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Browser Attacks




Browser-based network attacks tied for the second-most common type. They attempt to breach a machine through a web browser, one of the most common ways people use the internet.


Brute Force Attacks




Brute force attacks are akin to kicking down the front door of a network. Rather than attempting to trick a user into downloading malware, the attacker tries to discover the password for a system or service through trial and error.


Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks




Denial-of-service attacks, also known as distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), are third on the list on the list of network security attacks, and they continue to grow stronger every year.


Worm Attacks




Malware typically requires user interaction to start infection. For example, the person may have to download a malicious email attachment, visit an infected website, or plug an infected thumb drive into a machine.


Malware Attacks




Malware is, of course, malicious software – applications that have been created to harm, hijack, or spy on the infect system.


Web Attacks




Public-facing services – such as web applications and databases – are also targeted for network security attacks.


Scan Attacks




Rather than outright network attacks, scans are pre-attack reconnaissance. Attackers use widely available scanning tools to probe public-facing systems to better understand the services, systems, and security in place.


Other Attacks




We can only speculate on the network attack types bundled into “other”. That said, here are some of the usual suspects.