GHDB -  H  2021  2020  2019  2018  OTHER

Footholds  Files Containing Usernames  Vulnerable Servers  Web Server Detection  Sensitive Directories  Vulnerable Files  Files Containing Passwords  Sensitive Online Shopping Info  Error Messages  Various Online Devices  Files Containing Juicy Info  Advisories and Vulnerabilities  Network or Vulnerability Data Pages Containing Login Portals

2022-01-12 inurl:adminpanel site:gov.* Footholds
2021-09-29 +"City of" Footholds
14.09.2020 inurl:wsnavigator/jsps Footholds
11.09.2020 intitle:"index of" "" Footholds
11.09.2020 mail/u/0 filetype:pdf Footholds
10.09.2020 inurl:"/plugins/servlet/Wallboard/" Footholds
01.09.2020 inurl:/Dashboard.xhtml intitle:"Dashboard" Footholds
31.08.2020 inurl::/app/kibana "Kibana" -discuss -ipaddress -git Footholds
27.08.2020 inurl:CTCWebService Footholds
21.07.2020 intitle:"index.of" +jmx-console Footholds
09.07.2020 intitle:"index of /" +.htdocs Footholds
08.07.2020 intitle:"Index of /" +.htaccess Footholds
02.07.2020 intitle:"index of" "nginx.log" Footholds
01.07.2020 "radius-server key" ext:cfg OR ext:log OR ext:txt Footholds
22.06.2020 intitle:"index of" and intext:"vendor" and intext:"phpunit" Footholds
22.06.2020 inurl:"/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action" Footholds
22.06.2020 inurl:"/arcgis/rest/services" Footholds
17.06.2020 inurl:logon/LogonPoint/index.html Footholds
17.06.2020 intitle:"index of" "admin/xml" Footholds
16.06.2020 Find Microsoft Lync Server AutoDiscover Footholds
16.06.2020 inurl:/download_file/ intext:"index of /" Footholds
11.06.2020 inurl:/servicedesk/customer/user/login Footholds
08.06.2020 inurl:"customer.aspx" Footholds
08.06.2020 employees Footholds
18.03.2020 intitle:("Index of") AND intext:("c99.txt" OR "c100.txt") Footholds
18.03.2020 intitle:("Mini Shell") AND intext:("Upload File") Footholds
16.03.2020 intitle:"(SSI Web Shell)" AND intext:"(ls -al)" Footholds
18.02.2020 site:bamboo.*.* ext:action build Footholds
22.11.2019 inurl:"index of" wso Footholds
20.11.2019 intitle:"freedom is real - 1945" Footholds
26.09.2019 site:*/wp-admin/install.php intitle:WordPress Installation Footholds
16.09.2019 inurl:"index.php?db=" Footholds
12.08.2019 intitle:Administration - Installation - MantisBT Footholds
15.07.2019 inurl:/phpmyadmin/index.php?db= Footholds
08.05.2019 inurl:"urlstatusgo.html?url=" -intext:"Disallowed by URL filter" Footholds
08.05.2019 inurl:"cs.html?url=" Footholds
08.05.2019 inurl:"urlstatusgo.html?url=" -intext:"Disallowed by URL filter" Footholds
15.04.2019 inurl:wp-login.php?action=register Footholds
01.03.2019 inurl:/phpMyAdmin/setup/index.php?phpMyAdmin= Footholds
11.02.2019 inurl:"/sidekiq/busy" Footholds
05.02.2019 intitle:"InfluxDB - Admin Interface" -github Footholds
18.01.2019 intitle:"FCKeditor - Connectors Tests" Footholds
18.01.2019 intitle:"FCKeditor - Uploaders Tests" Footholds
10.09.2018 intext:"M3R1C4 SHELL BACKDOOR" Footholds
21.08.2018 "index of" /wp-content/uploads/shell.php Footholds
20.08.2018 "File Manager - Current disk free" Footholds
17.08.2018 inurl: "Mister Spy" | intext:"Mister Spy & Souheyl Bypass Shell" Footholds
02.08.2018 inurl:"/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/inc/data.php" | inurl:"/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/ajax_create_folder.php" -github Footholds
02.05.2018 intitle:Upload inurl:/cgi-bin/filechucker.cgi Footholds
09.04.2018 intitle:"Installing TYPO3 CMS" Footholds
21.02.2018 inurl:/install/stringnames.txt Footholds
15.01.2018 intitle:"Solr Admin" "Solr Query Syntax" Footholds
02.01.2018 ext:jsp intext:"jspspy" intitle:"Jspspy web~shell V1.0" Footholds
27.06.2017 "Sorting Logs:" "Please enter your password" "Powered By" -urlscan -alamy Footholds
31.05.2017 intitle:"Authorization" "TF" inurl:"admin.php" Footholds
25.05.2017 ext:php intext:"-rwxr-xr-x" Footholds
17.05.2017 intitle:index of intext:@WanaDecryptor@.exe Footholds
15.05.2017 intitle:index of intext:wncry Footholds
11.05.2017 inurl:"go.cgi?url=" Footholds
01.05.2017 "WHMCS Auto Xploiter" Footholds
12.04.2017 "El Moujahidin Bypass Shell" ext:php Footholds
10.04.2017 intitle:"Priv8 Mailer Inbox 2015" ext:php Footholds
27.03.2017 ( ext:php ) ( inurl:/wp-content/uploads/AAPL/loaders/ ) Footholds
