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Collection The adversary is trying to gather data of interest and domain knowledge on your ICS environment to inform their goal.
Command and ControlThe adversary is trying to communicate with and control compromised systems, controllers, and platforms with access to your ICS environment.
Discovery The adversary is trying to figure out your ICS environment.
Evasion The adversary is trying to avoid being detected.
Execution The adversary is trying to run malicious code.
Impact The adversary is trying to manipulate, interrupt, or destroy your ICS systems, data, and their surrounding environment.
Impair Process ControlThe adversary is trying to manipulate, disable, or damage physical control processes.
Inhibit Response FunctionThe adversary is trying to prevent your safety, protection, quality assurance, and operator intervention functions from responding to a failure, hazard, or unsafe state.
Initial AccessThe adversary is trying to get into your ICS environment.
Lateral MovementThe adversary is trying to move through your ICS environment.
Persistence The adversary is trying to maintain their foothold in your ICS environment.