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Group Name


414snamed after area code; gained notoriety in the early 1980s as a group of friends and computer hackers who broke into dozens of high-profile computer systems, including ones at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  
AnonCodersis a group of hackers originating in 2015. Using defacements, denial of service attacks, database hijacking, database leaks, admin panel takeovers, social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Emails) and other methods.  


AndAriel is logistically characterized by its targeting on South Korea. AndAriel's alternative name is called Silent Chollima due to the stealthy nature of the subgroup.


North Korea

Anonymous (skupina)

Anonymous je anonymní a na sobě nezávislé nehierarchické hnutí, které se do povědomí internetových komunit začalo dostávat v roce 2003 na základě automaticky generované přezdívky přispěvatele na stránkách a jim podobných.



Antisec Movement

The Anti Security Movement (also written as antisec and anti-sec) is a movement opposed to the computer security industry.




BlackEnergy Malware was first reported in 2007 as an HTTP-based toolkit that generated bots to execute distributed denial of service attacks.In 2010, BlackEnergy 2 emerged with capabilities beyond DDoS.




BlueNorOff is a financially motivated group that is responsible for the illegal transfers of money via forging orders from Swift. BlueNorOff is also called APT38 (by Mandiant) and Stardust Chollima (by Crowdstrike)


North Korea


Carbanak is an APT-style campaign targeting (but not limited to) financial institutions that was claimed to have been discovered in 2014 by the Russian/UK Cyber Crime company Kaspersky Lab who said that it had been used to steal money from banks.



Chaos Computer Clubis based in Germany and other German-speaking countries. Famous among older hackers.  
Cicada 3301 a group of hackers and cryptographers that recruited from the public on three occasions between 2012 and 2014 by way of complex puzzles and hacking scavenger hunts.[2][3][4][5]  
Croatian Revolution Hackersa now defunct group of Croatian hackers credited with one of the largest attacks to have occurred in the Balkans.  
Cult of the Dead Cowalso known as cDc or cDc Communications, is a computer hacker and DIY media organization founded in 1984 in Lubbock, Texas.  
CyberVor is the moniker given to a group of Russian hackers responsible for perpetrating a major 2014 theft of internet credentials.  
DCLeaksclaims to be a group of "American hacktivists (though indicted individuals were found to be in Russia) who respect and appreciate freedom of speech, human rights and government of the people."  
Decocidio#Өis an anonymous, autonomous collective of hacktivists which is part of Earth First!, a radical environmental protest organisation, and adheres to Climate Justice Action.  
DerpA hacker group that attacked several game sites in late 2013.  
Digital DawgPoundDDP  
Equation Groupsuspected to be the offensive operations wing of the U.S. National Security Agency.  


Though this group is said to have disbanded in 1999, GlobalHell can be credited with being one of the first hacking groups who gained notoriety for website defacements and breaches.




In December 2015, the BlackEnergy group mounted an attack against the Ukrainian energy industry using the BlackEnergy and KillDisk malware families. That was the last known use of the BlackEnergy malware in the wild. Following this attack, the BlackEnergy group evolved into at least two subgroups: TeleBots and GreyEnergy



Ghost Squad Hackersor by the abbreviation "GSH" is a politically motivated hacktivist team led by the administrative de facto leader known as "s1ege".   
Global kOSwas a grey hat (leaning black hat) computer hacker group active from 1996 through 2000.  
globalHellwas a group of hackers, composed of about 60 individuals. The group disbanded in 1999, when 12 members were prosecuted for computer intrusion and 30 for lesser offences.  
Goatse Security(GoatSec) is a loose-knit, nine-person grey hat hacker group that specializes in uncovering security flaws.  
Hackweiseris an underground hacking group and hacking magazine founded in 1999.  
Honker Union is a group known for hacktivism, mainly present in Mainland China, whose members launched a series of attacks on websites in the United States, mostly government-related sites.  


Lazarus Group (also known as, Guardians of Peace, Whois Team) is a cybercrime group made up of an unknown number of individuals.


North Korea

Legion of Doom

The Legion of Doom (LOD) was a hacker group active from the 1980s to the late 1990s and early 2000.



Lizard Squad 

Most widely known for their distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, Lizard Squad took down the Malaysian Airlines website and Facebook, though Facebook denies this.



Lulz Security

An automated process has detected links on this page on the local or global blacklist.



L0phtwas a hacker collective active between 1992 and 2000 and located in the Boston, Massachusetts area.  
Level Sevenwas a hacking group during the mid to late 1990s. Eventually dispersing in early 2000 when their nominal leader "vent" was raided by the FBI on February 25, 2000.  

Masters of Deception

MOD's initial membership grew from meetings on Loop-Around Test Lines that led to legendary collaborations to hack RBOC phone switches and the various minicomputers and mainframes used to administer the telephone network.



Mazafakainancially motivated group and crime forum.  


Milw0rm is a group of "hacktivists" best known for penetrating the computers of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai, the primary nuclear research facility of India, on June 3, 1998.



NCPHis a Chinese hacker group based out of Zigong in Sichuan Province.  

Operation AntiSec

Operation Anti-Security, also referred to as Operation AntiSec or #AntiSec, is a series of hacking attacks performed by members of hacking group LulzSec, the group Anonymous, and others inspired by the announcement of the operation. LulzSec performed the earliest attacks of the operation, with the first against the Serious Organised Crime Agency on 20 June 2011.



OurMinea hacker group that compromised celebrities and YouTuber's Twitter accounts for "security" reasons.  

P. H. I. R. M.

The PHIRM was an early hacking group which was founded in the early 1980s. First going by the name of "KILOBAUD",the firm was reorganized in 1985 to reflect a favorite television show of the time "Airwolf".



RedHackis a socialist hacker group based in Turkey, founded in 1997. They usually launch attacks against Turkish government's websites and leak secret documents of Turkish government.  


Securax (1998–2002) was considered as one of Belgium's strongest hacking movements in the past twenty years and was founded by Filip Maertens and co-founded by Davy Van De Moere as an online community.



Shadow Brokers(The) (TSB), originating in summer 2016. They published several leaks of some of the National Security Agency (NSA) hacking tools.  
Syrian Electronic Armyis a group that claims responsibility for defacing or otherwise compromising scores of websites that it contends spread news hostile to the Syrian government or fake news.  


It is important to note that when we describe ‘APT groups’, we’re drawing connections based on technical indicators such as code similarities, shared C&C infrastructure, malware execution chains, and so on.




TESO was a hacker group, which originated in Austria. It was active from 1998 to 2004, and during its peak around 2000, it was responsible for a significant share of the exploits on the bugtraq mailing list.




Founded by a skilled 16-year-old hacker, TeaMp0isoN hacked into the English Defence League and NATO without breaking a sweat.



TeslaTeamis a group of black-hat computer hackers from Serbia established 2010.  
TESOwas a hacker group originating in Austria that was active primarily from 1998 to 2004.  
The Unknownsis a group of white-hat hackers that exploited many high-profiled websites and became very active in 2012 when the group was founded and disbanded.  
UGNaziA hacking group led by JoshTheGod, founded in 2011.  


w00w00 is a computer security think tank founded in 1996 and still active until the early 2000s.



Xbox UndergroundYouth International Party Line or Technological Assistance Program, was an early phone phreak organization and publication created in the 1970s by activist Abbie Hoffman.  
YIPL/TAPAn international group responsible for hacking game developers, including Microsoft.