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Telnet (zkratka z Telecommunication Network) je v informatice označení protokolu používaném v počítačových sítích, který pomocí stejnojmenné aplikace umožňuje uživateli připojení ke vzdálenému počítači.






SSH (Secure Shell) je v informatice označení pro program a zároveň pro zabezpečený komunikační protokol v počítačových sítích, které používají TCP/IP. SSH byl navržen jako náhrada za telnet a další nezabezpečené vzdálené shelly (rlogin, rsh apod.), které posílají heslo v nezabezpečené formě a umožňují tak jeho odposlechnutí při přenosu pomocí počítačové sítě.






Microsoft SQL Server je relační databázový a analytický systém pro e-obchody, byznys a řešení datových skladů vyvinutý společností Microsoft. Pomáhá snižovat celkové náklady na vlastnictví a zvyšovat efektivitu vaší organizace prostřednictvím správy podnikových dat a práce s obchodními informacemi (business intelligence).


Microsoft DS
















DDoS útok (distributed denial-of-service attack) - je označení pro útok na internetovou službu či webovou stránku, při němž se útočníci snaží server zahltit obrovským množstvím požadavků, které způsobí, že se server stane nedostupným pro normální uživatele.






SYN flood, smurf attack, vykonávaných těmito zombie počítači, zahltí cílový systém. Na rozdíl od pevně zakódovaných DDoS útoků, botnet může být kdykoliv využit k napadení libovolné IP adresy zaslané zombie počítačům. Distribuovaný DoS útok má oproti normálnímu útoku několik výhod.






HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) je internetový protokol určený pro výměnu hypertextových dokumentů ve formátu HTML. Používá obvykle port TCP/80, verze 1.1 protokolu je definována v RFC 2616.






Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) je součástí sady internetových protokolů. Slouží potřebám správy sítí. Umožňuje průběžný sběr nejrůznějších dat pro potřeby správy sítě, a jejich následné vyhodnocování. Na tomto protokolu je dnes založena většina prostředků a nástrojů pro správu sítě.






DNS (Domain Name System) je hierarchický systém doménových jmen, který je realizován servery DNS a protokolem stejného jména, kterým si vyměňují informace. Jeho hlavním úkolem a příčinou vzniku jsou vzájemné převody doménových jmen a IP adres uzlů sítě. Později ale přibral další funkce (např. pro elektronickou poštu či IP telefonii) a slouží dnes de fakto jako distribuovaná databáze síťových informací.






HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) je internetový protokol určený pro výměnu hypertextových dokumentů ve formátu HTML. Používá obvykle port TCP/80, verze 1.1 protokolu je definována v RFC 2616. Tento protokol je spolu s elektronickou poštou tím nejvíce používaným a zasloužil se o obrovský rozmach internetu v posledních letech.






HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) je v informatice nadstavba síťového protokolu HTTP, která umožňuje zabezpečit spojení mezi webovým prohlížečem a webovým serverem před odposloucháváním, podvržením dat a umožňuje též ověřit identitu protistrany. HTTPS používá protokol HTTP, přičemž přenášená data jsou šifrována pomocí SSL nebo TLS a standardní port na straně serveru je 443.






SIP (Session Initiation Protocol - česky protokol pro inicializaci relací) je internetový protokol určený pro přenos signalizace v internetové telefonii. Normálně používá UDP port 5060, ale může fungovat i nad TCP/5060.






NTP (Network Time Protocol) je protokol pro synchronizaci vnitřních hodin počítačů po paketové síti s proměnným zpožděním. Tento protokol zajišťuje, aby všechny počítače v síti měly stejný a přesný čas. Byl obzvláště navržen tak, aby odolával následku proměnlivého zpoždění v doručování paketů.






FTP (anglicky File Transfer Protocol) je v informatice protokol pro přenos souborů mezi počítači pomocí počítačové sítě. Využívá protokol TCP z rodiny TCP/IP a může být používán nezávisle na použitém operačním systému (je platformě nezávislý). Definován byl v roce 1985 v RFC 959 a rozšířen byl v roce 1997 v RFC 2228. Jeho podpora je součástí webových prohlížečů nebo specializovaných programů (tzv. FTP klientů).






SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) byl vyvinut IETF společností Microsoft a Hewlett-Packard. SSDP je založen na protokolu Universal Plug and Play.






Port sám (8088) byl původně registrován Radan pro dodavatele specifických HTTP. Od té doby byl kooptován veřejnosti pro použití na proxy (spolu s 8000, 8080, 8888).






Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (zkratka SMTP) je internetový protokol určený pro přenos zpráv elektronické pošty (e-mailů) mezi přepravci elektronické pošty (MTA). Protokol zajišťuje doručení pošty pomocí přímého spojení mezi odesílatelem a adresátem; zpráva je doručena do tzv. poštovní schránky adresáta, ke které potom může uživatel kdykoli (off-line) přistupovat (vybírat zprávy) pomocí protokolů POP3 nebo IMAP.






UDP datagramy NetBIOS pakety se vyměňují přes tento port, obvykle s počítačích se systémem Windows, ale také s jakýmkoliv jiným systémem běží Samba (SMB). Tyto datagramy UDP NetBIOS podporu aktivit pro sdílení souborů bez připojení orientované.






MySQL je databázový systém, vytvořený švédskou firmou MySQL AB, nyní vlastněný společností Sun Microsystems, dceřinou společností Oracle Corporation. Jeho hlavními autory jsou Michael „Monty“ Widenius a David Axmark. Je považován za úspěšného průkopníka dvojího licencování – je k dispozici jak pod bezplatnou licencí GPL, tak pod komerční placenou licencí.

MySQL je multiplatformní databáze. Komunikace s ní probíhá – jak už název napovídá – pomocí jazyka SQL.






Server Sun Java System Web Proxy je software populární HTTP / 1.1 Proxy server vyvinutý společností Sun Microsystems. SJSWPS 4.0 je široce používán pro proxy, caching a filtrování webového obsahu, zvýšení zabezpečení sítě a výkon, stejně jako na ochranu a bezpečí a vyvážení zatížení napříč, obsahu serverů.






X Window System (též X11 nebo jen X) je v informatice souhrnné označení pro software, který umožňuje vytvořit grafické uživatelské prostředí (GUI). Používá se zejména v unixových systémech, kde se stal standardem. Využívá model klient-server, skládá se z několika komponent, které jsou navzájem nezávislé (zejména X Server, X protokol, knihovna Xlib) a je portován na mnoho platforem (unixové systémy – Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, ale též Microsoft Windows).


