GHDB - H  2021  2020  2019  2018  OTHER

Footholds  Files Containing Usernames  Vulnerable Servers  Web Server Detection  Sensitive Directories  Vulnerable Files  Files Containing Passwords  Sensitive Online Shopping Info  Error Messages  Various Online Devices  Files Containing Juicy Info  Advisories and Vulnerabilities  Network or Vulnerability Data Pages Containing Login Portals


2022-07-15 Dork Web Server Detection
2022-01-12 site:vps-* Web Server Detection
2021-11-05 inurl *:8080/login.php Web Server Detection
2021-10-19 site:*/*.asp Web Server Detection
2021-10-15 Fwd: intitle:"STEP by STIBO Systems" "Launch STEPworkbench" "Web UI Component Report" Web Server Detection
2021-10-05 inurl:"/app/kibana#" Web Server Detection
2021-09-29 "NTRIP Caster Table Contents" "This is a SNIP NTRIP Caster" Web Server Detection
2021-09-27 intitle:"Shoutcast server" inurl:"/index.html" "SHOUTcast Server" Web Server Detection
2021-09-24 intitle:"Welcome to OpenResty!" Web Server Detection
2021-09-23 intitle:"index of" Web Server Detection
2021-09-23 intitle:"Success!" intext:"Your new web server is ready to use." Web Server Detection
2021-09-23 intitle:"WATASHI SERVICE" Web Server Detection
2021-09-21 "Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Developer Edition" Web Server Detection
2021-09-17 intitle:"index of" "/homedir/etc/" Web Server Detection
2021-09-17 intitle:"index of" AND inurl:magento AND inurl:/dev Web Server Detection
2021-09-16 intitle:"Domain Default page" "Parallels IP Holdings GmbH" Web Server Detection
2021-09-16 intitle:"nPerfServer" Web Server Detection
2021-09-15 intitle:"STEP by STIBO Systems" "Launch STEPworkbench" "Web UI Component Report" Web Server Detection
2021-09-14 inurl: /ftp intitle:"office" Web Server Detection
2021-08-20 intitle:"web server login" intext:"site ip" Web Server Detection
2021-07-23 intitle:"Welcome" intext:"LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved." Web Server Detection
2021-07-22 intitle:"Index of" intext:"Server at" Web Server Detection
2021-06-09 intitle:"Welcome to WildFly" intext:"Administration Console" Web Server Detection
2021-06-07 intitle:"Icecast Streaming Media Server" Web Server Detection
2021-05-25 inurl:"web/database/selector" Web Server Detection
2021-05-25 intitle:"Test Page for the HTTP Server on Fedora" Web Server Detection
2021-05-21 intitle:"SOGo" site:webmail.* Web Server Detection
2021-05-21 intitle:"Server Backup Manager SE" Web Server Detection
2021-05-18 filetype:axd inurl:/elmah.axd Web Server Detection
2021-05-18 "Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved." filetype:jsp Web Server Detection
2021-05-03 intitle:"Current Network Status" "Nagios" Web Server Detection
2021-04-30 inurl:/Portal0000.htm Web Server Detection
2021-04-30 intitle:"Miniweb Start Page" | "/CSS/Miniweb.css" Web Server Detection
2021-04-28 inurl:"/domcfg.nsf" " Web Server Configuration" Web Server Detection
2021-04-23 intitle:"Accueil WAMPSERVER" intext:"Configuration Serveur" Web Server Detection
2021-04-19 intitle:"GlassFish Server - Server Running" Web Server Detection
2021-04-05 inurl:/javax.faces.resource/ Web Server Detection
2021-03-29 inurl:CFIDE/adminapi Web Server Detection
2021-02-05 inurl:/uploads/affwp-debug.log Web Server Detection
2021-01-26 inurl:?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=phpstorm Web Server Detection
2021-01-15 inurl:/config/device/wcd Web Server Detection
2021-01-07 inurl:"/phpmyadmin/user_password.php Web Server Detection
2021-01-05 inurl:/xprober ext:php Web Server Detection
2021-01-05 intext:"SonarQube" + "by SonarSource SA." + "LGPL v3" Web Server Detection
24.11.2020 intext:"Healthy" + "Product model" + " Client IP" + "Ethernet" Web Server Detection
19.10.2020 inurl:/phpPgAdmin/browser.php Web Server Detection
15.10.2020 ext:php | intitle:phpinfo "published by the PHP Group" Web Server Detection
