Intelligence Capability Development H  Threat Intelligence Subscriptions  Intelligence Capability Development  Digital Threat Monitoring


Get more value from your intelligence
Optimize your ability to consume, analyze and apply threat intelligence.
Get expert assistance in building a sustainable Intelligence-led organization.
Improve your team’s analytical and threat hunting capabilities.

Assess the current state of your intelligence program and threats
Discover the threats your organization is currently facing.
Identify the intelligence you need and who will use it.
Evaluate your current threat intelligence capabilities.

Assess current state of your intelligence program and threats
Design an optimized threat intelligence program to meet your requirements

Design an optimized threat intelligence program to meet your requirements
Map out your strategic, operational and tactical use cases for the application of intelligence.
Get a blueprint for improvement covering people, technology and processes.
Enhance the capabilities of your staff
Develop your team’s analytical skillsets using core cyber threat intelligence concepts and structured analytic techniques.
Apply foundational concepts and a structured framework to identify repeatable best practices for threat hunting.

Enhance the capabilities of your staff