Well-known ports hide
PortTCPUDPIANA status[1]DescriptionSCTP
N/AN/AUnofficialIn programming APIs (not in communication between hosts), requests a system-allocated (dynamic) port[5] 
1YesAssignedOfficialTCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX). Historic. Both TCP and UDP have been assigned to TCPMUX by IANA,[1] but by design only TCP is specified.[6] 
5AssignedAssignedOfficialRemote Job Entry[7] was historically using socket 5 in its old socket form, while MIB PIM has identified it as TCP/5[8] and IANA has assigned both TCP and UDP 5 to it. 
7YesYesOfficialEcho Protocol[9][10] 
9YesYesOfficialDiscard Protocol[11]Yes [12]
11YesYesOfficialActive Users (systat service)[14][15] 
13YesYesOfficialDaytime Protocol[16] 
15YesNoUnofficialPreviously netstat service[1][14] 
17YesYesOfficialQuote of the Day (QOTD)[17] 
18YesYesOfficialMessage Send Protocol[18][19] 
19YesYesOfficialCharacter Generator Protocol (CHARGEN)[20] 
20YesAssignedOfficialFile Transfer Protocol (FTP) data transfer[10]Yes [12]
21YesAssignedOfficialFile Transfer Protocol (FTP) control (command)[10][12][21][22]Yes[12]
22YesAssignedOfficialSecure Shell (SSH),[10] secure logins, file transfers (scpsftp) and port forwardingYes [12]
23YesAssignedOfficialTelnet protocol—unencrypted text communications[10][23] 
25YesAssignedOfficialSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP),[10][24] used for email routing between mail servers 
37YesYesOfficialTime Protocol[25] 
42AssignedYesOfficialHost Name Server Protocol[26] 
43YesAssignedOfficialWHOIS protocol[27][28][29] 
49YesYesOfficialTACACS Login Host protocol.[30] TACACS+, still in draft which is an improved but distinct version of TACACS, only uses TCP 49.[31] 
51ReservedReservedOfficialHistorically used for Interface Message Processor logical address management,[32] entry has been removed by IANA on 2013-05-25 
52AssignedAssignedOfficialXerox Network Systems (XNS) Time Protocol. Despite this port being assigned by IANA, the service is meant to work on SPP (ancestor of IPX/SPX), instead of TCP/IP.[33] 
53YesYesOfficialDomain Name System (DNS)[34][10] 
54AssignedAssignedOfficialXerox Network Systems (XNS) Clearinghouse (Name Server). Despite this port being assigned by IANA, the service is meant to work on SPP (ancestor of IPX/SPX), instead of TCP/IP.[33] 
56AssignedAssignedOfficialXerox Network Systems (XNS) Authentication Protocol. Despite this port being assigned by IANA, the service is meant to work on SPP (ancestor of IPX/SPX), instead of TCP/IP.[33] 
58AssignedAssignedOfficialXerox Network Systems (XNS) Mail. Despite this port being assigned by IANA, the service is meant to work on SPP (ancestor of IPX/SPX), instead of TCP/IP.[33] 
61ReservedReservedOfficialHistorically assigned to the NIFTP-Based Mail protocol,[35] but was never documented in the related IEN.[36] The port number entry was removed from IANA's registry on 2017-05-18.[1] 
67AssignedYesOfficialBootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server;[10] also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 
68AssignedYesOfficialBootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client;[10] also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 
69AssignedYesOfficialTrivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)[10][37][38][39] 
70YesAssignedOfficialGopher protocol[40] 
71–74YesYesOfficialNETRJS protocol[41][42][43] 
79YesAssignedOfficialFinger protocol[10][44][45] 
80YesAssignedOfficialHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)[10][46][47][48]Yes [12]
NoYesUnofficialQUIC, a transport protocol over UDP (still in draft as of April 2020), using stream multiplexing, encryption by default with TLS, and currently supporting HTTP/2.[49] QUIC has been renamed to HTTP/3, which is currently an Internet Draft. 
81Yes UnofficialTorPark onion routing[verification needed] 
82 YesUnofficialTorPark control[verification needed] 
83YesAssignedOfficialMIT ML Device, networking file system [50] 
88YesAssignedOfficialKerberos[10][51][52] authentication system 
90YesYesUnofficialPointCast (dotcom)[1][third-party source needed] 
95YesAssignedOfficialSUPDUP, terminal-independent remote login [53] 
101YesAssignedOfficialNIC host name[54] 
102YesAssignedOfficialISO Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) Class 0 protocol;[55][56] 
104YesYesOfficialDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM; also port 11112) 
105YesYesOfficialCCSO Nameserver[57] 
107YesYesOfficialRemote User Telnet Service (RTelnet)[58] 
108YesYesOfficialIBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) gateway access server 
109YesAssignedOfficialPost Office Protocol, version 2 (POP2)[59] 
110YesAssignedOfficialPost Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)[10][60][61] 
111YesYesOfficialOpen Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC, sometimes referred to as Sun RPC) 
113YesNoOfficialIdent, authentication service/identification protocol,[10][62] used by IRC servers to identify users 
YesAssignedOfficialAuthentication Service (auth), the predecessor to identification protocol. Used to determine a user's identity of a particular TCP connection.[63] 
115YesAssignedOfficialSimple File Transfer Protocol[10][64] 
117YesYesOfficialUUCP Mapping Project (path service)[citation needed] 
118YesYesOfficialStructured Query Language (SQL) Services[jargon] 
119YesAssignedOfficialNetwork News Transfer Protocol (NNTP),[10] retrieval of newsgroup messages[65][66] 
123AssignedYesOfficialNetwork Time Protocol (NTP), used for time synchronization[10] 
126YesYesOfficialFormerly Unisys Unitary Login, renamed by Unisys to NXEdit. Used by Unisys Programmer's Workbench for Clearpath MCP, an IDE for Unisys MCP software development 
135YesYesOfficialDCE endpoint resolution 
YesYesOfficialMicrosoft EPMAP (End Point Mapper), also known as DCE/RPC Locator service,[67] used to remotely manage services including DHCP serverDNS server and WINS. Also used by DCOM 
137YesYesOfficialNetBIOS Name Service, used for name registration and resolution[68][69] 
138AssignedYesOfficialNetBIOS Datagram Service[10][68][69] 
139YesAssignedOfficialNetBIOS Session Service[68][69] 
143YesAssignedOfficialInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP),[10] management of electronic mail messages on a server[70] 
152YesYesOfficialBackground File Transfer Program (BFTP)[71][importance?] 
153YesYesOfficialSimple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (SGMP), a protocol for remote inspection and alteration of gateway management information[72] 
156YesYesOfficialStructured Query Language (SQL) Service[jargon] 
158YesYesOfficialDistributed Mail System Protocol (DMSP, sometimes referred to as Pcmail)[73][importance?] 
161AssignedYesOfficialSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)[74][citation needed][10] 
162YesYesOfficialSimple Network Management Protocol Trap (SNMPTRAP)[74][75][citation needed] 
170YesYesOfficialNetwork PostScript print server 
177YesYesOfficialX Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP), used for remote logins to an X Display Manager server[76][self-published source] 
179YesAssignedOfficialBorder Gateway Protocol (BGP),[77] used to exchange routing and reachability information among autonomous systems (AS) on the InternetYes [12]
194YesYesOfficialInternet Relay Chat (IRC)[78] 
199YesYesOfficialSNMP Unix Multiplexer (SMUX)[79] 
201YesYesOfficialAppleTalk Routing Maintenance 
209YesAssignedOfficialQuick Mail Transfer Protocol[80][self-published source] 
210YesYesOfficialANSI Z39.50 
213YesYesOfficialInternetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) 
218YesYesOfficialMessage posting protocol (MPP) 
220YesYesOfficialInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), version 3 
259YesYesOfficialEfficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO) 
264YesYesOfficialBorder Gateway Multicast Protocol (BGMP) 
300Yes UnofficialThinLinc Web Access 
308Yes OfficialNovastor Online Backup 
311YesAssignedOfficialMac OS X Server Admin[10] (officially AppleShare IP Web administration[1]) 
318YesYesOfficialPKIX Time Stamp Protocol (TSP) 
319 YesOfficialPrecision Time Protocol (PTP) event messages 
320 YesOfficialPrecision Time Protocol (PTP) general messages 
350YesYesOfficialMapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol (MATIP) type A 
351YesYesOfficialMATIP type B 
356YesYesOfficialcloanto-net-1 (used by Cloanto Amiga Explorer and VMs) 
366YesYesOfficialOn-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR) 
370YesYesOfficialcodaauth2, Coda authentication server 
 YesOfficialsecurecast1, outgoing packets to NAI's SecureCast servers[81]As of 2000 
371YesYesOfficialClearCase albd 
383YesYesOfficialHP data alarm manager 
384YesYesOfficialA Remote Network Server System 
387YesYesOfficialAURP (AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol)[82] 
388YesAssignedOfficialUnidata LDM near real-time data distribution protocol[83][self-published source][84][self-published source] 
389YesAssignedOfficialLightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)[10] 
399YesYesOfficialDigital Equipment Corporation DECnet+ (Phase V) over TCP/IP (RFC1859) 
401YesYesOfficialUninterruptible power supply (UPS) 
427YesYesOfficialService Location Protocol (SLP)[10] 
433YesYesOfficialNNSP, part of Network News Transfer Protocol 
434YesYesOfficialMobile IP Agent (RFC 5944) 
443YesAssignedOfficialHypertext Transfer Protocol over TLS/SSL (HTTPS)[10]Yes [12]
NoYesUnofficialQuick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), a transport protocol over UDP (still in draft as of July 2018), using stream multiplexing, encryption by default with TLS, and currently supporting HTTP/2.[49] 
444YesYesOfficialSimple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP), RFC 1568 
445YesYesOfficialMicrosoft-DS (Directory Services) Active Directory,[85] Windows shares 
YesAssignedOfficialMicrosoft-DS (Directory Services) SMB[10] file sharing 
464YesYesOfficialKerberos Change/Set password 
465YesNoOfficialURL Rendezvous Directory for SSM (Cisco protocol)[importance?] 
YesNoOfficialAuthenticated SMTP[10] over TLS/SSL (SMTPS)[86] 
475YesYesOfficialtcpnethaspsrv, Aladdin Knowledge Systems Hasp services 
491Yes UnofficialGO-Global remote access and application publishing software 
500AssignedYesOfficialInternet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) / Internet Key Exchange (IKE)[10] 
502YesYesOfficialModbus Protocol 
504YesYesOfficialCitadel, multiservice protocol for dedicated clients for the Citadel groupware system 
510YesYesOfficialFirstClass Protocol (FCP), used by FirstClass client/server groupware system 
512Yes OfficialRexec, Remote Process Execution 
 YesOfficialcomsat, together with biff 
513Yes Officialrlogin 
514Yes UnofficialRemote Shell, used to execute non-interactive commands on a remote system (Remote Shell, rsh, remsh) 
NoYesOfficialSyslog,[10] used for system logging 
515YesAssignedOfficialLine Printer Daemon (LPD),[10] print service 
517 YesOfficialTalk 
518 YesOfficialNTalk 
520Yes Officialefs, extended file name server 
 YesOfficialRouting Information Protocol (RIP) 
521 YesOfficialRouting Information Protocol Next Generation (RIPng) 
524YesYesOfficialNetWare Core Protocol (NCP) is used for a variety things such as access to primary NetWare server resources, Time Synchronization, etc. 
525 YesOfficialTimed, Timeserver 
530YesYesOfficialRemote procedure call (RPC) 
533 YesOfficialnetwall, For Emergency Broadcasts 
540Yes OfficialUnix-to-Unix Copy Protocol (UUCP) 
542YesYesOfficialcommerce (Commerce Applications) 
543Yes Officialklogin, Kerberos login 
544Yes Officialkshell, Kerberos Remote shell 
546YesYesOfficialDHCPv6 client 
547YesYesOfficialDHCPv6 server 
548YesAssignedOfficialApple Filing Protocol (AFP) over TCP[10] 
550YesYesOfficialnew-rwho, new-who[87] 
554YesYesOfficialReal Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)[10] 
556Yes OfficialRemotefs, RFS, rfs_server 
560 YesOfficialrmonitor, Remote Monitor 
561 YesOfficialmonitor 
563YesYesOfficialNNTP over TLS/SSL (NNTPS) 
564Yes Unofficial9P (Plan 9) 
585Port 993?UnofficialLegacy use of Internet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (IMAPS), now in use at port 993.[88] 
587YesAssignedOfficialemail message submission[10][89] (SMTP) 
591Yes OfficialFileMaker 6.0 (and later) Web Sharing (HTTP Alternate, also see port 80) 
593YesYesOfficialHTTP RPC Ep Map, Remote procedure call over Hypertext Transfer Protocol, often used by Distributed Component Object Model services and Microsoft Exchange Server 
601Yes OfficialReliable Syslog Service — used for system logging 
604Yes OfficialTUNNEL profile,[90] a protocol for BEEP peers to form an application layer tunnel 
623 YesOfficialASF Remote Management and Control Protocol (ASF-RMCP) & IPMI Remote Management Protocol 
625YesNoUnofficialOpen Directory Proxy (ODProxy)[10] 
631YesYesOfficialInternet Printing Protocol (IPP)[10] 
YesYesUnofficialCommon Unix Printing System (CUPS) administration console (extension to IPP) 
635YesYesOfficialRLZ DBase 
636YesAssignedOfficialLightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (LDAPS)[10] 
639YesYesOfficialMSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol 
641YesYesOfficialSupportSoft Nexus Remote Command (control/listening), a proxy gateway connecting remote control traffic 
646YesYesOfficialLabel Distribution Protocol (LDP), a routing protocol used in MPLS networks 
647Yes OfficialDHCP Failover protocol[91] 
648Yes OfficialRegistry Registrar Protocol (RRP)[92] 
653YesYesOfficialSupportSoft Nexus Remote Command (data), a proxy gateway connecting remote control traffic 
654Yes OfficialMedia Management System (MMS) Media Management Protocol (MMP)[93] 
655YesYesOfficialTinc VPN daemon 
657YesYesOfficialIBM RMC (Remote monitoring and Control) protocol, used by System p5 AIX Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM)[94] and Hardware Management Console to connect managed logical partitions (LPAR) to enable dynamic partition reconfiguration 
660YesAssignedOfficialMac OS X Server administration,[1] version 10.4 and earlier[10] 
666YesYesOfficialDoom, first online first-person shooter 
Yes Unofficialairserv-ngaircrack-ng's server for remote-controlling wireless devices 
674Yes OfficialApplication Configuration Access Protocol (ACAP) 
688YesYesOfficialREALM-RUSD (ApplianceWare Server Appliance Management Protocol) 
690YesYesOfficialVelneo Application Transfer Protocol (VATP) 
691Yes OfficialMS Exchange Routing 
694YesYesOfficialLinux-HA high-availability heartbeat 
695Yes OfficialIEEE Media Management System over SSL (IEEE-MMS-SSL)[95] 
698 YesOfficialOptimized Link State Routing (OLSR) 
700Yes OfficialExtensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), a protocol for communication between domain name registries and registrars (RFC 5734) 
701Yes OfficialLink Management Protocol (LMP),[96] a protocol that runs between a pair of nodes and is used to manage traffic engineering (TE) links 
702Yes OfficialIRIS[97][98] (Internet Registry Information Service) over BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol)[99] (RFC 3983) 
706Yes OfficialSecure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) 
711Yes OfficialCisco Tag Distribution Protocol[100][101][102]—being replaced by the MPLS Label Distribution Protocol[103] 
712Yes OfficialTopology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding routing protocol (TBRPF; RFC 3684) 
749YesYesOfficialKerberos (protocol) administration[10] 
750 YesOfficialkerberos-iv, Kerberos version IV 
751YesYesUnofficialkerberos_master, Kerberos authentication 
752 YesUnofficialpasswd_server, Kerberos password (kpasswd) server 
753YesYesOfficialReverse Routing Header (RRH)[104] 
 YesUnofficialuserreg_server, Kerberos userreg server 
754YesYesOfficialtell send 
Yes Unofficialkrb5_prop, Kerberos v5 slave propagation 
760YesYesUnofficialkrbupdate [kreg], Kerberos registration 
782Yes UnofficialConserver serial-console management server 
783Yes UnofficialSpamAssassin spamd daemon 
802YesYesOfficialMODBUS/TCP Security[105] 
808Yes UnofficialMicrosoft Net.TCP Port Sharing Service 
829YesAssignedOfficialCertificate Management Protocol[106] 
830YesYesOfficialNETCONF over SSH 
831YesYesOfficialNETCONF over BEEP 
832YesYesOfficialNETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS 
833YesYesOfficialNETCONF for SOAP over BEEP 
843Yes UnofficialAdobe Flash[107] 
847Yes OfficialDHCP Failover protocol 
848YesYesOfficialGroup Domain Of Interpretation (GDOI) protocol 
853YesYesOfficialDNS over TLS (RFC 7858) 
860Yes OfficialiSCSI (RFC 3720) 
861YesYesOfficialOWAMP control (RFC 4656) 
862YesYesOfficialTWAMP control (RFC 5357) 
873Yes Officialrsync file synchronization protocol 
888Yes Unofficialcddbp, CD DataBase (CDDB) protocol (CDDBP) 
Yes UnofficialIBM Endpoint Manager Remote Control 
897YesYesUnofficialBrocade SMI-S RPC 
898YesYesUnofficialBrocade SMI-S RPC SSL 
902YesYesUnofficialVMware ESXi[108][109] 
903Yes UnofficialVMware ESXi[108][109] 
953YesReservedOfficialBIND remote name daemon control (RNDC)[110][111] 
981Yes UnofficialRemote HTTPS management for firewall devices running embedded Check Point VPN-1 software[112] 
987Yes UnofficialMicrosoft Remote Web Workplace, a feature of Windows Small Business Server[113] 
989YesYesOfficialFTPS Protocol (data), FTP over TLS/SSL 
990YesYesOfficialFTPS Protocol (control), FTP over TLS/SSL 
991YesYesOfficialNetnews Administration System (NAS)[114] 
992YesYesOfficialTelnet protocol over TLS/SSL 
993YesAssignedOfficialInternet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (IMAPS)[10] 
MaybeMaybeUnofficialInternet Relay Chat over TLS/SSL (IRCS). Previously assigned, but not used in common practice. 
995YesYesOfficialPost Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL (POP3S)[10] 
1010Yes UnofficialThinLinc web-based administration interface[115][self-published source?] 
YesYesUnofficialz/OS Network File System (NFS) (potentially ports 991–1023)