14.10.2020 allintext:"Index Of" "sftp-config.json" Web Server Detection
12.10.2020 inurl:_vti_bin/Authentication.asmx Web Server Detection
06.10.2020 "Powered by 123LogAnalyzer" Web Server Detection
24.09.2020 intitle:Snoop Servlet Web Server Detection
17.09.2020 allintitle:"Pi-hole Admin Console" Web Server Detection
15.09.2020 intitle:"Lists Web Service" Web Server Detection
31.08.2020 intitle:"Monsta ftp" intext:"Lock session to IP" Web Server Detection
04.08.2020 intitle:"Microsoft Internet Information Services 8" -IIS Web Server Detection
22.06.2020 intext:"index of /" "Index of" access_log Web Server Detection
17.06.2020 inurl:"id=*" & intext:"warning mysql_fetch_array()" Web Server Detection
08.06.2020 "index of /private" -site:net -site:com -site:org Web Server Detection
25.05.2020 inurl:":8088/cluster/apps" Web Server Detection
04.05.2020 intitle:"index of" "docker.yml" Web Server Detection
22.04.2020 intitle:"index of" "debug.log" OR "debug-log" Web Server Detection
16.04.2020 intext:"This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server" Web Server Detection
20.03.2020 "Powered by phpBB" inurl:"index.php?s" OR inurl:"index.php?style" Web Server Detection
16.03.2020 intitle:"index of" "powered by apache " "port 80" Web Server Detection
09.03.2020 intitle:"Web Server's Default Page" intext:"hosting using Plesk" -www Web Server Detection
02.03.2020 site:ftp.*.com "Web File Manager" Web Server Detection
24.02.2020 intitle:"Welcome to JBoss" Web Server Detection
04.02.2020 intitle:"Welcome to nginx!" intext:"Welcome to nginx on Debian!" intext:"Thank you for" Web Server Detection
28.01.2020 intitle:"index of" "Served by Sun-ONE" Web Server Detection
27.01.2020 -pub -pool intitle:"index of" "Served by" "Web Server" Web Server Detection
23.01.2020 intitle:"index of" "server at" Web Server Detection
24.09.2019 site:*/server-status intext:"Apache server status for" Web Server Detection
02.09.2019 inurl:/iisstart.htm intitle:"IIS7" Web Server Detection
30.08.2019 inurl:/phpmyadmin/changelog.php -github -gitlab Web Server Detection
12.08.2019 inurl:"WebPortal?bankid" Web Server Detection
31.07.2019 intitle:"IIS Windows Server" -inurl:"IIS Windows Server" Web Server Detection
31.07.2019 intitle:"Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works" Web Server Detection
29.07.2019 inurl:/server-status + "Server MPM:" Web Server Detection
24.06.2019 inurl:phpinfo.php intext:build 2600 Web Server Detection
17.06.2019 Web Server Detection
17.06.2019 intext:"Brought to you by eVetSites" Web Server Detection
06.06.2019 intext:"Powered by GetSimple" Web Server Detection
30.05.2019 inurl:jsmol.php Web Server Detection
29.05.2019 intitle:"WAMPSERVER homepage" "Server Configuration" "Apache Version" Web Server Detection
18.03.2019 "Powered by BOINC" Web Server Detection
15.02.2019 "Proudly created with" Web Server Detection
14.01.2019 "I have been invoked by servletToJSP" Web Server Detection
14.01.2019 intext:" - 2019 Cott Systems, Inc." Web Server Detection
02.01.2019 intitle:Test Page for the Nginx HTTP Server on Fedora Web Server Detection
04.12.2018 "Powered by vShare" Web Server Detection
14.11.2018 intext:"Powered by Abyss Web Server" Web Server Detection
07.11.2018 intitle: "Welcome to nginx!" + "Thank you for using nginx." Web Server Detection
02.11.2018 intitle:livezilla "Server Time" Web Server Detection
01.11.2018 intext:"Powered by phpSQLiteCMS" | intitle:"phpSQLiteCMS - A simple & lightweight CMS" Web Server Detection
01.11.2018 intitle:"Sucuri WebSite Firewall - Access Denied" Web Server Detection
31.10.2018 "This server is operated by OpenX." Web Server Detection
16.10.2018 intext:"Powered by (Quantum | Quantum CMS | CMS) Web Server Detection
16.10.2018 Coldbox | contentbox | commandbox "Powered by ContentBox" Web Server Detection
16.10.2018 intext:"Powered by Nesta" Web Server Detection
16.10.2018 intext:"Powered by Typesetter" Web Server Detection
