launch toolbar spyware (1 Comments)
Quick plug: Netcat in the Hat 
Quicktime patches for Mac and Windows 
Quicktime upgrade time 
Quiet day for incidents, IRC channel for discussion 
Quiet Day; U.S. CERT Summary; Scott's Toolkit for Windows 
Quiet Day;TCP/443; Firefox GIF image handling heap overflow exploit; MS javaprxy.dll update 
quiet holiday weekend 
Quiet Weekend - not much news 
Qwest having problems? 
QWest Problems 
R and the Pirates
R, SQL and Data Munging and Sculpting
R, SQL and the Predicate
R, SQL and the Rosetta Stone
R, SQL*PLUS, and Startup Scripts: Fortunate For The Forgetful
Radare2: rahash2
Rails developers close another "extremely critical" flaw
Rails updates to 3.2.13 to close denial of service and XSS holes
Ralph Nader Moderates One Last 3rd-Party Debate for 2012
Random stuff from the mailbag 
Random thoughts for a quiet Sunday 
Ransom32: The first javascript ransomware
Ransomware & Entropy
Ransomware & Entropy: Your Turn
Ransomware & Entropy: Your Turn -> Solution
Ransomware Operators Cold Calling UK Schools to Get Malware Through
Rant-of-the-day: on the dangers of orphaned software (the dark side of open source) 
RapidShare Urges US To Punish Linking Sites and Not File-Sharing Sites
Rare Earth Elements Found In Jamaican Mud
Rare Form of Autism Could Be Curable With Protein Supplements
Rare Water-Rich Mars Meteorite Discovered
Raspberry Pi As Hardware Backdoor
RAT-flingers target human right activists in watering-hole attack
Raw Sockets; Trend 594 Update; Mac Trojan & More 
Ray Harryhausen, Visual Effects Master, Dies Aged 92
Reader Report from Botnet Master Christopher Maxwell's sentencing 
Reader's Diary and Update of Windows XP: Surviving the First Day 
Reader's tip of the day: ratios vs. raw counts 
Reading and Calculating With Your Unconscious
Real Player critical patch for two vulnerabilities 
RealPlayer (et al) vulnerabilities & Joomla/Mambo Worm 
RealPlayer Patches, DejaVu & some Mailbag Contributions 
RealServer Vulnerability, Exploit and Scans 
Real-Time Cyber-Attack Map
Real-Time Fact Checking With "Truth Teller"
Real-Time Gmail Spying a 'Top Priority' For FBI This Year
Realtors Be Aware: You Are a Target
RealVNC 4.1.1 authentication bypass vulnerability reported 
RealVNC exploits in the wild 
RealVNC Exploits 
Recent Apple Java Update Doesn't Fix Critical Java Flaw Claims Researcher
Recent Conference Keynote 
Recent Developments in Password Cracking
Recent example of KaiXin exploit kit
Recent spike in port 53 activity 
Recent trends in Nuclear Exploit Kit activity
Recent Two factor authentication attacks 
Recommended Block List 
Recommended Reading: Intrusion Detection Using Indicators of Compromise Based on Best Practices and Windows Event Logs
Recovering Data From Broken Hard Drives and SSDs (Video)
Recovering LOST files from a hardrive 
Red Alert: Potential loss of data for DB2 v10 users on z/OS 1.12 and 1.13 releases
Red faces as Pentagon leases Chinese satellite
Red Light Cameras Raise Crash Risk, Cost
Red peril paranoia hits Twitter
Red Team Tools Updates: hashcat and SpiderFoot
Redhat Kernel Packages (one AMD64 CVE security item), Bagel AV Vendor Summary 
Redmond probes new IE 8 vulnerability
Reducing False Positives with Open Data Sources
'Regular' PS3 gamers who've cancelled credit cards? You FOOLS!
Regularly scheduled MS updates 
Regulation of facial recognition may be needed, US senator says
Reimagining Cisco: You Aren't a Box Seller
Rejected Papers Get More Citations When Eventually Published
Relay reject woes 
Reminder about MS06-025 
Reminder: Daylight Savings Ends Sunday At 02:00 
Reminder: Slashdot Anniversary Meetups, Free T-Shirts
Remote Admin Tools May Not Be Clever Enough For Their Own Good
Remote Diagnostics with PSR, (Fri, Nov 9th)
Remote DoS in Firefox and Firefox 2 
Remote DoS released targets Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service component 
Remote Network Access: 10 Signs Its Time to Deploy Updated Control Software - Enterprise Networking - News & Reviews -
Remotely Exploitable CodeGrrl PHP Products File Inclusion Vulnerability 
Replacing Alice and Bob
Report claims Chinese hackers are working for government
Report Child Porn 
Report of possible Malware coming from Chinanet 
Report: DDoS attacks now MORE ANGRY, complex and targeted
Report: Dutch government was unprepared for SSL hack
Report: China IP theft now equal in value to US exports to Asia
Report: iOS vulnerability sold for $250,000
Report: IPv6 sees first DDoS attacks
Report: Plans for Australia spy HQ hacked by China
Reported Shockwave issue with 
Reports of Bots exploiting pmwiki and tikiwiki 
Reports of Excel 0-Day 
Reports of multiple OS X vulnerabilities with PoC 
Reports of Other DDos Attacks Taking Place 
Reports of web forums running Invision Power Board being compromised 
Reports on IE exploit 
Republican filibuster blocks Senate Cybersecurity bill
Republican senators introduce their own cybersecurity bill
Request for AIM IDs Involved with GDI Exploits; GDIscan Tutorial 
Request for Data 
Request for Help, OOB Chat Room Keeps London Working During Attack 
Request for packets 50032 
Request for Packets TCP 4786 - CVE-2016-6385
Research Discovery Could Revolutionize Semiconductor Manufacturing
Research lab extends host-based cyber sensor project to open source
Research on a Fraudulent site 
Researcher Claims To Have Chrome Zero-Day, Google Says "Prove It"
Researcher creates proof-of-concept malware that infects BIOS, network cards