[116][self-published source]

Registered ports hide
PortTCPUDPDescriptionIANA status[1]
1027Reserved ReservedOfficial
 YesNative IPv6 behind IPv4-to-IPv4 NAT Customer Premises Equipment (6a44)[117]Official
1028  DeprecatedOfficial
1029  Microsoft DCOM servicesUnofficial
1058YesYesnim, IBM AIX Network Installation Manager (NIM)Official
1059YesYesnimreg, IBM AIX Network Installation Manager (NIM)Official
1080YesYesSOCKS proxyOfficial
1098YesYesrmiactivation, Java remote method invocation (RMI) activationOfficial
1099YesAssignedrmiregistry, Java remote method invocation (RMI) registryOfficial
1109  Reserved – IANAOfficial
Yes Kerberos Post Office Protocol (KPOP)[citation needed]Unofficial
1113Assigned[note 1][118]Yes[119]Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) delay tolerant networking protocolOfficial chat/game protocol, used by Blizzard's games[120]Official
1167Yes, and SCTPYesCisco IP SLA (Service Assurance Agent)Official
1198YesYesThe cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed computing in JavaOfficial
1218YesNoWilliam POWEROfficial
1220YesAssignedQuickTime Streaming Server administration[10]Official
1234YesYesInfoseek search agentOfficial
 YesVLC media player default port for UDP/RTP streamUnofficial
1241YesYesNessus Security ScannerOfficial
1270YesYesMicrosoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) (formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)) agentOfficial
1293YesYesInternet Protocol Security (IPSec)Official
1311YesYesWindows RxMon.exeOfficial
Yes Dell OpenManage HTTPS[121]Unofficial
1314??Festival Speech Synthesis System server[122][self-published source?]Unofficial
1337Yes neo4j-shell[citation needed]Unofficial
Yes?Sails.js default port[123]Unofficial
Yes WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program[citation needed]Unofficial
1341YesYesQubes (Manufacturing Execution System)Official
1344YesYesInternet Content Adaptation ProtocolOfficial
1352YesYesIBM Lotus Notes/Domino (RPC) protocolOfficial
1360YesYesMimer SQLOfficial
1414YesYesIBM WebSphere MQ (formerly known as MQSeries)Official
1417YesYesTimbuktu Service 1 PortOfficial
1418YesYesTimbuktu Service 2 PortOfficial
1419YesYesTimbuktu Service 3 PortOfficial
1420YesYesTimbuktu Service 4 PortOfficial
1431Yes Reverse Gossip Transport Protocol (RGTP), used to access a General-purpose Reverse-Ordered Gossip Gathering System (GROGGS) bulletin board, such as that implemented on the Cambridge University's Phoenix systemOfficial
1433YesYesMicrosoft SQL Server database management system (MSSQL) serverOfficial
1434YesYesMicrosoft SQL Server database management system (MSSQL) monitorOfficial
1492Yes Sid Meier's CivNet, a multiplayer remake of the original Sid Meier's Civilization game[citation needed]Unofficial
1494YesYesCitrix Independent Computing Architecture (ICA)[124]Unofficial
1500Yes IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server[125]Unofficial
1501Yes IBM Tivoli Storage Manager client scheduler[125]Unofficial
1503YesYesWindows Live Messenger (Whiteboard and Application Sharing)[126]Unofficial
1512YesYesMicrosoft's Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)Official
1513YesYesGarena game client[citation needed]Unofficial
1521YesYesnCUBE License ManagerOfficial
Yes Oracle database default listener, in future releases[when?][127] official port 2483 (TCP/IP) and 2484 (TCP/IP with SSL)Unofficial
1524YesYesingreslock, ingresOfficial
1527YesYesOracle Net Services, formerly known as SQL*Net[128]Official
Yes Apache Derby Network Server[129]Unofficial
1533YesYesIBM Sametime Virtual Places ChatOfficial
1534NoYesEclipse Target Communication Framework [130]Unofficial
1540YesYes1C:Enterprise server agent (ragent)[131][132][self-published source]Unofficial
1541YesYes1C:Enterprise master cluster manager (rmngr)[131]Unofficial
1542YesYes1C:Enterprise configuration repository server[131]Unofficial
1545YesYes1C:Enterprise cluster administration server (RAS)[131]Unofficial
1550YesYes1C:Enterprise debug server[131]Unofficial
Yes Gadu-Gadu (direct client-to-client)[citation needed]Unofficial
1560–1590YesYes1C:Enterprise cluster working processes[131]Unofficial
1581YesYesMIL STD 2045-47001 VMFOfficial
Yes IBM Tivoli Storage Manager web client[125]Unofficial
1582–1583Yes IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server web interface[125]Unofficial
1583??Pervasive PSQL[133]Unofficial
1589YesYesCisco VLAN Query Protocol (VQP)Official
1604YesYesDarkComet remote administration tool (RAT)[citation needed]Unofficial
1628YesYesLonTalk normalOfficial
1629YesYesLonTalk urgentOfficial
1645 YesEarly deployment of RADIUS before RFC standardization was done using UDP port number 1645. Enabled for compatibility reasons by default on Cisco[citation needed] and Juniper Networks RADIUS servers.[135] Official port is 1812. TCP port 1645 MUST NOT be used.[136]Unofficial
1646 YesOld radacct port,[when?] RADIUS accounting protocol. Enabled for compatibility reasons by default on Cisco[citation needed] and Juniper Networks RADIUS servers.[135] Official port is 1813. TCP port 1646 MUST NOT be used.[136]Unofficial
1666Yes Perforce[137]Unofficial
1677YesYesNovell GroupWise clients in client/server access modeOfficial
1688Yes Microsoft Key Management Service (KMS) for Windows Activation[138]Unofficial
1701YesYesLayer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2F)Official
AssignedYesLayer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)[10]Official
1707YesYesWindward Studios games (vdmplay)Official
 YesL2TP/IPsec, for establish an initial connection[139]Unofficial
1716 YesAmerica's Army, a massively multiplayer online game (MMO)[140]Unofficial
1719YesYesH.323 registration and alternate communicationOfficial
1720YesYesH.323 call signalingOfficial
1723YesAssignedPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)[10]Official
1755YesYesMicrosoft Media Services (MMS, ms-streaming)Official
1761YesYesNovell ZENworks[141][142]Unofficial
1783  Decomissioned [sic] Port 04/14/00, msOfficial
1801YesYesMicrosoft Message QueuingOfficial
1812YesYesRADIUS authentication protocol, radiusOfficial
1813YesYesRADIUS accounting protocol, radius-acctOfficial
1863YesYesMicrosoft Notification Protocol (MSNP), used by the Microsoft Messenger service and a number of instant messaging Messenger clientsOfficial
1883YesYesMQTT (formerly MQ Telemetry Transport)Official
1900AssignedYesSimple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP),[10] discovery of UPnP devicesOfficial
1935YesYesMacromedia Flash Communications Server MX, the precursor to Adobe Flash Media Server before Macromedia's acquisition by Adobe on December 3, 2005Official
YesYesReal Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)[citation needed], primarily used in Adobe Flash[144]Unofficial
1967 YesCisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (IP SLAs) Control Protocol[citation needed]Unofficial
1970YesYesNetop Remote ControlOfficial
1972YesYesInterSystems CachéOfficial
1984YesYesBig BrotherOfficial
1985AssignedYesCisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)[145][self-published source]Official
1998YesYesCisco X.25 over TCP (XOT) serviceOfficial
2000YesYesCisco Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)Official
2010??Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator[146][self-published source?]Unofficial
2033YesYesCivilization IV multiplayer[147]Unofficial
2049Yes, and SCTPYesNetwork File System (NFS)[10]Official
2056YesYesCivilization IV multiplayer[147]Unofficial
2080YesYesAutodesk NLM (FLEXlm)Official
2082Yes cPanel default[148]Unofficial
2083YesYesSecure RADIUS Service (radsec)Official
Yes cPanel default SSL[148]Unofficial
Yes WebHost Manager default[148]Unofficial
2087Yes WebHost Manager default SSL[148]Unofficial
2095Yes cPanel default web mail[148]Official
2096Yes cPanel default SSL web mail[148]Unofficial
2100Yes Warzone 2100 multiplayer[citation needed]Unofficial
2101Yes Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP)[citation needed]Unofficial
2102YesYesZephyr Notification Service serverOfficial
2103YesYesZephyr Notification Service serv-hm connectionOfficial
2104YesYesZephyr Notification Service hostmanagerOfficial
2123YesYesGTP control messages (GTP-C)Official
2142YesYesTDMoIP (TDM over IP)Official
2152YesYesGTP user data messages (GTP-U)Official
2159YesYesGDB remote debug portOfficial
2181YesYesEForward-document transport systemOfficial
Yes Apache ZooKeeper default client port[citation needed]Unofficial
2195Yes Apple Push Notification Service[10][149]Unofficial
2196Yes Apple Push Notification Service, feedback service[10][149]Unofficial
2210YesYesNOAAPORT Broadcast NetworkOfficial
2221Yes ESET anti-virus updates[150]Unofficial
2222YesYesEtherNet/IP implicit messaging for IO dataOfficial
??DirectAdmin Access[151]Unofficial
2222–2226Yes ESET Remote administrator[150]Official
2240YesYesGeneral Dynamics Remote Encryptor Configuration Information Protocol (RECIPe)Official
2261YesYesCoMotion masterOfficial
2262YesYesCoMotion backupOfficial
2302 YesArmA multiplayer[citation needed]Unofficial
 YesHalo: Combat Evolved multiplayer host[152]Unofficial
2303 YesArmA multiplayer (default port for game +1)[citation needed]Unofficial
 YesHalo: Combat Evolved multiplayer listener[152]Unofficial
2305 YesArmA multiplayer (default port for game +3)[citation needed]Unofficial
2351Yes AIM game LAN network port[citation needed]Unofficial
2368Yes Ghost (blogging platform)[153]Unofficial
2369Yes Default for BMC Control-M/Server Configuration AgentUnofficial
2370Yes Default for BMC Control-M/Server, to allow the Control-M/Enterprise Manager to connect to the Control-M/ServerUnofficial
2372Yes Default for K9 Web Protection/parental controls, content filtering agent[citation needed]Unofficial
2375YesReservedDocker REST API (plain)Official
2376YesReservedDocker REST API (SSL)Official
2377YesReservedDocker Swarm cluster management communications[154][self-published source]Official
2379YesReservedCoreOS etcd client communicationOfficial
Yes KGS Go Server[155]Unofficial
2380YesReservedCoreOS etcd server communicationOfficial
2389AssignedAssignedOpenView Session MgrOfficial
2399YesYesFileMaker Data Access Layer (ODBC/JDBC)Official
2401YesYesCVS version control system password-based serverOfficial
2404YesYesIEC 60870-5-104, used to send electric power telecontrol messages between two systems via directly connected data circuitsOfficial
2424Yes OrientDB database listening for binary client connections[156]Unofficial
2427YesYesMedia Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) media gatewayOfficial
2447YesYesovwdb—OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemonOfficial
2480Yes OrientDB database listening for HTTP client connections[156]Unofficial