20.09.2018 intext:"Powered by Sentora" Web Server Detection
12.09.2018 inurl:/_hcms/ Web Server Detection
13.08.2018 inurl:tests/mocks intext:autoloader Web Server Detection
19.07.2018 intitle:HTTP Server Test Page powered by CentOS Web Server Detection
22.06.2018 intitle:"apache tomcat/" "Apache Tomcat examples" Web Server Detection
04.06.2018 inurl:composer.json codeigniter Web Server Detection
07.05.2018 intitle:"apache tomcat/" + "Find additional important configuration information in:" Web Server Detection
07.05.2018 "RDServer Product information" | inurl:"/rdagent.jsp" Web Server Detection
03.05.2018 intitle:"Apache2 Debian Default Page: It works" Web Server Detection
25.04.2018 inurl:rvsindex.php & /rvsindex.php?/user/login Web Server Detection
06.04.2018 intitle:"miniProxy" Web Server Detection
27.03.2018 intitle:"Axis Happiness Page" "Examining webapp configuration" Web Server Detection
21.03.2018 "var miner = new CoinHive" intext:document.domain Web Server Detection
07.03.2018 inurl:"server-status" "Server Version: Apache/" "Server Built: " "Server uptime:" "Total accesses" "CPU Usage:" Web Server Detection
02.02.2018 "Application Blocked!" "Google bot" Web Server Detection
31.10.2017 inurl:phpmyadmin/themes intext:"pmahomme" Web Server Detection
31.10.2017 intext:"Laravel" Web Server Detection
20.10.2017 intext:"Welcome to CodeIgniter!" Web Server Detection
02.10.2017 inurl:readme.rst intext:"CodeIgniter" Web Server Detection
27.06.2017 intitle:"Index of" "Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server" Web Server Detection
26.06.2017 intitle:"Index of /" "Proudly Served by Surftown at" Web Server Detection
18.05.2017 inurl:/pub/ inurl:_ri_ Web Server Detection
18.05.2017 inurl:/_catalogs Web Server Detection
01.03.2017 ext:svc inurl:wsdl Web Server Detection
12.12.2016 inurl:user_guide intext:"CodeIgniter User Guide" Web Server Detection
29.11.2016 "PHP Credits" "Configuration" "PHP Core" ext:php inurl:info Web Server Detection
28.11.2016 inurl:/php/info.php Web Server Detection
04.11.2016 intitle:"HFS" "Server Uptime" "Server time" Web Server Detection
11.03.2016 inurl:phpsysinfo/index.php?disp=dynamic Web Server Detection
26.02.2016 intitle:"Apache Status" | intext:"Apache Server Status" Web Server Detection
17.02.2016 intext:Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.29 | intitle:"Index of /" Web Server Detection
15.10.2015 inurl:"/web-console/" intitle:"Administration Console" Web Server Detection
23.06.2015 filetype:asmx inurl:(_vti_bin|api|webservice) Web Server Detection
23.05.2006 intitle:"BadBlue: the file-sharing web server anyone can use" Web Server Detection
03.05.2006 intext:"Target Multicast Group" "beacon" Web Server Detection
03.05.2006 intitle:"Apache Status" "Apache Server Status for" Web Server Detection
08.02.2006 inurl:wl.exe inurl:?SS1= intext:"Operating system:" -edu -gov -mil Web Server Detection
16.11.2005 inurl:nnls_brand.html OR inurl:nnls_nav.html Web Server Detection
30.05.2005 (intitle:"502 Proxy Error")|(intitle:"503 Proxy Error") "The proxy server could not handle the request" -topic -mail -4suite -list Web Server Detection
20.05.2005 intitle:"Welcome to 602LAN SUITE *" Web Server Detection
02.05.2005 intitle:"Welcome To Your WebSTAR Home Page" Web Server Detection
02.05.2005 intitle:"Document title goes here" intitle:"used by web search tools" " example of a simple Home Page" Web Server Detection
27.04.2005 intitle:"Welcome to the Advanced Extranet Server, ADVX!" Web Server Detection
16.04.2005 intitle:"Welcome to Windows Small Business Server 2003" Web Server Detection
31.03.2005 yaws.* Web Server Detection
29.03.2005 intitle:"Index of *" mode links bytes last-changed name Web Server Detection
29.03.2005 intitle:"IPC@CHIP Infopage" Web Server Detection
20.03.2005 intitle:"Test Page for the Apache HTTP Server on Fedora Core" intext:"Fedora Core Test Page" Web Server Detection
