Google Hacking -


Společnost Google Inc. patří mezi nejhodnotnější firmy světa. Stalo se tak jistě díky provozování stejnojmenného fulltextového vyhledávače. Služba Google Search je dostupná z webové stránky a v mnoha národních variantách. Nabízí jednoduché uživatelské prostředí, snadné ovládání i pomocnou ruku pro pokročilejší uživatele


Examples of queries that can help an attacker gain a foothold into a web server

Files Containing Usernames

These files contain usernames, but no passwords... Still, Google finding usernames on a web site.

Vulnerable Servers

These searches reveal servers with specific vulnerabilities. These are found in a different way than the searches found in the "Vulnerable Files" section.

Web Server Detection

These links demonstrate Googles awesome ability to profile web servers.

Sensitive Directories

Googles collection of web sites sharing sensitive directories. The files contained in here will vary from sensitive to über-secret!

Vulnerable Files

HUNDREDS of vulnerable files that Google can find on websites.

Files Containing Passwords


Sensitive Online Shopping Info

Examples of queries that can reveal online shopping infomation like customer data, suppliers, orders, credit card numbers, credit card info, etc

Error Messages

Really verbose error messages that say WAY too much!

Various Online Devices

This category contains things like printers, video cameras, and all sorts of cool things found on the web with Google.

Files Containing Juicy Info

No usernames or passwords, but interesting stuff none the less.

Advisories and Vulnerabilities

These searches locate vulnerable servers. These searches are often generated from various security advisory posts, and in many cases are product or version-specific.

Network or Vulnerability Data

These pages contain such things as firewall logs, honeypot logs, network information, IDS logs... All sorts of fun stuff!

Pages Containing Login Portals

These are login pages for various services. Consider them the front door of a websites more sensitive functions.