2483YesYesOracle database listening for insecure client connections to the listener, replaces port 1521[when?]Official
2484YesYesOracle database listening for SSL client connections to the listenerOfficial
2500YesYesNetFS communication[157]Unofficial
2501 YesNetFS probeUnofficial
2535YesYesMulticast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP).[158] All standard messages are UDP datagrams.[159]Official
2546–2548YesYesEVault data protection servicesOfficial
2593YesYesUltima Online servers[citation needed]Unofficial
2598Yes Citrix Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) with Session Reliability; port 1494 without session reliability[124]Unofficial
2599YesYesUltima Online servers[citation needed]Unofficial
2628YesYesDICT [160]Official
2638YesYesSQL Anywhere database server[161][162]Official
2710YesYesXBT Tracker.[163] UDP tracker extension is considered experimental.[164]Unofficial
2727YesYesMedia Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) media gateway controller (call agent)Official
2775YesYesShort Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP)[citation needed]Official
2809YesYescorbaloc:iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specificationOfficial
2811YesYesgsi ftp, per the GridFTP specificationOfficial
2827Yes I2P BOB Bridge[165]Unofficial
2944YesYesMegaco text H.248Official
2945YesYesMegaco binary (ASN.1) H.248Official
2947YesYesgpsd, GPS daemonOfficial
2948YesYesWAP push Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)Official
2949YesYesWAP push secure (MMS)Official
2967YesYesSymantec System Center agent (SSC-AGENT)Official
3000Yes Cloud9 IDE server[citation needed]Unofficial
Yes Ruby on Rails development default[166]Unofficial
Yes Meteor development default[167][failed verification]Unofficial
YesYesResilio Sync,[168] spun from BitTorrent Sync.Unofficial
 YesDistributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)[citation needed]Unofficial
3004Yes iSync[10]Unofficial
3020YesYesCommon Internet File System (CIFS). See also port 445 for Server Message Block (SMB), a dialect of CIFS.Official
3050YesYesgds-db (Interbase/Firebird databases)Official
3052YesYesAPC PowerChute NetworkOfficial
3074YesYesXbox LIVE and Games for Windows – LiveOfficial
3101Yes BlackBerry Enterprise Server communication protocol[169]Unofficial
3128Yes?Squid caching web proxy[170]Unofficial
3225YesYesFibre Channel over IP (FCIP)Official
3233YesYesWhiskerControl research control protocolOfficial
3268YesYesmsft-gc, Microsoft Global Catalog (LDAP service which contains data from Active Directory forests)Official
3269YesYesmsft-gc-ssl, Microsoft Global Catalog over SSL (similar to port 3268, LDAP over SSL)Official
3283YesYesNet Assistant,[10] a predecessor to Apple Remote DesktopOfficial
YesYesApple Remote Desktop 2.0 or later[10]Unofficial
3290 YesVirtual Air Traffic Simulation (VATSIM) network voice communication[citation needed]Unofficial
3305YesYesOdette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP)Official
3306YesAssignedMySQL database system[10]Official
3323YesYesDECE GEODI ServerUnofficial
3332 YesThundercloud DataPath Overlay ControlUnofficial
3333Yes Eggdrop, an IRC bot default port[171]Unofficial
Yes Network Caller ID serverUnofficial
Yes CruiseControl.rb[172]Unofficial
3351??Pervasive PSQL[133]Unofficial
3386YesYesGTP' 3GPP GSM/UMTS CDR logging protocolOfficial
3389YesYesMicrosoft Terminal Server (RDP) officially registered as Windows Based Terminal (WBT)[173]Official
3396YesYesNovell NDPS Printer AgentOfficial
3423Yes Xware xTrm Communication ProtocolOfficial
3424Yes Xware xTrm Communication Protocol over SSLOfficial
3455YesYesResource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)Official
3478YesYesSTUN, a protocol for NAT traversal[174]Official
YesYesTURN, a protocol for NAT traversal[175] (extension to STUN)Official
YesYesSTUN Behavior Discovery.[176] See also port 5349.Official
3479YesYesPlayStation Network[177]Unofficial
3480YesYesPlayStation Network[177]Unofficial
3483 YesSlim Devices discovery protocolOfficial
Yes Slim Devices SlimProto protocolOfficial
3493YesYesNetwork UPS Tools (NUT)Official
3516YesYesSmartcard PortOfficial
3527 YesMicrosoft Message QueuingOfficial
3535Yes SMTP alternate[178]Unofficial
3544 YesTeredo tunnelingOfficial
3632YesAssignedDistcc, distributed compiler[10]Official
3659YesYesApple SASL, used by Mac OS X Server Password Server[10]Official
 YesBattlefield 4Unofficial
3667YesYesInformation ExchangeOfficial
3689YesAssignedDigital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP), used by Apple's iTunes and AirPlay[10]Official
3690YesYesSubversion (SVN)[10] version control systemOfficial
3702YesYesWeb Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery), used by various components of Windows Vista and laterOfficial
3724YesYesSome Blizzard games[120]Official
Yes Club Penguin Disney online game for kidsUnofficial
3725YesYesNetia NA-ER PortOfficial
3749YesYesCimTrak registered portOfficial
3768YesYesRBLcheckd server daemonOfficial
3784 YesBidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)for IPv4 and IPv6 (Single Hop) (RFC 5881)Official
3785 YesVoIP program used by VentriloUnofficial
3799 YesRADIUS change of authorizationOfficial
3804YesYesHarman Professional HiQnet protocolOfficial
3825Yes RedSeal Networks client/server connection[citation needed]Unofficial
3826YesYesWarMUX game serverOfficial
Yes RedSeal Networks client/server connection[citation needed]Unofficial
3835Yes RedSeal Networks client/server connection[citation needed]Unofficial
3830YesYesSystem Management Agent, developed and used by Cerner to monitor and manage solutionsOfficial
3856YesYesERP Server Application used by F10 SoftwareUnofficial
3868Yes, and SCTP Diameter base protocol (RFC 3588)Official
3872Yes Oracle Enterprise Manager Remote AgentOfficial
3900Yes udt_os, IBM UniData UDT OS[179]Official
3960 YesWarframe online interaction[citation needed]Unofficial
3962 YesWarframe online interaction[citation needed]Unofficial
3978YesYesOpenTTD game (masterserver and content service)Unofficial
3979YesYesOpenTTD gameUnofficial
3999YesYesNorman distributed scanning serviceOfficial
4000YesYesDiablo II gameUnofficial
4001Yes Microsoft Ants gameUnofficial
Yes CoreOS etcd client communicationUnofficial
4018YesYesProtocol information and warnings[clarification needed]Official
4035Yes IBM Rational Developer for System z Remote System Explorer DaemonUnofficial
4045YesYesSolaris lockd NFS lock daemon/managerUnofficial
4050Yes Mud Master Chat protocol (MMCP) - Peer-to-peer communications between MUD clients.[180]Unofficial
4069 YesMinger Email Address Verification Protocol[181]Official
4070YesYesAmazon Echo Dot (Amazon Alexa) streaming connection with Spotify[182]Unofficial
4089YesYesOpenCORE Remote Control ServiceOfficial
4093YesYesPxPlus Client server interface ProvideXOfficial
4096YesYesAscom Timeplex Bridge Relay Element (BRE)Official
4105YesYesShofar (ShofarNexus)Official
4125Yes Microsoft Remote Web Workplace administrationUnofficial
4172YesYesTeradici PCoIPOfficial
4190Yes ManageSieve[183]Official
4198YesYesCouch Potato Android app[184]Unofficial
4201Yes TinyMUD and various derivativesUnofficial
4222Yes NATS server default port[185]Unofficial
4226YesYesAleph One, a computer gameUnofficial
4242Yes Orthanc – DICOM server[186]Unofficial
Yes Quassel distributed IRC clientUnofficial
4243Yes Docker implementations, redistributions, and setups default[187][needs update?]Unofficial
Yes CrashPlanUnofficial
4303YesYesSimple Railroad Command Protocol (SRCP)Official
4307Yes TrueConf Client - TrueConf Server media data exchange[189]Official
4321Yes Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol[190]Official
4444YesYesOracle WebCenter Content: Content Server—Intradoc Socket port. (formerly known as Oracle Universal Content Management).Unofficial
??Metasploit's default listener port[citation needed]Unofficial
YesYesXvfb X server virtual frame buffer serviceUnofficial
4444–4445Yes I2P HTTP/S proxyUnofficial
4486YesYesIntegrated Client Message Service (ICMS)Official
4488YesAssignedApple Wide Area Connectivity Service, used by Back to My Mac[10]Official
4500AssignedYesIPSec NAT Traversal[10] (RFC 3947RFC 4306)Official
4502–4534Yes Microsoft Silverlight connectable ports under non-elevated trustOfficial
4505–4506Yes Salt masterUnofficial
4534 YesArmagetron Advanced server defaultUnofficial
4560Yes default Log4j socketappender portUnofficial
4567Yes Sinatra default server port in development mode (HTTP)Unofficial
4569 YesInter-Asterisk eXchange (IAX2)Official
4604Yes Identity Registration ProtocolOfficial
4605Yes Direct End to End Secure Chat ProtocolOfficial
4610–4640Yes QualiSystems TestShell Suite ServicesUnofficial
4662YesYesOrbitNet Message ServiceOfficial
Yes Default for older versions of eMule[191]Unofficial
4664Yes Google Desktop SearchUnofficial
4672 YesDefault for older versions of eMule[191]Unofficial
4711Yes eMule optional web interface[191]Unofficial
4713Yes PulseAudio sound serverUnofficial
4728Yes Computer Associates Desktop and Server Management (DMP)/Port Multiplexer[192]Official
4730YesYesGearman's job serverOfficial
4739YesYesIP Flow Information ExportOfficial
4747Yes ApprenticeUnofficial
4753YesYesSIMON (service and discovery)Official
4789 YesVirtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN)Official
4791 YesIP Routable RocE (RoCEv2)Official
4840YesYesOPC UA Connection Protocol (TCP) and OPC UA Multicast Datagram Protocol (UDP) for OPC Unified Architecture from OPC FoundationOfficial
4843YesYesOPC UA TCP Protocol over TLS/SSL for OPC Unified Architecture from OPC FoundationOfficial
4847YesYesWeb Fresh Communication, Quadrion Software & Odorless EntertainmentOfficial
4848Yes Java, Glassfish Application Server administration defaultUnofficial
4894YesYesLysKOM Protocol AOfficial
4944NoYesDrayTek DSL Status Monitoring[193][self-published source]Unofficial
4949Yes Munin Resource Monitoring ToolOfficial
4950YesYesCylon Controls UC32 Communications PortOfficial
5000Yes UPnP—Windows network device interoperabilityUnofficial
YesYesVTunVPN SoftwareUnofficial
 YesFlightGear multiplayer[194]Unofficial
Yes Synology Inc. Management Console, File Station, Audio StationUnofficial
Yes Flask Development WebserverUnofficial
Yes Heroku console accessUnofficial
??Docker Registry[195][self-published source]Unofficial
Yes AT&T U-verse public, educational, and government access (PEG) streaming over HTTP[196][self-published source?]Unofficial
??High-Speed SECS Message Services[citation needed]Unofficial
Yes 3CX Phone System Legacy Management ConsoleUnofficial
5000–5500NoYesLeague of Legends, a multiplayer online battle arena video game[197]Unofficial
5001Yes Slingbox and SlingplayerUnofficial
YesYesIperf (Tool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance)Unofficial