18.03.2005 intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
05.03.2005 (inurl:81-cobalt | inurl:cgi-bin/.cobalt) Web Server Detection
15.02.2005 intitle:"welcome to mono xsp" Web Server Detection
27.01.2005 inurl:oraweb Web Server Detection
26.01.2005 "Netware * Home" inurl:nav.html Web Server Detection
21.01.2005 XAMPP "inurl:xampp/index" Web Server Detection
13.12.2004 inurl:2506/jana-admin Web Server Detection
13.12.2004 allintext:"Powered by LionMax Software" "WWW File Share" Web Server Detection
30.11.2004 intitle:"Resin Default Home Page" Web Server Detection
28.11.2004 intitle:"Welcome To Xitami" Web Server Detection
13.11.2004 intitle:"Welcome to Your New Home Page!" "by the Debian release" Web Server Detection
07.11.2004 "About Mac OS Personal Web Sharing" Web Server Detection
07.11.2004 "Switch to table format" inurl:table|plain Web Server Detection
12.10.2004 intitle:"Directory Listing, Index of /*/" Web Server Detection
12.10.2004 intitle:"Open WebMail" "Open WebMail version (2.20|2.21|2.30) " Web Server Detection
12.10.2004 intitle:"error 404" "From RFC 2068 " Web Server Detection
12.10.2004 intitle:"Object not found!" intext:"Apache/2.0.* (Linux/SuSE)" Web Server Detection
12.10.2004 intitle:"Lotus Domino Go Webserver:" "Tuning your webserver" Web Server Detection
09.10.2004 intitle:"Object not found" netware "apache 1.." Web Server Detection
26.09.2004 intitle:AnswerBook2 inurl:ab2/ (inurl:8888 | inurl:8889) Web Server Detection
16.08.2004 intext:"404 Object Not Found" Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Web Server Detection
29.07.2004 "powered by" "shoutstats" hourly daily Web Server Detection
29.07.2004 intitle:"Shoutcast Administrator" Web Server Detection
26.07.2004 "Novell, Inc" WEBACCESS Username Password "Version *.*" Copyright -inurl:help -guides|guide Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "AnWeb/1.42h" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "CERN httpd 3.0B (VAX VMS)" Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "JRun Web Server" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "MaXX/3.1" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "Microsoft-IIS/* server at" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "Microsoft-IIS/4.0" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "Microsoft-IIS/5.0 server at" Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 fitweb-wwws * server at intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "httpd+ssl/kttd" * server at intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "Microsoft-IIS/6.0" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 sEDWebserver * server +at intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "Red Hat Secure/3.0 server at" Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "OmniHTTPd/2.10" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "OpenSA/1.0.4" intitle:index.of Web Server Detection
19.07.2004 "Red Hat Secure/2.0" Web Server Detection
12.07.2004 intitle:"Page rev */*/*" inurl:"admin Web Server Detection
02.07.2004 HTTP_USER_AGENT=Googlebot Web Server Detection
18.06.2004 allinurl:".nsconfig" -sample -howto -tutorial Web Server Detection
17.05.2004 inurl:domcfg.nsf Web Server Detection
13.05.2004 intitle:"300 multiple choices" Web Server Detection
23.04.2004 intitle:Snap.Server inurl:Func= Web Server Detection
20.04.2004 intitle:"Test Page for Apache" Web Server Detection
18.03.2004 allintitle:Netscape FastTrack Server Home Page Web Server Detection
04.03.2004 "seeing this instead" intitle:"test page for apache" Web Server Detection
04.03.2004 intitle:"Test Page for Apache" "It Worked!" Web Server Detection
04.03.2004 intitle:"Test Page for Apache" "It Worked!" "on this web" Web Server Detection
11.08.2003 aboutprinter.shtml Web Server Detection
11.08.2003 i_index.shtml Ready Web Server Detection
07.08.2003 inurl:tech-support inurl:show Cisco Web Server Detection