01.03.2017 inurl:?filesrc=**** ~"Current" ~"asp" Footholds
23.01.2017 inurl:/\\filesrc=**** ~"Current" ~":/" ~"upload" Footholds
29.11.2016 "PHP Mailer" "priv8 Mailer" ext:php Footholds
29.11.2016 Meg4-Mail ext:php Footholds
28.11.2016 "PHP eMailer is created by" ext:php Footholds
23.11.2016 "File Manager Version 1.0" "Coded By" Footholds
03.10.2016 inurl:"html/js/editor/ckeditor/" Footholds
27.09.2016 "You have selected the following files for upload (0 Files)." Footholds
13.09.2016 intitle:"nstview v2.1::" | intext:"nsTView v2.1 :: Password: Host:" Footholds
08.09.2016 filetype:php intext:Your Email: intext:Your Name: intext:Reply-To: intext:mailer Footholds
06.06.2016 intitle:"Hamdida X_Shell Backd00r" Footholds
17.05.2016 "Fenix Final Version v2.0" filetype:php Footholds
29.03.2016 intitle:Automatic cPanel Finder/Cracker | 3xp1r3 Cyber Army Footholds
16.02.2016 intitle: "phpshell" "Php Safe-Mode Bypass" Footholds
16.02.2016 (intitle:"phpshell" OR intitle:"c99shell" OR intitle:"r57shell" OR intitle:"PHP Shell " OR intitle:"phpRemoteView") `rwx` "uname" Footholds
14.01.2016 inurl:revslider inurl:temp inurl:update_extract inurl:sym1 Footholds
14.01.2016 intitle:"Shell I" inurl:revslider inurl:error.php inurl:cmd Footholds
01.01.2016 intext:Developed By Black.Hack3r ext:php Footholds
01.01.2016 intext:"Sw Bilgi" ext:php Footholds
01.01.2016 ext:aspx intitle:aspxspy Footholds
01.01.2016 ext:php intitle:"b374k" Footholds
01.01.2016 intitle:"WSO " ext:php intext:"server ip" 2015 intext:" [ home ]" Footholds
31.12.2015 crime24 stealer ext:txt Footholds
08.12.2015 intext:"Thehacker - Agd_Scorp - BLaSTER - Cr@zy_King - KinSize - JeXToXiC - s3f4 - rx5" Footholds
08.12.2015 intext:"Please select file to upload:" ext:php Footholds
15.09.2015 inurl:sh3llZ/c99/ Footholds
18.08.2015 intitle:SN0X SHELL: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED Footholds
23.06.2015 ext:asp intext:Smart.Shell 1.0 BY P0Uy@_$3r\/3R - Footholds
03.01.2014 intitle:"=[ 1n73ct10n privat shell ]=" Footholds
03.01.2014 intitle:"WSO 2.4" [ Sec. Info ], [ Files ], [ Console ], [ Sql ], [ Php ], [ Safe mode ], [ String tools ], [ Bruteforce ], [ Network ], [ Self remove ] Footholds
25.11.2013 intitle:"uploader by ghost-dz" ext:php Footholds
25.11.2013 filetype:php intext:"!C99Shell v. 1.0 beta" Footholds
08.08.2013 inurl:1337w0rm.php intitle:1337w0rm Footholds
02.11.2012 Re: intitle:Priv8 SCR Footholds
02.11.2012 intitle:C0ded By web.sniper Footholds
02.11.2012 Re: inurl:"r00t.php" Footholds
26.09.2011 inurl:"amfphp/browser/servicebrowser.swf" Footholds
09.01.2011 allintext:"fs-admin.php" Footholds
03.05.2006 (intitle:"SHOUTcast Administrator")|(intext:"U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status") Footholds
15.03.2006 (intitle:"WordPress › Setup Configuration File")|(inurl:"setup-config.php?step=") Footholds
06.03.2006 "index of /" ( upload.cfm | upload.asp | upload.php | upload.cgi | upload.jsp | ) Footholds
08.02.2006 "Please re-enter your password It must match exactly" Footholds
04.01.2006 inurl:"tmtrack.dll?" Footholds
06.10.2005 inurl:polly/CP Footholds
25.09.2005 intitle:"net2ftp" "powered by net2ftp" inurl:ftp OR intext:login OR inurl:login Footholds
15.08.2005 intitle:MyShell 1.1.0 build 20010923 Footholds
02.05.2005 intitle:"YALA: Yet Another LDAP Administrator" Footholds
27.04.2005 intitle:"ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved" "While trying to retrieve the URL" "The following error was encountered:" Footholds
19.12.2004 inurl:"phpOracleAdmin/php" -download -cvs Footholds
28.11.2004 PHPKonsole PHPShell filetype:php -echo Footholds
28.11.2004 filetype:php HAXPLORER "Server Files Browser" Footholds
06.11.2004 inurl:ConnectComputer/precheck.htm | inurl:Remote/logon.aspx Footholds
22.10.2004 (inurl:81/cgi-bin/.cobalt/) | (intext:"Welcome to the Cobalt RaQ") Footholds
09.10.2004 intitle:"Web Data Administrator - Login" Footholds
20.07.2004 "adding new user" inurl:addnewuser -"there are no domains" Footholds
12.07.2004 intitle:"PHP Shell *" "Enable stderr" filetype:php Footholds
12.07.2004 "Powered by PHPFM" filetype:php -username Footholds
20.05.2004 +htpasswd +WS_FTP.LOG filetype:log Footholds
09.09.2003 intitle:admin intitle:login Footholds