Yes Synology Inc. Secured Management Console, File Station, Audio StationUnofficial
Yes 3CX Phone System Secured Management Console, Secure APIUnofficial
5002Yes ASSA ARX access control system[198]Unofficial
5003YesAssignedFileMaker – name binding and transport[10]Official
5004Yes, and DCCPYesReal-time Transport Protocol media data (RTP) (RFC 3551RFC 4571)Official
5005Yes, and DCCPYesReal-time Transport Protocol control protocol (RTCP) (RFC 3551RFC 4571)Official
5010YesYesRegistered to: TelePath (the IBM FlowMark workflow-management system messaging platform)[199]
The TCP port is now used for: IBM WebSphere MQ Workflow
5011YesYesTelePath (the IBM FlowMark workflow-management system messaging platform)[199]Official
5025YesYesscpi-raw Standard Commands for Programmable InstrumentsOfficial
5029 YesSonic Robo Blast 2 and Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart serversUnofficial
5031YesYesAVM CAPI-over-TCP (ISDN over Ethernet tunneling)[citation needed]Unofficial
5037Yes Android ADB serverUnofficial
5044Yes Standard port in Filebeats/Logstash implementation of Lumberjack protocol.Official
5048Yes Texai Message ServiceOfficial
5050Yes Yahoo! MessengerUnofficial
5051Yes ita-agent Symantec Intruder Alert[200]Official
5060YesYesSession Initiation Protocol (SIP)[10]Official
5061Yes Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over TLSOfficial
5062YesYesLocalisation accessOfficial
5064YesYesEPICS Channel Access server[201]Official
5065AssignedYesEPICS Channel Access repeater beacon[201]Official
5070YesNoBinary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP)[202]Unofficial
5084YesYesEPCglobal Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP)Official
5085YesYesEPCglobal Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) over TLSOfficial
5090YesYes3CX Phone System 3CX Tunnel Protocol, 3CX App API, 3CX Session Border ControllerUnofficial
5093 YesSafeNet, Inc Sentinel LM, Sentinel RMS, License Manager, client-to-serverOfficial
5099YesYesSafeNet, Inc Sentinel LM, Sentinel RMS, License Manager, server-to-serverOfficial
5104Yes IBM Tivoli Framework NetCOOL/Impact[203] HTTP ServiceUnofficial
5121Yes Neverwinter NightsUnofficial
5124YesYesTorgaNET (Micronational Darknet)Unofficial
5125YesYesTorgaNET (Micronational Intelligence Darknet)Unofficial
5150YesYesATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol[204]Official
5151Yes ESRI SDE InstanceOfficial
 YesESRI SDE Remote StartOfficial
5172Yes PC over IP Endpoint Management[205]Official
5190YesYesAOL Instant Messenger protocol.[10] The chat app is defunct as of 15 December 2017.[206]Official
5198 YesEchoLink VoIP Amateur Radio Software (Voice)Unofficial
5199 YesEchoLink VoIP Amateur Radio Software (Voice)Unofficial
5200Yes EchoLink VoIP Amateur Radio Software (Information)Unofficial
5201YesYesIperf3 (Tool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance)Unofficial
5222YesReservedExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) client connection[10][207][208]Official
5223Yes Apple Push Notification Service[10][149]Unofficial
Yes Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) client connection over SSLUnofficial
5228Yes HP Virtual Room ServiceOfficial
Yes Google PlayAndroid Cloud to Device Messaging ServiceGoogle Cloud MessagingUnofficial
5246 YesControl And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) CAPWAP control[209]Official
5247 YesControl And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) CAPWAP data[209]Official
5269Yes Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) server-to-server connection[10][207][208]Official
5280Yes Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)[210]Official
5281Yes Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)[211]Unofficial
5298YesYesExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)[212]Official
5310AssignedYesOutlaws, a 1997 first-person shooter video game[citation needed]Official
5318YesReservedCertificate Management over CMS[213]Official
5349Yes/NoYes/NoSTUN over TLS/DTLS, a protocol for NAT traversal[174]Official
Yes/NoYes/NoTURN over TLS/DTLS, a protocol for NAT traversal[175]Official
YesReservedSTUN Behavior Discovery over TLS.[176] See also port 3478.Official
5351ReservedYesNAT Port Mapping Protocol and Port Control Protocol—client-requested configuration for connections through network address translators and firewallsOfficial
5353AssignedYesMulticast DNS (mDNS)[10]Official
5355YesYesLink-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR), allows hosts to perform name resolution for hosts on the same local link (only provided by Windows Vista and Server 2008)Official
5357YesYesWeb Services for Devices (WSDAPI) (only provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008)Unofficial
5358YesYesWSDAPI Applications to Use a Secure Channel (only provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008)Unofficial
5394 YesKega Fusion, a Sega multi-console emulator[214][215]Unofficial
5402YesYesMulticast File Transfer Protocol (MFTP)[216][importance?]Official
5405YesYesNetSupport ManagerOfficial
5412YesYesIBM Rational Synergy (Telelogic Synergy) (Continuus CM) Message RouterOfficial
5413YesYesWonderware SuiteLink serviceOfficial
5417YesYesSNS AgentOfficial
5421YesYesNetSupport ManagerOfficial
5432YesAssignedPostgreSQL[10] database systemOfficial
5433Yes Bouwsoft file/webserver[217]Unofficial
5445 YesCisco Unified Video Advantage[citation needed]Unofficial
5480Yes VMware VAMI (Virtual Appliance Management Infrastructure)—used for initial setup of various administration settings on Virtual Appliances designed using the VAMI architecture.Unofficial
5481Yes Schneider Electric's ClearSCADA (SCADA implementation for Windows) — used for client-to-server communication.[218]Unofficial
5495Yes IBM Cognos TM1 Admin serverUnofficial
5498Yes Hotline tracker server connectionUnofficial
5499 YesHotline tracker server discoveryUnofficial
5500Yes Hotline control connectionUnofficial
Yes VNC Remote Frame Buffer RFB protocol—for incoming listening viewerUnofficial
5501Yes Hotline file transfer connectionUnofficial
5517Yes Setiqueue Proxy server client for SETI@Home projectUnofficial
5550Yes Hewlett-Packard Data Protector[citation needed]Unofficial
5554YesYesFastboot default wireless portUnofficial
5555YesYesOracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery—Intradoc Socket port. (formerly known as Oracle Universal Content Management). Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
Yes Freeciv versions up to 2.0, Hewlett-Packard Data Protector, McAfee EndPoint Encryption Database Server, SAP, Default for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, Softether VPN default portUnofficial
5556YesYesFreeciv, Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager[219]Official
5568YesYesSession Data Transport (SDT), a part of Architecture for Control Networks (ACN)[220][full citation needed]Official
5601Yes Kibana[citation needed]Unofficial
5631Yes pcANYWHEREdata, Symantec pcAnywhere (version 7.52 and later[221])[222] dataOfficial
5632 YespcANYWHEREstat, Symantec pcAnywhere (version 7.52 and later) statusOfficial
5656Yes IBM Lotus Sametime p2p file transferUnofficial
5666Yes NRPE (Nagios)Unofficial
5667Yes NSCA (Nagios)Unofficial
5670Yes FILEMQ ZeroMQ File Message Queuing ProtocolOfficial
 YesZRE-DISC ZeroMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol (Discovery)Official
5671YesAssignedAdvanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)[223] over TLSOfficial
5672Yes, and SCTPAssignedAdvanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)[223]Official
5683YesYesConstrained Application Protocol (CoAP)Official
5684Yes/NoYesConstrained Application Protocol Secure (CoAPs)Official
5693Yes Nagios Cross Platform Agent (NCPA)[224]Unofficial
5701Yes Hazelcast default communication port[225]Unofficial
5722YesYesMicrosoft RPC, DFSR (SYSVOL) Replication Service[citation needed]Official
5718Yes Microsoft DPM Data Channel (with the agent coordinator)Unofficial
5719Yes Microsoft DPM Data Channel (with the protection agent)Unofficial
5723Yes System Center Operations Manager[226]Unofficial
5724Yes Operations Manager ConsoleUnofficial
5741YesYesIDA Discover Port 1Official
5742YesYesIDA Discover Port 2Official
5800Yes VNC Remote Frame Buffer RFB protocol over HTTPUnofficial
Yes ProjectWise Server[227]Unofficial
5900YesYesRemote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB)Official
Yes Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Remote Frame Buffer RFB protocol[10][228]Unofficial
5931YesYesAMMYY admin Remote ControlOfficial
5938YesYesTeamViewer remote desktop protocol[229]Unofficial
5984YesYesCouchDB database serverOfficial
5985Yes Windows PowerShell Default psSession Port[230] Windows Remote Management Service (WinRM-HTTP)[231]Official
5986Yes Windows PowerShell Default psSession Port[230] Windows Remote Management Service (WinRM-HTTPS)[231]Official
5988–5989Yes CIM-XML (DMTF Protocol)[232]Official
6000–6063YesYesX11—used between an X client and server over the networkOfficial
6005Yes Default for BMC Software Control-M/Server—Socket used for communication between Control-M processes—though often changed during installationUnofficial
Yes Default for Camfrog chat & cam clientUnofficial
6009Yes JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP system JDENet messaging client listenerUnofficial
6050Yes Arcserve backupUnofficial
6051Yes Arcserve backupUnofficial
6086Yes Peer Distributed Transfer Protocol (PDTP), FTP like file server in a P2P networkOfficial
6100Yes Vizrt SystemUnofficial
Yes Ventrilo authentication for version 3Unofficial
6101Yes Backup Exec Agent Browser[citation needed]Unofficial
6110YesYessoftcm, HP Softbench CMOfficial
6111YesYesspc, HP Softbench Sub-Process ControlOfficial
6112YesYesdtspcd, execute commands and launch applications remotelyOfficial
YesYesBlizzard's gaming service and some games,[120] ArenaNet gaming service, Relic gaming serviceUnofficial
Yes Club Penguin Disney online game for kidsUnofficial
6113Yes Club Penguin Disney online game for kids, Used by some Blizzard games[120]Unofficial
6136Yes ObjectDB database server[233][self-published source]Unofficial
6159Yes ARINC 840 EFB Application Control InterfaceOfficial
6200Yes Oracle WebCenter Content Portable: Content Server (With Native UI) and Inbound RefineryUnofficial
6201Yes Oracle WebCenter Content Portable: AdminUnofficial
6225Yes Oracle WebCenter Content Portable: Content Server Web UIUnofficial
6227Yes Oracle WebCenter Content Portable: JavaDBUnofficial
6240Yes Oracle WebCenter Content Portable: CaptureUnofficial
6244YesYesOracle WebCenter Content Portable: Content Server—Intradoc Socket portUnofficial
6255YesYesOracle WebCenter Content Portable: Inbound Refinery—Intradoc Socket portUnofficial
6257 YesWinMX (see also 6699)Unofficial
