Threat Intelligence Subscriptions  H  Threat Intelligence Subscriptions  Intelligence Capability Development  Digital Threat Monitoring


Threat Intelligence Subscriptions
Choose the level and depth of intelligence, integration and enablement your security program needs.

Fusion Intelligence
Comprehensive package that includes Operational, Cyber Crime and Cyber Espionage intelligence offerings
Use understanding of full attack lifecycle to prepare your defenses against the TTPs of the threat actors of interest

Strategic Intelligence
Learn how to align your security resources against the most likely threats and actors
Manage business and technical risks around major business decisions and security resource planning
Operational Intelligence
Prioritize and add context to your alerts in order to respond more effectively and efficiently
Improve defenses with high fidelity machine-readable indicators of compromise (IOCs) with associated contextual information

Vulnerability Intelligence
Prioritize the vulnerabilities that pose the most significant threats to the organization
Understand the options for patching or otherwise mitigating these vulnerabilities
Cyber Physical Intelligence
Actionable insights into cyber threats and risks facing industrial environments and operational technology (OT)
Includes all FireEye OT- and industrial control systems (ICS)-focused intelligence

Cyber Crime Intelligence
Understand the threat actors who focus on financial crime — who they target, how they attack and what motivates them
Gain analysis of fraud activity, credential collection, underground marketplaces and enabling infrastructure
Cyber Espionage Intelligence
Facilitates the understanding of adversaries that target corporate and government entities for strategic advantage
Leverage insight into the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of tracked threat actor groups to better defend your organization