6260YesYesplanet M.U.L.E.Unofficial
6262Yes Sybase Advantage Database ServerUnofficial
6343 YesSFlow, sFlow traffic monitoringOfficial
6346YesYesgnutella-svc, gnutella (FrostWireLimewireShareaza, etc.)Official
6347YesYesgnutella-rtr, Gnutella alternateOfficial
6350YesYesApp Discovery and Access ProtocolOfficial
6379Yes Redis key-value data storeOfficial
6389Yes EMC CLARiiONUnofficial
6432Yes PgBouncer—A connection pooler for PostgreSQLOfficial
6436Yes Leap Motion Websocket Server TLSUnofficial
6437Yes Leap Motion Websocket ServerUnofficial
6444YesYesSun Grid Engine Qmaster ServiceOfficial
6445YesYesSun Grid Engine Execution ServiceOfficial
6463–6472Yes Discord RPC[234]Unofficial
6464YesYesPort assignment for medical device communication in accordance to IEEE 11073-20701Official
6502YesYesNetop Remote ControlUnofficial
6513Yes NETCONF over TLSOfficial
6514Yes Syslog over TLS[235]Official
6515YesYesElipse RPC Protocol (REC)Official
6516  Windows Admin CenterUnofficial
6543Yes Pylons project#Pyramid Default Pylons Pyramid web service portUnofficial
6556Yes Check MK AgentUnofficial
6566Yes SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)—SANE network scanner daemon[236]Official
6560–6561Yes Speech-Dispatcher daemon[citation needed]Unofficial
6571  Windows Live FolderShare clientUnofficial
6600Yes Microsoft Hyper-V LiveOfficial
Yes Music Player Daemon (MPD)Unofficial
6601Yes Microsoft Forefront Threat Management GatewayOfficial
6602Yes Microsoft Windows WSS CommunicationOfficial
6619YesYesodette-ftps, Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) over TLS/SSLOfficial
6622YesYesMulticast FTPOfficial
6653YesAssignedOpenFlow[citation needed]Official
6660–6664Yes Internet Relay Chat (IRC)Unofficial
6665–6669Yes Internet Relay Chat (IRC)Official
6679YesYesOsorno Automation Protocol (OSAUT)Official
Yes IRC SSL (Secure Internet Relay Chat)—often usedUnofficial
6690Yes Synology Cloud stationUnofficial
6697Yes IRC SSL (Secure Internet Relay Chat)—often usedOfficial
6699Yes WinMX (see also 6257)Unofficial
6715Yes AberMUD and derivatives default portUnofficial
6771 YesBitTorrent Local Peer DiscoveryUnofficial
6783–6785Yes Splashtop Remote server broadcastUnofficial
6881–6887YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
6889–6890YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
6891–6900YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
6891–6900YesYesWindows Live Messenger (File transfer)Unofficial
6901YesYesWindows Live Messenger (Voice)Unofficial
YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
6902–6968YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
Yes BitTorrent trackerUnofficial
6970–6999YesYesBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most oftenUnofficial
 YesQuickTime Streaming Server[10]Unofficial
7000Yes Default for Vuze's built-in HTTPS Bittorrent TrackerUnofficial
Yes Avira Server Management ConsoleUnofficial
7001Yes Avira Server Management ConsoleUnofficial
Yes Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTP server, though often changed during installationUnofficial
7002Yes Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTPS server, though often changed during installationUnofficial
7005Yes Default for BMC Software Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent for Agent-to-Server, though often changed during installationUnofficial
7006Yes Default for BMC Software Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent for Server-to-Agent, though often changed during installationUnofficial
7010Yes Default for Cisco AON AMC (AON Management Console)[237]Unofficial
7022Yes Database mirroring endpoints[238]Unofficial
7023 YesBryan Wilcutt T2-NMCS Protocol for SatCom ModemsOfficial
7025Yes Zimbra LMTP [mailbox]—local mail deliveryUnofficial
7047Yes Zimbra conversion serverUnofficial
7070YesYes/NoReal Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), used by QuickTime Streaming Server. TCP is used by default, UDP is used as an alternate.[10]Unofficial
7133Yes Enemy Territory: Quake WarsUnofficial
7144Yes Peercast[citation needed]Unofficial
7145Yes Peercast[citation needed]Unofficial
7171Yes TibiaUnofficial
7262YesYesCNAP (Calypso Network Access Protocol)Official
7272YesYesWatchMe - WatchMe MonitoringOfficial
7306Yes Zimbra mysql [mailbox][citation needed]Unofficial
7307Yes Zimbra mysql [logger][citation needed]Unofficial
7312 YesSibelius License ServerUnofficial
7396Yes Web control interface for Folding@home v7.3.6 and later[239]Unofficial
7400YesYesRTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) DDS DiscoveryOfficial
7401YesYesRTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) DDS User-TrafficOfficial
7402YesYesRTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) DDS Meta-TrafficOfficial
7471Yes Stateless Transport Tunneling (STT)Unofficial
7473Yes Rise: The Vieneo ProvinceOfficial
7474Yes Neo4J Server webadmin[240]Official
7478Yes Default port used by Open iT Server.[241]Official
7542YesYesSaratoga file transfer protocol[242][243]Official
7547YesYesCPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) Technical Report 069Official
7575 YesPopulous: The Beginning serverUnofficial
7624YesYesInstrument Neutral Distributed InterfaceOfficial
7631Yes ERLPhaseOfficial
7634Yes hddtemp—Utility to monitor hard drive temperatureUnofficial
7652–7654Yes I2P anonymizing overlay networkUnofficial
7655 YesI2P SAM Bridge Socket APIUnofficial
7656–7660Yes I2P anonymizing overlay networkUnofficial
7670Yes BrettspielWelt BSW Boardgame PortalUnofficial
7680Yes Delivery Optimization for Windows 10[244]Unofficial
7687Yes Bolt database connectionOfficial
7707–7708 YesKilling FloorUnofficial
7717 YesKilling FloorUnofficial
7777Yes iChat server file transfer proxy[10]Unofficial
Yes Oracle Cluster File System 2[citation needed]Unofficial
Yes Windows backdoor program tini.exe default[citation needed]Unofficial
Yes Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod Server[citation needed]Unofficial
Yes Terraria default serverUnofficial
 YesSan Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP) default port serverUnofficial
 YesSCP: Secret Laboratory Multiplayer ServerUnofficial
7777–7788YesYesUnreal Tournament series default server[citation needed]Unofficial
7831Yes Default used by Smartlaunch Internet Cafe Administration[245] softwareUnofficial
7880YesYesPowerSchool Gradebook Server[citation needed]Unofficial
7890Yes Default that will be used by the iControl Internet Cafe Suite Administration softwareUnofficial
7915Yes Default for YSFlight server[246]Unofficial
7935Yes Fixed port used for Adobe Flash Debug Player to communicate with a debugger (Flash IDE, Flex Builder or fdb).[247]Unofficial
7946YesYesDocker Swarm communication among nodes[154]Unofficial
7990Yes Atlassian Bitbucket (default port)[citation needed]Unofficial
8000Yes Commonly used for Internet radio streams such as SHOUTcast[citation needed]Icecast[citation needed] and iTunes Radio[10]Unofficial
??DynamoDB Local[248][self-published source?]Unofficial
??Django Development Webserver[249][self-published source?]Unofficial
8005Yes Tomcat remote shutdown[10]Unofficial
8006Yes Quest AppAssure 5 API[250] Unofficial
??Proxmox Virtual Environment admin web interface[251]Unofficial
8007Yes Quest AppAssure 5 Engine[250]Unofficial
8008YesYesAlternative port for HTTP. See also ports 80 and 8080.Official
Yes IBM HTTP Server administration default[importance?]Unofficial
Yes iCal, a calendar application by Apple[10]Unofficial
Yes?Matrix homeserver federation over HTTP[252][self-published source?]Unofficial
8009Yes Apache JServ Protocol (ajp13)[citation needed]Unofficial
8010Yes?Buildbot Web status page[citation needed]Unofficial
8042??Orthanc – REST API over HTTP[186][self-published source?]Unofficial
8069Yes OpenERP 5.0 XML-RPC protocol[253][self-published source?]Unofficial
8070Yes OpenERP 5.0 NET-RPC protocol[253]Unofficial
8075Yes Killing Floor web administration interface[citation needed]Unofficial
8080YesYesAlternative port for HTTP. See also ports 80 and 8008.Official
Yes Apache Tomcat[254]Unofficial
Yes Atlassian JIRA applications[255][self-published source?]Unofficial
8088Yes Asterisk management access via HTTP[citation needed]Unofficial
8089YesNoSplunk daemon management[256][self-published source]Unofficial
Yes Fritz!Box automatic TR-069 configuration[257]Unofficial
8090??Atlassian Confluence[258][self-published source?]Unofficial
Yes Coral Content Distribution Network (legacy; 80 and 8080 now supported)[259]Unofficial
??Matrix identity server[citation needed]Unofficial
8091??CouchBase web administration[260]Unofficial
8092??CouchBase API[260]Unofficial
8111Yes JOSM Remote ControlUnofficial
8112Yes PAC Pacifica CoinUnofficial
8116 YesCheck Point Cluster Control ProtocolUnofficial
8118Yes Privoxy—advertisement-filtering Web proxyOfficial
8123Yes Polipo Web proxyOfficial
8139Yes Puppet (software) Client agentUnofficial
8140Yes Puppet (software) Master serverOfficial
8172Yes Microsoft Remote Administration for IIS Manager[261]Unofficial
8184Yes NCSA Brown Dog Data Access ProxyUnofficial
8194–8195??Bloomberg Terminal[262]Official
8200Yes GoToMyPCUnofficial
Yes MiniDLNA media server Web InterfaceUnofficial
8222??VMware VI Web Access via HTTP[263]Unofficial
8243YesYesHTTPS listener for Apache Synapse[264]Official
8245Yes Dynamic DNS for at least No-IP and DyDNS[265]Unofficial
8280YesYesHTTP listener for Apache Synapse[264]Official
8281Yes HTTP Listener for Gatecraft PluginUnofficial
8291Yes Winbox—Default on a MikroTik RouterOS for a Windows application used to administer MikroTik RouterOS[266]Unofficial
8303 YesTeeworlds ServerUnofficial
8332Yes Bitcoin JSON-RPC server[267]Unofficial
8333Yes Bitcoin[268]Unofficial
??VMware VI Web Access via HTTPS[263]Unofficial
8333Yes Zip Code Technology[269]Unofficial
8337Yes VisualSVN Distributed File System Service (VDFS)[270]Unofficial
8384Yes Syncthing web GUIUnofficial
8388Yes Shadowsocks proxy server[citation needed]Unofficial
8443Yes SW Soft Plesk Control PanelUnofficial
Yes Apache Tomcat SSLUnofficial
Yes Promise WebPAM SSLUnofficial
Yes iCal over SSL[10]Unofficial
Yes MineOs WebUiUnofficial
8444Yes BitmessageUnofficial
8448Yes?Matrix homeserver federation over HTTPS[252]Unofficial
8484Yes MapleStory Login ServerUnofficial
8500Yes Adobe ColdFusion built-in web server[271][self-published source?]Unofficial
8530??Windows Server Update Services over HTTP[272][further explanation needed][273]Unofficial
8531??Windows Server Update Services over HTTPS[273][further explanation needed][272]Unofficial
8580??Freegate, an Internet anonymizer and proxy tool[274]Unofficial
8629Yes Tibero database[citation needed]Unofficial
8642Yes Lotus Notes Traveler auto synchronization for Windows Mobile and Nokia devices[275]Unofficial
8691Yes Ultra Fractal, a fractal generation and rendering software application – distributed calculations over networked computers[276][277][self-published source?]Unofficial
8765Yes?Default port of a local GUN relay peer that the Internet Archive[278][self-published source] and others use as a decentralized mirror for censorship resistance.[279][self-published source]Unofficial
8767 YesVoice channel of TeamSpeak 2,[280] a proprietary Voice over IP protocol targeted at gamers[citation needed]Unofficial
8834??Nessus, a vulnerability scanner – remote XML-RPC web server[281][third-party source needed]Unofficial
8840??Opera Unite, an extensible framework for web applications[282][283]Unofficial
8880Yes Alternate port of CDDB (Compact Disc Database) protocol, used to look up audio CD (compact disc) information over the Internet.[284] See also port 888.Official
??IBM WebSphere Application Server SOAP connector[285][jargon]Unofficial
8883YesYesSecure MQTT (MQTT over TLS)[286][287]Official
8887??HyperVM over HTTP[citation needed]Unofficial
8888??HyperVM over HTTPS[citation needed]Unofficial
?YesFreenet web UI (localhost only)[citation needed]Unofficial
??Default for IPython[288][self-published source?] / Jupyter[289][self-published source?] notebook dashboardsUnofficial
8983??Apache Solr[291]Unofficial
8997??Alternate port for I2P Monotone Proxy[165][jargon]Unofficial
8998??I2P Monotone Proxy[165][jargon]Unofficial
8999??Alternate port for I2P Monotone Proxy[165][jargon]Unofficial
9000Yes SonarQube Web Server[292]Unofficial
Yes DBGpUnofficial
Yes SqueezeCenter web server & streamingUnofficial
Yes Play! Framework web server[293]Unofficial
Yes Hadoop NameNode default portUnofficial
Yes PHP-FPM default portUnofficial
Yes QBittorrent's embedded torrent tracker default port[294]Unofficial
9001YesYesETL Service Manager[295]Official
  Microsoft SharePoint authoring environmentUnofficial
  cisco-xremote router configuration[citation needed]Unofficial
  Tor network defaultUnofficial
Yes DBGp ProxyUnofficial
Yes HSQLDB default portUnofficial
9002  Newforma Server commsUnofficial
9006  De-Commissioned PortOfficial
Yes Tomcat in standalone mode[10]Unofficial
9030Yes Tor often usedUnofficial
9042Yes Apache Cassandra native protocol clientsUnofficial
9043Yes WebSphere Application Server Administration Console secureUnofficial
9050–9051Yes Tor (SOCKS-5 proxy client)Unofficial
9060Yes WebSphere Application Server Administration ConsoleUnofficial
9080YesYesglrpc, Groove Collaboration software GLRPCOfficial
Yes WebSphere Application Server HTTP Transport (port 1) defaultUnofficial
Yes Remote Potato by FatAttitude, Windows Media Center addonUnofficial
Yes ServerWMC, Windows Media Center addonUnofficial
9090Yes Prometheus metrics serverUnofficial
Yes Openfire Administration ConsoleUnofficial
Yes SqueezeCenter control (CLI)Unofficial
Yes Cherokee Admin PanelUnofficial
9091Yes Openfire Administration Console (SSL Secured)Unofficial
Yes Transmission (BitTorrent client) Web InterfaceUnofficial
9092Yes H2 (DBMS) Database ServerUnofficial
Yes Apache Kafka A Distributed Streaming Platform[296]Unofficial
9100YesAssignedPDL Data Stream, used for printing to certain network printers[10]Official
9101YesYesBacula DirectorOfficial
9102YesYesBacula File DaemonOfficial
9103YesYesBacula Storage DaemonOfficial
9119YesYesMXit Instant MessengerOfficial
9150Yes Tor BrowserUnofficial
9191Yes Sierra Wireless AirlinkUnofficial
9199Yes Avtex LLC—qStatsUnofficial
9200Yes Elasticsearch[297]—default Elasticsearch portUnofficial
9217Yes iPass Platform ServiceUnofficial
9293Yes Sony PlayStation RemotePlay[298]Unofficial
9300Yes IBM Cognos BI[citation needed]Unofficial
9303 YesD-Link Shareport Share storage and MFP printers[citation needed]Unofficial
9306Yes Sphinx Native APIOfficial
9309YesYesSony PlayStation Vita Host Collaboration WiFi Data Transfer[299]Unofficial
9312Yes Sphinx SphinxQLOfficial
9332Yes Litecoin JSON-RPC serverUnofficial
9333Yes LitecoinUnofficial
9339Yes Clash of Clans, a mobile freemium strategy video gameUnofficial
9389YesYesadws, Microsoft AD DS Web Services, Powershell uses this portOfficial
9392Yes?OpenVAS Greenbone Security Assistant web interfaceUnofficial
9418YesYesgit, Git pack transfer serviceOfficial
9419Yes MooseFS distributed file system – master control port[300][self-published source]Unofficial
9420Yes MooseFS distributed file system – master command port[300]Unofficial
9421Yes MooseFS distributed file system – master client port[300]Unofficial
9422Yes MooseFS distributed file system – Chunkservers[300]Unofficial
9425Yes MooseFS distributed file system – CGI server[300]Unofficial
9443Yes VMware Websense Triton console (HTTPS port used for accessing and administrating a vCenter Server via the Web Management Interface)Unofficial
Yes NCSA Brown Dog Data Tilling ServiceUnofficial
9535YesYesmngsuite, LANDesk Management Suite Remote ControlOfficial
9536YesYeslaes-bf, IP Fabrics Surveillance buffering functionOfficial
9600NoYesFactory Interface Network Service (FINS), a network protocol used by Omron programmable logic controllers[citation needed]Unofficial
9675YesYesSpiceworks Desktop, IT Helpdesk SoftwareUnofficial
9676YesYesSpiceworks Desktop, IT Helpdesk SoftwareUnofficial
9695??Content centric networking (CCN, CCNx)[citation needed]Official
9800YesYesWebDAV SourceOfficial
  WebCT e-learning portalUnofficial
9875Yes Club Penguin Disney online game for kidsUnofficial
9898Yes Tripwire—File Integrity Monitoring Software[301]Unofficial
9899 YesSCTP tunneling (port number used in SCTP packets encapsulated in UDP, RFC 6951)Official
9901Yes Banana for Apache SolrUnofficial
9981Yes Tvheadend HTTP server (web interface)[302]Unofficial
9982Yes Tvheadend HTSP server (Streaming protocol)[302]Unofficial
9987 YesTeamSpeak 3 server default (voice) port (for the conflicting service see the IANA list)Unofficial
9993 YesZeroTier Default port for ZeroTierUnofficial
9997Yes Splunk port for communication between the forwarders and indexersUnofficial
9999  Urchin Web Analytics[citation needed]Unofficial
10000YesYesNetwork Data Management ProtocolOfficial
  Webmin, Web-based Unix/Linux system administration tool (default port)Unofficial
10000–20000NoYesUsed on VoIP networks for receiving and transmitting voice telephony traffic which includes Google Voice via the OBiTalk ATA devices as well as on the MagicJack and Vonage ATA network devices.[303]Unofficial
10001 YesUbiquiti UniFi access points broadcast to (UDP) to locate the controller(s)Unofficial
10009YesYesCrossFire, a multiplayer online First Person Shooter[citation needed]Unofficial
10010Yes Open Object Rexx (ooRexx) rxapi daemonOfficial
10024Yes Zimbra smtp [mta]—to amavis from postfix[citation needed]Unofficial
10025Yes Zimbra smtp [mta]—back to postfix from amavis[citation needed]Unofficial
10042Yes Mathoid server[citation needed]Unofficial
10050YesYesZabbix agentOfficial
10051YesYesZabbix trapperOfficial
10080Yes Touhou fight games (Immaterial and Missing PowerScarlet Weather RhapsodyHisoutensokuHopeless Masquerade and Urban Legend in Limbo)Unofficial
10110YesYesNMEA 0183 Navigational Data. Transport of NMEA 0183 sentences over TCP or UDPOfficial
10172Yes Intuit Quickbooks clientUnofficial
10200Yes FRISK Software International's fpscand virus scanning daemon for Unix platforms[304]Unofficial
Yes FRISK Software International's f-protd virus scanning daemon for Unix platforms[305]Unofficial
10201–10204Yes FRISK Software International's f-protd virus scanning daemon for Unix platforms[305]Unofficial
10212Yes GE Intelligent Platforms Proficy HMI/SCADA – CIMPLICITY WebView[306]Official
10308??Lock On: Modern Air Combat[citation needed]Unofficial
10480??SWAT 4 Dedicated Server[citation needed]Unofficial
10505 YesBlueStacks (android simulator) broadcast[307]Unofficial
10514YesYesTLS-enabled Rsyslog (default by convention)Unofficial
10823 YesFarming Simulator 2011[citation needed]Unofficial
10891Yes Jungle Disk (this port is opened by the Jungle Disk Monitor service on the localhost)[citation needed]Unofficial
10933YesNoOctopus Deploy Tentacle deployment agent[308]Official
11001YesYesmetasys ( Johnson Controls Metasys java AC control environment )Official
11111Yes RiCcI, Remote Configuration Interface (Redhat Linux)Unofficial
11112YesYesACR/NEMA Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)Official
11214YesYesmemcached incoming SSL proxyUnofficial
11215YesYesmemcached internal outgoing SSL proxyUnofficial
11235  Savage: Battle for Newerth[citation needed]Unofficial
11311YesYesRobot Operating System masterUnofficial
11371YesYesOpenPGP HTTP key serverOfficial
11753Yes OpenRCT2 multiplayer[309][self-published source]Unofficial
12000YesYesCubeForm, Multiplayer SandBox GameUnofficial
12012 YesAudition Online Dance Battle, Korea Server—Status/Version CheckUnofficial
12013YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, Korea ServerUnofficial
12035 YesSecond Life, used for server UDP in-bound[310]Unofficial
12043Yes Second Life, used for LSL HTTPS in-bound[311]Unofficial
12046Yes Second Life, used for LSL HTTP in-bound[311]Unofficial
12201YesYesGraylog Extended Log Format (GELF)[312][importance?]Unofficial
12222 YesLight Weight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) LWAPP data (RFC 5412)Official
12223 YesLight Weight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) LWAPP control (RFC 5412)Official
12345YesYesCube World[313]Unofficial
Yes Little Fighter 2Unofficial
  NetBus remote administration tool (often Trojan horse).Unofficial
12443Yes IBM HMC web browser management access over HTTPS instead of default port 443[314]Unofficial
12489Yes NSClient/NSClient++/NC_Net (Nagios)Unofficial
12975Yes LogMeIn Hamachi (VPN tunnel software; also port 32976)—used to connect to Mediation Server (; will attempt to use SSL (TCP port 443) if both 12975 & 32976 fail to connectUnofficial
13000–13050 YesSecond Life, used for server UDP in-bound[315]Unofficial
13008YesYesCrossFire, a multiplayer online First Person Shooter[citation needed]Unofficial
13075Yes Default[316] for BMC Software Control-M/Enterprise Manager Corba communication, though often changed during installationOfficial
13400YesYesISO 13400 Road vehicles — Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol(DoIP)Official
13720YesYesSymantec NetBackup—bprd (formerly VERITAS)Official
13721YesYesSymantec NetBackup—bpdbm (formerly VERITAS)Official
13724YesYesSymantec Network Utility—vnetd (formerly VERITAS)Official
13782YesYesSymantec NetBackup—bpcd (formerly VERITAS)Official
13783YesYesSymantec VOPIED protocol (formerly VERITAS)Official
13785YesYesSymantec NetBackup Database—nbdb (formerly VERITAS)Official
13786YesYesSymantec nomdb (formerly VERITAS)Official
14550 YesMAVLink Ground Station PortUnofficial
14567 YesBattlefield 1942 and modsUnofficial
15000Yes psyBNCUnofficial
Yes WesnothUnofficial
Yes Kaspersky Network Agent[citation needed]Unofficial
 YesTeltonika networks remote management system (RMS)Unofficia
15009YesYesTeltonika networks remote management system (RMS)Unofficial
15010YesYesTeltonika networks remote management system (RMS)Unofficial
15441??ZeroNet fileserver[citation needed]Unofficial
15567 YesBattlefield Vietnam and modsUnofficial
15345YesYesXPilot ContactOfficial
15672YesNoRabbitMQ management plugin[317][self-published source]Unofficial
16000Yes Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging (formerly known as Oracle Universal Content Management). Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
Yes shroudBNCUnofficial
16080Yes Mac OS X Server Web (HTTP) service with performance cache[318]Unofficial
16200Yes Oracle WebCenter Content: Content Server (formerly known as Oracle Universal Content Management). Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
16225Yes Oracle WebCenter Content: Content Server Web UI. Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
16250Yes Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery (formerly known as Oracle Universal Content Management). Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
16261YesYesProject Zomboid multiplayer. Additional sequential ports used for each player connecting to server.[citation needed]Unofficial
16300Yes Oracle WebCenter Content: Records Management (formerly known as Oracle Universal Records Management). Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
16384 YesCISCO Default RTP MINUnofficial
16384-16403 YesReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP), RTP Control Protocol (RTCP), used by Apple's iChat for audio and video[10]Unofficial
16384-16387 YesReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP), RTP Control Protocol (RTCP), used by Apple's FaceTime and Game Center[10]Unofficial
16393-16402 YesReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP), RTP Control Protocol (RTCP), used by Apple's FaceTime and Game Center[10]Unofficial
16403-16472 YesReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP), RTP Control Protocol (RTCP), used by Apple's Game Center[10]Unofficial
16400Yes Oracle WebCenter Content: Capture (formerly known as Oracle Document Capture). Port though often changed during installationUnofficial
16482  CISCO Default RTP MAXOfficial
16567 YesBattlefield 2 and modsUnofficial
17011Yes Worms multiplayerUnofficial
17224YesYesTrain Realtime Data Protocol (TRDP) Process Data, network protocol used in train communication.[1][319]Official
17225YesYesTrain Realtime Data Protocol (TRDP) Message Data, network protocol used in train communication.[1][320]Official
17333Yes CS Server (CSMS), default binary protocol portUnofficial
17475Yes DMXControl 3 Network BrokerUnofficial
17500YesYesDropbox LanSync Protocol (db-lsp); used to synchronize file catalogs between Dropbox clients on a local network.Official
18080YesNoMonero P2P network communications[citation needed]Unofficial
18081YesNoMonero incoming RPC calls[citation needed]Unofficial
18091YesYesmemcached Internal REST HTTPS for SSLUnofficial
18092YesYesmemcached Internal CAPI HTTPS for SSLUnofficial
18104Yes RAD PDF ServiceOfficial
18200YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, AsiaSoft Thailand Server status/version checkUnofficial
18201YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, AsiaSoft Thailand ServerUnofficial
18206YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, AsiaSoft Thailand Server FAM databaseUnofficial
18300YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, AsiaSoft SEA Server status/version checkUnofficial
18301YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, AsiaSoft SEA ServerUnofficial
18306YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, AsiaSoft SEA Server FAM databaseUnofficial
18333Yes Bitcoin testnet[268]Unofficial
18400YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, KAIZEN Brazil Server status/version checkUnofficial
18401YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, KAIZEN Brazil ServerUnofficial
18505YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle R4p3 Server, Nexon Server status/version checkUnofficial
18506YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, Nexon ServerUnofficial
18605YesYesX-BEAT status/version checkUnofficial
19000YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, G10/alaplaya Server status/version checkUnofficial
 YesJACK sound serverUnofficial
19001YesYesAudition Online Dance Battle, G10/alaplaya ServerUnofficial
19132 YesMinecraft: Bedrock Edition multiplayer server[citation needed]Unofficial
19133 YesMinecraft: Bedrock Edition IPv6 multiplayer server[citation needed]Unofficial
19150YesYesGkrellm ServerUnofficial
19226Yes Panda Software AdminSecure Communication AgentUnofficial
19294Yes Google Talk Voice and Video connections[321]Unofficial
19295 YesGoogle Talk Voice and Video connections[321]Unofficial
19302 YesGoogle Talk Voice and Video connections[321]Unofficial
19812YesNo4D database SQL Communication[322]Official
19813YesYes4D database Client Server Communication[322]Official
19814Yes 4D database DB4D Communication[322]Official
19999  Distributed Network Protocol—Secure (DNP—Secure), a secure version of the protocol used in SCADA systems between communicating RTU's and IED'sOfficial
20000  Distributed Network Protocol (DNP), a protocol used in SCADA systems between communicating RTU's and IED'sOfficial
  Usermin, Web-based Unix/Linux user administration tool (default port)Unofficial
 YesUsed on VoIP networks for receiving and transmitting voice telephony traffic which includes Google Voice via the OBiTalk ATA devices as well as on the MagicJack and Vonage ATA network devices.[303]Unofficial
20560YesYesKilling FloorUnofficial
20582 YesHW Development IoT commsUnofficial
20583 YesHW Development IoT commsUnofficial
20595 Yes0 A.D. Empires AscendantUnofficial
20808 YesAbleton LinkUnofficial
21025Yes Starbound Server (default), StarboundUnofficial
22000Yes Syncthing (default)Unofficial
22136Yes FLIR Systems Camera Resource ProtocolUnofficial
22222Yes Davis Instruments, WeatherLink IPUnofficial
23073  Soldat Dedicated ServerUnofficial
23399  Skype default protocolUnofficial
23513??Duke Nukem 3D source portsUnofficial
24441YesYesPyzor spam detection networkUnofficial
24444  NetBeans integrated development environmentUnofficial
24465YesYesTonido Directory Server for Tonido which is a Personal Web App and P2P platformOfficial
24554YesYesBINKPFidonet mail transfers over TCP/IPOfficial
24800  Synergy: keyboard/mouse sharing softwareUnofficial
24842  StepMania: OnlineDance Dance Revolution SimulatorUnofficial
25565Yes Minecraft (Java Edition) multiplayer server[323][324]Unofficial
 YesMinecraft (Java Edition) multiplayer server query[325]Unofficial
25575 YesMinecraft (Java Edition) multiplayer server RCON[326]Unofficial
25826 Yescollectd default port[327]Unofficial
26000YesYesid Software's Quake serverOfficial
Yes EVE OnlineUnofficial
 YesXonotic, an open-source arena shooterUnofficial
26900–26901Yes EVE OnlineUnofficial
27000Yes PowerBuilder SySAM license serverUnofficial
27000–27006 Yesid Software's QuakeWorld master serverUnofficial
27000–27009YesYesFlexNet Publisher's License server (from the range of default ports)Official
27000–27015NoYesSteam (game client traffic)[328][self-published source]Unofficial
27015NoYesGoldSrc and Source engine dedicated server port[328]Unofficial
27015-27018 YesUnturned, a survival gameUnofficial
27015–27030NoYesSteam (matchmaking and HLTV)[328]Unofficial
YesYesSteam (downloads)[328]Unofficial
27016  Magicka server portUnofficial
27017YesNoMongoDB daemon process (mongod) and routing service (mongos)[329]Unofficial
27031Ports 27036 & 27037YesSteam (In-Home Streaming)[328]Unofficial
27036YesYesSteam (In-Home Streaming)[328]Unofficial
27037YesPorts 27031 & 27036Steam (In-Home Streaming)[328]Unofficial
27374  Sub7 default.Unofficial
27500–27900 Yesid Software's QuakeWorldUnofficial
27888 YesKaillera serverUnofficial
27901–27910 Yesid Software's Quake II master serverUnofficial
27950 YesOpenArena outgoingUnofficial
27960–27969 YesActivision's Enemy Territory and id Software's Quake III ArenaQuake III and Quake Live and some ioquake3 derived games, such as Urban Terror (OpenArena incoming)Unofficial
28001  Starsiege: Tribes[citation needed]Unofficial
28015 YesRust (video game)[330]Unofficial
28016 YesRust RCON (video game)[331]Unofficial
28770–28771 YesAssaultCube Reloaded, a video game based upon a modification of AssaultCube[citation needed]Unofficial
28785–28786 YesCube 2: Sauerbraten[332][self-published source?]Unofficial
28852YesYesKilling Floor[citation needed]Unofficial
28910YesYesNintendo Wi-Fi Connection[333]Unofficial
28960YesYesCall of DutyCall of Duty: United OffensiveCall of Duty 2Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare;[citation needed] Call of Duty: World at War (PC platform)[334]Unofficial
29000??Perfect World, an adventure and fantasy MMORPG[citation needed]Unofficial
29070YesYesJedi Knight: Jedi Academy by Ravensoft[citation needed]Unofficial
29900–29901YesYesNintendo Wi-Fi Connection[333]Unofficial
29920YesYesNintendo Wi-Fi Connection[333]Unofficial
30564Yes Multiplicity: keyboard/mouse/clipboard sharing software[citation needed]Unofficial
31337Yes Back Orifice and Back Orifice 2000 remote administration tools[335][336]Unofficial
31416??BOINC RPC[337]Unofficial
31438Yes Rocket U2[338][self-published source?]Unofficial
31457Yes TetriNETOfficial
32137YesYesImmunet Protect (UDP in version 2.0,[339] TCP since version 3.0[340])Unofficial
32400Yes Plex Media Server[341]Official
32764Yes backdoor found on certain Linksys, Netgear and other wireless DSL modems/combination routers[342]Unofficial
32887Yes Ace of Spades, a multiplayer FPS video game[citation needed]Unofficial
32976Yes LogMeIn Hamachi, a VPN application; also TCP port 12975 and SSL (TCP 443).[343]Unofficial
33848 YesJenkins, a continuous integration (CI) tool[344][345]Unofficial
34000 YesInfestation: Survivor Stories (formerly known as The War Z), a multiplayer zombie video game[verification needed]Unofficial
34197NoYesFactorio, a multiplayer survival and factory-building game[346]Unofficial
35357Yes OpenStack Identity (Keystone) administration[347][self-published source?]Official
37008 YesTZSP intrusion detection[citation needed]Unofficial
40000YesYesSafetyNET p – a real-time Industrial Ethernet protocolOfficial
41121YesYesTentacle Server[348] - Pandora FMSOfficial
43110Yes ZeroNet web UI default port[citation needed]Unofficial
44405Yes Mu Online Connect Server[citation needed]Unofficial
44818YesYesEtherNet/IP explicit messagingOfficial
47808–47823YesYesBACnet Building Automation and Control Networks (4780810 = BAC016 to 4782310 = BACF16)Official